#tempted to tag this as “mod lore” LOL
girlyholic · 1 year
Hi!! I love your blog! I really appreciate what you and girly-kei-tips do and I love going to you guys' blogs from time to time to see any new info or tidbits. I'm sorry about the harassment you've been receiving just for educating people. I don't know if this is too personal a question but what exactly attracted you to girly kei and how did you find out about the fashion in the first place?
Glad you like the blog, Anon! I hope to keep it going for a while. ♡
As for how I found out about Girly...
When I was younger, I was very in love with Lolita fashion, which sent me down the rabbit hole of everything associated with that. However, I never ended up getting into it, as I found it to be a little too intricate and detailed (not to mention expensive) for what I ultimately wanted to wear day-to-day.
Then when I hit middle school, I started seeing this thing called Larme Kei popping up, and thought it was very cute! I especially liked Liz Lisa during this time (and hey, I still do!). However this period was also my "extreme casual" phase where I wore nothing but oversized anime T-shirts, so I never made any effort to actually wear the style. That came much later!
But what drew me to it was that it had the frilly vibe that I liked about Lolita fashion, except it was way more casual! And this was even more true of how Girly looked in the past as well. I get nostalgic for old early 2010s releases because I'm always like "omg I remember when I wanted to wear that".
Overall, I am glad to have found it! It's been in my life for a long time and it's nice that it's still around.
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