#tenoch tok
talokanda-forever · 1 year
Love me some Manu! 🥵
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etherealnoir · 1 year
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I wanted to jump on here after I read Letitia's story about the following article
I get people were angry with her for her view on things but she apologized for it and I think collectively we've moved on. Some of my close friends and relatives were against taking the vaccine in the beginning. Over the course of time some changed their mind about it while a few held onto their notions. But that doesn't mean I rejected their presence in my life. That's their choice, that I have no control over.
Now with that out of the way, I feel the article coming around now, especially when Wakanda Forever is doing so well and also That JLo video going around on Tik tok about how marvel movies take away from the human experience. This just feels like a retaliation to be honest. Most of the marvel movies are the ones that actually inspire me, to be a hero, to work on my flaws, to help humanity and that's there's always something bigger that me.
To even have Letitia on that article is unfair, like the allegations against the other two are way more serious. If they're trying to get her bad rep or pull down the movie I swear I will spend all my money of WF merch, tickets, talk about it, write about it till it gets what it deserves 😡
I was waiting to hear all the nominations this movie absolutely needs to get without a doubt. In what aspect does Wakanda Forever not deal with human emotion? Its all about it. Its so deep and vulnerable. People now coming around to take away the light it's getting enrages me lol.
Letitia needs a nomination for the role, so does Angela Bassett and Tenoche huerta. Did you SEE their performances?? It's absolutely stunning. I've had enough of 'superhero' movies getting devalued as though they aren't portraying important things. She survived a FRACTURED SHOULDER and a CONCUSSION while dealing with the GRIEF and SADNESS of losing her brother. Nah that article isn't right.
Topics of grief, girlhood to womanhood, colonisation, inclusion, leadership, vulnerability, being the better person, honouring the legacy of Chadwick Boseman, these topics are all there and presented in the most cohesive way possible.
It's almost like no one bet Wakanda forever would be doing so well hahahah guess I just have to go watch it for the fifth time and then after that and then continue it till it's not in the theaters anymore.
I need this movie and everyone in it, to win awards and be rewarded for the absolute gruesome hard work they've done on it 😤
Ryan, Tenoche and literally every single one of them who worked on the project over coming their fear of water to free dive and commit to the role?
Look LETITIA WRIGHT IS THE NEW BLACK PANTHER and I want to see her with the rest of the cast in BP3.
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love-too-believe · 9 months
Gonna need your guys help. Specifically, anyone fluent in Spanish.
So, Tenoch's new series on Netflix is starting on the 16th. Because of this there is a chance he will start trending again. I'm planning on posting all the character statements that have come out since the controversy started onto my Tik Tok that way there's a better chance of more people seeing them.
However, all the character statements are in Spanish which is going to be hard to consume to a large audience and because it's Tik Tok there's less of a chance of people reading fully translated statements even if they are in English.
What i'm thinking is to give brief summaries of what each statement says then follow it up with the statement it's self like a source.
What I need help with is someone letting me know what each statement says, if significant even specific words used, that way I can make a summary for it.
If you want to help please let me know! :)
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chicagosfinest2021 · 1 year
So with Fantastic Four in development scheduling around 2026. There are some fan castings for the members particularly Sue Storm. As we know that Namor in the comics have an obsession with her. Now that is problematic for a number of reasons but since Tenoch portrayed the character lot of us cannot foresee him obsessing after a white woman as that seems hypocritical. However the rumor actress in the lead for Sue Storm is a Mexican actress Iza Gonzalez. If she or a Latina actress is casted then say bye bye to Shuri as that would make sense for him to be drawn to a woman that is from his ancestor’s culture. Not saying that if it happens that will happen. But it feels like Shuri is a means to an end.
PS some folks on Tik Tok found Tenoch baby mamas and both are white latinas. Most of us were disappointed as he seems so passionate about racism. Oh well! Brilliant actor.
Hope the holidays are going well!!
I am SO SO SO sorry I forgot to respond to this!! I promise I wasn't ignoring it, at the time my personal laptop was broken and was stuck using my phone, and I wasn't trying to type out my answer with just my thumb (and have to go back and edit out a thousand typos).
But I definitely remember reading this, and now that I got my new laptop, I'm ready f'dis!!
As for the Sue Storm vs Shuri deal. . .it's tricky. For me personally I'm not so much interested in Namor and Shuri as a romantic pairing as I'm just interested in seeing how the writers choose to portray their characters interacting with each other, working together, acknowledging their similarities, etc. I'm personality interested in seeing their chemistry play out, no matter what form it takes. At this point. . .realistically, I *don't* see the Marvel writers pairing up Namor and Shuri romantically, and I honestly don't have a problem with it. Romantic relationships are not the epitome of all relationships, I would honestly like to see them if nothing else display trust and compassion for each other more than displays of physical/sexual/romantic intimacy.
As for them pairing him with Sue Storms. . .if they even decide to take it to that point, I highly doubt they would pair Namor with some blue eyed, blonde hair white lady LOL I think with the race lift of Namor going over well with fans, I think they realize the conflict of interest it would be to pair him with someone descended from a "colonizer". Making her brown/a woman of color would soften the blow for sure, but again, I don't like the notion that characters need to be paired up with anyone at all to be interesting, relatable, etc. Plus the MCU doesn't always adhere to coupling up characters with whomever they were with in the comics. I remember when the X-Men movies first came out 20 years ago, they stuck Rogue's character with Iceman, when any X-Men nerd can tell you that comicbook Rogue 9/10 was paired with Gambit (whose character wasn't even introduced in the movie franchise until years later, and in a prequel no less).
Same with T'Challa, he was with Storm in the comics and they paired him with Nakia in the movie version. I guess we mere peasants will have to sit back and see how they decide to play things out on the big screen.
If Tenoch's baby mama's are white latinas, then yeah, that is definitely disappointing to hear, especially knowing how much he advocates for brown/darker skinned people in the Latinx community and their visibility in the media. Does that make him a hypocrite or not? Am I less pro-Black even though none of my exes are Black? Can Tenoch be attracted to white Latinas and still be an advocate against racism and colorism in Latin America? Personally I don't think it's that black and white (no pun intended). For all we know he's been with brown skinned women too and just never sired any children with them. I'm disappointed in the facts but we'll still keep him on our team for now haha
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bakerstreethound · 1 year
You’re an enabler—you’re enabling me with all the posts and Tik tok 🤣🤣🤣 I’m not complaining though because I get to thirst with you more calmly! You are loved all around, and I hope you know that !! TOODALOO 😘
BAHAHAHA omg thank you Linda! "thirst with you more calmly" hahah that's amazing. I can't help but share anything of Tenoch that comes across my feed. Funny enough sometimes I see something of Namor or Tenoch I'm like "oh Linda would like this" only to see you were the one who reblogged it hahaha. I'm going to melt now because you are so sweet ahhhhhhhh. Please accept this gift of Winston and Tenoch as a sign of thanks.
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send me a ⭐ if im one of your favorite mutuals and explain why
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urlocallsimp · 1 year
Omge that last anon 🤦🏻‍♀️ like enjoy your smut but don’t you want to be enlightened here and there damn your welcome (Sarcasm) anywho I appreciate all your Tenoch tik toks I love what he stands for and as a new fan I love learning new little tid bits :)
Awww thank youuu <3 much appreciated!
This is exactly why i share them bc I too loooooove learning any new info about our Tenochito and whenever i come across any tiktok w intressting info abt him or abt his character my first thought is: gotta share it w the tumblr community, the 'Tenoch Coven', the WHORETAS 😂 cuz ik not everyone here has tiktok and they might be missing out.
I also love all the discussions and thirst it feels safe here to be this hyper fixated on him and his character and on bpwf !
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nyimasu · 1 year
the dale moreno edits and tenoch huerta's videos on tik tok are the only reason I still go there
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
This gorgeous man and his gorgeous smile are too much to handle sometimes. TENOCH STAAAAAPPPP!! 🥵🥺😭
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
Still processing his talk from yesterday. So many raw truths that he spoke that have been going through my mind since I watched the video.
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
I swear I feel like I'm losing my grip a little more each day. Yep, I'm a Tenoch junkie.
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
Tenoch has become my daily stress reliever. Mmmmmm....🥰.
This edit is obviously a shout out to all my fellow Whoretas who are down bad and don't give a shit. Dammit, it's comfortable down here. 🤭
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
I swear I feel like I'm losing my grip a little more each day. Yep, I'm a Tenoch junkie.
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
AND????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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This comment to my last Tenoch-Tok has me rollin'!!! Had to share with my Whoretas. I'd love to tag them on all my TikToks moving forward, but I'll be the grown up here. Tenoch got these haters stirred up. Keep doin' what you're doin', baby!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
I swear I feel like I'm losing my grip a little more each day. Yep, I'm a Tenoch junkie.
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