#terrifyingstories: daisy
lingeringscars · 1 year
@terrifyingstories said "i'm not going anywhere. i'll still be here when you wake up." / pairing: alina & daisy
daisy has been kind, kinder than what alina knows what to do with. her life has been fighting for scraps, hiding from the kree, begging for mal to notice her just for a second. but mal did notice them, and alina does not know what to do with the lack of look from him as the kree took her away. they don't know what to do without him here beside her. he's always been a constant, and their heart aches without him. the unfamiliar is not...unfamiliar. but mal has always been beside them for the changes, and now....
she could not even send him a letter.
and then there is daisy. alina grew up with stories of the person who destroyed the world, but it seems impossible with what they have learned of daisy. someone who gives the little orphan girl out of their depth peace doesn't seem like someone capable of such destruction. daisy feels familiar. alina did not even ask for daisy to stay when they make the offer, and it's just another kindness that alina finds come easily from her.
"that's really not necessary." a hard swallow as they try to hide how much it really means. "i know you want to get back..." they really need to stop thinking of him as daisy's mal...but there is no better way to describe it. "you've already been so kind." please, please stay.
meme: characters going to bed and waking up together prompts / status: still accepting
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intohero · 3 years
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☆     —     @terrifyingstories​​  ...  daisy johnson   ;   you fought it hard
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failure  is  a  bitter  taste  in  his  mouth.  frustration  lingers  towards  surface,  melding  and  shifting  with  and  around  an  adrenaline  meant  for  a  fight  with  nowhere  to  go.  it’s  an  inevitability  of  life,  he  has  the  best  team  in  the  universe,  but  they  can’t  win  them  all.  he  never  promised  to  win,  but  he’s  promised  not  to  quit  a  million  times  over.  that’s  the  failure,  even  if  there’s  nowhere  to  go  in  the  moment,  nothing  to  do  but  regroup  and  try  again  the  next  day.             they  will,  he  knows.  
             they’ll  try  again  and  they’ll  go  in  with  more  knowledge  than  they  had  today,  steve  will  have  a  better  strategy,  they’ll  either  win  or  the  routine  will  start  over  again  until  they  do.  it’s  all  logically  information  he  possesses,  but  there’s  nothing  quite  as  grating  as  a  hard  day  lost.
despite  grit  teeth,  the  itch  in  his  hands,  he  finds  it  in  him  to  offer  daisy  a  smile.  small,  but  genuine  all  the  same.  he’s  a  leader,  before  he  is  anything  that  would  grant  him  the  luxury  of  putting  his  own  feelings  above  the  others.  ❛   so  did  you,   ❜  daIsy  deserves  that.  they  all  do,  steve  isn’t  a  man  to  place  undue  blame.  on  top  of  skill,  she’s  got  heart.  it  means  a  great  deal,  standing  next  to  all  the  stars  and  stripes.  ❛   you  did  good,  daisy.  you  should  be  proud  of  yourself.   ❜
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lingeringscars · 1 year
Do you ever start crying bc you miss Bellamy blake so much or are you normal
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lingeringscars · 3 years
he can’t sleep. a phenomenon not uncommon to him, and one that has only grown over the past six plus months. in the beginning he kept track of how many days she was gone; eventually it became how many days without a sighting. that scared him more than he’s ever been able to admit to anyone, but especially not to her. he thinks if he did he wouldn’t be able to stop the flow of emotions that are as far removed from anger as he can get. a love confession after treating her like shit for running away might not go over well. it shouldn’t.
he still doesn’t know why she let him into her hospital bed; all he knows is that it was the most he had slept since she left. things had finally started feeling right between them again, and the deck of cards on the nightstand between their beds was another sign that they were becoming...themselves. he missed them. he missed them more than he’s ever missed anyone or anything. he was tired of being mad at them, and he just wanted his best friend back.
when she offered they watch tv, it seemed only natural to get beside her in bed even when he could see perfectly fine from his own. it had become part of their routine, albeit one that usually came when one was horrifically injured and on bedrest. they watched movies curled around each other and he had to control the beating of his heart so she couldn’t feel the effect her arms around him left.
he doesn’t think he was ever good at that; matters of the heart are some he has never been able to control. getting out of the bed to crawl into his own had been nearly impossible, the cool air causing his hair to stand on end when he pulled the blanket back. he resisted the urge to kiss her on the forehead when he finished brushing his teeth, facing away from them when he finally got into his own bed. typically, he wouldn’t do anything about it, but for some reason after hours of staring at the wall, he concludes he won’t be able to sleep without them. maybe the lack of it made him bold, bold enough that he doesn’t stop himself from gently shaking their arm. under normal circumstances, he would never dream of waking her up with how little sleep she has gotten. driven only by the thought that maybe they were awake too, without the desire to push any harder on their appendage, he doesn’t even bother with the formality of asking if they were awake. “can i stay with you?” sleep. i don’t think i can do it without you.
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lingeringscars · 3 years
@terrifyingstories had to get / pairing: bellamy & daisy
“hey.” his voice is soft as he enters the room, a startling contrast to the volume it had taken when may blocked him from the holding cell. jemma had thought he’d be the only person to get through to daisy, always seeing the best even in dire situations; she seemed to believe he’d come around to her cause. may fell in the category of them all doing things that they have regretted, and he does understand the sentiment. maybe if daisy hadn’t been caught in the line of fire he would have been more open to the discussion, but for now, he stalks off to find her regardless of jemma’s pushing. 
he would have shoved fitz into the wall too for what happened the other day, and his heart breaks seeing daisy. he can see walls closing in around her, and he knows how much being disconnected from her family hurts. fitz was one of the first people to have extended kindness to daisy, and probably was the last person she thought would betray them. her.
the anger he felt previously has dissipated, leaving him with an ache because not knowing how to help. her autonomy has been stripped ever since they learned she was the destroyer of worlds ( sounds more like a code name for a hydra mission than an actual title for her, but for now that remains filtered along with the oppenheimer quote ). they’ve been made to feel like a weapon before, and he knows that he was one of those people. 
he wants to make it known that he’s on their side, but it gets significantly more complicated when he sees them there; he fears jemma might have had the right idea. more importantly, he fears that daisy is losing herself. coulson left them in charge, and he can already see the weight of leadership twisting them. he doesn’t know if he would have made the same decisions, but he does know he has something to say now. 
“jemma wanted me to talk to you.” he admits. “you know how she is.” horribly optimistic that things will work out, wanting to see the best in people even when framework fitz was her worst fear ( at least he assumes ). he now has seen firsthand why he was called the doctor, and it can’t be easy on jemma to see. “i’m not here to make an appeal.” not really. ‘trust me, i would have done worse.” strong hands held him back, but the desire was there. 
he can’t stay away for too long, taking a seat beside her. jemma might have thought he had some sort of boyfriend influence, but he just hopes she hasn’t forgotten that in this mess. his hand reaches out to cover her knee, thumb brushing along the outside. “you don’t have to forgive him.” he’d never ask her to. “but...you did forgive me. and jemma. for wanting to keep you in a cage when we first learned of terrigenesis.” for vocally standing against her mother even before they knew she was planning an attack, for standing against her people, for his anger at her leaving them behind after lincoln’s death. may was right: they’ve all done things that they regret, and they’ve all been forgiven for them. “he was the only one who stood by you.” he protected her when bellamy was willing to turn his back on them, and the reminder is just as painful as what he’s only been told about fitz. he was responsible for the suit of armor knocking him and mack out, pointed a gun at jemma... did...whatever he did to daisy. “i don’t understand what happened. i’m never going to.” they could explain the science behind why it stopped the threat all they wanted, but all he knows is that they opened the door to daisy’s fear of destroying the people she loves again. coulson wouldn’t leave her behind, and bellamy wouldn’t have left without her; he seemed to be the only one who understood why she’d rather stay in the future. “i don’t know who this fitz is but...that guy...he’s in there somewhere.” maybe bellamy just has to believe that himself. maybe it’s the only thing that stops him from turning on the rest of the team to get to him. 
“you got me, but daisy...be careful.” if she continues on this leadership path, she might lose everyone else. “i love you, and we are going to figure this out.”
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lingeringscars · 2 years
@terrifyingstories / ❤️ / starter call / bellamy & daisy
he believes her. it’s the first thought he has when she tells him some insane story about this being a fake world. maybe if it had come from anyone else, he wouldn’t have been so quick to believe it, but it was skye telling him. it wasn’t skye though. he knew them..kind of. skye who wanted to live with ward, skye who was very bullheaded even in the face of what hydra has done. someone with that kind of guts was to be admired.
they were admired by many. 
but bellamy always wanted more, just never let himself get close enough because it would distract him from the mission to rid this damn place of hydra for good. they were wards target, anyway. he was going to flip her or not at all. 
this wasn’t skye though, just what he always knew she could become. her shoulders were a little straighter. they believed everything they were telling him, and he knew skye’s mannerisms well enough to know that this wasn’t it. they were more confident. they were more powerful. 
they were hot. 
“look. if what you’re saying is true, then why don’t we remember any of it?”
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lingeringscars · 2 years
hope is the only thing they still have. 
mack lost hope, and that is what got them into this situation. deke couldn’t give a damn about anything but himself ( okay, maybe bellamy didn’t believe that anymore, but he sure as hell did believe he was a selfish tool that sometimes cared. people once described him the same way ). he trusts deke as far as he can throw him, and knows that if deke knew the plane was going to disappear, he never would have come. 
but today, deke gets the points for going after Mack. today, deke made sure mack wasn’t alone in this grief.  
hope is the only thing he has. 
hope that daisy is alive. hope that daisy will come for him when, and only when, she’s healed. 
it’s not hope that tells him she’s coming for him. that’s just daisy. 
daisy who promised him she’d never leave him behind again. daisy who made it clear that she would come back. daisy who... who would have gone after him on a sinking ship if it didn’t put anyone else at risk. she was going to find a way to get them back. 
mack didn’t want to hear that; mack didn’t feel like hearing anything. deke and him would exchange shifts, make their way over to mack and wellness check the hell out of him. bellamy worked multiple jobs, but there was still a part of him that knew it was easier than it would be when they got back home-- when he and daisy started looking for a place (hope). 
maybe he could buy a house now, and 20 years from now it would still be in his name and ready for them. he doesn’t know how the time travel shit worked, but he can hear jemma’s disapproving voice about changing history. hell, maybe he’d change enough the chronicoms will change course, come for him, leave his family the hell alone. 
maybe, just maybe, daisy would have enough time to heal and save their asses.
he doesn’t want that from her, though, and he never has. they save each other, they work together. he doesn’t want her to throw herself into another battle, and he sure as hell doesn’t want it to happen when she can barely stand. 
that doesn’t mean it doesn’t stop him from getting through the days. each day that passes, he wonders if that’s the one they’d finally show up. each day, he wishes they were resting. each day, he wishes he was in her arms. 
he doesn’t lose hope because he and mack are still breathing. he doesn’t lose hope because the idea that daisy isn’t would kill him on the spot. after everything they’ve faced, he has to believe that sousa got her out in time. he has to. 
mack wears his patience thin, but bellamy continues to arrive. he continues to press, waiting for some kind of response. the day comes when he tells mack he thinks he has enough money for an engagement ring. 
mack doesn’t have hope; mack thinks they won’t see daisy again until they’re back in their own time. 
bellamy continues on, asking about different sizes and what the hell different cuts even mean. princess doesn’t feel right for daisy. emerald? are they royalty? what does any of this mean and does it even matter ( of course it matters, though. he needs to find that perfect ring. of course it matters. it’s what he’s going to give daisy when he sees them again ). 
he finally settles on one, and he already knows that he’s going to tell her that he can get another. or he can throw it out if they’re not there. he already knows that it’s not enough to show how much he loves her, but holding it in his hand, it continues to give him hope for their future. daisy is going to get them; they’re going to go home. he and daisy will get married, have ten kids and whatever else they want. 
deke figured it out. bellamy won’t pretend it doesn’t bother him that it wasn’t him that got mack out of the house. he won’t pretend like he isn’t relieved to know mack will be okay. with mack comes routine. with mack comes duty and purpose. bellamy doesn’t need the hope as a lifeline anymore because he’s occupied with a task. 
he sees elena, may, and that hope shatters. for just a moment, the world loses focus. he should be elated; they’re here. they’ve come to get them back, but he can’t hear a damn word they say because all he can see is that two years have passed and daisy isn’t here. she is not the first face he sees. they’re not in the room at all. they’re not present, and daisy never would have let may and elena come without her. 
everything he’s been holding onto the past 2 years slips away; his lips go dry and numb, he can’t find any words to say. his feet won’t move even though he can hear may telling him to hurry his ass up. it’s distant, more like a memory than something that is happening right now. it couldn’t be happening right now. if it is, then that means... 
“daisy..” he finds his voice, and it sounds hollow. parched, like he hasn’t had water in 40 days. he squints at the light as if he’s come back from a desert planet of his own ( and hasn’t he? without daisy? isn’t that the thirst he hasn’t been able to quench ).  
“alive.” it’s all he needs to hear, and may knows that. may never minces words, and she’s not trying to now. she knows how to get through to bellamy, and the push on his back kicks him into action. 
“awake?” so maybe it’s not all he needed. 
“not if you don’t get your ass on that plane.” he almost smiles. almost. hope. there’s more that may isn’t telling him; she’s not a liar but she’s smart. she won’t go into detail here because that would compromise the mission. she won’t hide it either. he’s going to get back to daisy, and they’re going to figure it out. he knows by the look on may’s face that daisy is far from okay, that it’s maybe as bad as he left. knowing that it’s barely been any time at all for them makes his stomach clench, though. daisy hasn’t had time to heal. it hasn’t been two years, it’s barely been two days. he doesn’t have time to worry about what that means for them.
he asks a few more questions about the plane, about what they need to do, but he’s moving the entire time. he keeps moving. he’ll always keep moving until he finds his way back to daisy. 
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lingeringscars · 3 years
Concern mars her features as she begins her search. It’s preposterous to think that she has abandoned the base again, but they have had their fair share of kidnappings from it. there was nothing on the coms or the feeds to suggest that daisy was anywhere but on base, but it had been hours and no one has seemed to see them. naturally, jemma decided that she must be the one to seek out her best friend. first, she checked the training room only to find bellamy, asked fitz about their location, checked the kitchen and stumbled upon the car that fitz recommended. None of them yielded any results, so the only option left before asking may was to check daisy’s room. 
her heart sinks when she doesn’t see anyone. “daisy?” her voice comes out, soothing and questioning before heaving a sigh. she really did not want to have to go to these measures; alerting the base to their disappearance would only cause more problems with fitz and bellamy that she would have preferred to avoid. fear outweighs how their foolish brains decide to react, however, and she must push through to find her favorite person. it’s only as she’s closing the door that she’s certain she heard a sound coming from the closet. it breaks her heart to hear the muffled sobs, and her own eyes fill briefly with tears as she knocks on the door. “daisy?”  
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lingeringscars · 3 years
@terrifyingstories said  💬 / pairing: tyler & daisy
“i don’t need you to protect me. i protect myself. i always have.” he all but growls at her. he’s been trying to tell them for weeks that he’s a lost cause, that he’ll only end up hurting her, that they needed to back off. he had to pull back when that group came looking for her already, and it was easier to push back than to accept that they’re for real. they are one of the best people he’s ever met, and he’s afraid of screwing that up. “why do you keep trying to help me?”  
meme: send me 💬, and i’ll use a line from a sentence meme i’ve reblogged to make a starter for you. / status: accepting
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lingeringscars · 3 years
20 months. it would have felt like a lifetime even if he wasn’t away from everyone else he loved in a time period that isn’t his own. he thought six months wondering if daisy was alive and okay was torture, but he didn’t know real hell until now. he doesn’t regret going after mack, not really, but he does regret not being next to her the entire time. 
20 months felt like a lifetime, but he had hope until he saw may and elena.
they were going to find him; daisy was going to find him. 
daisy wasn’t there, and it was like...every vibration they could have tapped into stilled. daisy wouldn’t have been able to feel him in that moment because he wasn’t sure he still existed. he couldn’t possibly exist in a world where she was dead. he would have felt it, but if daisy wasn’t there...
until may was nodding at his unspoken question and talking about there not being enough time. nothing mattered in that moment but getting back to the quinjet to see just how bad a shape she was still in. 20 months.
he doesn’t think about how it’s not the reunion he wants when he sees them. all he knows is that they were standing there, alive, and he started crying before he got to them. paused in his tracks to make sure it was real first. he knew she was in bad shape, but it was even worse than he thought. it didn’t look like they had healed at all. he’ll have to put her back in the healing chamber, but his arms are wrapping around them, pulling them in for warmth and safety and comfort before she collapses. he knows it’s her, knows it’s real, because daisy would be crawling to get to him no matter what shape she was in, even if he would protest like he will soon. “you’re alive.” he wasn’t so sure. “you’re alive.” he’s never letting go again.   
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lingeringscars · 3 years
@terrifyingstories did not said [ REUNITE ] ( having been apart for some time, sender, upon seeing receiver for the first time, sprints to give them a hug ) / pairing: bellamy & daisy
there is a gap in his memory that he keeps probing at. with the nature of their lives, it isn’t the first time he’s forgotten something out of shock or pushed something to the back corners of his mind because he didn’t have the time to deal with it. he’d like to think daisy wouldn’t fall into that pattern, but she did. she had since she was skye; he didn’t know how to allow himself happiness, nor did he want to focus on something that could bring him it when the world was in chaos and the people he loved were in danger. if not for her kissing him after the framework ( if that was real; she said it was. it’d be like the framework to convince him it was because it was all he wanted ), he knows that it would have taken much longer for him to admit to her how he felt, if ever. 
when he finds himself alone in a room, his first instinct is to get to her ( it’s always his first instinct; searching, searching, searching and sometimes landing ). one second they’re raising linked hands, and the next he’s waking up without her in what he’s certain is not a jail. it’s too easy to get out, and it doesn’t take long for him to run into some of the other members. none of them have seen daisy, though. pressing his fingers into his palms three times, he sends out a call to her. while he hopes that she’ll hear it and come find him, he wants her to know that more importantly, he’s searching for her. 
he ignores the pain in his knees from the rough landing, hobbling through the corridor. maybe it’s a sign that he’s in distress, but the truth is that he’s more concerned with finding them than he’d ever be his own pain. he shifts his weight enough when he starts running to not put as much pressure on it, even if it results in a weird jolting movement. “not without daisy.” he says to the rest of the group as they search for coverage. he refuses to hide usually when they’re under attack, but even he sees the benefit of assessing the threat, but he refuses to do so without reaching them. 
there’s a small smile on his face when he hears someone hit the wall, and he knows that daisy has found them all. his own searching fruitless as he whispers a “daisy.” and makes his way over to where he knows they’ll be. so certain that was a sign that they were around the corner, yet when they finally come into view tears spark his eyes. she gets to him before he does, but he responds by wrapping his arms tightly around her. 
then their lips are on his, and he’s never been more grateful for a kiss in his life. it furthers that what they experienced was real, and he responds in kind. pressing into daisy even as they remove their hand to fire at another incoming threat. where the hell are they? the thought has to wait a moment for what feels like a more pressing issue. something that could easily be brushed aside in their current circumstances, but he finds himself wondering anyway because she makes him happy. “so we’re still...?” breathless against her when they pull away. doing this? an item? in love? they all fall away as he looks at them, looking for the confirmation that they’re allowed to have this.  
meme: "TO BE HELD” PROMPTS. / status: always accepting
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lingeringscars · 3 years
any char you've ever written, obviously, but christian, bellamy, spencer, jake, layla, harper, and tyler in particular off the top of my head
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lingeringscars · 3 years
I am gonna kinda piggyback off @terrifyingstories for a moment. Like with octavia, alina struggles with her relationship with gender identity. So much of their past is hidden, with just flashes of memories occuring every once in a while that makes them question what are real and what they've made up. Then she gains the identity of the sun summoner, and this comes with pressure that she isn't prepared for.
Suddenly people are looking to them as a saint, as someone that can solve their problems, and to rule. The only constant in their life has been mal up to this point, and even that has not been consistent because of his time in the army and their turbulent relationship.
When it comes to her gender identity, it feels like another added weight because she's gone from the quiet, mousy, sickly girl to someone that shines like the sun, absolutely intended. She's envious of zoya and genya who seem so secure and beautiful and everything a woman should strive to be. It complicates things for her ( on top of figuring out her sexuality ) because she doesn't connect on this level but almost wants to. To fit in, to belong, but she just feels like she's being put on display.
The show aspect makes her hyperaware of her body and makes her even more uncomfortable. With mal gone, it also doesn't feel like it's possible to talk about feelings related to not connecting to womanhood. Whether it's because she's not used to the pampering that comes at the little palace or because it just feels wrong to be regarded and perceived as a woman. Mal has always fit in better than them, and it has always been something they were insecure about. They did not have connections outside of Mal and the only place they felt comfortable and themselves was with mal.
In aos with @terrifyingstories daisy, it allows for the opportunity for alina to see this person who looks like them, has powers like them, and also identifies as nonbinary. It's incredibly important having this connection for alina to fully grasp her own gender identity and understand the little flutter in her chest when people refer to her with them pronouns.
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lingeringscars · 2 years
bellamy, callie, adrian
okay this is gonna be mostly rp and therefore @terrifyingstories based
rose. this was one of the best things tiffany and i have ever done. they're just perfect for each other?? they both have these outbursts and believe in justice and fight for their people. they're willing to do anything for their people. don't really have identities outside of their job and people. but then they find each other and are able to find themselves! they're partners! in every way! they share with each other and are vulnerable with each other and put EACH OTHER first which is not allowed in their society. but they do! they make space for each other and heal and are EVERYTHING.
daisy. they are almost the same, except that daisy has a way of taking every situation and finding something good in it. which is something bellamy cannot do. also daisy believes in freedom of information, while bellamy thinks that some things are better kept secret for people's safety. he doesn't quite understand or believe in people coming together to help each other if they have all the information. which makes sense when you remember that the system killed his mother and locked up his sister in canon and this is just tweaked a bit in a.os to still work. anyway they're each others best friends and instantly connect to each other and daisy pesters him until he's opening up to her, too. they love each other so much and get married and have a bunch of children and a dog. both grew up feeling unwanted by their parents ( even if bellamy ignores all this <3 ) and raise these kiddos w/ so much love it's so beautiful. they're stupid and take a million years to date despite being in love the entire time too.
gina. in canon this is bellamys what could have been. she dies when he asks her to stay behind hoping that it will keep her safe :((( they're very tender and bellamy isn't in love yet but cares about them SO MUCH and thinks that they're the brightest light in the world. we have our own gina lives au where clarke comes back from the woods and bellamy and gina get married and have three kids <3
already answered callie and nothing to add! which means everyone in rp should ship w/ cal
sydney. MY LIGHT IN THE DARK. THE CENTER WILL HOLD / THE CENTER IS US. YOUR EYES SAGE. HE'S DONE EVERYTHING TO ME. anyway they're perfect !! truly ! mead has the capability to do so good and so bad. if she could just stick with the good then everyone would be s/ydrian (and eventually c/hrissa which i will get to). they bring out the best in each other. they want to be good for the other because they are inspired by them. they want to be the best versions of themselves. forbidden love. they are excellent.
rose. right person wrong time. rose's life is hell, and adrian really should never should have asked her to be in a relationship with him. like... he didn't know how serious her past relationship was and def didn't know what happened while she was in russia but .. still.. bud.. still he did love her and she did love him. they just weren't in a place where that could matter or work out. they mean the world to me though.
buffy. yes you read that right. buffy!! adrian loves her so much and will keep on loving her. he will go as slow and she needs him to, and she also inspires him to be better. he loves her so much, even if he is an evil monster that she was born to kill. he makes jokes about glistening in the sun hoping to make her laugh. he loves her laugh and everything about her and that makes me GIDDY. them <3
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lingeringscars · 4 years
@terrifyingstories said 🎁 for a spotify wrapped based starter / song: Love Letter by Nina Nesbitt
“I tried to make it work, gave a million chances” they didn’t break up, and maybe that’s what had kara romanticizing their relationship. it didn’t end, and she couldn’t face the agonizing reality that she had maybe sent mon-el to his death. she did fall in love with him, and she doesn’t want to remove that from their past, as hollow as it may feel now to see him standing in front of her with little love for her. she had to fight just to get him to care about anyone but himself, and now he was the person she always knew that he could be; the person she hoped he had become with her, but she realizes how that he never did. 
“that’s the worst part, actually.” she can’t punch her way out of this, but it doesn’t stop her from wanting to try. it felt like all hope was sapping out of her, but maybe now that she’s been able to confront how unhappy she was with him, how she felt like he second-guessed her at every turn or lied to her and made her feel in the wrong for being upset. “i treated him like a job.” she does regret that, too. she spent so much energy trying to change him, but that never should have been her job. “and now he’s the person I always wanted, and he’s married. married.” she leans back on the couch with a sigh, pulling the throw pillow over her face. “the universe sure does like to laugh at us.” she never could have predicted the way this year was turning out, and she hates feeling like she’s losing hope. “i wanted it to work. i wanted to believe that our love was strong enough.” she wanted to believe that she was capable of being loved, too. she wanted to believe that was something that she deserved outside of just saving the world. she loves the people of her home, and this is her city, but she isn’t just supergirl. how many times has alex reminded her that kara danvers is where she gets her strength? “it wasn’t, but...maybe that can be a good thing. I want it to be a good thing. I want it to mean that maybe.. maybe I can move on now.”
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lingeringscars · 3 years
@terrifyingstories said ❛ all this protocol crap doesn’t matter to me. ❜ / pairing: bellamy & clarke
his lips quirk up into a small smirk at her words. he’s seen her strip her good-girl protocol following persona just like he stopped acting like the only person he cared about was himself. even still, there was something about her saying it out loud that amused him despite their dire circumstances. he had misjudged her, but he had figured that out a few days onto the ground. she still found ways to surprise him, though, and he knew that she would do what was right for their people. he trusted her more than anyone who had come down with the ark, and it was her that he looked to when it came to discussions about their people and how to bring them back. 
he could only sit around so long knowing that they’re in danger, and he was fucking tired of the ark acting like they understood what was happening on the ground. they’ve been here for all of one minute, while it was the delinquents who fought a war and lost half of their people. he couldn’t waste any more time knowing that they were in danger. “then what are we going to do to get our people back.” 
meme: daisy johnson sentence meme / status: always accepting !!!
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