#telecommunications staffing agencies
dizzydispatch · 7 months
The other day, I took a call meant for another town. That can happen for a variety of reasons, but most commonly it's because a cellular signal bounces from one of the two towers in our town. The system that routes cellular calls to the appropriate PSAP makes a mistake, accidentally sending it to us. It can also happen if the town we're a backup for doesn't answer it in time and it gets automatically "rolled over" to our town. 
That sort of thing happens a lot, and it's not really a big deal. We just take a note of the location and the callback number, then transfer it on over to the correct town. 
As a dispatch junkie, I always find it a bit disappointing when an interesting call finally comes in on a dull night, only for it to go to somebody else. It makes me feel like an old-school telephone operator, which, while neat, is not the vibe I signed up for.
But I'm also young and fresh on the job. After all, I've only been a dispatcher for like, six or seven months, and only on my own for about two.
After I initiate the transfer, I usually introduce the call: "Hey, (their town), it's (my town), I've got a 9-1-1 caller out of (address) reporting a (situation). Caller, go ahead." Then I mute myself, but I don't disconnect until I'm sure that everything goes smoothly. 
This time wasn't too much different, except I had made a mistake and started toning out the call to our EMS before I realized the address was over the town line.
Fortunately, the dispatcher in the town it was meant for had been listening to the scanners in their office, so she had heard my tone. Realizing it was meant for them, before I'd even gotten the call transferred over, she was already starting EMS response. 
That dispatcher had been doing this for years, I'd guess. After I transferred the call over, I muted myself and listened. 
"My mother is having a stroke," the caller said, his voice shaky and crackling. 
"I know, sir," the dispatcher said. "I've already started help." 
"Please hurry," he moaned. 
Now her tone shifted. "Sir, I said I'm working on it," she snipped. "I'm here alone, you know." 
This made me pause. Of course she was there alone. Small-town departments are often single-seat PSAPs, which means that during a single call, a dispatcher is in charge of starting help, providing pre-arrival medical instructions, communicating with response units, entering the call into the computer, and quite possibly also making phone calls to other agencies in search of resources their town might not have available to send. All of this she was now dealing with alone.
But the caller didn't care that she was alone. What he cared about was his mother, who was currently having a stroke. As often happens in moments of crisis, his perception of time was slowing down, which meant he was feeling every moment without an ambulance as if it were a lifetime. To him, the fact that the person on the other end of the 9-1-1 phone call was working alone didn't matter. All that mattered was that, in his mind, he'd been on the phone for a long time, and still there wasn't an ambulance outside. 
I see a lot of clips or compilation videos on YouTube showing rude, apathetic, or unprofessional call-takers. As somebody who cares deeply about my job, these are hard to watch. It's upsetting at best, and at worst, downright heartbreaking. Somebody is calling you because they need help, and the best you can manage is "I'm here alone"?
It's not entirely fair to blame the dispatcher for being burnt out. After all, her job-- our job-- is hard.
In 2022, a study was done by a consultant working for the U. S. Department of Labor ranking occupations by stress. Emergency telecommunications was listed as the seventh most stressful job in the United States. PSAPs all over the nation are experiencing strain: low retention and even lower recruitment means ubiquitous staffing issues, and even amidst a global push for mental health reform, there is still something to be said for the emotional toll that such stress can take. 
Michelle Perin wrote in an article for Officers.com about the three ways that dispatch stress manifests. 
The first is "compassion fatigue," a popular term for the emotional exhaustion that "carers" (as she describes those who care for others for a living) experience. 
There is also "Vicarious Trauma," which she says "creates a profound shift in world view for the carer." 
Lastly, she explains "burnout," which can often be a point of no return for first responders.
Most of us get into this job because we want to make a difference. We love what we do, and many dispatchers I know wouldn't want to do anything else. That also goes for a lot the cops I work with, many of my EMT friends, and nearly every firefighter I know. And yet, more LEOs and firefighters die by suicide than on the job.
I remember once at Reg, there was a tarp that fell across a stretch of  highway passing through several of our towns. Concerned passers-by called by the dozens, all reporting the rather benign traffic hazard. 
Each caller we handled the same way: we've already advised State Police, they're working on getting the highway department to take care of the tarp, can I please have your name and number for our records? I put each caller in, per protocol, as the list of reporting parties got longer and longer. 
Between calls, I turned to one of the trainers, a cranky older man whose sense of humor consisted mostly of bitching about work. 
"Do you think we could temporarily change our greeting?" I asked him. "Something like: 9-1-1, this line is recorded, where is your emergency-- and if you're calling about the tarp, WE KNOW, get a damn hobby or something?"
He threw his head back and laughed harder than I'd seen him laugh yet. 
"Finally!" he cackled. "I was wondering when you'd get here with the rest of us."
By "here," I think he meant "to this place where the stars in your eyes don't shine quite so bright." Was I really there? I thought not. After all, I still jumped for the phone each time it rang, still felt a thrill of excitement with each emergency call I got to handle.
Older and more experienced dispatchers often tell me that the longer you work this job, the harder it is to maintain that thrill. The stars fade, and that rosy tint in your glasses turns a bloodier shade of red. It infects the way you see the world, and each passing year makes it harder to maintain the levels of compassion you might've started out treating every caller with. After a while, it gets harder and harder to care.
That thought terrifies me. More than anything else I've heard, more than anything I've witnessed or heard about. The idea of becoming apathetic scares me to my core. 
Maybe I'll get lucky. Maybe I'll be more like Gabe, who, after fifteen years in the field, still sounds like a kid on Christmas morning every time he gets called out for response. Maybe I'll never fall out of love with the things I write about now with such enthusiasm and joy.
But more than likely, I too will fade with time. My experiences will weigh on me, and one day I might wake up to find that I too have lost the stars in my eyes. That's one of the main reasons I keep this diary. Every time something excites me, I want to write about it, to capture on a page that sense of wonder. 
I write it all down so that maybe, one day, when I wake up feeling weighed down by everything I carry, haunted by the things I can't leave behind when I go home, it's all here. I can pick up these pages and reread the perspective of a young, wide-eyed "baby dispatcher" all of the exciting and wonderful things about my job. Maybe having it immortalized, even just as an anonymous blog, will sustain me when things are no longer shiny and new. 
And who knows? Maybe someone else can benefit, too. A dispatcher of twenty five years, someone who once was like me but has since outgrown the reason they got into the field, will find it, just by chance, and discover a new or forgotten perspective. Like a long-married couple looking through their wedding album, remembering why they first fell in love, maybe they will find it in them to renew their vows to the job.
I can't fix the systemic problems underlying the criminal justice or healthcare systems. I can't change the past or erase whatever happened to sour emergency responders against their careers. But I can write about what I love. And maybe, just maybe, that might help make a difference for somebody.
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recruitingagency · 1 year
How A Recruitment Agency Helps Your Business Thrive?
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Do you think that a recruitment agency can only share CVs for a position? Even the simple service of CV sourcing, when done correctly, can tackle serious talent acquisition challenges. But a recruitment company offers a lot more.
Many companies have been able to increase their profits, revenues, performance levels, clients, business accounts, and customer retention by using the expertise and resources of recruitment agencies.
How can your business thrive through a recruitment agency partnership?
You can benefit in not one but numerous ways.
Here are the top seven (7) business benefits that our recruitment agency offers.
1. No Positions Vacant and No Short-Staffing
Yes, it is possible that your company or key teams might not have to see vacant positions.
When you outsource your recruitment for any team, division, department, branch, or unit to our agency, you will have industry expert recruiters at your service. The moment a resignation notice appears, alert our recruitment consultant. We can help you get a replacement or a successor in days.
You definitely can imagine the huge advantages of not having vacant positions.
No short-staffing
Minimized productivity issues
Minimum interruptions to routine operations
2. No Roadblocks To Project Success
Yes, this does sound like hyperbole or exaggeration. But it is a reality for many companies who have hired our recruitment consultants.
Projects are part of manufacturing, engineering, IT, fintech, BPO, KPO, telecommunication, and 100s of business segments. Any project you get comes with a deadline and a series of complications. Anytime, a new requirement can come up for which you lack the talent to quickly complete the job.
Depending on third parties has become essential to meet any surge in project volume or new functions. But sometimes, that means inefficiencies and a lot of headaches affecting the quality of deliverables.
When you outsource your project-based staffing needs to our recruitment agency, you can completely stop worrying about finding people for any new, old, tough, tricky, or complex function.
You find people who have proven abilities to perform well and improve delivery standards. You find the most hard-to-location talent to introduce innovation and superior processes to take your project delivery standards to a new level.
Meet complex client demands without hassles
Impress clients with timely and great-quality deliverables
Give your clients superior outcomes
3. More Projects, More Revenues
How often have you missed great opportunities because you could not take on that big juicy project? You were not able to increase the business account because your client was unsure about your capacities and worried about the risks.
The best way to impress those clients is to get people on board who can win their trust. Are they worried because you do not have a CFO or an Innovation Manager? Do your clients hesitate to give you high-revenue projects because of a talent gap issue?
All these issues can disappear by partnering with our recruitment company.
We can connect you with CFO consultants, Innovation Managers, Solution Architects, Six Sigma Consultants, Client Success Managers, Product Designers, or any other professional who can convince your client about your capacities.
Win higher-revenue projects with ease
Increase your business and revenues
Optimize business account development
4. Expand and Expand More Quickly
Yes, that is an outcome that hundreds of our clients vouch for.
Scaling up operations on short notice is always a major pain point when you have to depend only and only on those old contacts who take their own time.
It could be software and web development projects, CAD and CAM projects, engineering design projects, BPO projects, data science projects, SaaS projects, ioT projects, or any other business initiative.
When you want to outsource your project or a part of it, build remote teams, hire dedicated resources, augment staff, or contract with a master vendor, we are here to help you win! Our recruitment consultants will find the right people in the shortest possible time so that you can scale up and expand operations without much sweat.
Scale up any project with zero hassles
Find the most capable partners for operations expansion
Make fast growth a habit
5. Get More Profits From Seasonal Peaks
How often did you feel your company could have done more when there was such a surge in demand? You did not have the right people at the right time?
Leave filling those temp roles to our recruitment agency. We excel at finding people, whether for temp roles or contract staffing.
You planned to hire installation technicians, delivery technicians, delivery agents, packaging agents, bookkeeping staff, salespeople, or customer service agents.
Your company might need to hire engineers and technicians to meet a surge in fieldwork or remote teams to take on a surge in customer orders. You might be looking to hire locum tenens nurses and doctors for a healthcare campaign.
We have global recruiters for 50+ industry segments, and we meet any range of temp manpower needs on time and most efficiently.
Significantly boost revenue and profits
Save a huge amount otherwise paid for urgent staffing needs
Save troubles of temp hiring conflicts
6. Improve Revenue Per Employee Metrics
Yes, it has happened for thousands of companies who have hired through our recruitment agency.
Our manpower consultancy services can become a huge blessing for your company. We help you improve your workplace planning. We help you choose better hiring models that best suit recruitment goals. Our recruitment process outsourcing consultants offer brilliant advice to help you hire with profitability outcomes in mind.
Through our human capital consultancy services, your company will be able to enrich its human capital metrics and have highly productive people. All these practices lead to higher revenue per employee metrics.
Build a value-driven workforce
Improve business performance
Increase revenue-generation potential
7. Save HR Costs By 50%-70%
Yes, a recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) partnership with our manpower agency can cut down your HR costs unimaginably.
Think about it. You can minimize investment in hiring, maintaining, and expanding your talent acquisition resources. You do not have to make huge fund provisions for buying, maintaining, and upgrading recruitment technology and systems. The man-hours spent by the HR director, hiring managers, directors, and top management in recruitment activities get reduced by up to 60%.
With an RPO partnership, you invest a small management fee for the number of recruiters you need. The number of recruiters can be reduced to one person when hiring demand is low and can be increased to meet higher volume recruitment needs. You just pay for exactly the amount of work that needs done. Nothing else.
Redirect money savings to fund productive business initiatives
Redirect time savings for highly productive endeavors
Redirect energy saved on strategic business priorities
Partner with a global recruitment agency that offers the highest value from recruitment and boosts business expansion!
Also Read : How to Choose the Best Recruitment Agency in Mumbai?
Alliance International
Alliance International is a global manpower agency offering the highest-quality recruitment consultancy, RPO, permanent staffing, temp staffing, remote staffing, and outsourcing support. Your company will witness huge business benefits when you partner with us. Give your business the power to increase revenues and profitability manyfold by outsourcing your recruitment to our expert recruitment consultants!
view source:- https://www.allianceinternational.co.in/how-a-recruitment-agency-helps-your-business-thrive/
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Construction Staffing Agency from India
HBS Consultancy is a well known construction staffing agency that provides best staffing services in the field of Infrastructure, railway, road, electricity, telecommunication, roads, coastlines, airports, railways, telecommunications, and electricity, irrigation and construction across the world. The recruitment agency provides workers for the construction industry from top to lower level who are picked from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & Philippines to meet the industry requirements. As a global recruitment agency, it deals with clients from Poland, UK, IreLand, Romania, Hungary, Malta, Maldives, Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia who need manpower.
SO, What are you waiting for?
Choose the Best services from Best Construction Staffing Agency for the  Best Client.
That’s why we always say, “Be Best. Be The Best”.
Contact Us:
HBS Consultancy
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michealstandard · 2 years
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Need a experienced Telecommunications executive recruiters, then you are on right place. We are among best executive recruiters agencies for your needs. Contact us today for best staffing solution.
Visit us for more info :-https://www.alliancerecruitmentagency.com/telecommunications-executive-recruiters/
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alliancesblog · 2 years
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The Best Global Electrical Recruitment Agency.
Need staff for your electrical works? Our electrical staffing agency will help you find the best electrical engineers for your company.
Some of the Sector we cover
Mobile Communication
Power Electronics
Internet Technologies
Telecommunication Industry
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trioptus2022 · 2 years
The Top IT Staffing Agencies in the US
When it comes to finding top-tier IT talent, many companies turn to staffing agencies to help them identify and attract the best and brightest in the industry. However, with so many IT staffing agencies to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is right for your company. To help you make the best decision for your business, we've put together a list of the top IT staffing agencies in the United States. 
1. TriOptus
With more than 100 locations across the globe, TriOptus is a leading provider of IT staffing services. The company offers a wide range of IT staffing solutions, including contract, contract-to-hire, and direct-hire placement services. 
2. TEKsystems
TEKsystems is a global leader in IT staffing services. The company provides a range of IT staffing solutions, including contract, contract-to-hire, and direct-hire placement services. TEKsystems also offers a variety of other services, such as managed services, professional development training, and managed staff augmentation services. 
3. Randstad Technologies
Randstad Technologies is a leading provider of IT staffing and consulting services. The company offers a wide array of IT staffing solutions, including contract, contract-to-hire, direct placement, and retained search services. In addition to its staffing solutions, Randstad also provides consulting services in the areas of project management, governance analysis and support, application development life cycle management advisory services, and enterprise architecture planning. 
4. Modis
Modis is a global leader in IT staffing and consulting services. The company provides a wide variety of IT staffing solutions, including contract placement, direct hire placement, and retained executive search services.
Modis also offers consulting services in the areas of project management office support staff augmentation package implementation assistance infrastructure578 application development web development data warehousing/business intelligence SAP implementations enterprise resource planning (ERP) customer relationship management (CRM) systems integration quality assurance (QA)/testing middleware desktop support/help desk technical writing/documentation networking/security storage virtualization telecommunications cloud computing big data/analytics mobility social media gaming software development hardware development DevOps engineers product managers UI/UX designers game developers 
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As you can see from this list of the top IT staffing agencies in the United States , there are many options available to companies who are looking for assistance in finding and attracting top IT talent .
This list is only meant to serve as a starting point in your research; when narrowing down your choices , we recommend taking into account each company's individual strengths , as well as your own company's specific needs . With so many options available , you're sure to find an agency that's a perfect fit for you .
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newstfionline · 3 years
Friday, July 23, 2021
Could a plant pandemic be next? (Fast Company) For decades before COVID-19, scientists warned that a pandemic was inevitable and urged preparation, but governments around the world did very little. When it arrived, COVID-19 laid bare the fragility of many of our systems—including global food supply chains. Across farms worldwide, there are now warning signs of a pandemic in food crops. More than 600 pest species have developed some form of resistance to pesticides, which causes $10 billion in losses in the United States alone each year. Climate volatility intensifies these threats, and many crops are already suffering—citrus blight and banana fungus wreak havoc for growers and supply chains. With global food supplies vulnerable and food prices at their highest in almost a decade, a plant pandemic could push more people into poverty and cause social unrest. The agricultural industry must harness the urgency with which scientists responded to COVID-19 to get ahead of a full-blown crop pandemic.
Biden splits from Trudeau, extending travel curbs at U.S.-Canada land border (Washington Post) The United States on Wednesday renewed its pandemic curbs on nonessential travel at the U.S.-Canada land border for at least a month, marking a split with its northern neighbor and close ally on the restrictions, and fueling rancor on both sides of the frontier. The Department of Homeland Security said in a tweet that the extension of the measures—which also apply at the U.S.-Mexico land border and are now set to expire Aug. 21—was motivated in part by a desire to decrease the spread of the highly transmissible delta coronavirus variant. The announcement comes several days after Canada said it would begin to open up its borders to some foreigners for discretionary travel, beginning with fully vaccinated U.S. citizens and permanent residents living in the United States on Aug. 9; and fully vaccinated people from elsewhere on Sept. 7. The measures have kept families apart, battered the tourism industry and altered life in close-knit border communities in ways big and small.
Debt limit dueling ahead (Bloomberg) In case Congress wasn’t preoccupied enough, the U.S. is at risk of a default in October or November unless it raises or suspends the debt limit, the Congressional Budget Office said. The debt ceiling—how much the government can borrow—is a favorite partisan grenade on Capitol Hill. Democratic senators have already rejected any attempt by Republicans to set conditions for increasing the federal debt limit.
How Mexico’s traditional political espionage went high-tech (Washington Post) In 2017, investigators discovered traces of Pegasus spyware on the phones of several Mexican journalists and civic activists. The government acknowledged it had used Pegasus—but only, officials said, to fight criminals. Amid the backlash, the Justice Ministry stopped using the surveillance tool. The Justice Ministry told a government watchdog agency in 2019 that it had uninstalled the spyware licensed by the Israeli-based NSO Group—but it had no records of how or when, or what happened to any data collected. A new investigation by The Washington Post and 16 media partners is raising further questions about the use of Pegasus in this young democracy. The investigation has found evidence of the spyware in attempted and successful hacks of 37 smartphones belonging to journalists, human rights activists and businesspeople around the world. Their numbers appear on a list of more than 50,000 numbers concentrated in countries known to have been clients of NSO. Nearly one-third of the numbers are in Mexico, all from 2016 and 2017. The team of journalists identified and verified more than 400 of them. They include phone contacts for dozens of people close to then-presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador: top advisers, his wife, three of his sons, his brothers, his drivers—even his cardiologist. Scores of numbers for other top politicians appeared, as well as those for union representatives, journalists and civic activists. A person familiar with NSO’s operations in Mexico, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters, said the company terminated Pegasus contracts with several Mexican clients at least two years ago, after seeing news reports of human-rights abuses and the phone-tapping of journalists.
Lithuania backs Taiwan (Foreign Policy) Taiwan has opened a de facto embassy under its own name in Vilnius, Lithuania, despite warnings from Beijing. Lithuania has taken a hard stance against China this year, pulling out of the 17+1 initiative between China and Central and Eastern European countries, and calling on others to abandon the group. That’s part of a general trend against Beijing in the Baltic states, which have relatively little trade with China and dislike its close ties with Russia; as small nations threatened by an expansionist neighbor, they also have a natural sympathy with Taiwan.
‘Pingdemic’ grips Britain as fears of food shortages grow (Reuters) Britain’s supermarkets, wholesalers and hauliers were struggling on Thursday to ensure stable food and fuel supplies after an official health app told hundreds of thousands of workers to isolate after contact with someone with COVID-19. British newspapers carried front page pictures of empty shelves in supermarkets. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s bet that he could reopen England’s economy because so many people have been vaccinated has been tarnished by the so-called “pingdemic” in which people have been told by the app to isolate for 10 days. The drastic reduction in staffing that has resulted has sown chaos through sectors as diverse as food supplies, haulage, supermarkets, hospitality, manufacturing and media. To avoid the chaos, many have simply deleted the app from their phones. Britain’s food supply chains are “right on the edge of failing” as absence related to COVID-19 has aggravated a critical shortage of labour, a meat industry body said on Wednesday. Supermarket group Iceland said it has closed a number of stores due to staff shortages.
Germany announces millions in immediate flood aid as multibillion dollar repair bill looms (Washington Post) The German government approved $470 million in immediate aid for flood victims on Wednesday as it assessed the mammoth task of rebuilding infrastructure torn apart by floodwaters last week. The initial assistance to help people rebuild their homes and businesses after the flooding that killed at least 171 people in Germany will be expanded as needed, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said. At least 200 people died across Europe, with neighboring Belgium also hit by the surging waters. For longer-term reconstruction efforts of roads, railways, hospitals, water and electricity networks the government is still working out how high the bill will run. The Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure has estimated the damage to the rail networks alone to be $1.6 billion. A week after the worst flooding in living memory ripped through parts of western Germany, entire villages are still without power or the most basic of services. Highways are ripped to pieces, railway bridges lie twisted across rivers clogged with mounds of detritus including cars and caravans. Sewage, water and telecommunications networks have been obliterated.
Turkey pushes Cyprus plan (Foreign Policy) The United States and European Union have condemned a Turkish plan to reopen the abandoned town of Varosha on the divided island of Cyprus. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the move while visiting the island on the 47th anniversary of the Turkish invasion that seized the formerly Greek-dominated town. A former popular tourist destination, the town has since languished in a military zone. Erdogan’s plan is part of a push to create a two-state solution for Greek and Turkish Cypriots on the island, a proposal the European Union rejects.
Top Indian newspaper raided by tax authorities after months of critical coverage (Washington Post) Indian tax authorities on Thursday raided one of the country’s most prominent newspapers in what journalists and the political opposition denounced as retaliation for the outlet’s hard-nosed coverage of the government’s pandemic response. The Dainik Bhaskar Group, whose Hindi-language broadsheet boasts a combined circulation of more than 4 million, was raided simultaneously in at least four locations, including at its headquarters. The justification of tax evasion was panned by government critics, who pointed out that the Bhaksar has been persistently needling India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) with its coverage, including as recently as this week. Under the administration of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who rose to power in 2014, several critical media outlets have found themselves in tax investigators’ cross-hairs, raising fears about the health of the independent press in the world’s largest democracy. Reporters without Borders, the advocacy group, recently placed India at 142nd place in its press freedom rankings, roughly on par with Myanmar and Mexico.
China evacuates tens of thousands as storms spread north (Reuters) Tens of thousands of people were being evacuated from flood-hit regions of central China on Thursday as officials raised the death toll from heavy rain that has deluged Henan province for almost a week to 33 people. More cities were inundated and crops destroyed as the severe weather spread northwards, with the official Xinhua news agency reporting direct economic losses of 1.22 billion yuan ($189 million). In Zhengzhou, where the bad weather reached a peak on Tuesday, the skies had cleared although floodwaters were still at waist height, or higher, with entire streets underwater in many areas.
Madagascar in the grip of drought and famine (Reliefweb) Severe hunger caused by climate change continues to affect southern Madagascar. People are living through the worst drought in 40 years, which has caused an almost total disappearance of food sources. In recent months, for the first time in the country, pockets of Phase 5, or ‘Catastrophe’ food insecurity on the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, have been recorded. At least 1.14 million people in the Grand Sud need emergency food and nutrition assistance and have been suffering from hunger since the start of the lean season last September. The World Food Programme (WFP) is sounding the alarm: if we don’t act now, the number of people in Catastrophe will double by October.
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ginniagarwal · 5 years
Looking For Talent? Here Are The Top 10 Recruitment Companies In Delhi NCR
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Over fifty per cent of the HR managers have open positions but are unable to find qualified candidates for the same, states an industry insight by CareerBuilder, a world-reckoned leader in HR technology. At the same time, 1.3 million graduates are roaming unemployed in the national capital itself, struggling to find a job despite having the right skills & qualifications. The question that arises here is, ‘Why is there such a huge gap between recruiters and job seekers? And more importantly, how can this gap be bridged?’ 
A recruitment company can be effective in connecting employers with the right talent. They maintain a complete database of job seekers and can help employers find the best candidate to fill their vacant position in no time. They leverage the latest recruitment tools and technologies like Applicant Tracking Systems, automated chatbots, social media platforms, and much more to speed-up the recruitment process. 
Companies can avail recruitment services in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, or any other city to find a firm that could analyse their company’s requirements and shortlist the best candidates. If you are also looking for the top recruitment companies in the capital city, here is a list comprising the top 10 names.
ABC Consultants
Incepted in the year 1969, ABC Consultants has successfully assisted hundreds and thousands of companies in finding the right talent in the past 50 years. Dr Bish Agrawal set the founding stone of the company with the aim to usher in a unique and innovative approach in recruitment. It targets the middle and senior management levels across various industries. 
Today, the company has become a family of over 465 consultants and believes in building long-term relationships, thus, enjoying 75% business as repeat business. One can approach ABC consultants to avail all types of recruitment services in Delhi like executive search, senior & middle-level hiring, recruitment process outsourcing, recruiter training programmes, and much more.  
HR International
Those looking for jobs abroad, HR International is the name they should turn to. This  ISO 9001:2015 certified company was set up in the year 2005 by the H.R. Group of Companies. Working for this leading recruitment company in Delhi is a group of 150 dedicated consultants, who analyse each client’s manpower requirements and shortlist applicable candidates. It is approved by the Ministry of External Affairs and has even set up its international executive search companies in different parts of the world like Dubai, Nepal, and Poland. 
UprightHC https://uprighthc.com/
Aiming to provide a “Right Talent Experience Journey” to all its clients, Upright Human Capital is one of the most trusted recruitment firms. It is known for providing the best recruitment solutions for start-ups, SMEs, and enterprises. This unique recruitment firm is a brainchild of Ms Tripti Diundi (Founder) and Mr Rajiv Mehta (Co-Founder). Companies of all scale can avail their services like recruitment services, consulting services, employee engagement, policies & compliance formation, and background checks. They empower enterprises by helping them hire the best talent, streamline their HR processes, and enable continuous improvement in the HR sector. 
Headquartered in Gurgaon, it serves companies in all industry verticals like IT, eCommerce & e-Tailing, BPOs, KPOs, start-ups, banking & finance, research & advisory, etc. They also have the experience and expertise to fulfil requirements like mass hiring, executive search, performing a diligent check on current as well as potential employees, and making your workplace a healthier environment. In fact, it has been appreciated for its expertise in RPO and has gotten its name etched among the top recruitment outsourcing companies as well.
Specialising in executive search & selection, GlobalHunt India Pvt. Ltd. has made its mark globally as one of the leading recruitment outsourcing companies in India. It enables companies to leverage their business potential through strategic and well-executed HR services as well. 
It also offers its services for Middle Management Hiring, Project Based Hiring, and Recruitment Process Outsourcing. The recruitment agency has over a decade of experience and a global presence in leading markets like Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. 
Alliance Recruitment Agency
With its recruitment services covering a broad spectrum of markets, Alliance Recruitment Agency has got its name etched among the top recruitment companies in Delhi NCR. Its recruitment services are not limited to India, it serves global clients as well. One can get manpower recruitment services, project-based hiring, RPO services, executive search services, and comprehensive staffing solutions from them. 
It covers different locations like in the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, and America. Companies from all industries like engineering, retail, sales & marketing, legal, telecommunication, hospitality, and many more can consult the Alliance Recruitment Agency for its impeccable services. 
AVA Placement Services
AVA is the name that comes to the mind of companies when they have any type of manpower staffing requirement in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, and other parts of the NCR region. In a span of just five years, the company has made its name among the top 10 recruitment companies in the capital city. AVA comes with an experience of over a decade. It serves all domains like IT, healthcare, finance, analytics, telecom, engineering, event & advertising, logistics, and much more. 
ManpowerGroup Services India Pvt. Ltd.
Providing innovative workforce solutions, Manpower Group has emerged as a leading in the recruitment industry. The company is managed by Mr Sandeep Gulati (Managing Director). This manpower recruitment agency is engaged in providing services like recruitment process outsourcing, contract staffing, permanent recruitment, and various other innovative workforce solutions. Their services cover all aspects of human resource management, right from mapping the market and assessing the requirement to workforce management. 
Career Strategy Solution
A recruitment company with a fast growth curve, Career Strategy Solution has a track record of meeting diverse client needs across all industry verticals. The firm was established in the year 2011 and has been effectively delivering manpower consultation services. The company operates on a multi-level basis and assists in areas like sales, production, marketing, etc. It can offer customised hiring, headhunting, and manpower recruitment as per the client company’s requirement.
 Diligent International
Staff augmentation, HR consultation, leadership hiring, IT staffing, recruitment process outsourcing, and contract staffing are some of the services you can get when you join hands with Diligent International. Working in the industry for over a decade, this recruitment company in Delhi has gained in-depth insight into all industries. It works by selecting staff on the basis of their skills and connecting them with companies that are in dire need of the same skill to flourish.  
itForte Staffing Services Private Ltd. 
For companies in need of experts and professionals in the IT niche, itForte Staffing Services Private Ltd. is the recruitment company in Delhi NCR that they should join hands with. This firm was set up by Mr Dinesh Batra, who is a senior IT professional with more than 20 years of experience. 
The team comprises senior IT recruiters who have over three decades of experience in the IT and telecom industries. One can get all types of recruitment services like recruitment & temp staffing and recruitment process outsourcing in the IT & T sector.
Over 42% of the companies are now approaching a recruitment company to shorten their time to hire. Moreover, 41% of employers feel that joining hands with a recruitment agency could help them find candidates with the exact skills that they need. You can also cut down your time for the hiring process and find the best talent from the vast talent pool by taking the services of a professional staffing company. 
These were the top 10 recruitment companies in Delhi NCR. While some companies come with years of experience, others are rising to the top because of their unique and innovative approach to recruitment and staffing solutions. You can shortlist the companies from this list based on your specific requirements and avail their services for employing the right talent in your organisation.
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curriebelle · 7 years
Quick Notes on Canadian Net Neutrality 
Ok, so I just fell into a misinformation trap out of my own panic, so I did some more research. Here are a few important notes on the Canadian Net Neutrality stuff, so people don’t get too confused or panicky:
It’s bad, but it’s not the same as what’s happening in the United States.
The US telecommunications regulatory agency is called the FCC. That’s where Ajit Pai and his two Republican cronies voted to overturn net neutrality in the US.
The Canadian equivalent is the CRTC. Unlike the FCC board, which is staffed by representatives of the Republican and Democratic parties, the CRTC is non-partisan. 
More on that here : http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/us-canada-net-neutrality-party-politics-fcc-crtc-fight-1.4447558
So, in the US, the Republican-controlled FCC decided to throw out net neutrality. That is why we all sent angry emails to Ajit Pai and the FCC.
In Canada, the CRTC has actually done a fairly good job of protecting net neutrality for almost 25 years. Remember, they’re not the bad guys here.
The bad guys are Bell, Rodgers, Cineplex and Shaw. These are the companies that are petitioning the CRTC to block access to websites that rely on piracy. Unfortunately, this is a “slippery slope” proposal in that it could basically lead to a blank check for internet censorship. This is NOT the same as what happened in the US - it’s not a case where you might have to pay more to access certain websites, it’s an attempt by these companies to block certain websites altogether. 
The CRTC hasn’t commented on this proposal or evaluated it yet, but keep your eye on the news. Most experts agree that Bell and co. are on extremely shaky legal ground, however - so it’s worth being concerned, but it’s not worth panicking yet. The CRTC have been pretty consistently fair about internet regulations in the past.
Still - it’s disturbing.
So what do you do? Well, for now, you keep watch. There is a petition to sign:
.....which is a good start, but I am extremely suspicious of online petitions. If you care about this, that’s where you start, not where you finish.
The post I reblogged earlier also had a major error in it. That’s the wrong CRTC petition! :) As far as the internet knows, there’s no method to send comments to the CRTC directly yet (aside from phoning people who work there I guess?) but I will keep a lookout and double-check next time
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The Way to Professionalize a Real Estate Services Firm
Now's Property market situation isn't accessible to businesses which don't pose a front. Clients today are a lot more conscious than ever before, and are becoming quite conscious of the gap between amateurs and specialists. Bearing this in mind, it's very important to understand what makes a property services company truly specialist within this new atmosphere.
The inherent nature of the Actual estate industry makes It really different from other lines. As it's hard for the typical individual to successfully make the transition to the real estate industry, a substantial challenge to get a professional home services company is training and sourcing the ideal professionals.
Another Challenge is creating a business plan or plan that points in the requirements of this marketplace. In the present situation, it's surprising that there's so much emphasis on broker, when actually the necessary services bouquet is a lot bigger than that.
A Really professional Property business should graph all parts of the housing market and also have an whole selection of support offerings. Thinking about the requirements of this industry nowadays, the most successful real estate agency companies offer you every conceivable service - such as consultancy, research, trades, project and development solutions, integrated facility management, real estate management, capital markets, residential, resorts and retail advisory.
Nor is only offering these services adequate - due to the large competitiveness widespread today, the business must have operatives who have considerable experience and expertise in every segment. I really don't know how a lot of you may notice it my way, but I have always thought that the most prosperous businesspeople surround themselves with people which are smarter than those.
This is Very true in Commercial Real Estate Services Hopewell Junction NY, in which it requires big groups of very talented folks to locate opportunities, zero in on these, groom customers and ultimately close transactions. If you do not have the ideal people in sufficient quantities and rely solely upon a small core set of specialists, your company will crumble.
In India, the value that a property services firm adds To the general marketplace is dependent entirely on its own regional experience, expertise in fitting Indian land into international demands, its aroma of services, the differentiators it presents into those and whether it adheres to global best practices in real estate industry.
An Expert realty company has clear, succinct, Measurable and achievable objectives. It understands its economy, the dynamics which drive it along with the men and women who operate and patronize it. Its firm verticals are clearly defined and impeccably staffed, with adequately autonomous departments which are nonetheless professionally controlled.
Being A Jack of all trades and master of not one just works well for smaller outfits that concentrate on making rapid bargains. A really professional company concerns itself with constructing a respectable brand which communicates authority, respect and confidence on the marketplace.
When we speak of professionalizing A property-related services company, we have to clearly touch on the real significance of'professionalism'. Professionalism in any company line is mostly characterized by two facets - ethics and transparency.
India's Property marketplace is mainly fragmented, and it's not possible to arrange all of it. From adherence to global best practices this company, a property company can attract and keep corporate customers by providing the very important facet of transparency in all of its transactions and procedures.
Similarly, high ethical standards are crucial to a Professional property company. To exemplify the challenges we confront front, I want to quote in the Management Guide For Real Estate Associations, that will be a book of the International Real Property Foundation -"Ethical perceptions and international business are highly influenced by cultural differences. Because of cultural and ethical relativism, real estate business that is conducted across national boundaries may discover ethical conflicts. Major ethical issues that complicate international business activities include sexual and racial discrimination, price discrimination, bribery, harmful products, and telecommunications - specifically, enforcement of country-specific laws, copyrights, and questionable financial activities."
To put it in a nutshell - at a professional real Estate company, things not just look straight, but they ARE right... and vice versa. Nothing less will do if a company wishes to put itself over and apart from other people on the Indian housing industry.
It's evident That adhering to these parameters isn't quite as simple as studying about them. In real estate, it's always tempting to get the shortest path to profits. This is a route that normally involves compromises. One will cut corners on selecting the best people, after professional integrity, keeping customers contented and remaining current on the latest trends.
Businesses Who decide to take this route won't make it and will never Limit the amateur level. It's companies who choose the tougher, thornier Route of not being satisfied with mediocrity and constantly striving for Excellence in all facets of their business dealings that are the true professionals.
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ourmrmel · 6 years
Mel Feller MPA, MHR, Recommends Starting Your Business in Texas.
Mel Feller MPA, MHR, Recommends Starting Your Business in Texas.
 Mel is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching for Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller MPA, MHR, Coaching.  Mel Feller is a Texas – Utah Innovator and Business Leader.    Mel Feller currently maintains offices in Texas and in Utah. Currently an MBA Candidate.
  If you are looking for a great place to start your business, or you already live in Texas and wondering if the business climate therein would favor you, then I have good news for you; Texas is a great state to start and run a business.
  Why Start a Business Texas?
  Texas is sitting on a comfortable economy as it has a very stable telecommunication, technology, healthcare and medical research, banking and transportation sectors. The state is also a great place to do business as it offers reduced taxes, low cost housing and high quality education. In fact, Texas has one of the lowest tax burdens in the United States, ranking as a Top 10 Best State.
  Texas, also known as the Lone Star State has a natural geographic advantage over other states, with a first rate transportation network and an economy that is constantly developing. Cities such as Houston, Dallas and Austin remain choice destinations for entrepreneurs.
  The Lone Star State is home to over 50 Fortune 500 corporate headquarters including Exxon Mobil, Phillips 66 and AT&T. Texas is home to American Airlines and Southwest Airlines, two of the largest airlines in the world.
  In addition to all these, Texas is named the “Best State for Business” by CNBC and has been ranked the “Top State for Business” by CEO Magazine for the past six years, going to show that this state is viable for business and any entrepreneur that wants to move to Texas would be doing themselves a great favor.
  Texas does not only favor big conglomerates, as small businesses are also known to thrive there. So if are looking for a small-scale business to start up as an individual in order to take advantage of the bubbling economy of Texas, then here are 50 small businesses for you to consider.
  Coffee Shop: A lot of people love coffee, and would always stop over for freshly brewed coffee every occasionally. Setting up a coffee shop in a busy area will attract many customers during office break times and in the mornings. You can add donuts, pretzels or bagels as coffee accompaniment.
   Gift shop: granted, there are many gift shops already in Houston, but there is room for new players in the trade. Though the business might be somewhat seasonal, with profits spiking during the Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Valentine, and other festive periods, an encouraging volume of sales are made all year round.
   Hardware Store: setting up a hardware store in Texas is a good business idea because not only you do not need any skills to start the business, but also because the startup cost of the business is quite reasonable. You can setup your store in a commercial area and offer a wide variety of products at reasonable rates. To make it more appealing, you can set up an online storefront for people to choose items from and offer free delivery.
   Laundry service: everyone does laundry, and as such, a laundry service is a good business to start anywhere including Texas. This business, even as it is lucrative requires very little startup capital and expertise. All you need to do is find a good location and gather the required equipment. Spread word of your business all over your Houston neighborhood and you will surely get clients provided you offer quality services.
   Appliance repair Business: An appliance repair business repairs equipment and appliances that are used in the home and garden. The barrier to entry into this industry is very low and majorities of establishments in this industry are individuals who are running the business on their own. If you have the knowledge, you can start a business where you can repair appliances for people.
   Home health care: Home care providers majorly provide non-medical services such as personal care, homemaker and companion services in the homes of their clients. You can start this service on a small scale, but it would definitely expand due to factors such as the aging population and prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer.
   Recycling Business: A recycling facility engages in the recycling of materials such as plastic, paper and glass from waste locations. Once these materials have been separated and sorted, operators go ahead to refine them into useable products and then sell them to wholesalers as well as manufacturers. You can run a small recycling plant in Texas where you can recycle either paper, plastic, metals or other types of materials.
      Math center: Many students have challenges learning mathematics, and would need a lot of aid. Setting up a mathematics center in Texas would surely fill such need, as parents would not hesitate to enroll their kids who have challenges with the subject.
   Library:  A library is an essential facility to have in any state. People go to libraries to read, make research and borrow books, periodicals and magazines. There can never be too many libraries, so one more in Texas would not hurt.
   Medical billing service: Medical billing is a payment practice within the United States health system. The process involves a healthcare provider submitting, and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payment for services rendered, such as treatments and investigations. You can start this business in Texas and make a profit; you only need to have good marketing and networking abilities to enable you get contracts.
   Retail travel agency: A travel agency is a private retailer or public service that provides travel and tourism related services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, travel insurance, and package tours. You can make money from starting this business in Texas to help people make travel plans.
   Senior care home: senior home care is a type of residential care that provides a round-the-clock nursing care for elderly people. Texas has a good population of seniors, so starting a business that aims to provide quality care for seniors would prove profitable. However, you need to ensure that you have the required personality to handle the elderly.
   Adult Daycare: An adult daycare center is typically a non-residential facility that supports the health, nutritional, social, and daily living needs of adults in a professionally staffed, group setting. Many people in Texas prefer to keep their aged parents and relatives at home instead of sending them to nursing homes, but they would need help to care for them when they need to go out for extended periods. With the right facilities and staff, you can easily carve a niche for yourself.
   Savings consultant service: A savings consultant helps clients accomplish financial objectives by assessing financial situations; developing and presenting financial strategies and plans; monitoring changes in financial status and life circumstances. Texas being an economically viable state, savings consultancy services are quite essential.
   Sanitation services: This business amongst other things provides odor control services to commercial, industrial, institutional and private markets. You can set up sanitation business to provide such services for businesses.
   Fitness club: People always like to keep healthy and fit, and they do so by eating right, getting enough sleep and going to fitness centers. So starting up a small fitness center would sure be a profitable business in Texas.
   Pilate’s center: Pilates is a physical fitness system that builds strength, flexibility and lean muscle tone with an emphasis on lengthening the body and aligning the spine, rather than on bulking and shortening the muscles. Some people, especially females prefer this fitness format because of its emphasis on toning the muscles instead of enlarging them. This business can be started small and enlarged gradually when you achieve good customer base.
   Healthy vending machine: These days, people are very careful about what they eat as they seek to minimize calorie-laden diets. Healthy vending machines mostly vend fruits, fresh juice etc as against candies and soda. This business would be quite profitable in Texas especially if located in areas where people take their health seriously.
   Locksmith: Locksmiths are people that fix broken locks, make keys, and install security systems like alarms. Security is a big part of every state, and since people would always want effective locks and security systems, then your services as a locksmith would be in high demand.
  Fundraising service: A fundraising service is a business that helps individuals and businesses to raise funds for their cause. A professional fundraiser works with charities, nonprofit organizations, schools, groups and political groups to help each organization raise the money it needs. Being that there are several such, businesses that need help raising funds in Texas, so a fundraising service would do well in the state. You will get your income from commissions from the funds you raise.
   Sales and sales management training: This is a sales management-training program that provides sales people and sales managers with proven skills, knowledge and tools they need to drive bottom line performance. Texas is a state that is high in productivity and as such sales is big business there. Setting up a center that trains people to be proficient in sales would be a moneymaker because you would always have individuals who want to acquire this skill, and organizations that are sending their people to become trained.
  Boutique: Part of the basic needs of man is clothing, and everyone has to be clothed no matter the season. You can choose to set up a boutique in the Lone Star State and make large profits. You can choose to go strictly high end in order to carve a niche for yourself because many people can afford such clothes owing to the economic viability of the state.
   Home inspection service: As a home inspection consultant, your job will be to identify construction and remodeling problems based on local zoning laws and building codes, and you will also be asked to recommend remodeling projects to help add value to a home. This is a small-scale business that one can start to take care of properties for people.
   Dry cleaning service: Texas is a productive state, and many of its citizens are likely to be too busy to take care of their laundry by themselves. A dry cleaning service is a small business that would prove profitable for you if you are able to market it properly.
   Window cleaning service: A window cleaning is a small-scale business that can only prove profitable in Texas if you have a right links. It is a fact that Texas has many offices with many of them being high-rise and all requiring professional cleaning. You can start this business if you have the right training.
   Ice cream parlor: Everybody love treats, and with Texas being a hot state because of its location close to the desert, their weather is usually suited for ice cream. Just ensure you can produce great tasting ice cream, and you would never lack customers.
   Interior painting company: It is a fact that people only paint their houses when they have disposable income. With Texas being an economically viable state, it would be easy for people to repaint their houses from time to time.
   Hood exhaust cleaning business: Hood exhaust cleaning (often referred to as kitchen exhaust cleaning) is the process of removing grease that has accumulated inside the ducts, hoods, fans and vents of exhaust systems of commercial kitchens. Texas has several commercial kitchens, and you are sure to make good profit when you start this business.
   Gardening service: Gardening is a fast-growing business idea that can save customers’ money and beautify the landscape while also helping the environment. With Texans being too busy to take care of their gardens, you can offer this service for a fee.
   Landscaping business: A landscaping business provides clients with lawn services to keep their yards groomed and can plant flowers, trees and shrubs. If you have some training in landscaping, you could provide this service too.
   Kitchen remodeling business: Kitchen remodeling is good business, as people frequently want to remodel their kitchens. This is also a good small business to start in Texas.
   Spa service: A spa is a business that provides a variety of services for improving health, beauty and relaxation through personal care treatments. Spas offer a variety of services such as manicures, pedicures, hair care, seaweed wraps, aromatherapy, facials, waxing, acupuncture, facial and full body massages. These services are almost essential because people need to relax and pamper themselves after working so hard during the week.
   Eyebrow threading business: Threading is a method of hair removal that uses strings in fast motions to remove single strands of unwanted hair in order to create a defined eyebrow shape. Many people want defined brows all days of the week, and you can make a good deal of profits if you start this business but you have to ensure that you are very professional about it. You can also make it a mobile business to gain more customers.
   Construction site cleanup: Texas is a state that is always improving on its structures because of its comfortable economic state, and wherever construction is going on, there is bound to be a mess. Construction site cleanup services perform a final cleaning and removal of left over construction materials from commercial and residential properties.
  If you can handle this level of cleaning, then you can start this business. Nevertheless, you should note that starting a cleanup business requires a variety of licenses and permits, as well as a budget for buying or leasing the equipment you will need.
   Recruitment service: Texas is an upwardly mobile town and as such, there would always be job opportunities to fill, you can as well decide set up a small business where you recruit staff for companies. You can also provide training for the new staff to increase your earnings.
  Document scanning service: Document scanning is all about transforming your paper piles into text- searchable digital images. Document scanning eliminates the need to store your paper documents in prime office space and allows you to focus on your core business. You can set up this service in a business area and offer your services to businesses.
   Pool cleaning service: People are always too busy or too lazy to clean their pools by themselves, so you can provide this service in a small scale and rake in profits especially during the summer.
   Mobile Salon: Nowadays instead of people travelling to salons to utilize their services, the services are travelling towards the people. Setup a vehicle with the required equipment, products and an assistant, and then you are good to go. Definitely, you will need some skills or you can always learn them. This is a onetime investment that will earn great profits.
   Travel Agent: Travel agents are people who plan trips for clients according to their budgets. You just need to have a good professional circle in the required field and set up your business online. Offer deals to the common holiday destinations and people will keep coming. You can also provide services to the corporate sector.
   Mobile food truck: A food truck is a large vehicle equipped to cook and sell food. Some, including ice cream trucks, sell frozen or prepackaged food; others have on-board kitchens and prepare food from scratch. The mobile food truck is quite profitable especially when set up near construction sites, or where blue collar workers abound in Texas. You can sell sandwiches, hamburgers, French fries, and other regional fast food fare.
   Social media consultant: A social media consultant is someone that handles social media publicity for a company. The social media consultant raises company brand awareness through social media. With there being a proliferation of companies in Texas, you can offer this service to companies who would not mind outsourcing it. This business can be started even from home and it requires only minimal startup capital.
   Chauffeur Agency: The Lone Star State hosts many conferences, symposiums and business meetings frequently. In this regard, many executives, CEOs, business officials and high profile people travel through the city and they need protocol as well. You can invest in some luxurious cars and appoint some people to be chauffeurs for those cars. You can even rent the cars and gradually buy them after saving the amount from business. The better your services, the greater clientele.
   Meat shop: Texas has many restaurants, diners and eatery businesses that need regular supply of the meat. Moreover, many people also like to cook for themselves. You can set up a meat shop of such kind and in a short time you will have regular customers. You need to have a sound knowledge of this business or you can always appoint one for the job.
   Car wash service: Car wash business is very lucrative for a state like Texas; it requires little investment, skills, and you are ready to start the business. Majority of people are lazy to clean their cars themselves, target them by providing the best services and making them your regular customers. You can add sidelines of tire changing, pressure check etc.
   Second-hand Goods Shop: Majority of people prefer to buy second-hand goods than investing heavily in new ones. The better the stuff you have on sale, the greater the customers entering your store. This business requires tact, and you can sell the goods at modest rates keeping a profit for yourself as well.
   Advertising agency: An advertising agency, often referred to as a creative agency, is a business dedicated to creating, planning, and handling advertising and sometimes other forms of promotion and marketing for businesses. Since Texas is not lacking in innovative organizations, you can approach them to handle their advertising and publicity. This business can be started on a small scale but it has the potential of growing big in future.
   Mortuary and cremation service: Death is a certainty of life, and with the growth of senior citizens in Texas, it only goes to say that a mortuary and cremation business is essential in the state. Have it in mind that you need to have the right attitude before you can succeed in this business.
   Sports Goods Supplier: Texas is home to major sports leagues and this is the reason for the heavy sports culture here. One of conventional ideas for business in Texas is opening a sports goods store. For this business to kick off on a sound footing, it needs some investment in good quality products. You can always work as an affiliate for some manufacturers in order to get the right products; all you need is to have the skill to sell them.
   Massage service: A massage therapist is someone who treats clients by using touch to manipulate the soft-tissue muscles of the body in order to relieve pain, rehabilitate injuries, and reduce stress, increase relaxation, and aid in the general wellness of people. Most people tend to overwork themselves especially in Texas where people tend to handle multiple jobs. You can set up this business to help them relieve their stress. You only need aggressive marketing to set the business on track.
   Pet sitting service: People with the increase in disposable income, many people in Texas can afford to have pets. You can decide to take care of pets for people when they have reasons to leave their homes for some length of time. You get to walk, feed and bath the pets. Taking care of pets is quite easy as pets generally do their thing most of the day. You can even decide to open a day care where people can bring their pets and collect them at the end of the day.
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  Mel Feller, MPA, MHR, is a well-known real estate, business consultant, personal development consultant and speaker, specializing in performance, productivity, and profits. Mel is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching For Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller Coaching, a real estate and business specific coaching company. His three books for real estate professionals are systems on how to become an exceptional sales performer. His four books in Business and Government Grants are ways to leverage and increase your business Success in both time and money! His book on Personal Development “Lies that Will Sabotage Your Success”. Mel Feller is in Texas and In Utah.
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hiresigmallc · 2 years
Us Sales and Marketing Staffing/Recruiting Service Agency | Hiresigma
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There is nothing in this world that runs without its Sales and Marketing Staffing Team. The sales and marketing team is the backbone of any company which can be included in any kind of industry. This section is always hiring across the country. Hiresigma has recruited a lot of positions in Sales and Marketing job candidates for companies in all the industries whether it is in Pharmaceuticals, Education, Energy, Financial Services, Insurance, Retail, Technology, Telecommunication, or consumer products. We at Hiresigma have all the entry-level and senior position jobs.
Link: https://www.hiresigma.com/sales-and-marketing
Tags: Sales and Marketing Staffing, Sales and Marketing Recuriting, RPO, Sales and Marketing Staffing Agency
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carbyne · 2 years
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Public safety staff numbers continue to decline, creating a short staffing situation in most public safety agencies. This article examines a few of the reasons for the current short staffing situations that are affecting the overall operations of our public safety agencies.
The global environment over recent years has decimated the ranks of most public safety agencies. Long hours, stagnant salaries, and exposure to the most difficult scenes the brain can conceive have made a career in public safety much less desirable. There is a generational gap to contend with while attempting to fill the ranks of your agency. Baby boomers have hit retirement age and are walking out the door with many years of experience. Generation X continues to fill the ranks but many have taken advantage of early retirement or positions that better suit their family lives. Millennials have weighed the option of a 30- or 40-year career in public safety versus a career in the private sector that offers more money and better work-life balance. Public safety is losing this debate amongst millennials. Generation Z is expected not to give much consideration at all to a career in public safety due to the draw of working in the high-tech industry. Workforce management has taken on a whole new form and will continue to evolve over the next five to ten years.
 One of the solutions to these workforce management challenges in emergency response is technology. Modern emergency call-management solutions like Carbyne APEX enable public safety telecommunicators to do more with less using live caller video, pinpoint caller location, and silent instant messaging. Call-takers and dispatchers can now use silent instant messaging to communicate with callers who are unable to speak aloud, and avoid lost-in-translation errors during an emergency. Police officers can view the caller’s pinpoint location to eliminate incident location entry errors and minimize delays in arriving at the right location to provide emergency assistance. Paramedics and firefighters can view live caller video to determine the severity of the emergency prior to arrival. The net result is significantly improved resource management, thus enabling your agency to do more with less.
Whether you are a caller experiencing an emergency, a call-taker, dispatcher, police officer, firefighter, or paramedic, Carbyne is committed to providing you with the latest in modern technology so you can do more with less, because every person counts. To schedule a free Carbyne demo, please visit https://carbyne.com/wtt.
Carbyne (Headquartered in New York, NY) is a leading global provider of cloud-native mission-critical contact center solutions. Carbyne is one of the largest rich-data providers for emergency response centers, delivering over 250M data points per year all in a unified platform. Our technologies enable emergency contact centers and select enterprises to connect with callers as well as connected devices via highly secure communication channels without needing to download a consumer app. With a mission to redefine emergency collaboration and connect the dots between people, enterprises and governments, Carbyne provides a unified cloud native solution that provides live actionable data that can lead to more efficient and transparent operations and ultimately save lives. With Carbyne, Every Person Counts.
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primavera-p6 · 2 years
The Many Reasons Why You Should Use (and integrate) the Primavera P6
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If your project management experience has been one of countless delays, rising costs, missing materials, or worse outright failure, perhaps it’s because you either failed to update yourself to the modern ways of managing projects of various sizes, or you’ve used the wrong tools or software! Well, one of our project management experts and consultants suggest that one good first step towards effective project management would be to use software like Oracle’s Primavera P6! But, before we talk about primavera scheduling software cost, lets fist discuss the many reasons why you should use, and effectively integrate it.
The Main Advantages of Suing the Project Management Software
According to veteran project managers, the Primavera P6 is a professional project management software that’s used not just by project planners but also project professionals, engineers, schedulers and other folks who are involved with planning, project reporting and management.
 It also helps you to easily prepare and control every aspect of your project, like for example it helps optimize the management of resources. It also helps provide everyone involved with a clear field of vision of what’s actually taking place in the project.
The software also allows for quick and hassle-free monitoring of every aspect of the project, from staffing to materials and resources, government and industry regulations, costs, workers, timelines and more.
Best of all, the software also allows users to easily break down the project into smaller, or more manageable segments or divisions. And, it also allows for simple and tension-free communication and collaboration between project managers, schedulers and planners all the way down to the regular personnel and stakeholders.
Today, the Primavera P6 is used in almost every industry field. It can be found in the offices and project management divisions in manufacturing, information technology, aerospace development, the defense industry, the healthcare sector, telecommunications industries and more.
Why You Should Integrate It
Now, why should you integrate the primavera scheduling software cost? Before I go on further, the word “integrate” actually means “to combine one thing with another so that they become whole”.  In simple terms, the word means to form, coordinate or to blend into a functioning or unified whole.
 But, why should you integrate the software, and not simply whine about primavera scheduling software cost? Well, based on rough estimates, around 575 or the 600 top engineering companies in the United States alone use the Primavera P6 software, and this doesn’t include the military and federal agencies!
The Primavera project management software traces its roots back to 1983, where it was developed by a company named Primavera Systems. Eventually, the company was brought by global software giant Oracle.
Today, it’s used worldwide by millions of project professionals, schedulers, engineers, planners and just about anyone who is involved with project planning, management and reporting. The software also integrates with enterprise tools like Oracle and SAP ERP systems.
Overall, the software ensures that everyone in the project is able to make the right decisions, determine the correct resources, create the right and feasible timelines, as well as make sure that individual project teams have the appropriate skills and resources needed to efficiently compete any given project.
The software is very useful for any project size or scope, and this one’s for projects across every industry field. And, best of all the software is an ever-changing, ever-growing tool which provides unparalleled control, monitoring and insight to planners, employers, stakeholders and literally anyone who is involved in a given project, and it also makes each and every project-related activity or task quite easier to complete.
And of course, you also need to get the appropriate training and exposure to the Primavera P6, because it’s not actually like an ordinary software (like let’s say Microsoft Excel). But then again, once you learn the ins and outs of operating it, I am sure that you will finally realize the many perks and privileges of using it.
So, forget about the old-school ways of planning and managing projects, and contact the nearest Primavera P6 training center right now. This would definitely elevate your project management skills and abilities to the next level!
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flutteragency · 3 years
Role of Healthcare Industry System in the United States, 2022
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While the pandemic has dramatically changed the way healthcare is handled in the US and around the world in 2021. And it has its unique challenges – namely, differing views on the vaccine’s potent COVID-19 variants. Also, the balance in hospitals, caring for patients with and without the virus in rapid bursts.
So in our 2022 Global Healthcare Outlook, we review the current state of the global healthcare sector. And explore pressing area issues, summarizing actions to help build resilience. Plus, get better healthcare consequences in the new normal.
So what can the healthcare initiative retain from the e-commerce industry?
As leading healthcare mobile app development services providers, Flutter Agency aspire to provide a seamless experience for patients. And when they engage online, many acquire their cues from the undemanding and frictionless consumer journey of the e-commerce industry.
E-commerce is also pivoting the wave of growth in the healthcare tech sector. Because- healthcare is the next big thing in the online retailing space, as there is a vast amount of untapped potential.
Current Healthcare System In The United States
Commercial health insurance dominates the healthcare system in the United States. And the private sector also operates most US medical facilities. But public health service is only available to citizens and permanent residents over a certain age, yet it is limited in coverage. Health systems increasingly created home infection and care services to support non-institutional recovery. Or a restoration that resulted from the pandemic.
So we are seeing signs of trouble within the industry itself. And up to 80% of providers in the US plan to invest in technologies. That includes digital health, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning. Also, tools to support clinical staff and caregivers over the next five years.
The global healthcare sector resumes facing new challenges presented by the ongoing pandemic. That dominates the attention and resources of healthcare systems.
So in 2022, participants in the healthcare initiative will continue to work towards better meeting the essentials of their patients, doctors, and nursing staff. And in particular, three trends are accelerating for healthcare providers – greater consumerization, mechanization, and consolidation.
Trend 1 – Consumerization of Healthcare
So you can even call it the “Amazonization” of healthcare. But we see in 2022 that there are more ways for patients to “shop” for their care. And in some respects, consumerization operates more like objectification, but not in healthcare in 2022. Because- the point of differentiation of most healthcare providers is not the cost of service. But the quality of the service.
Further, virtual healthcare is evolving more common, especially during pandemics. The healthcare delivery landscape is in the midst of a crucial transformation, providing patients with more options for care than ever before. As this change unfolds, new consumer-friendly models of- care delivery will take shape, benefiting all of us.
Trend 2 – Mechanization of Healthcare
So every year, the presence of mechanization and artificial intelligence increases in the healthcare system. But the United States is confronting a critical healthcare staffing shortage.
More solutions are introduced as technology’s capabilities extend from more advanced natural language processing to more complex neural networks. And new ways of thinking about AI in healthcare emerged.
Trend 3 – Consolidation of Healthcare
In the last two decades, the United States has been increasing its concentration in the healthcare sector. So starting from horizontal consolidation, it has spread to vertical mergers. Plus, acquisitions and megamergers of national players at multiple levels of the supply chain.
The healthcare enterprise has glimpsed a massive wave of investment and innovation. And new entrants from the technology, telecommunications, and consumer industries.
Digitalization in Healthcare System
So today, healthcare apps are highly demanded mobile applications. And healthcare tech startups, medical professionals, hospitals create innovative healthcare apps. To better connect and serve patients.
Hence the demand for healthcare application services demand increasing every day. Because hyper-connectivity, extreme personalization, and real-time data sharing are rising across the medicine, wellness, and healthcare verticals.
Flutter Agency, a leading healthcare mobile app development agency offer custom solutions to healthcare companies, hospitals, pharma companies across the mHealth platform and mobile app. So when it comes to developing applications using Flutter framework. Along with this, our developers are well-experienced in building winning applications.
Our company offers best healthcare app services in United States. Also – add new capabilities with technology-enabled healthcare solutions specially developed by our expert mobile app developers.
However, mobile healthcare apps save the time of patients and doctors. And improve the quality of care due to convenient visit scheduling, patient examination, and treatment. So with a team of healthcare software developers, Flutter Agency is an IT company. It has been providing healthcare mobile app development services for many years.
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