#writing: melinda may
apocalyptichearts · 4 months
do you think, maybe, there’s a universe in which may and coulson got to raise daisy as their own…? a framework even?
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hecckyeah · 6 months
scars we cover up with paint
(or: Daisy just needs her mom May)
(Agents of SHIELD, post-canon, MayDaisy mother daughter bonding time)
The first warning sign she should have picked up on was the clenching, gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Melinda May had been out of field duty for so long, she just attributed it to indigestion.
There was a time, years ago, when every warning bell in her body would have picked up on that noticeable gut feeling. That feeling meant action. Danger. Act fast, or else. She had once been able to quickly sort through the causes of it, just by scanning her eyes around the room or noticing discrepancies in her surroundings that her subconscious had picked up on before she could register them.
She would have been checking in on her team when that happened, going through names on her phone and knocking on doors, one by one, until everyone was alive and accounted for. And then she would find out what her intuition was telling her. 
That was her past life. That was always being on the move, never predicting the next tragedy, never being able to keep her family safe. 
That was then.
This is now.  
There was no reason for it. Unless one of her Academy students was secretly harboring evil intentions, the feelings were simply natural and meant nothing.
But now, even with a stomach full from lunch and a good book in hand, the discomfort persisted. 
I’m going crazy . 
The warning bells continued. She shifted in the chair, hoping it really was just a rare bout of indigestion. Even stood up, stretched her arms up toward the ceiling, then down, folding herself in half until her arms hugged her knees. Stretched from side to side, twisted her torso.
It didn’t help.
Which meant it was probably time to panic.
The message came before she could pick up her phone to call Mack.
It really wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. Simply an update from Agent Payne, assistant head of the space exploration program, explaining as requested that the Zephyr Three just touched down and that the agents were currently being examined at the SHIELD medical facility in Charleston, South Carolina.
Melinda remembered, with a pang, that this was officially the end of the small team’s last mission. After five years flying missions for the space division and at least that many trips around the galaxy, the Zephyr Three and her crew were finally Earth-bound, permanently. 
“I’m ready to leave space travel to the younger kids,” Sousa had joked last year at their annual Framework meetup. “I’m like a hundred and ten – You guys think I deserve to retire yet?”
May had seen the emotion-filled look Daisy sent her husband, probably thinking she was being subtle but failing valiantly as usual.
If anyone deserved a nice life of low-stakes office work and training recruits, it was those two. Daniel and Daisy. 
She returned her attention to the phone screen and Payne’s message. Glanced over it one more time. 
In getting lost in her memories, she had missed the end of it.
Zephyr 3 just landed, the message read. The crew’s headed to the SCMSC for their workups. All healthy at first glance, just tired and ready to be on solid ground again. Don’t want to worry you.. but your girl is anxious to see you. Might be trip related, maybe not. But she asked for you a few times. Let me know if you want a ride down here.
May paused. 
Your girl.
She knew Payne was referring to Daisy. It was widely known in SHIELD that the small team had a special, unique, altogether unbreakable bond that rivaled that of even the tightest-knit family. It was forged in the years of insane trials they’d gone through – Events that would have destroyed any weaker souls. They’d lost the people closest to them. Almost lost themselves hundreds of times over. No one could go through all that and not come out changed.
Coulson had sometimes referred to Daisy as the daughter he never had. And although she rarely said it, May had always felt the same.
Your girl.
The girl she’d trained. Protected. Held up when the universe seemed determined to destroy her. 
Daisy had never needed May. But she’d always chosen her. 
Chosen her to be the mother figure she’d always dreamed of having. 
The next text message followed, with perfect timing. And even before she could see the sender’s name, she knew it was from Daisy.
Hey May. Payne said he’d update you, but I’m thinking he’ll downplay things. Need my S.O. right now. Please tell me you’re free. I’ll tell Payne to send the jet.
No emojis, no exclamation points, perfect punctuation, and she hadn't called May her Supervising Officer in years . Something was very wrong, and the thought sent a hot stone down to the depths of her chest. 
It only took her seven minutes to pack a small duffel, all while on the phone with Payne, arranging pickup. He also promised to personally call the Academy for her and arrange for a substitute for a few days. She thanked him profusely for that gesture. 
Finally she locked the door behind her, stepped out onto her front porch, let out a deep breath, and set her jaw.
On my way, she texted Daisy. Hang in there. I got you.
read the rest on ao3
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thingsasbarcodes · 11 days
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2x07 - The Writing on the Wall
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carebooks · 3 months
am i the only one out here disappointed by the edits on yt made with taylor’s ‘who’s afraid of little old me?’
it’s has such a female rage quality to it, so when i see a character like paul atreides, anakin skywalker, the JOKER being used for that song— it’s like no one ever listened to it.
the song isn’t about going down the bad path or becoming a villain, it’s about someone who after being pushed to the edge so many times, being withheld from things, and not getting a choice. she’s called crazy and it is because they’re doing it to her intentionally. she played the game too well that they had to put her down in order to control her again.
but she doesn’t let that happen. she finally breaks away from it, she realizes they’re afraid of her and she can use that. and she learned from them, so she can use that too. it’s a quiet build up and despite what people think that it’s a villain-era song, it’s more about putting on this villain-looking cloak to protect yourself from what’s happened.
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rudikawhy · 1 year
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Two
While watching season two, I took some notes of my thoughts. I only started on S02 E09 so before that there isn't too much.
Sorry, this is going to be mostly Fitzsimmons but you can't really blame me, because it's THEM
But first, two last things for season one "I couldn't live if you didn’t" "Well, I feel the same way. There has to be another way." "You're taking it" "Why would you make me do this? You're my best friend in the world!" "Yeah, you're more than that, Jemma" seems to now live in my head
Also the desperation and intensity in Jemma's voice, while Fitz's is so calm and kinda trembling, but both are absolutely heartbreaking in their own ways
But now to season two:
Fitz having trouble with words is both absolutely adorable and heartbreaking
Bobbi reminded me at first of the person (?) from Asgard who helped them get Lorelei
I am curious why Hunter says that his ex-wife was so horrible because so far, I love Bobbi
I just can't shut up about Fitz. But no-one I know in real life would know what the hell I'm talking about, so I just think about him and write about him
(S02 E03) When Jemma wakes up by the sound of her alarm and the song started playing, I thought "Hold on, I know that song", and yes, I love "God help the Girl"
Also it's kinda ironic because it says "God help the Girl, she needs all the help she can get" just as she steps into the lift which brings her to her work at Hydra
(S02 E04) Hunter: "Guys, drop everything!" Fitz: "No, this is worth a fortune. I'm not gonna drop it."
(S02 E07) "Would anyone like to leave before we get started" I would have raised my hand too
(S02 E09) Mack: "A Storm's coming" - Fitz: "No, weather's fine, actually. There's not a cloud in the sky. I checked."
[Jemma knocks on table] "That's not wood, is it?"
Why is literally any conversation Fitzsimmons have killing me? The "I can work for you, I just can't work with you"? I beg your pardon? How am I supposed to accept that?
"Come home, Jemma" (S02 E11) HQ's their home :D
Fitz's hands trembling :(
(S02 E12) This moment when you recognize the face of the woman that came from the ocean but can't recall WHO it is (Lady Sif)
Fitz seems so left out when Jemma tells him about them changing the ICER
Why is Jemma saying "Sir, the boys were right" so funny to me?
Nooo, Coulson said "Fitz and Simmons", they're no longer one and the same
I mean I agree that it wasn't right that Fitz lied to the rest of the team about Skye but please, can Fitzsimmons just be at least friends and work together
(S02 E14) Jemma: "Oh, Fitz!"; Fitz: "Well, don't 'Oh, Fitz' me!" - I kinda waited for him to say that
I am so confused by this whole "real S.H.I.E.L.D."
"No, it's not that. You're afraid 'cause of what happened to me and Skye, how we both changed. But you know what the scariest change is, Jemma? It's you." You know what? At this point maybe I don't want them to talk at all anymore, if every time they do, I just sit there and think "Why are you doing this to each other?"😭
(S02 E15) "I told you, Leo,[...]" Okay, Jemma, this doesn't feel right, calling him by his first name, I regret asking in the first place
I am REALLY confused by the real S.H.I.E.L.D.
I'm glad that even Fitz puts the USB in the wrong way at first
Did Fitzsimmons finally make up when sitting on the ground by the table when "real S.H.I.E.L.D" attacked?
(S02 E16) Don't do this to me, Jemma, don't say you want Fitz off the plane!
Don't leave Jemma alone, Fitz!
Okay, I've changed my mind. Apparently there was a plan behind Fitz leaving that I didn't catch. ("Nice work, Jemma")
Also: Proscuitto + Mozzarella, Be Safe! Love, Jemma 🥲 - The world's most dangerous sandwich is back
I know it's actually a bit late but I have honestly no idea what S.O. means (I suppose it doesn't mean Significant Other) (Rewatching parts of season one reminded me - Supervising Officer)
I really want to like Bobbi (and I still do) but I am afraid I won't much longer
(S02 E17) I kinda like Lincoln
Skye telling the story about not being anywhere longer than two years despite being 25 (or actually 26) actually brought me to tears
Okay, THAT I didn't expect. That this was Skye's mother
"The Girl. I couldn't save her" I didn't know May could make me cry
I thought that when Fitz was in that public bathroom with Coulson's cube (I forgot the name) that Ward was outside knocking and I already saw Fitz getting captured
(S02 E18) That was quite a run, Fitz, I would have been fallen down at least five times (not to mention my lack of stamina), three times alone on the stairs (I know that others have run more and under different circumstances but still)
I feel for Fitz, rocking his leg, I totally understand
Don't you dare, Ward, talking to Fitz!!
Grateful for Coulson's and Hunter's quick reaction
(S02 E19) Was it worth it, Ward? Betraying S.H.I.E.L.D. for leaving Hydra again like half a season later?
I'm glad Fitzsimmons finally talk to each other again like normal people
"Mistakes were made..." - "By you" "...and people got hurt..." - "By you"
No, I'm not okay. "Be careful, Jemma"😭
"So, how does this work? You just click your heals together and whisper, "There's no place like home"?" Is this a S.H.I.E.L.D. director thing? Quoting The Wizard of Oz?
One moment I really like Skye's mother and ten seconds later I can't stand her
(S02 E21) this whole show is confusing me. Who's on whose side?
Now Gordon too!?
Leave Bobbi alone!!!!
I'm not sure if I like Lincoln anymore
(S02 E22) Nooo, Bobbi!
That's what you've got, Ward! Now your girlfriend's dead
"There's nothing to discuss, Jemma" - "Maybe there is"😢😢 I can't with them
"Science, biatch" I actually squeak-laughed
"We're not bad, we're misled" Aaaaand I like Lincoln again
I need someone asking me out the way Fitz did, asap
I mean I knew what was about to happen to Jemma (I saw a GIF somewhere) but fuck, with sound and context it hurts SO MUCH MORE
Okay, that was it with season two. I know I need to step down a little bit with how many episodes I watch daily (because season two has only been six days), but no matter how much I know that, I just can't stop. But enough with this talk.
It was fun doing this, I think I'll do it again with season three.
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wipbigbang · 5 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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adeathoftheflesh · 1 year
I'm obsessed with the idea of a UWE x reader where the reader is Dimitri's best friend, saw him become a host, and now just follows the team around being a little shit cause they want their friend back.
funky little writing probably sucks lol
"So, (Y/N) was it? When are you going to stop following us around like a pest?" The white haired elf asked in a snarky tone, leering at them.
"I'll stop following you when I either die or get Dimitri back, deal with it, Bitch." They spewed back, returning his demeanor.
"I'm sure that can be arranged." Edred replied as he grasped the hilt of his sword Twillion, a scowl smeared across his face.
Melinda quickly covered Seng's ears, shooting them both an upset look, though Seng hardly seemed bothered. "Will you two just Stop It?!" She half-shouted at them, an Agitated look on her face.
It had been like this for days, the two practically fighting non-stop. Like cats and dogs, verbally brawling each other whenever time allowed. It had been wearing on everyone's nerves, Even Copernicus would let out a loud burst of steam in irritation from Time to time.
The two could only begrudgingly turn away from each other, both glaring at the other from the corner of their eye as they finally continued onward.
Magical elephants, City destroying magic, elves?!? none of it seemed real, but until they got Their friend back, they'd just have to suspend their disbelief. (Y/N) will stop at nothing to take their friend back from the "bodysnatcher" that has overcome his form, and Edred will stop at nothing to make sure they fail (and leave them alone), what will happen next on this great adventure? Who knows!
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scribe-kitsune · 4 months
“That was just a biochemical reaction. He didn't mean all that.” Skye shook her head, “No, he’s a trained agent, he should know how to handle his anger.” She turned towards Jemma, “That was danger. On our plane, with the face of a friend.” She slid her pocket knife back into place. Fitz apparently noticed what she was doing, he practically shrieked “You were going to stab him?” She stared down the engineer, “Something you learn when you’re a foster kid & homeless, always be prepared to defend yourself.” ---- The team deal with the Berserker staff, Skye's trust in one member of the team is rapidly disappearing.
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an-inky-fingered-lass · 11 months
illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs
A collection of non-chronological moments from a different sort of happy ending. Family feels, pointless fluff, and important conversations. Rated G.
Read on ao3.
chapter 1 -- strawberry-stealing squirrel
May blinked contentedly at him, lit up with warm lamplight. “Hm.” 
Coulson got into bed beside her, slow and aching. There was warmth in that too, somehow. May curled up, setting her head against his shoulder, her weight solid and still somehow light against his side. She wasn’t actually reading any more, just flipping idly through pages. 
There was moonlight fading gently through the curtains. It was like they could see all the world’s stars out on the porch, most nights -- but it was chilly out there on this one. The stars would still be there tomorrow.  
“You tired?” 
May’s voice was soft. She was in better shape than he was, these days, because of course she was, but the hot water bottle half-tangled in blankets said she ached, too. 
“Mm. A little.” 
Tired meant something kind of different, these days. It was the years weighing down his bones, the way everything was somehow going so much faster the more they slowed down. It was a good feeling, most days, the way certain kinds of melancholy wrap around you like a blanket. 
May hummed again. 
“How are you feeling?” 
That slight shift of her weight was surprise. May leaned over to put her book down before she answered, switching off the lamp. She still insisted on sleeping on the side by the door, still carried those old specialist reflexes; unlikely reaction times and the almost cat-like effortlessness to it. He’d lost most of that to those months of deterioration, years ago; but the vigilance, the automatic, constant analysis was still there. They still went people-watching every once in a while, mostly to watch the world go by and be judgy old people in peace (May zeroed in on every leather ensemble that passed and ran background checks on stores instead of people, these days). They’d fought their wars.
May moved slower these days, limped more days than she didn’t, but she could still take Yo-yo’s entire STRIKE team. She didn’t teach much any more, but Yo-yo still wheedled her out to do demonstrations every once in a while. She said it kept the youngsters in their place. 
Phil got to spend every day beside her steadiness, steadfast as the mountains, and that was as safe as he could ever ask to be. 
“A squirrel stole all the strawberries off the plant,” May stated, as she curled up beside him again. Coulson wrapped long arms around her as she huffed, one arm draped warm over his belly. “All three of them.” 
Phil jostled them both with a startled laugh. “That does not answer the question.” 
“I feel like the squirrel.” May told the darkness, and also him, prim and matter-of-fact. The drowsiness in her voice was getting thicker by the moment. “Like I stole something nice and I’m happy about it.” 
Phil was outright belly-laughing by then, trying to get the blanket untangled from around his ankles without having to sit up to tug at it. So much for philosophizing. May lifted her head in annoyance at all the jostling, dropped her cheek back on his chest once he paused to gasp for breath. 
“Ask me how I’m doing next time,” she muttered, mostly asleep already. “ Please. ” 
“Ohohoho, like hell. You, Melinda May, just told me you feel like a strawberry-stealing squirrel. I am never asking you anything other than how are you feeling ever again.” 
There was no answer. May could feign sleep as well as anyone -- better, actually, since she’d finally trained herself to stagger the length of each exhale so you couldn’t crack the rhythm by counting to it. Phil lay still for a long minute, grinning into the darkness, just listening to the quiet snuffle of her peaceful breathing.
She might actually just be asleep.
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inkquillery · 2 years
spy x family…
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…but it’s ✨ philindaisy ✨
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Finally figured out summaries (which is what I usually struggle with) and timeline breakdown for my MCU Trilogy, I know these stories aren’t my most read stories, but honestly, they are so much of what I’ve planned for other stories all in one series that I am truly loving the process of writing them. The breakdown is:
Story 1: What Gives Us Strength- takes place between 1995 and August 2001 – ALREADY WRITTEN/chapters 69/90 posted
When Natasha Romanoff is brought into SHIELD she has no idea what to expect, after being raised in the Red Room for longer than most people realise, she knew that it would be hard to get away from past, what she didn’t expect was to find someone who not only accepted her past, but loved her despite it, and through that love she was able to gain the incredible extended family she never even considered a possibility.
Story 2: Saving People, Protecting the World, The Family Business- takes place between May 2006- After the Battle of New York (around June 2012) – STARTING TO WRITE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS,
After Spending their lives watching their family dedicate everything to protection the time has finally come for Bobbi, Antoine and Sharon to join the family business. As they Graduate the SHIELD academy together the trio have no idea what they are going to be facing, but they know that whatever happens they will always have their family watching their backs, and because of that they are going to be okay.
Story 3: What We Fight For- takes place post Battle of New York (at least a couple of months after last story, still trying to figure out exactly when)
After the Battle of New York, and the discovery Melinda May made at Phil Coulson’s ‘Funeral’ the entire world has changed, secrets aren’t as secret as they once were. Knowing they are battling against a clock that only they know Inhumans, Agents of SHIELD, Avengers, the family Peggy Carter has built over the last sixty-seven years, must work together, must fight a secret war, to prevent the catastrophizes they know are coming, but that’s easier said than done.
While the summaries don’t give a lot away the main characters in all stories are Melinda May, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, and Peggy Carter, with Bobbi Morse, Daisy, Yelena, Peter Parker, Coulson, Rhodey, Sharon Carter, Antoine Triplet, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Hope Van Dyne, Maria Hill, Fury, Gordon, Jiaying, Kora all playing big parts in all three stories and characters like Mack, Hunter, Lincoln, Pepper, Cooper Barton, Lila Barton, Kate Bishop, Elena ‘Yo-Yo’ Rodriguez all playing bigger parts as the stories go on. (Haven’t completely decided what will happen with Wanda, Fitz, Simmons, Steve, Sam, and Bruce)
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isolus-girl · 4 months
Sunshine and Rainbows
Title: Sunshine and Rainbows
Relationships: Daisy Johnson/Carol Danvers, Melinda May/Phil Coulson
Summary: Skye gets caught looking through the window of a karate dojo one evening. She's invited in to join the class - a decision that will change her life in untold ways.
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agentsofeverything · 11 months
Let's Write Some Prompts!
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hello! i haven't done this before, but i thought that this would help me get back into my writing groove!
below are the characters i am willing to write about (as single character prompts or with more than one character!):
jemma simmons
leo fitz
peter parker
mj jones-watson
ned leeds
melinda may
skye/daisy johnson
lance hunter
bobbi morse
alphonso 'mack' mackenzie
elena rodriguez
tony stark
pepper potts
natasha romanoff
clint barton
once you've chosen a character/s, then it's time to think of a prompt! no nsfw plz :)
send all prompts to my ask box, and i'll do my best to reply quickly!
(lengths of the work will vary depending on the prompt!)
- el<3
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lizzy-bennet · 1 year
every time you reblog aos, it's like the most pleasant little jump scare. silly lil spy show <33
silly little spy show with my found family of soft-hearted secret agents. <3 it’s* my favorite show.
*the highly edited version of it that exists only in my head
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camellia-thea · 11 months
so we've been rewatching agents of shield. i have an exam in two days, and another in just under two weeks. the brainworms, of course, are hitting me.
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samanthaswishes · 2 years
New Fic Alert!
Slipping Through My Fingers
Daisy is getting married, and May couldn't be happier for the girl she cared for. However, she can't help but feel like a part of her is slipping away.
Mama May feels ahead!
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