#tell me why I’m completely fine watching and hearing literal nuclear explosions in Oppenheimer but I can’t handle gunshots
lithiumcreepblog · 1 year
One thing about the Lenora shootout I can’t stop thinking about and haven’t seen people discussing much (or maybe they have, idk, I’m new here) is how that experience will affect the characters. They were EXTREMELY lucky to get out of that house unscathed. (Of course they’re just fictional characters who have plot armour but let’s pretend for a moment that they’re in the real world.) One wrong move & they would probably all be dead. That is terrifying to think about to me.
And even though the whole thing lasted what, three minutes (?), that shit traumatises you. You don’t feel particularly terrified in the moments directly after because of the adrenaline but it follows you. I can attest to that as someone who has been around military gun violence and has had guns pointed at me. I’m so lucky and grateful to be out of that situation now, but man, did that fuck me up. I still get debilitating nightmares even years later, and I still flinch at the slightest loud noises that resemble a gunshot. Even watching that scene last year was extremely difficult for me. So I can’t imagine what the characters must be feeling after being in such a traumatic shootout.
Not to mention, that is probably (?) the most “human” threat the characters have faced yet. Not an inter-dimensional monster, not flayed people, but just pure human violence, which makes the danger so much more real. Gun violence is such a commonplace thing in media, and while some of it affects me more than others, this instance is probably the most scared I’ve been because of how much I care about these characters.
I know they probably won’t, but I hope they explore Jonathan, Will, Mike and Argyle’s PTSD following the incident in S5 in some way. Because I do think that it would definitely affect them. I would love to see how it affects Jonathan, who immediately tried to protect Will & Mike. How he probably has nightmares where he failed to protect them. How scared for their lives Will & Mike must have felt and the conversations they would have about it. And poor Argyle getting wrapped up in it all and having a man die in his van.
Rant over.
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