#tenshi no namida spoilers
talvikielo · 7 years
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Mathias’ CGs from Neo Angelique Tenshi no Namida
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speedroidknight · 7 years
VRAINS spoiler
Episode 33: 青い涙の天使 – Aoi Namida no Tenshi
(The Sorrowful Blue Angel)
Spectre reveals the past!
Spectre commenced a Duel against Blue Angel. He uses his Sun Avalon’s effect to create perfect protection for himself and seal off Blue Angel’s path.
This week’s Blue Angel: What is the origin of her name?
Blue Angel is shocked when Spectre tells her that he knows the origin of her name. A book is then presented to her. What is the connection between her name and this book?!
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utanotranslations · 4 years
Blog Post Translation: December 10th, 2019: 343* Nakanishi Kana-san
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
BEYOOOOONDS This is Satoyoshi Utano! <3
Thank you very much for all the likes and comments yesterdya as well! * I read all of them <3
Today, I went to watch Angerme's concert "Angerme Live Tour 2019 Summer/Fall 'Next Page' ~Nakanishi Kana Graduation Special~"!!!!
Finally, this day has come, huh...
From the morning, I was always like :\ T_T :\ :( :) :\ T_T :\ :) I spent the time with these feelings that I didn't understand.
Since it's the day of a new start for Angerme, I prayed that it would be a really lovely day, and there were refreshing and fun feelings but, After all, I was sad, I'm sad.
From the start of the VTR, it was no good, I was already in tears T_T T_T T_T T_T
Please read it carefully, knowing there will be spoilers from here on, okay
After the opening VTR ended, the members came out and posed in their positions in the darkness of the lighting. When I saw that pose, I started crying right away like, "it's Tachiagirl T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T" :'(
Takeuchi Akari-san was performing "Tachiagirl" right in the middle of the front row with Nakanishi Kana-san, they were really, really cool and cute, and I can't put my thoughts into words. The next song was "Please Miniskirt Postwoman!" and In the chorus and the interlude, Nakanishi-san was again in the centre...... Really, really, for this, I don't know what my feelings were or how to say them, but I was like "waaaaaaaaah" T_T
I can't write everything because it would be too long but, At the key points, my emotions were continuously hitting me like, "waaaaah." But, you know, it wasn't just sadness, I was really happy, and warm, and I felt feelings of joy.
It was really a mysterious time... I'm definitely, definitely like, "I don't want to forget this."
And, her solo song!!!!!!! "Tenshi no Namida" was really, really wonderful. Nakanishi-san's cute smile and, her warm looks made me feel once again that various tears were blooming.
For about two and a half hours today, I made new memories in my heart, Before I joined Hello! Project, I have the memories of 8 years, since 2011, And both of them will clearly stay with me.
As soon as I saw her on the audition show, Nakanishi-san has always been a presence that is "cool" for me.
Of course, she's super duper cute, kind, funny, beautiful, But for me, she's "cool".
I took the audition last year, and I really didn't know my left from my right, I was worried, I wasn't able to do anything, Even when I cried because I was frustrated, I was helped by watching Nakanishi-san like, "Nakanishi-san made it this far."
In 8 years, you don't know how much I was saved by Nakanishi-san, you don't know how much bravery and smiles you gave me. Really, truly, thank you very much!
Today too, I was happy to be able to see a lot of the "coolest" Nakanishi-san <3 <3 <3
Nakanishi-san, I love you!!!!! I want to go to the zoo! <3 :) <3 T_T
The text is rough, and even I don't know what I was writing, It might have been a blog that was really hard to read
My chest still feels tight, I might write about it again, or I might just leave it as is and keep it in my heart...... Today has been like this
I love Nakanishi-san, And I will definitely become a Yattaru-chan like Nakanishi-san!!!
The end!!!!
Wellt hen! I'll do my best tomorrow, too! Okay! <3
See ya!
No matter when it is, Angerme are always "too cool angels". They were wonderful
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talvikielo · 7 years
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Nyx’s CGs from Neo Angelique Tenshi no Namida
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talvikielo · 7 years
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Renè’s CGs from Neo Angelique Tenshi no Namida
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talvikielo · 7 years
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Camille’s CGs from Neo Angelique Tenshi no Namida
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talvikielo · 7 years
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OH MY GOODNESSS 😭 it was kinda out of nowhere but so does in René’s case MATHIAS REALLY BECOMES THE FIRST GUARDIAN OF DARKNESS despite his memory loss except about been forever looking for the Queen/Ange THANK YOU SO MUCH ERWIN FOR ANOTHER QUEEN AND HOLY GUARDIAN ENDING!! THANK YOU!! 😢😭
now I will just continue to internally screaming and live in my own Cosmos where I could imagine BOTH René and Mathias are Queen Ange’s Guardians...
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I just–I just love the relation between René and Mathias so much!!😢 
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talvikielo · 7 years
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So the ‘good ED’ is basically a generic ED credit (no song, just bgm with portraits of the main cast) you will get if you don’t have high relation point with your chosen guy the moment you hit the last point of the game…Not sure what the limit is…I got true ED when I had circa 85 affection point with Renè, but not when I only had around 30 something.
You won’t get the epilogue like event too on the good ED (e.g. Nyx became Fleur’s Mayor and proposing to Ange or Renè and Ange dreaming for their far future together once their duty in Holy Land is over), so you will miss the last CG.
So, basically another disappointing ED which only worth getting for completion sake :/
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talvikielo · 7 years
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talvikielo · 7 years
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So, I finished Nyx’s route but somehow the trophy section showed J.D. and Jet’s portrait for the ‘achievement unlocked’ notice lmao
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Why J.D.? 
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And why Jet lmao? I’m sure it was not him that Ange has chosen to walk her future with.
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The true ED….was basically a credit ED song with cap of Nyx’s CGs on it…
All in all, it was quite okay but I still like his original Neo Angelique’s route better somehow because it feels more emotional imo. Sure there are also some emotional part (for Nyx) in Tenshi no Namida as well, considering how deep feeling of guilt and wishing for atonement Nyx has due to his past as Erebos’ vessel, but it just didn’t leave too much impression on me. Instead, I was mostly swooning over how kind and gentle Nyx is lmao…He really is the perfect gentleman!
Still, I’m pretty curious about how the plot will execute when you go for the other guy now, because Nyx actually played a very vital role for the main plot in his route, as he was able to find out about the Ancient Spirits’ existence by diving into his own memory as Erebos, even though it cost much of his energy and left him bedridden in many days. I also like how the Sacria and the 9 Guardians lore played a big part on his route, and again it’s all thanks to Nyx still keeping the 9 Protection Stones with him for nostalgia sake after everyone else has moved from Sunny Mansion and went on with their life. I think I will try to go either for Rene or Hyuga this time, or maybe Camille as nothing is revealed about him on Nyx’s route and that Ancient Spirit of Torus Cosmos was just some sort of generic darkblob antagonist that needs to be purified by Ange’s Queen Power.
 Honestly, something feels lacking about this whole Torus Cosmos and Ancient Spirit thing on Nyx’s route, so I wonder if we would learn about it more if we go for generic (non-romance, if possible?) or Camille route?
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Nyx compares the Torus Cosmos guardian spirits’ power and existence to the Arcadia’s Queen’s existence….and that statement makes me couldn’t help but thinking if there’s some connection to Camille…who heavily resembles Ange in appearance somehow…
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Camille’s gallery section becomes accesible after I cleared Nyx’s ED. I wonder if it means that we can finally go for him now?
Anyway, they fought the bad guy, they won, Ange refused to be Queen again because she wants to spend her life together as human with Nyx, they confessed their feelings to each other then they went home. Life’s back to normal and Ange continued her Med school, but apparently now with some morning ichaicha routine with Nyx…
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Rayne just needs to cockblock them but he just needs his breakfast already
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Oh, my. I am impressed that the other guys would still live under the same roof with them lmao
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Years later, Ange has finally fulfilled her dream to be a doctor like his Dad, Nyx will soon become the Mayor of Fleur (Ange’s hometown) and he asked her to marry him. Happily ever after yay! 
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talvikielo · 7 years
Finally made it to the chapter 3 (split time!) and here’s my pointless ramble so far…
(Spoilers alert, but honestly not so much because I’m only talking about the common route)
1. I hate Erwin’s meow with my whole heart. No, really. It sounds so fake and dumb like someone, some person just trying to meow and did a horrible job at it.
2. My thumb demands the auto-play button! Or am I just dumb and missed it somehow because I swear I couldn’t see that option anywhere??
3. Eren is cute. 
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what a tsundere but still cute!
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also this scene is supposed to be Jet’s intro, but I admit I mostly grinning over the fact about how Eren has actually requested (yes, requested not ordered!) Jet to protect Ange while he’s absence.
Oh, and that part on Eren´s first extra scenario where everyone else talking about how obvious his crush for Ange (despite Eren probably still hasn’t realized it himself, or would just plainly deny it) was also cute and cheesy,
4. Hyuga still makes me squealing internally like an idiot??
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5. Rene is cute! CUTE! Also surprisingly pretty serious and actually quite calm and mature??
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6. Camille is cute! CUTE! Honestly, he is kinda annoying and bratty sometimes, but still cute! Also his interaction with Hyuga (with Camille mostly teasing/acting spoiled) is probably my new favorite thing?? I also like his big bro-lil bro interaction with J.D. 
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wtf son  (◔_◔)
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wtf was happening to this kid and who the hell he actually is to make Erwin hates him from the first sight? that 「生きている」という感じがしなかった part is especially picking my interest.
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He also mentions that he shares hometown with Hyuga (which would explain his rather oriental outfits?), but Hyuga’s…suspicion? over how Camille explains his own part of Kirise (like Camille was surprised over electricity and auto-mobile) kinda make me get an idea that he’s probably coming from the past somehow? Maybe he’s Ange’s ancestor rather than being her copy from another dimension or something along that? Camille also made weird comment again regarding riding horse wagon and long trip, despite that it shouldn’t have been his first time doing that.
7. I love that the other characters aside of the 4 Aube Hunters get their own theme song now! Jet’s theme song is probably my most favorite right now, followed by Ange’s, Eren’s and Rene’s. But I haven’t heard Mathias’ and Roche’s theme, so it might change later. Also, for some reasons, the regal feeling of Rene’s theme kinda feeds my HC that he’s probably the bearer of Light Sacria, while Eren’s theme gives me the Earth Sacria feeling (aside of the whole earth=knowledge theme) and Bernard’s reminds me a lot to Hihara Kazuki Wodon’s theme while having.the Wind Sacria vibe on it? Eh idek. I just kinda want to think about the other guys’ sacria type after learning about the Aube Hunters’ sacria type, I guess.
8. Why on earth Rayne and Roche already get a shippy scene and CG during the supposedly common/general route, while the other guys only get the intro-like CG during the common route?? That’s kinda unfair…
also is it only me or does this game try to make us ship Ange and Rayne again because he sure have some more shippy moments than anyone else?
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9. I had always believed that Tempura is fried food (on fried pan) because crunchy, but when I tried to fried the fish (with pan) to make fish tempura for Nyx, I ended up making fish meuniere instead lmao. Apparently the fried pan is used for grilling instead?
10. And finally, on the serious side, there’s actually nothing much happened during the common route aside of what we already know so far: population explosion in Arcadia, people migrating from another cosmos with monsters following them and two options to handle that matter separating people into two factions. You also get some glimpse on Camille’s mysterious behaviors. Still, despite that simple concept, I actually can think about how difficult it must have been for Ange and everyone else around her to choose between those 2 options; close the rift to keep Arcadia safe from the monsters or let it open so people from another cosmos can find safety on Arcadia,while taking the monsters with them too. Especially for Ange, considering that she’s the Queen’s Egg and one scene at the later part of the chapter 2 (before split) actually put her on a situation where the civilians (who already starts to fight among themselves because of that 2 options they are faced with) suddenly presses her for her opinion. As the Queen’s Egg of Arcadia, she must have felt a heavy responsibility to keep her own home cosmos safe, especially when the monsters start attacking places that matters to her like the Melrose Academy. But at the same time, it would probably leave her in a very deep feelings of guilt to know that they would leave the people from other cosmos to live in constant fear and get attacked by the alien monsters, if they choose to close the rift.
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In the end though, I chose to go for the Open route for my first playthrough, simply because I still wanna go for either Rene or Nyx route first…But it really wasn’t as easy as I had thought…because Hyuga kinda tempted me to go for the Closed route lmao and also because I’m sad J.D. will leave too, but hey I will just try the other route later as soon as I am finished with this first playthrough!
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talvikielo · 7 years
Hmm...can't decide who I want to go for next after Renè...I have only been doing 'Open' route so far, so seeing another perspective by playing the 'Isolation' route would be interesting...I will probably go for Hyuga or Eren there.
But at the same time, Mathias route got unlocked now (he only has 6 CGs tho :/) and I am dead curious about him as well, what's up with him appearing only during night time...and what role he has now...what kind of ED he will have too...
Would be cool if we can get another Queen and Sacrea Guardian Ending again...Like, it would be rad if Mathias could be the first Guardian of Darkness to contrast Renè...just because that has always been my HC he only appears at night lol and if I remember correctly, Ange said that talking with Mathias makes her feeling calm at the first game, and calm/peace is part of the Dark Sacrea...
...That's it. I think I will go for Mathias now...
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talvikielo · 7 years
Hmm, I suddenly wonder how we could get that Grand Finale ED on Tenshi no Namida because I am very curious about what it would be about...Especially since Renè's ed has actually made me consider the possibility about the Grand ED is about Ange becoming the Queen and 9 of his harem guys becoming the first guardian for each Sacrea type for their cosmos because that would actually be a pretty cool ed?
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talvikielo · 7 years
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Things that I live for : Renè and Camille competing for Ange’s attention (ᅌᴗᅌ)
never had i wished for a 3P CG so bad until I watched that Ange+Renè+Camille meal time scene...that really would make a very cute and fluffy image...
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talvikielo · 7 years
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So cute, so pure  _(:3」∠)_
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talvikielo · 7 years
Hmm, so it seems that after you have cleared a character's ending, you will get a new short scene about that character during the common route when you start a new file. Like, Nyx was alone in his room reminiscing about their time together on Sunny Mansion and just now I also saw a solo scene of Camille wandering around before he met Ange for the first time.
That was actually nice and I wonder if those scene would mean that we can now try to get the 'Good Ending' with that character? It'd be interesting to try (esp since I already completed Nyx's events list, so where would that good ed get archieved at?), but I think I will go focus on Rene for real now!
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