streetsofdublin · 1 year
The original Tenters pub dates from 1850 and was reconditioned about ninety years ago but it has never been listed as a building of importance.
THE TENTERS PUB WAS DERELICT FOR ABOUT TEN YEARS IT IS NOW PART OF THE ALOFT The Tenters area of Dublin is located in the Liberties, on the Southside of the city. It is bordered by the South Circular Road, Cork Street, Donore Avenue, and Newmarket Square. The area is named after the tenterfields that once existed there, where cloth was stretched and dried. When I was young I thought that the…
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dapperpea · 14 days
#FFxivWrite2024 / Day 10 / Stable
** Shadowbringers Spoilers **
Characters: Maxima quo Priscus
Maxima had not considered the confusion of defection would have felt so... Normal. It had been three weeks since he had first been offered immunity in return for his allegiance and his knowledge, and already it felt fairly routine. Yes, there were still many parts of Eorzean daily life that surprised or confused him, and he still felt a bit on tenter hooks when near any of the Eorzean leaders or when a local stared at him a little too long, but when he was alone, or with one of the others who had survived from the shipwreck in the Burn...
It was amazing what the mind could get used to.
Back in Garlemald, his days had been much the same, rote and routine, with expectations he had and expectations he filled. And yet he had to be ever cautious as a Populares, watching his words, keeping track of rumors, ensuring he did not stand out too far, lest he catch the wrong sort of attention. He had thought, when they had been sent to Doma on a diplomatic mission... Well. Perhaps he had stood out too far in the end anyway.
In his modest room in the Ala Mhigan palace, so many things were new. The amount of magic used in mundane day-to-day tasks was, frankly, quite astonishing. It made sense, if he he imagined replacing ceruleum for aether, but witnessing it was another thing altogether. The frankness of the people here, too, was novel. People were straightforward in showing their distrust for him and his peers, rather than doing so in the the cold, distant, paranoia-inducing way they tended to back home. A surprising number had also been quite friendly as well.
It was, he decided, a different sort of stability, an inward peace even as the world whirled around him, new and strange and liable to change at any moment. He thought he preferred it.
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2 and 21 for England?
2) Who they want to please the most. 
Wants to please... not many. Sexually speaking, Port comes to mind, Emma as well. François when they're getting along. Emotionally, even fewer. Rhys is probably the only person in his immediate vicinity who he gives a real fuck about when he's being particularly anti-social, what with the Brits being Europhobic the way they are. And even that is questionable and is more about trust than wanting to make him happy. His children are another one. There's always something very mercenary about it; they are, to this day, often an extension of his power, but he does want to see them flourish and be happy.
21) Their fondest childhood memory
I don't know its a memory so much as a child's amalgamation of calmer times. But sitting at his mother's or Brighid's feet using a drop spindle while they work a loom. The tapestries Brighid especially wove impressed themselves into his memory and language. "Pop goes the weasel" is from when spinning wool on a reel would flex and make a sound. 'On tenter hooks' comes from the frame to stretch the fabric out after being fulled. 'Button your lip' for shut the hell up. In the days before Saxons and Vikings, when a wall defined the end of the world outside his mother's jurisdiction, he sat at his mother's or Brighid's feet, listening to the stories that would one day come to make up the majority of his national canon in a language he can no longer recall except in the words he kept to count his own children. It's probably more Brighid, as she was more likely to wield the weaver's sword (used for tamping down rows in weaving) than their mother, whose bronze sword was practically forged in blood. He usually remembers doing something, listening rapt to the stories, but Brighid, Alasdair and Rhys are more likely to remember him curled up in a sheepskin, conked out drooling after spending most of the day being a hellion.
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Prompt fills will be super sporadic so I don’t burn out but it’s not the fills. I’m excited about my prompts and I will defend them to the end!!!
It’s that I have a deadline for a huge project on the second which was supposed to be several days later but got changed and ppl forgot to inform me that it was moved up until 7 days ago… but apparently it was officially changed 3 weeks ago and they just forgot I needed to know
Also helping go through some of the stuff of a housemates deceased family which is heavy and exhausting.
Today was supposed to be any easy day except the project is on tenter hooks and could even be escalated to Monday.
So Say (wolfetales) decided (because she is amazing and a goddess) to help me out and we’ve been doing errands and checking on my project and went to a job site and had been helping me do small jobs for 9 hours and it’s 98 F.
My health is not heat approved and so I have to be careful not to tank it… but we have to go home and do house things after a nap so I’ll get a break
And then writing I’m hoping at some point.
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swishyclang · 2 years
linguistic phenomena I enjoy:
- mondegreens (misheard lyrics, eg: "there's a bathroom on the right" from "there's a bad moon on the rise" - bad moon rising, credence clearwater revival)
- spoonerisms (switching parts of two words in a phrase, either unintentionally or for comedic effect, eg: "tuck the fories")
- eggcorns (misheard/reinterpreted phrases that still make sense, if not conveying the original meaning, eg: "on tender hooks" from "on tenter hooks")
- hypercorrections (using a supposed language rule where it does not apply, often to sound more educated, eg: assuming octopus comes from latin and pluralising it as "octopi")
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bblrap · 2 months
i looked up what tenterhooks were and theyre hooks used with a tenter but i dont know what a tenter is and im kinda jittering with curiousity to find out idk how to describe it
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herewegobebe · 3 years
Just wanted to send some love and luck to your dog for tomorrow. Really hope it goes well. Doggo, fighting!
Thank you so much 💕 You're very kind - and yes! 'doggo fighting! ' She's my bby but she's very strong so I'm hoping for the best.
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wlwjieun · 3 years
if my sister so much as sighs near me today i think i’ll have a breakdown
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Etymology of Idioms: Part 4
Be on tenterhooks (waiting anxiously for something to happen)
A tenterhook is a hook on a tenter, a wooden frame that used to be used to stretch out newly-woven fabric while it dries. Therefore the phrase being on tenterhooks represents being figuratively stretched like the cloth on the tenter. Tenter itself came from the Latin tendere, meaning to stretch.
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unitpropaganda · 3 years
howd the “date” go?
Given he's got leave today we're all on tenter hooks to see how him and what's her name....onions or some other posh nonsense.... got on.
I hope she hit him.
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dantiloquent · 7 years
i only watch dan because of colin # sorry not sorry
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La révolution de l'amour (par Rebecca Amsellem - Les Glorieuses)
(Extraits - voir la newsletter en ligne “Les glorieuses”. Je ne suis pas en adhésion avec tous les points de contenu, mais bien avec l’urgence de penser à fond la question des rapports amoureux, comme terrain d’une expression profonde des structures de domination). 
“J’ai toujours été une amoureuse de l’amour, dévorant les lettres échangées entre Maria Casares et Albert Camus, pleurant toutes les larmes de mon corps en relisant Heartburn (Nora Ephron) et fantasmant chaque jour depuis mon enfance la rencontre avec l’âme sœur. C’est avec cet imaginaire que je suis tombée amoureuse, que j’ai eu mon cœur brisé et que je me suis relevée. C’est avec cet imaginaire aussi que je me bats pour tenter de trouver un équilibre entre mon amour de l’amour et mon engagement féministe.
L’amour n’est pas le premier thème auquel on pense lorsqu’on parle de révolution féministe. Ou de révolution tout court d’ailleurs. Devant le visage sombre de la grande révoltée – la révolution, le tendre Éros (« dieu de l’amour ») dut disparaître précipitamment. On n’avait ni le temps, ni l’excédent nécessaire de forces psychiques pour s’adonner aux « joies » et aux « tortures » de l’amour. Pour la socialiste russe Alexandra Kollontaï (« Place à l'Eros ailé ! Lettre à la jeunesse laborieuse »,  1923), l’amour vient en second. Il est le hasard heureux qui vient s’ajouter aux actions plus utiles. Son caractère frivole en fait d’ailleurs – presque – tout son intérêt. Cela ne sert à rien et pourtant, c’est tout. Et pourtant lorsqu’on réfléchit aux rapports de domination dans notre société, on ne peut s’empêcher d’imaginer les conséquences qu’une révolution féministe aurait sur le sentiment qui semble être au premier abord le plus pur qui soit.
Dans une société patriarcale, hétéronormée, l’amour est un sentiment qui entre en contradiction avec des normes dans lesquelles les femmes sont complètement désavantagées. Aussi, ma définition de l’amour correspond-elle à un idéal passé ? À quoi ressemble l’amour dans une société féministe ? La remise en cause du schéma binaire de nos pensées va-t-elle remettre en cause nos modes de vie ? Pourquoi l’amitié est-elle à prendre autant au sérieux que l’amour ? La révolution de l’amour est féministe. Elle est même fondamentale pour la révolution féministe. Les rapports de domination ont dessiné un monde politique, une sphère économique et nos relations sociales. Ils ont également compromis nos relations les plus intimes qui soient, les liaisons amoureuses. C’est pourquoi la révolution féministe, la révolution qui nous permettra d’atteindre une société égalitaire, ne pourra advenir sans une révolution de l’intime. Je m’explique.
Je suis une romantique, je l’ai dit. Une « amoureuse de l’amour ». Les femmes sont – très généralement – des romantiques. Et la raison est politique. Cette adoration est une manière de se garantir un peu de pouvoir. Là où le système actuel donne un pouvoir sociétal, économique et politique aux hommes dans la sphère publique, l’intime fait moins l’objet de luttes.
Dans l’univers genré de Mars et Vénus, les hommes veulent du pouvoir et les femmes veulent un attachement émotionnel et une connexion. Sur cette planète, personne n’a vraiment l’opportunité de connaître l’amour puisque c’est le pouvoir et non l’amour qui est à l’ordre du jour. Le privilège du pouvoir est au cœur de la pensée patriarcale. Les filles et les garçons, les femmes et les hommes à qui on a appris à penser de cette façon croient presque toujours que l’amour n’est pas important, ou si c’est le cas, il n’est jamais aussi important que d’être puissant, dominant, en contrôle, en haut – avoir raison. Les femmes qui donnent une adoration et des soins apparemment désintéressés aux hommes de leur vie semblent être obsédées par « l’amour », mais en réalité, leurs actions sont souvent un moyen secret de détenir le pouvoir (bell hooks, Visions of Love).
L’intellectuelle afro-féministe américaine bell hooks semble vouloir ressusciter les mots de Simone de Beauvoir. Dans Le Deuxième Sexe, Simone de Beauvoir décrit, pour la première fois, que l’absence d’équilibre entre le droit et les pratiques sociales a toujours induit que les femmes n’étaient jamais complètement libres. Ainsi, à Rome, les femmes régnaient en maîtresses à l’intérieur de leurs foyers mais n’avaient pas de position sociale (elles étaient considérées comme mineures, des enfants donc). Pendant la Renaissance, les femmes mariées avaient leur place tandis que les célibataires n’avaient « aucun droit ». La sphère privée, émotionnelle, faisait si peu l’objet d’intérêt par les dominants qu’elle fut laissée à titre de maigre lot de consolation. « Par cet ingénieux système la grande masse des femmes est étroitement tenue en lisière : il faut des circonstances exceptionnelles pour que, entre ces deux séries de contraintes, ou abstraites ou concrètes, une personnalité féminine réussisse à s’affirmer. »
Et cela se poursuit avec notre vision de l’amour. Elle est le fruit d’un conditionnement patriarcal. Nos attentes aussi. Et… les attentes des femmes sont assez basses. Les miennes en premier. Il suffit qu’un homme me regarde pour me sentir exister, il suffit qu’un homme m’adresse la parole pour que je me croie importante, il suffit… non tout cela, c’est fini, c’était avant”.
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party-gilmore · 4 years
I'm literally on tenter hooks for this Misha Q&A like
I love him, so even if it's totally normal I'm gonna love this Q&A
But also
Oh ho *ho* am I hoping for some shade to be thrown.
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problematicwelshman · 5 years
I am tenter hooks waiting for this info. Is there anything you CAN tell us?
I don’t have permission to disclose the DMs and I hate that I don’t tbh because I’m all about transparency here, but the DMs aren’t some kind of damning evidence against Michael at this point. From what I saw, he’s not saying anything that could be construed as negative. He’s being supportive and encouraging with her extracurricular activities and offering her suggestions of films to watch. It’s all seemingly very innocent on a surface level, but the way she exposes it herself isn’t. I’m also scratching my head about why he would reach out to her to begin with. He has to be the one to initiate a DM, so there are pitfalls and red flags no matter which way you look at this. 
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skinks · 5 years
i have a whole ass essay due tmw but i just saw that u dropped ch 15 so😐 guess we taking that late grade lads
god fjsnfjdnhdkdbd I’m so late in replying to this but god what was the outcome. My hooks... tentered. u still in school anon? I can’t be responsible for this
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the-expatriate · 5 years
🏰 - spend the night in a spooky vacation spot
"Okay! So.. we've managed to get a spot in the most haunted hotel ever. And.. don't be too surprised if I end up on tenter-hooks."
Pari said, tossing her suitcase onto the bed and.. trying not to feel a little uneasy. After all, this place had a reputation for all sorts of spooky goings on.
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