An AU Where...
All heroes are required by law to help an elderly person across the street at least once every month to keep their licence.
The Todorokis have ongoing attempts to make Endeavour forget to do it.
The league tries to make as many heroes as possible lose their licence this way.
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mapleglasses27 · 3 years
Just a thought
I know that I havent really made anything BNHA related yet, but I was thinking about making a one-shot for Dabi and his S/o were already dating, and some guy tried to hit on his s/o, and she just pulls out a cigarette, and Dabi appears out of nowhere, lights the cigarette and incinerates the guy?
How is it for thought?
Edit - The thought is finally a story!
Link - https://mapleglasses27.tumblr.com/post/667827098329743360/blue-fire-lights-just-about-anything-from
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Support course!Bakugo au
Instead of resenting Midoriya for his lack of quirk, Bakugo's interests switch. Angry at the world and it's unfairness, Bakugo vows to use his quirk to make support equipment for Midoriya.
Bakugo goes to the support class
He's thought of as the weird genius with the bad attitude but great tech.
People assume he can just make chemicals with his quirk and don't realise he could have easily gotten into the Hero course himself, but didn't since his goal is now to make Midoriya a hero.
Many of his inventions involve his sweat and therefore cause explosions. Midoriya earns the nickname, Firecracker from their use.
One time in middle school he accidentally blew up half of his backyard after making a grenade.
During the Sports Festival, Midoriya isn't allowed his gear and so Bakugo wins the competition out of spite.
This au spawned because I thought up a scene where Bakugo angrily fixes Midoriya's gauntlets after class and becomes reluctant friends with the Bakusquad because they followed him to the Support classroom.
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An AU Where...
All UA students and staff are required to participate in the yearly, 'Great British Bake Off' style tournament that Lunch Rush holds.
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An AU Where...
Midoriya has a quirk that lets him grant life to any mechanical creation he makes himself. He gets into the UA Support course and wrecks havoc making sentient robots. So far he has made:
A tiny gold dragon the size of a small cat that spits fire and makes ice by slamming its tail to a surface (he was inspired after watching Todoroki at the Sports Festival)
An armour plated borzoi dog that can sprint up walls and bite various tranquilizers into villains.
A mouse that can transform itself into a usb to send viruses into computers.
A tracker earring, which when needed, can disguise itself as an ant
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An AU Where...
The series follows UA...as a driving school.
Aizawa the driving instructor who doesn't blink an eye if the car gets trashed.
Gran Torino is constantly telling students to drive faster when merging.
Present Mic is the student's favourite teacher.
All Might always has a car way too small for him, but he perseveres because he loves teaching.
AFO runs the rival school but he tries to cut corners and has a ton of crashes with students as a result.
Types of accidents per AFO instructor:
Shigaraki's cars are always falling to bits, on one occasion a student's steering wheel flew off while driving.
Dabi's cars frequently have tires burst and catch on fire before they can stop. He often gets students who like speed much to his displeasure.
Twice's students crash into other cars...a lot.
Kurogiri is a very good instructor who only stays because every other driving school has fired Shigaraki.
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An AU Where....
Tenko didn't fall for All for One's indoctrination when he was taken as a child.
Instead, he grows up knowing that while he can't escape at the moment, he can learn as much as possible about this temporary home in the meantime.
When the time comes for All for one's plans to be enacted, Tenko unleashes his plan: Malicious Compliance.
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An AU where AFO drops quirks like he's a piñata with every hit and he has to choose between taking time to recollect them or leave them to either be absorbed by someone else, or fade into the ether
An AU where when AFO dies the quirks fly out of him (like the souls in the older live-action Scooby-Doo Doo movie), to go find a new host (whether back to the previous holder, if alive, their relative/descendent, or to someone random)
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An AU Where...
Present Mic is a talking cockatoo. He still teaches at UA.
Tumblr media
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An AU Where...
Kaminari's quirk turns himself into a giant magnet. No fork in the kitchen is safe, and he regularly deals with random metal items flying to him.
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An AU Where...
Villains don't exist, neither do the police force. Heroes replace that role.
Result: Fully costumed heros handing out parking tickets, complete with their signature moves.
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An AU Where...
Todoroki Natsuo becomes a successful film star. As popular as he is, somehow his past is shrouded in mystery. He plays it off casually, but the public still snoops regularly.
Natsuo's not good with this saving money thing and needs to accept the next offer sent his way. Which...unfortunately for him, happens to be an adaptation of Endeavor's rise to fame. From debut, all the way to his retirement as the top Hero.
Surely this won't awaken any underlying trauma in him...right??
Todoroki Touya destroyed his past, changed his name and cut contact with his family as soon as he could. Years later, he was dragged by his friends got himself into a stable career as a stuntman.
It's good work, and he genuinely likes it, or at least he did before Shigaraki broke a leg and he had to fill in as his own brother's stunt double. Now, how to avoid that reveal! It can't be to hard...right??
Todoroki Shouto feels as if his life's work for has been for this one moment: being offered the position as a consultant on the new Endeavor movie.
After everything that happened, he still can't escape association with that man.
He has a script, ready to refuse, but then the thought comes, why not have a little fun?
His mouth says yes, and the lies start flowing. "Did you ever hear about the time my Father fell off a boat after forgetting to bring his medication?"
Heroic Inc. is excited. They have exclusive rights to produce an Endeavor movie. The first since after his retirement! Accuracy is the game! Everything must be perfect. Their depiction of the man must go down in history!
Therefore contacting Pro Hero Shouto was a must! Afterall, who better to ask about the previous number one hero than his only child? They didn't dare intrude into Endeavor's peaceful retirement life. Yes! Better to ask his son and successor. But in that case...Was Endeavor really allergic to dolphins??
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An AU Where...
The only student to pass the licensing exam is Tokoyami.
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An AU Where...
Monoma has a pet hamster, it's 1B's class mascot. They have a corkboard with pictures of him in tiny costumes pinned to it.
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An AU Where...
Everything is the same, but once a year, heros and villains put aside all differences and compete in a Great British Bake Off style competition where the winner earns money to fix up public spaces.
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au where they go about canon as normal except they burst out into the mha live action musical songs whenever a plot point happens
Nice, I like it
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