#terra nova sentinel prime mention
holos-prim · 2 years
Holos wasn’t sure what to do with herself.
All she could think about was terminus’s cold empty sockets that had been staring back at her.
Her high lord protectors Barricade and Fritz, bless their sparks, were desperately trying to distract her from the incident.
But she couldn’t relax-
Not until Terra Nova Sentinel was perma-dead and no longer at large.
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holos-prim · 2 years
Holos backstory part 1
Holos (prime) she doesn't like to bring up her lineag/HeritageTM because like, her dad was the fallen and he caused an incident.
As in The very first thing this man does when he meets his child is: a) mistake her for a his wife, And b) he immediately tries to kill her.
Love me some prime-ly family ™ DRAMA !
Also alchemist and prima wasn't in charge of the family brain cell when they found her like- dying.
Sooo they somehow convince prima (via ego?) to use the matrix to revive her
But of course because they were not in charge of the family brain so no one thought to ask If they should use it instead of if they could.
And of course this predictively goes very wrong :))
Basically what happened is the matrix broken in half and part of it fused to her spark and because the matrix is over protective of itself, try's to use the spark energy to save itself (killing her), and then
because its hosts existence-, panics yet again and revives her like every few milliseconds.
Which means:
*Turns out your friend here is
only mostly dead. See, mostly
dead is still slightly alive;* - the princess bride
Prima is cranky that his special toy that daddy made for him got broken. 🙄
Primus's dad (godTM) gets fed up with all the drama and gets involved
And decided that it would be cool 1) make her a cyber organic And 2) assign her to serve in vectors round table of knights and train in various ways of kicking unicronian butt.
Then skips off screen never to be seen again.
Because reasons.
So she does that And well…
This poor kid can't catch a break.
Everything that could go wrong does go wrong.
The Predacons die in because unicronn finally used his "it's a surprise tool that will help us (him) later".
And her best maximal friend shoves her into a in a stasis pod only to wake up millions of years later during the "golden age".
Things go chill for a while
It's all good
Except a very corrupt and a messed up Sentinel prime was the one found her and woke her up-
And discovered she has powers.
Oh joy. /s
Because alpha Trion is (technically) the only family member alive, guess who gets to start a custody battle.
Spoilers he just handed the kid to him
"For the good of cybertron".
Maybe he should've stopped reading that book of his.
But I suppose asking him to be self-aware is too much to ask
And so the experiments begin, a few escape attempts happen (including one that nearly go Maccadam killed in the process of helping her.), and eventually settle just has had enough of this kid shenanigans and "refusing" (read as: literally physically cannot) give him the powers and title of a actual prime and sends her to the worst Cybertronian mine ever.
but hey,
She makes a new friend his name is Termmenus
and of course if you know Termmenus, and if you know what happenes to him in messutine…
Then shouldn't come as a surprise he gets severely injured.
Luckily for her (or at least that sentinel's opinion), he is more than willing to forgive her and save her friend in exchange for her "being a good little cog" and all that nonsensical functionalist rhetoric.
And the experiments begin again.
Sometimes when he gets bored of being a torturous jerk he will polish her up and show her off at various fancy parties.
Blah blah blah eventually war breaks out because you know Optimus and Megatron couldn't just get over themselves and get married already.
she would've taken advantage of this rare opportunity to escape however you know there's a problem of a bomb collar that explode if she steps too far away from terra nova sentinel prime.
So this is the part where I should probably mention he has been drinking the unmaker juice this whole time that he might have stolen from tripticon station in a bid for power.
that's totally not going to cause any problems in the future no Sir-ee.
And eventually we get to the part was sentinel dies in the tfp series.
He basically just lets everyone thinks he's dead until he runs into Ironhide, joins his crew because why not.
He just says it was all part of a con scare tactic, no all the reports or false he didn't die(l mean he technically did and he got revived but no one has to know that) drags his "pet" (holos) along and they
go traveling for a bit in Space.
Eventually Ironhide starts noticing some things. Suspicious things.
Like this prime claims to be married to this girl but uh…
Somethings not quite right.
She's a really flinchy, Super quiet, speaks really formal (like unusually to the point where it's just really weird.).
And so Ironhide starts paying close attention and when he starts paying close attention-
He decides to do some digging. And oh boy oh boy does he find something he doesn’t like and grabs on it like a dog with a bone.
One day he bumps into the " happy couple" (was sneakily following them) In the middle of a physical altercation In the middle of a hallway.
And something falls off from a slot in her audial. Grabs that while they are distracted. then he somehow manages by some miracle, Convinces sentinel to let him drag holos off for a private chat.
Ironhide drags holos into a closet And he manages (gently) pry the whole story out of her.
He tries to privately confront sentinel but it didn’t go well for he poor captain.
so he eventually ends up in the med bay after sentinel try’s to kill hide via murder closetTM.
As far as everyone else is concerned a bunch of heavy old equipment fell on top of him and it triggered a paranoia episode for hide.
(If only they knew the truth)
So ironhide bides his time, collecting evidence, planting little inklings of doubt whether or not sentinel is really who he claims to be in the crew.
And after some time he casually gives the data stick to his sparkmate Chromia under the guise of being to old to understand how to transfer data from this new fangled tech.
She goes to ask red alert to help her out with the data transfer while whirl and her are on shift., And in to the rabbit hole they go.
Chromia demands her bonded get there right now and explain himself dangnabbit!
After a heated conversation between whirl, red alert, Chromia, and ironhide the come up with a plan to get Holos off the ship and away from her not-husband ASAP.
Phase 1 begins: separation.
Invite holos to dinner so while red alert pretends there’s a security issue that she simply HAS to show to someone and sentinel MUST see.
Phase 2: convince Holos she’s simply being given a tour of the docks and shuttle bay when they land and they’ll all be right back. (Also get that collar off)
Phase3: escaping.
Things start to go down hill from here…
Good ol’ terra nova sentinel prime has killed red alert and energon is EVERYWHERE.
Ironhide try’s to get between holos and sentinel.
Looks like the ship captain is now a hostage.
After whirl fails distracting the ill doer
Holos uses her outlier abilities for the first time in centuries, accidentally damages the ship, and passes out from the strain.
Sentinel shoots hide with cosmic rust cannon and disintegrates him.
Whirl and mia make a run for the ships stasis pods.
Whirl rushes off to hold the false prime back.
Mia discovers that there’s only one pod left and prepares to shove holos in it.
Holos wakes up and uses her reverse uno card on Chromia and uses her powers to make a shield bubble to protect her, mia, and whirl and they crash on earth.
(Yay we now have a plague ship™️ that will eventually almost kill optimus!)
To be continued…
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