I must of course send the ritual Risem BUT ALSO tell me about TerraNami and if you have any thoughts also Dante/Edmond from Nukani👀
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They are anything you could want (they are everything at once). It can be corruption or redemption. It can be the trauma that haunts you still or the loss of something that was part of you that you find yourself still longing for even if you don't want to admit it. Also, the eroticism of attempted murder is not only contained in trying to kill each other, but in the atrocities you pursue while under the influence of the other.
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I can definitely see where the appeal would be, the ones who can easily have faith in everyone accept themselves, the ones who need a chance to see the worlds (or see them again in Terra's case) to capture the beauty and hope after being locked away. I can see a very sweet, very courtly love and deep devotion forming. I can dream the dream with you.
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I get it, in a distant way. It's the prince (SunLord) and the knight. They share a lot of similar traits and views--which could either make them sweet or drive them to reinforce instead of challenge each other when they are wrong and have them encouraging the worst parts of each other. And either option is fun! You know I'm a softie at heart who likes the quietly endearing couples, but the idea of the one that seems your perfect match making you worse because you are too much the same is interesting to explore. It's not a ship I am particularly interested in as much as I can realize the appeal/potential and recall canon support, but, yes, let this little duo within the bigger clan polycule (because that's what it is, fight me) form their own string in the web of relationships.
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starcharmfunzies · 4 years
my struggle with ships involving Naminé is that I like ALL of them like man there’s no fucking way I can choose just one
RikuNami, RokuNami, SoNami, RepliNami, VenNami , XioNami
hell even fucking VaniNami and TerraNami are fucking cute like BRO wtf??????
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