puns4priya · 6 years
Jodie Witty Whitaker
Television talent, Jodie Whitaker has come exceedingly far since graduating at Guildhall School of Music and Drama in 2005. Since then she has made her name in ITVs show, Broadchurch and recently became the first female Doctor in Doctor Who!
Jodie lets loose and gives us a closer peak of her childhood memories and embarrassing moments when asked some questions about herself. She takes us on a trip to her past when telling us about how one of her earliest memory is when she was on a family holiday in Benidorm at age three. She says that she specifically remembers falling into a pool and in the panic of it all she was convinced that “a mysterious giant” got her out but it was in fact her father saving his little girl.
Since her infant years she admits that she has found a guilty pleasure of wine and drinks “half a bottle a day” as well as claiming it to be her favourite smell! But is it surprising when she is guzzling a big 3 and half bottles of the stuff a week! Let’s hope she doesn’t go near a pool anytime soon. However, Jodie’s love for booze is no surprise seeming that even in her late teens when she worked at a soap factory in Huddersfield she would turn up “basically hungover everyday”. I wonder how long she kept up with that job for? Although, she says that she wouldn’t change this about her past but instead states getting her tongue pierced at age 15 alongside having train-track braces was a “huge error”. Its clear that Jodie was a bit of a rebel but her spontaneous side is what has got her to where she is today.
Despite drinking so regularly she is still good at keeping secrets, claiming that her “best-kept secret” was that she was the 13th Doctor and that she knows what happens at the end of season one. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t be able to keep such an achievement to myself! I look forward to seeing what other secrets Jodie spills to us in the future because after all that wine she’s bound to spill her drink at some point.
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