#terrightmin bros
flamingredanon · 2 years
Haven’t been around so TerRightMin AU, Wilford and Randy discover that Terrance’s headaches are a side-effect to his powers, something they figured out, was bending reality, the more time Terrance spends trying to stick being “normal” or being part of “Reality” the more headaches he gets, so he needs to let out a little bit of chaos.
Though they are surprised he didn’t get Time Powers like Right or Henry.
Wilford figured early on that Terrence wasn't quite related by blood, which is why whatever the CCC did to him, he manifested reality based powers instead of time powers.
Though Wilford and Randy didn't care one bit about powers or blood relations, all three brothers were his sons who he loved and cared about deeply. And the CCC weren't ever getting their hands on them again.
As for Terrence's headaches, Wilford built a special room in the basement of their house where Terrence could literally space out for once a week, helping greatly with the headaches.
When Terrence was young, he would bring Right and Henry with him and they would all gaze at the stars and everything around them. Now that Right and Henry are off doing their own things, Terrence usually meditates in space alone, but sometimes will take his dads with him if they ask to come with.
Though Wilford fainted the first time Terrence showed him the vastness of space, finding the sight so overwhelmingly breathtaking that he just passed out from amazement. Thankfully Wilford can handle it much better now.
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flamingredanon · 2 years
TerRightMin brothers au! But um, it’s like the plot of the Right and Henry brothers plot, with Right leaving BOTH Terrance and Henry, Terrance joins the Toppat Clan and gets dethroned by Reginald, However he does not die due to his Reality-Warping abilities, but pretends he’s ghost and Henry finds out.
Think TCW happens, but Henry is more pissed at Right saying no protest to Reginald about dethroning Henry he goes apeshit, with Terrance somehow jumping out the wall and stopping him from killing their brother.
Henry had tears streaming down his face as he yelled at Right, Terrence holding his youngest brother back the best he could, "Reginald should be asking you about your honor when you left me and Terry at that hellhole to continue to suffer! You are supposed to be my brother, don't you fucking care about us?"
Henry's eyes widen as he stopped trying to lunge at Right "Did... did you even love us?"
Right felt his heart hurt hearing Henry say that "Of course I loved ya. Ya two are my brothers and will always be my brothers..."
"I know I fucked up with not trying harder to get ya two out of the CCC. But Wilford never really believed me and eventually I just accepted it, figuring that ya two could probably escape on ya own."
Terrence decided to speak up, letting Henry go as he did so "We didn't get out of there untill around eight years ago. After you slipped out, those monsters tightened security and sealed up any exit routes."
Right felt even more guilt as he realized that both his brothers were probably still struggling with adjusting to a life without being experimented on, which probably didn't help Henry's trust issues in the slightest.
Ellie found herself chiming in "I don't know about most of what is happening, but I do know the CCC are bastards and... I am sorry for causing this argument, I didn't know that snowball over here had been through what seemed to be hell."
Henry let out a small chuckle at being called snowball "Sorry for not helping you, Miss Ellie, I just... I didn't know if you could of been... or even... I just didn't want to put the clan in danger by bringing a stranger onboard..."
Silence filled the Airship's cockpit as Right eventually let out a cough and nudged Reginald, the man letting out a sigh as he spoke.
"It seems that I jumped to conclusion too soon... and I am sorry to our still Chief, Henry. Ellie Rose, you are welcomed to become a Toppat as apology for this whole mess and Right, I think you need to call up your dads and have a sit down with Henry and Terrence."
Henry gave Ellie a hug to apologize and then hugged Right, apologizing for fighting him. Right hugged Henry back, letting his youngest brother that he did deserve the beatdown and promised to make things right with him and Terrence.
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flamingredanon · 3 years
TerRightMin brothers AU
Christmas special!
Galeforce finds out about Henry’s relatives and decided to invite them as a surprise reunion…
Newsflash…They’re all Toppats…including the parents
Despite Galeforce seeing Henry's brothers behind their parents and away from the tent he and Henry were at, Galeforce turned around and moments later Henry was hugging Right as Terrence ruffled Henry's hair.
Galeforce had to do a double take before Randy placed his hand on the General's shoulder and tell him that was completely normal for them and to not worry about it.
Randy and Wilford sat down with Galeforce after Henry gave them both big hugs and the two dads began asking questions. Alot of fatherly questions.
Meanwhile Henry, Right and Terrence were on the other side of the tent catching up with what they all were doing in life.
Henry went first, explaining that he was a special ops bounty hunter for the Government and he made sure the targets he chose were never Toppats because he knew Right was still in the clan and the Toppats were still family.
Terrence told Henry he retired from the clan early due to his headaches from his abilities and he now lives with Randy and Wilford, helping his dads around the house and finding a treatment for the headaches.
And Right talked about how he was second in command of the Toppats and while he enjoys his duties there is always that part of him that misses both his brothers.
The three crumbled into a group hug, Henry especially glad his brothers are doing ok.
Galeforce finally finished answering Wilford and Randy's questionings, promising that Henry would get more days off so he could see his family and he would make sure Henry was fed more, not wanting to endure the wrath of two former Toppat fathers or the two older brothers.
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