#ten inch hero priestly fanfiction
impala-dreamer · 10 months
Pondering Fate While Ignoring The Obvious
A Ten Inch Hero Story
~Priestly has got it so bad for Tish that he can barely see past the end of her... well, her back end, anyway. He's love sick and forever rejected, constantly stuck inside his own head. When a new girl in town starts messing with him, he quickly loses his cool...~
Boaz Priestly x F!Reader
2,511 Words
Warnings: Nuttin' but fluff and banter. ;)
A/N: This is another square for my @jacklesversebingo card. The prompt is "Backhanded Compliment/Convenience Store/Sugar Addict"
Now listen- I've never written for this movie before, but I had so much fun doing it. If you've seen the movie, I think you'll love this. If you haven't seen it, you may not totally get it, but you'll still love it because it's cute and fluffy and I said so. Give it a chance ;)
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Another day, another spicy Italian with no oil and no vinegar. How you could eat a hero dry was a question he could never quite grasp the answer to, but in the end, did another weird order really matter? He’d put a condom on the bun if they asked for it. Maybe not a used one, but then again, Tish was looking extra spicy herself today.
Tish. Goddamnit. There she goes flirting with every male in existence except him. There she is leaning over the counter in that not-so-sneaky way that pushes her tits up and out, giving everyone and their mother a look into the valley of the Promised Land. 
For fuck’s sake, if she’d only do that for him. 
Then again, nothin’ he hadn’t seen before. 
Fingers snapped in front of his face and Priestly blinked himself back into reality. 
“Can I help you?” he asked, still half dazed and half hard after staring so intently at his coworker. 
Piper sighed. “Yeah. You gotta make a run down the street.” 
He sighed harder. “You know, you ladies are capable of patronizing the convenience store now and then. It’s not really hard. You just pick out what you need and exchange it for cash.” 
The tiny blonde pouted and batted her lashes. “Please? My feet hurt from standing all day.” 
He scoffed. “And mine don't?” 
“I’m not used to it. I’m delicate.” 
Priestly scratched at the bright green spikes that sat atop his head for the day, masquerading as a hairstyle. He frowned but relented. “Fine. Gimme the list.” 
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He saw her from the street. He wasn’t purposely peeping through the window like a stalker, but he felt like it all the same. It wasn’t his fault, not really. Things mostly stayed the same around town, so when something was different, when someone new showed up, it tended to stick out a bit. 
The new girl at the register was cute, not particularly daring in her style or makeup palette, but she was attractive. Probably the thing Priestly noticed first was the lollipop stick hanging from her painted lips. 
His entrance was announced by the jangling of bells and she looked up as he came in. She smiled around the pop and twirled the white paper stick between her fingers. 
He looked back at her over his shoulder and nodded. “Hey.” 
Slowly, she pulled the treat from her mouth and licked the very tip. Her tongue was as red as the pop and Priestley was sure that his cheeks were turning the same shade. He cleared his throat quickly and turned back, going about his business. 
The store was otherwise empty except for Mr. Jacobson, the old man who never seemed to go anywhere but was always wherever you went. He was currently lingering at the end of the aisle, amazed at the sheer amount of chip flavors the new millennium had to offer. 
“Back in my day we had regular and salt & vinegar, and we were grateful!”
Priestly laughed under his breath and looked over the rack at the register. She was laughing softly as well, and when their eyes met, she didn’t shy away. 
He did; quickly tearing his gaze from the cherry pop and focusing on the aluminum foil instead. There was no use flirting with her anyway- she’d never go for him. She looked too normal, too pretty to fall for his shenanigans. Best not to even think about it. 
Arms fully stocked, he headed her way, keeping his eyes on the black and gray tiled floor and praying she wouldn’t make his heart race any faster. 
She sucked hard on the Blow Pop and then took a bite, making him jump. Sugar crackled between her teeth and she winked.
“I hope you overcharge them,” she said dryly, staring him down. 
Confusion took the place of shyness and Priestly’s face scrunched up. “What?” he snapped, jerking away from the counter. 
The girl rolled her eyes and went about ringing up his order without another word. 
Cash exchanged, Priestly thanked her and walked out, still wondering what the hell she was talking about. 
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Priestly stared out the front window, wondering if the day was going to go his way or not. He knew he shouldn’t bother pondering the Fates, because they always seemed against him, but he liked to think he had some hope tucked away somewhere beneath the Manic Panic hair dye and all the metal sticking out of his head. If there was, he couldn’t find any today. 
Tish was late, as usual, probably rolling out of some strange guy’s arms and fishing for her bra underneath the bed. 
Someday… someday, that’d be his bed she was searching under. Someday, those would be his arms she rolled out of. He just had to keep hoping.
Or not. He really didn’t care. 
The sun was too bright, the grill was too hot. He hated everything. 
Except the sound of bubblegum popping behind him. He didn’t seem to hate that. 
With spatula in hand, he turned and startled just enough to make the bubblegum appear between coyly smiling pink lips. 
Priestley squinted. “You’re that chick from the store.” 
Annoyance crept onto her face. “And you’re that dude with too much eyeliner.” 
He laughed before realizing she was insulting him and ended up jolting up on his toes awkwardly, half a smile curled on his lip. 
He cleared his throat. “Priestly.”
She squinted. “Like Elvis?” 
He shrugged. “And you are?” 
Slapping a five on the counter, she picked up her hero and spun away, heading toward the door. She turned to push it open with her backside and popped her gum again. 
Her eyes were glued to him and Priestly felt his stomach flip. He met her gaze and she smiled. 
“I always do.” 
He wanted to say something, to ask her what the hell she was talking about, but she was gone before the words reached his tongue. 
“Always do what?” 
Jen turned her head his way, but her eyes were still locked on the computer screen. “What’s up?” 
He sighed. “Nothing. Just a weird girl from…nothing.”
It was nothing. She was just the weird girl from down the street. And anyway, he was supposed to be hating everything today, not shifting his ponderance to the mystery of the gum chewing, pop crunching girl from the convenience store. 
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Blue hair; don’t care. 
Priestly cracked an egg on the grill and watched the edges sizzle. He wasn’t great at a lot of things, but cooking eggs was something he did exceptionally well. The butter bubbled around the perimeter, curling the whites just slightly, and he pushed the tip of his spatula against it. 
Not ready yet. 
The girls were, yet again, chatting about men, and he kept one ear on the sizzle and the other in their conversation. 
“I just don’t understand how hard it is to find. It’s right there.” Tish laughed and pushed a delicate hand back through her hair. “It’s a clit, not the Holy Grail.” 
Priestly raised a brow. “Some would call it that though,” he interjected. 
She rolled her eyes. “You would.”
Offended, he sucked in a quick breath. “Ya know something-” 
She turned, one hand on her hip, waiting. “Yeah?”  
His lips pursed and dejected, he turned back to the grill. “Forget it.” 
“Thought so,” she laughed. 
God, she was such a bitch sometimes. OK, most times, but still.
Tish went back to leaning on the counter and he took the opportunity to peek at her ass. 
Behind him, a throat was cleared. 
Priestly sighed, knowing what was waiting for him when he turned. Or, rather, who. 
“You again.” He batted his lashes. 
She smacked her lips. “Me again.” From her pocket, she withdrew a pink Starburst and fiddled with the wrapper. 
He eyed the candy and followed it to her mouth. Her lips were darker today and it reminded him of the cherry pop. “You eat too much sugar, you know that?”
She smiled gently. “And you dye your hair too much. That isn’t good for you. All those chemicals are gonna fry your brain.” 
“Joke’s on you, it’s already fried- shit!” Fried egg. Burnt to a crisp. “Damnit.” 
Sugar Girl swallowed a laugh and the Starburst. 
He turned around, annoyed at himself and her laughter. “Are you- do you want something?” 
“Yup.” She nodded and took her order from Piper, who was holding a small, paper-wrapped hero. “Thanks.” 
Green eyes narrowed on her smile. She was weird. Way too weird. And kinda rude. 
“You ever gonna tell me your name?” he asked, calling out as she pushed open the door. 
“Sure,” she replied, “Soon as I get my free sample.” 
Confusion always seemed to linger when she left, that and the smell of strawberries. Or cherries, or whatever she’d been sucking on. 
Sucking on…
His eyes flickered over to Tish and he wondered if she was as good at sucking things as she claimed.
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It was raining and he was cranky. 
He’d missed his alarm, the car wouldn’t start, and a passing bus nearly drenched him head to toe. 
It wasn’t supposed to rain at the beach. It was practically against the law. Nature’s law, anyway. 
And to top it all off, Tish was bragging about the amazing night she’d had with a handsome stranger visiting from New York. 
“He’s just in town for a few days, so it’s nothing serious,” she explained to a wide-eyed Piper who was drinking down every word. “But man, I wouldn’t be mad if it was. He’s… tall and handsome and-” 
Priestly cleared his throat. “Ya know I’m pretty tall.” 
She clicked her tongue. “And?” 
His heart ached at her callousness. “And… just thought I’d remind you.”
Maybe she didn’t know what she was doing to him, but he thought his advances were fairly obvious. Maybe she was just a bitch.
Jen derailed his thought train with a shopping list she’d printed out. 
He shook his head. “No.” 
The shop on the corner was the last place he wanted to go. Nameless Sugar Girl was the last person he wanted to see. “Why do I always have to go?” He pouted and gestured to the window. “It’s pouring rain out there.” 
Jen looked up with puppy-dog eyes. “Which is why I’m asking you to please go.” 
A heavy sigh was his only reply. Priestly grabbed the paper from her hand, crumpling it beyond repair, and set out into the downpour. 
He was dripping by the time he made it down the street. He sneered at the water on his face, rolled his eyes at the welcome mat, swatted viciously at the bells as they rang above his head. 
“Rough morning?” she asked, watching his huffy entrance. 
He scowled. “You could say that.” 
A peppermint rolled on her tongue and the red and white stripes caught his eye. “Well, lemme know if you need any assistance.” 
Priestly ran a hand through his teal-tinted hair and shook out a puddle’s worth of rain. “Yeah. Thanks.” 
It took him a while to collect the goods, having trouble finding the right paper towels that would fit into the holder in the bathrooms. He’d never had any issues in the store before; seemed like someone had rearranged. 
He looked across the rows of sundries and wondered what her deal was. Hell, he still didn’t even know her name. Not that he wanted to, of course. 
Of course. 
Finally, and with much annoyance, he arrived at the register. 
She laughed softly as he unloaded his arms. 
He shook his head. “What?” 
“I… I shouldn’t even touch this one.” 
He had no clue what she was talking about, he never did, and he was at the end of his rope. 
His patience snapped. “What?”
She sat back, clearly hurt by his tone. “Your shirt.” 
She pointed at his chest and he looked down, reading the big black letters upside down. 
‘Save a tree, eat a beaver’
His shoulders fell. “Oh. Yeah. Whatever.” 
“Yeah,” she echoed, the sting heavy in her voice. “Whatever.” 
He couldn’t take it anymore. Dropping a can of coffee onto the counter, he slapped his palms down on either side of it and leaned in. 
“Ya know, everytime I see you, you’ve got something snarky to say.”
Her eyes went wide. “Snarky?” She frowned. “I thought I was flirting.” 
The fight drained out of him along with the blood in his cheeks. Confused once more. “Uh… what?” 
Pushing herself up off the stool, she mirrored his pose, hands falling dangerously close to his. “Flirting,” she said again. “It’s an ancient ritual in which a sexually interested party attempts to lure their prey into bed with witty and charming wordplay.”
He balked. “I know what flirting is!” 
She glared. “Then why haven’t you picked up on the fact that I’ve been trying to pick you up for weeks now?”
“I uh…” His elbows buckled and he stood up fully. “You have?” No way. She wasn’t…
Memories of the past month flooded his mind. Each time he’d seen her she was smiling at him, not being snarky. She was teasing him, answering the ridiculous sayings on his shirt. 
‘I sell crack for the CIA.’ … “I hope you overcharge them”
‘Surf naked.’ … “I always do.” 
‘Orgasm Donor - Ask for your free sample’ … “As soon as I get my free sample.”
It had been smacking him in the damned face and he hadn’t seen it. She had been playing with him the whole time, not trying to annoy him. She wanted him to notice her, but he was too busy dreaming of Tish, wondering when she’d notice him. 
He sucked in a stunned breath. “You have. Wow.”
A tiny smile returned to her cherry lips. “Come on, I know you’re not as dumb as your fashion sense implies.”
Priestly felt a dip in his gut, something fluttering around inside. He grinned. “Oh, I’m way dumber.” 
Reaching across the counter, she grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him close. “Good.”
Her lips were soft, the kiss as sweet as the candy she was always eating. He breathed her in as her tongue swept over his.  He was stunned, confused but in a good way. Maybe he needed to push Tish aside and pay more attention to the world around him. Maybe this was a good thing. A really good thing. His eyebrows raised in surprise, his blood pressure raised even higher.
She pulled away slowly, her lips lingering on his. 
“You get it now?” 
She waited, blinking at him with the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. He should have looked sooner, closer; should have given her a chance.  
“Yeah,” he whispered in a laugh. “I think I do.” 
Another kiss, a press of her hand at the nape of his neck. 
“You ever gonna tell me your name?” 
She smiled. “Y/N.”
He reached for her cheek; fingers landing lightly on her soft skin. 
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” 
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Dating a Freak
Boaz Priestly x reader
Summary: You reminisce over the course of your amazing relationship.
Author Note: I'm so sorry this took long.
Requested by: @forest-rav3n
Word Count: 2445
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The time spent with Priestly has been the best time of your life. Every day was amazing. It was filled with filled with laughter and love, and it was an adventure. It made you remember how you fell in love.
You first met when you applied for the job at Beach City Grill, with your novelty movie t-shirt and a bubbly attitude. "She's gotta pass the interview first." Piper said.
"I'm cool with that." You smiled.
"Okay then," Priestly then leaned on the counter. "Elvis. Dead or alive?"
"Easy, alive. Next question."
"You're hired." He said. You chuckled and looked at Trucker, who smiled and shrugged.
You then helped with cooking the meat, as well as baking cookies for the kids meals. Priestly would constantly make jokes to you, and you always laughed. Sometimes when he was doing one of his random debates with Trucker, you'd hype the both of them up, just to get a kick out of Priestly getting more excited and energized over whatever they were talking about.
Regulars loved you. You would always make extra cookies for the two old people who would come in, as well as the kid who came in weekly. He was an adult already, but was autistic. He looked uncomfortable when he first walked in since everybody was staring at him, so you couldn't help but smile at him and give him some cookies. He smiled back at you and would come back every Tuesday during lunch.
Sometimes guys would try to hit on you. You'd ask for their order and they'd try their best to get you to come with them after work. Usually your roll your eyes and say, "Tish, you have a customer."
Sometimes you'd just turn them down flat. Either way you handled them, it always put a smile to Priestly's face. Not that you knew.
But there was one day where Priestly wasn't at work yet, and these guys walked in. One of them tried to get you come home with him, and you told him that you weren't like that. He scoffed. "C'mon, you won't get this opportunity all the time. It's not like I'm asking for your face. You just happen to have a nice body."
You threw his order at him. "Just fucking pay and leave. Learn how to take a damn rejection."
He paid and stormed out with his friends. One of his friends stayed behind and told you, "He's right, y'know." and left.
You don't know why their words hit you so hard, but they did. What if they were right? "You alright angel?"
"Um, yeah, yeah," you said with a smile that you could barely muster up. "I just need some time alone for a bit."
You then sat in the storage room and silently cried. Priestly walked in and announced himself before asking where you were. They told him what happened and he rushed over to the storage room. He saw you on the floor, with your face in your hands. "Y/n." He kneeled down.
"Do you think I'm ugly?" Your voice was quiet, and your face was still buried in your hands.
He took away your hands from your face, and you looked up to see his worried face. "You shouldn't have to worry about artificial crap like that. You're awesome in everyway. Like the way you defend yourself from jackasses, or how you make extra cookies for the special needs kid that most people like to make fun of. What matters is that you're a pretty fucking amazing person."
You wiped your eyes and chuckled. "Thanks Priestly. You're always so good to me." You gave him a hug, which made him tense up for a up before relaxing and hugging you back.
"And to answer your question, no. I don't think you're ugly at all. You're actually think you're pretty hot." You giggled.
You then began to develop feelings for Priestly. Though you kept it to yourself, everybody else found out about it. Tish teased you about it and made comments on how it was a mystery that anyone could crush on someone as weird as him. Piper, Trucker, and Jen told you that you'd be good together and to go for it. Jen would make the occasional joke about Priestly. Zoe told you that she could sense the same feelings in Priestly as well. Though you were grateful for the support, you weren't confident in what he thought about you enough to do anything about your feelings.
Then there was the whole tampon run. You figured that he would need help and came with him. You kept making jokes when he was panicking on what to get. After you helped him pick one out, you went to grab different items while he stood in line.
You heard people making fun of him, and him retaliating with a speech about having a girlfriend and getting laid. You figured that it'd be the right thing to help him out, and although it was embarrassing for you, it was for Priestly.
You took out the hair tie in your hair, letting your hair fall down your shoulders. You tied your shirt up from the back into a crop top with the hair tie. You walked up to Priestly and gave him a long kiss on the lips. "Hey babe. Got everything?"
He looked at you with a shocked expression, but quickly recovered to get into character with you. "Yeah. I got your tampons for you."
"Aww, thanks babe. But you know I'm not on it anymore this month, right?" You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his neck.
"Hell yeah I do. Let's go home." He slapped a 20 on the counter.
"Whatever you say." You grabbed the bag of items and Priestly put and arm around your shoulder.
"Keep the change. Peace." He said before giving them the peace sign that turned into flipping them off. Once you got out of the store the both of you started laughing together. "Well now, we got ourselves an actress."
"It isn't really hard to act that way with you." You said absentmindedly, instantly regretting it. His facial expression changed a bit, and you looked down in embarrassment. Of course he'd feel weird about that. How could he even like you like that? "Um, anyways, we should head back to the grill."
As you and Priestly cleaned up that night, he tapped your shoulder gently from behind. You turned around looked up to the tall nervous looking man standing in front of you. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something important. Just, y'know, don't laugh or anything." You smiled and nodded for him to continue. "Would you, like to, accompany me on a date tonight?" He asked slowly.
"A date?" You asked. He nodded, and your lips went into a wide grin. Holy crap, Zoe was actually a witch, and you loved her for it. "I'd love to."
"Really?" He asked, smiling.
You giggled and nodded, wrapping your arms around him. "Can you give me a ride home so I can get ready?"
He put his hands on his hips and shook his head. "So lazy." He then walked outside and held the door open for you. Once you got to your house, he put his hand over you before you could leave the car. "Wear something nice."
"Like what, my cleanest hoodie?" You teased.
"As much as I'd love to see the hoodie I got you for your birthday, nah. I mean dressing like you're going to a fancy place." You nodded and kissed his cheek, walking up to your apartment number.
You put on a white long sleeved shirt and a flowy peach mini skirt. You'd never really had a reason to put this on before, but wearing it made you feel nervous on what Priestly would think of the outfit. What would he be wearing? Maybe his quilt, and the two of you would both have shirts on. Maybe he did his hair in a different style. All you knew was that you couldn't wait for him to come.
About an hour later you heard a knock at the door and excitedly ran to it. You answered it, and wasn't ready for what you saw. All of Priestly's piercings were out, and the hair color was washed off. He was wearing a nice black blazer with a light blue button up. He looked shy. "Holy shit." You laughed out.
"Would you care to accompany me on this date Miss y/l/n?" He offered his arm.
You hooked your arm into his. "Of course." He smiled and looked down. "You look very nice, by the way."
"You look gorgeous." He opened the car door for you. You smiled at him and gave his cheek a kiss before going in the car.
"You cleaned the car." You looked around.
He shrugged and smiled. "I cleaned the car."
He took you to a nice restaurant, where the two of you talked about anything and everything. Though Priestly tried to remain a civilized gentleman, his true unfiltered jokester self was shining through, and you thought it was the cutest thing ever. Afterwards the you two walked together along the beach, where he put his blazer over your shoulders and listened to you ramble on.
He then took you home and kissed your cheek. "Aren't you just adorable tonight?" You teased.
"Well, do you like me better like this?" He had a nervous smile.
You chuckled and shook your head. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Just because you dressed differently doesn't make you a different person. You're still my Priestly that always puts a smile on my face."
"Your Priestly?" His face was now covered with a wide grin.
"Well, as long as I can be your y/n." He went in for a passionate kiss. Once you pulled back for breath, you asked. "Do you wanna come in?" His facial expression changed to nervous again. "Not for that reason, dumbass. I just don't want this date to be over. I made brownies the other day." He smiled and came in.
You woke up leaning on Priestly as a pillow with the TV still on. You checked the time and saw that your shifts start in ten minutes. In a panic, you shook Priestly awake and told him about the time, hurriedly brushing your teeth and putting on your shoes. "You don't have to worry. I'm always late." He said groggily from the couch.
"Okay, just cause you're cute when your sleepy, doesn't mean we don't still gotta go to work." You said.
"Wait, I have to put on my hair color and get ready."
"Then let's go to your place real quick." You handed him his shoes and pushed him out of the apartment.
As you were driving to his house, he said, "You fell asleep on me." You turned to see his adorable smile.
"You wouldn't let me leave your arms." You smiled back.
"And you're still wearing your clothes from last night."
You looked down, still in the skirt and shirt. "Crap. Can I borrow a shirt?"
"That'd be pretty hot." You both later came in together. Priestly was wearing one of his regular outfits, and you were wearing his Tip me or DIE shirt tucked in under your skirt and a flannel. "We're here!"
Everybody stared at you while you walked behind the counter. "It's not what it looks like." You said before you went into the storage room, with the other three girls excitedly running after you.
After that you two were unbreakable. He would always make sure you were feeling loved, from a simple squeeze on your arm to a passionate kiss. And most of all, he just couldn't help but praise you.
He would try his best to make romantic dates and be a gentleman, but sometimes it was too easy to provoke his playful side. At times he would take you on regular dates, like the movies or a carnival. You would take him on dates as well, from picnics to watching one of his favorite rock bands.
You were the first one to say that you love him. You knew that he was shy when it came to his feelings, so you were okay with saying it first.
It came naturally. The two of you had waited for a while to have sex. It had to be perfect, and he didn't want you to think of your first time with him as a cheap hook up. He wanted it to mean something.
That's why when he took you to a fancy restaurant, and had a walk in the park with Priestly and you acting like children and hopping on the big stones by the walkway. He then took you back to his apartment, where the two of made love.
When you woke up the next morning, you felt him kiss the top of your head before getting off the bed. He told you that he would make you some eggs, and you rolled onto your stomach. You smiled. That's when you said it. "I love you."
He stopped in his tracks, and ran over to the bed, kneeling down. "What?!"
"I love you." You bit your lip to hold in your laugh. You knew he felt the same way, and watching his innocent looking face was almost too adorable. "Do you have something to tell me?" You joked.
He gave you the biggest smile before excitingly jumping onto the bed and smothering you with kisses. "I love you too!" He laughed out between kisses.
After a few months of bliss, Priestly had a plan. He had a plan to watch your favorite movies, to cook you dinner, and to have you feel special. He had a plan, which was in a little black box on his top drawer at home. He had a plan to ask you a question, so you two could go on amazing dates forever.
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kiwismoon · 6 years
Fav Color? Pick 5 fiction characters you hate Pick 10 fiction characters you love Loki or Thor? Dean or Sam? How would you name your kid? DC or Marvel? Pizza or Burger? Fav book Fav language Your mothertongue If you could bring someone back from dead with killing someone, who would you safe and who would you kill? Fan arts or Fanfictions? Dogs or Cats? Just a few random questions, of course you don't have to answer...
Favorite Color?:
Blue! Any shade- I just adore blue. 
Five Fictional Characters I hate:
1: Metatron (From Supernatural)
2: Autumn (The Reaper, From Supernatural)
3: Noami (From Supernatural)
4: Piper (From Ten Inch Hero)
5: Noah (From Ten Inch Hero)
Ten Fictional Characters I Love:
1: Castiel
2: Dean Winchester
3: Crowley
4: Charlie Bradbury
5: Billy (From Doctor Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog)
6: Alexis Drazen
7: Priestly (From Ten Inch Hero)
8: Chuck (From Supernatural)
9: Chuck (From Chuck)
10: Captain Hammer (From Doctor Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog)
Thor or Loki?:
Loki. I gotta say, I love Loki so much. Thor’s good, both are good characters, but Loki? Trickster God with a sense of humor. 
Dean or Sam?:
So, going into the show, I was a hardcore Dean girl. I was set on being a Dean/Jensen girl, and I was. But...around, oh, season three my friend started asking if I’d gotten to Castiel yet. I was like, no, who’s that...and, bam. Before I’d even officially met his character, I was in love. I was quickly transformed into a Misha/Castiel girl. So...it’s weird to me, to answer Sam or Dean. Just know that I’m a Castiel girl. But, I like Dean more than Sam. I think he’s a more interesting character.
How Would You Name Your Kid?:
I’m gonna assume this meant what, but I’m gonna answer the question that was typed. Obviously, writing names on a hat, and just pulling one out at random. *shakes hat and pulls out a name* ah, yes! Jobeth it is! (I used a name generator to get that name.)
DC or Marvel?:
Normally I’d say Marvel but I’m eternally pissed at Inifity Wars for breaking my heart. I’m still saying Marvel, but that’s because I’m a binch who goes back to those who hurt her :’)
Favorite Book?:
How dare you come into my household and make me answer this question. Now, here’s a list of books (many jokes as in books I’d never read because I’m a small sensitive bean, some I’ve actually read) and I’ll let you guess which one is my favorite
Both of Victoria Vanoch’s Books
FIfTy sHaDeS of GReY
The Shack
The Lux Series
Supernatural by Edlund Carver ;)
The Bluest Eye
Favorite Langu-
Your Mothertongue?:
I assume this means native language? English.
If You Could Bring Someone Back From The Dead, With Killing Someone Else, Who Would You Save and Who Would You Kill?:I wouldn’t. Who am I to mess with who lives and who dies? It’s not my decision. If I had to make a choice it would depend on the circumstance and what has happened, but I know one thing for sure: I would only ever choose to sacrifice my own life to bring someone else back. I do not have the right to kill someone. (Unless of course, it’s a dictator or someone like that, then my answer would be that person.
Fanart or Fanfics?:
Fanfics. Both are great, but I make fanfics and I’m like constantly reading in general, so I love fanfics.
Dogs or Cats?:
Both, but if I absolutely had to pick, Cats.
Thank you for all the questions friend!
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Writing Requests
Rules :
No incest
No threesome type of stuff
That's pretty much it
Requests :
I accept almost any request, but I'll let you know if your request is something I'm not comfortable with. The reason why I don't write a lot is because I can write things down easily once I've come up with an idea, but ideas are hard to think of.
Characters :
Any Supernatural character
Any Dark Angel character
Priestly from Ten Inch Hero
Any Riverdale character
Ideas :
It can be based off of:
Specific Episodes (unless Priestly)
Your own imagination
I only write character x reader fics btw
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