#terry nation i have my eyes on you and i am ready to throw hands
The Hunger Games: Ch. 5
I am finally getting around to writing up thoughts. Life am I right? So I’m not only behind, but starting a bit later on my chapter thoughts. 
Here are my rambling thoughts and emotions on chapter 5: 
"Good news, though. This is the last one. Ready?" I get a grip on the edges of the table I'm seated on and nod. The final swathe of my leg hair is uprooted in a painful jerk.// Girl, I feel you. We’ve all been there. #Noshaveforever
This has included scrubbing down my body with a gritty loam that has removed not only dirt but at least three layers of skin// It’s called exfoliating, Katniss, and I promise, it is good for your skin. If they can do one thing for you, it is this. 
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Okay. Like Katniss, I have a soft spot for her prep team. I can’t help it. They feel like they mean well and I’m a sucker for it. Even if they are prepping her for death.  💀
He gives his orange corkscrew locks a shake and applies a fresh coat of purple lipstick to his mouth.// I wonder if SC thought of the most gaudiest looks and just rolled with it. Probably. But some of these outfit choices just seem so out there that I have such a hard time picturing it. Am I alone on this? My fashion sense is that of a bygone era. So maybe that’s why. What is high fashion? Not me. That’s what.
Octavia, a plump woman whose entire body has been dyed a pale shade of pea green // Why would you want to look like a Sim? Why is that in style here? 
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"Excellent! You almost look like a human being now!" says Flavius, and they all laugh.
I force my lips up into a smile to show how grateful I am. "Thank you," I say sweetly. "We don't have much cause to look nice in District Twelve."
This wins them over completely. // Katniss!! I love you. Never change. I do love how other worldly each party sees the other. Maybe it’s a comment on colonialism in that sense shut up Terri Your English degree is showing BUT how Katniss views them as strange birds rightly so because one legit probably looks like a Sim and them viewing her as NOT HUMAN even though she definitely looks the more normal in the room and I stand by that Where was I going with this? It just feels a bit Two Worlds colliding. Okay. Moving on. 
Just how filthy was Katniss? Like she definitely bathed before coming. Twice in one day. So what is their standard here? I don’t want it because it’s probably too much effort. #lazy
It's hard to hate my prep team. They're such total idiots.// My thoughts exactly. 
I cannot stress how much I love how blunt SC makes Katniss’ thoughts. It feels so human to me and I don’t always see that in writing. It’s nice. 
Am I alone on wondering if Cinna has that eyeliner tattooed on? I don’t know why that’s always my first thought with the second being “ouch.” 
I do love how Katniss is always thrown when her pre-perceptions of the Capitol are challenged by *the few* people like Cinna. 
I saw someone point out how Katniss remembers a lot of details like the stylists and past years winners and their strategies and I’m wondering if it’s more like how I know stuff on like the Kardashians that I don’t really want to know or care about knowing. Just facts living in her head rent free. But she remembers a lot of details on the Games.
He presses a button on the side of the table. The top splits and from below rises a second tabletop that holds our lunch.// The future 1950s ads promised and Disney Channel’s Smart House made those in my generation fear. That or a super fancy automat. 
Unpopular opinion, but I absolutely hate when Katniss goes on about the food and how to make dishes. I think it’s so boring to read. Even one sentence about what everyone is eating dulls me. 
What must it be like, I wonder, to live in a world where food appears at the press of a button?//Okay, I know we kind of already have this luxury to an extent, but I too want to press a button and my food is magically there, in my home, already made. #queenlazy
My heart saddens when Katniss wonders what people do in their free time. She is a CHILD. *cries*
Okay. So I know Katniss has boasted about concealing her thoughts, but is she REALLY good at it? She gets called out a lot by practical strangers. I will cling to my headcanon that she is truly an open book and just believes she’s sneaky like that and Peeta pretends she’s succeeding at later in life. Is this canon? Maybe? Don’t @ me
SC’s commentary of sexualizing young teens and kiddos is amazing and yes, please keep coming at us like this, Suzanne. 
Also those poor, naked children. Not only were they going to their deaths, but they literally were paraded around on national television buck naked. 
I'll be naked for sure, I think...Naked and covered in black dust, I think.//An example of why I just love her narration. I crack up every time at the clear doom in her “voice”
He sees my expression and grins.//A true madman because I can only assume her face is that of horror.
I am still mad at the scaly-looking outfits the movie gave us and how they made her hair look
It crosses my mind that Cinna's calm and normal demeanor masks a complete madman.//He is a madman. We accept it and move on from here
*Peeta enters* *Cue my glee* 
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*He is my favorite and that favoritism will show*
*Listen I am here for the messages on war and our consumer culture SC is providing*
*But I will not hide why I’m really here rereading these books*
"What do you think?" I whisper to Peeta. "About the fire?"
"I'll rip off your cape if you'll rip off mine," he says through gritted teeth.//Don’t touch me. The teamwork they already share. 
Haha I just imagine Peeta has that big smile on his face all “Haha I want to die right now”
THEY’RE LAUGHING. Precious beans. 
I guess we're both so nervous about the Games and more pressingly, petrified of being turned into human torches, we're not acting sensibly.// That or you both are talking to your crushes and are feeling giddy about it. Don’t deny it Katniss. We see you
Lmao Katniss’ enthusiasm for D1 cracks me up
Cinna over here just lighting people on fire and relieved it worked properly. This man, I swear
She calls him dazzling. Be still my heart. 
Also I still don’t understand the true purpose of Cinna presenting them as united. Maybe I’ll get a refresher later on. Is it just to make them stand out more because they’re united? I don’t understand this angle at all. So #SameKatnissSame
Lmao or maybe Peeta’s the one who is all “Idk, but *sings* I wanna hold your hand...” 
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Or not. But you bet Peeta is pumped. He’s not naked on national television and he’s holding his crush’s hand. Peak day for Peeta Bram Mellark, with all things given.
I do hope they are waving correctly. 
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I'm glad now I have Peeta to clutch for balance, he is so steady, solid as a rock.//I’m FINE. Totally FINE that this will be how she views him for the rest of the series. FINE.
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Narrator: She was not fine. 
How absolutely sad that she mentions how the Capitolites took the effort to look in the program for their names. How they waste CHILDREN’S LIVES. 
But I shall focus on her gaining confidence and Katniss Everdeen legit getting caught up in the moment where she is blowing kisses at them. The power of a great outfit, amirite? 
Someone throws me a red rose. I catch it, give it a delicate sniff, and blow a kiss back in the general direction of the giver. A hundred hands reach up to catch my kiss, as if it were a real and tangible thing.//Oh my god. So Extra
Everyone wants my kisses.//Peeta wants those kisses 
"No, don't let go of me," he says. The firelight flickers off his blue eyes. "Please.// I am crying as I think about their interaction in the same square in Mockingjay, when she tries to take the nightlock pill and he stops her. “I’ll never let go, Jack”  
SC can describe Snow however she wants, I will forever see Donald Sutherland and only that. Even when Snow is a teenager I picture Donald. The power of Donald Sutherland.
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I love that she doesn’t realize she’s still holding his hand. If Portia had enough time to spray them down, she’s been holding on for awhile. Katniss, explanation?  👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
"I'm sure they didn't notice anything but you. You should wear flames more often," he says. "They suit you." And then he gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me. // AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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The more likable he is, the more deadly he is.//Yeah, for catching a dangerous thing called FEELINGS. 
Katniss, how does *kissing* him help matters here? You clearly caught wind he was flirting and your first thought was *le kiss* ???????
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These two, I swear
And Katniss is just so smol having to stand on her *tiptoes* to kiss his cheek. #teamsmol
Onward to the next chapter! 
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Tactical Village
Pairing: Jake Peralta x fem!reader
Summary: Y/N gets a little jealous on Tactical Village Day. Rewrite of 1x19.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: mentions of gun use
Tactical Village Day. A national holiday at the nine-nine, and everyone had a different reason for celebrating. Rosa was out for blood, simply because it was in her nature to be. Terry had the stress of raising twins locked, loaded and ready to be released. Amy wanted to prove her skill level to the captain and check out the new handguns (but good luck getting her to admit her obsession with 'finger feel'). Jake wanted "Coolest Kill" and a children's karate trophy. Truth be told, all I wanted this year was to want Jake less.
It's exhausting being friends with the person you're hiding your feelings from, even more so when his best friend Charles thinks everyone is in love with Jake and overthinks all of our interactions. I'd fully planned to spend the day perfecting my tactical skills while listening to Jake explain the extensive backstory of his character as a friend. Then fate decided to throw a monkey wrench into that plan, and unfortunately for me, she was attractive.
"I'm so sorry," Jake awkwardly laughed, letting go of her arms after saving her from falling. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine! I...wait, Peralta? Jake Peralta, hi! How have you been?" I couldn't fight the rolling of my eyes as she flipped her hair over her shoulder with a tilt of her head, grinning.
"I've been good, yeah!" He noticed her eyes flicker over to me and turned to introduce me. "Y/N, this is Nikki Becker. Nikki, this is Y/N L/N, my friend and fellow detective from the nine-nine."
"Pleased to meet you, Y/N." She shook my hand lightly before practically tossing it aside, never once taking her eyes off Jake. "I'm so glad we found each other again! We were best friends in the academy."
I glared at her as my arms found their way across my chest, locking together. "I thought Rosa was your academy BFF, Jake—"
"People can have more than one best friend," she quickly cut in, finally looking at me with a sickly sweet smile and eyes that could kill if they'd given us real bullets.
"Sure." I turned and walked over to where Rosa stood, smirking as I approached her. "Don't say anything," I quickly mumbled as I huffed out a frustrated breath and she chuckled.
"Why not? You were clearly winning."
"What?" I saw her eyes trained on something else and followed them to see Jake joining us.
"Hey, Y/N! Ready to check out those handguns now?" Before I could respond, we were also joined by Nikki.
"Jakey! They have this new gun that attacks through sound that's supposed to be really accurate. Come check it out with me!" she insisted, tugging on his arm as he looked to me with a raised eyebrow.
"It's fine, I'll go with Rosa." I held a smile as he finally let her drag him away until they were completely out of my sight, turning to Rosa with a sigh. "Let's not even talk about it. I don't want Charles to hear."
"He's gone to get a 'cafe con leche', so we've got about ten minutes. But if you really don't wanna talk about it we can draw some hair on the targets, grab some brand new weapons, and pretend we're damaging the vocal chords that produce that stupid voice of hers." I laughed and followed her outside.
The rest of our field testing and target practicing time went by smoothly...for Nikki, at least. She spent most of the time latched onto Jake like a long-haired leech while I spent my time shooting targets until they were covered with thick layers of paint, constantly running out of bullets every time I heard her vomit inducing giggle.
"Dude, are you alright?" Amy questioned when I slammed down an empty gun and reached for another one.
"Perfectly fine, Ames," I replied without looking at her as I shot five straight bullets into the poor target's head.
"Okay, I think you've had enough practice." She turned the safety on and took the gun from my hands, setting it back on the table I got it from. "What's going on with you?"
I parted my lips to answer her, quickly closing them again and turning to glare at giggly Nikki and oblivious Jake as he showed her how to handle a new assault rifle. Feeling sick to my stomach, I faced Amy again and tried hard to paint on a smile that she wasn't buying.
"Why don't you just save his and what's-her-face's time and tell him how you feel?"
I sputtered out a laugh. "Tell him how I—what? You're hilarious. No, I've decided to take a page from Rosa's book. Wait until I'm on my deathbed and then tell him how I feel...or felt. I don't know who I'm gonna like by then. Point is I can't get rejected when I'm dead."
"Y/N, that's ridiculous! You're really going to risk what could be the start of a great relationship? You and Jake talk about everything."
"This is different. There's a very real possibility that telling him how I feel could ruin the whole friendship and I'm just not ready for that, okay?"
She sighed. "Alright, I get it. But at least try to act like you're not imagining that girl's face every time you shoot a weapon." She gave me a quick pat on the shoulder and moved over a bit to work on her own target.
"No promises," I told her as I picked up the gun she took from me earlier.
We were now in our training simulation. Sneaky little Amy insisted that she should do perimeter security with Rosa and Charles because she thinks we would "kill at being the assault team, no pun intended". I think it was just her way of saying "tell Jake how you feel".
Luckily Jake was too involved with perfecting Rex Buckingham in all of his signature move and catchphrase glory to give me a chance to bring up any kind of feelings to him. I was especially thankful I had my back to him when he told me some little fact Nikki told him earlier, because I simply couldn't hide my grimace at the mere mention of her name.
We'd just approached the end of the hallway when shots rang out before I could react. I eyed the paint in my hair and on the wall by my head, frozen in place as Jake took the perp down.
"No one shoots a mate when Rex is around," he proudly stated in his accent with a grin, instantly letting it fall when he turned to me. "Hey, are you okay?"
I closed my eyes tightly before opening them and meeting his. "Okay, so I was going to save this for my deathbed someday but apparently I can die randomly in a hallway. So here goes. I like you. I have for a really long time and it sucks being friends with you and not being able to say anything because I don't want to ruin what we already have. But it sucks even more not being able to have more with you and definitely watching you and clingy Nikki together sucked the most."
He looked at me for a second with an unreadable expression, about to respond just as he was cut off by our radios.
"Peralta, L/N. Hostages in room 409, armed suspects."
"We'll talk later," he assured me with a small smile as he took off down the hall, and I couldn't tell if I should be worried or relieved. 
The excitement of a perfect run and setting the course record along with the odd situation of Jake using Scully's move kept the squad occupied all the way to Shaw's. I hadn't had a moment alone with him since my big hallway confession and I only grew more anxious with time.
"Three shots of Jack Daniels, please." I kept my eyes on the liquor bottles as I waited for the bartender to come back, aware of Amy coming to sit next to me.
"Celebrating or drowning your problems?" she joked and I simply rolled my eyes at her. "Okay I'm sorry for setting you up like that but I just didn't want to see you struggle so much."
"Well good news for you. I don't think I'll be able to struggle anymore if Jake never talks to me ever again. I've officially scared him off."
"I promise you haven't." I froze in place again as he slid onto the stool on my left. "Hey Santiago, can we get a moment alone?" He waited until Amy disappeared before speaking again. "About what you said earlier—"
"Jake, it's okay. Whether you wanna keep being friends with me or if knowing I like you is too much to handle, it's okay. Really. Whatever you decide, I'll find some way to—"
Warm lips landed on mine and I closed my eyes instantly. I waited until his arms wrapped around my waist and found a place to rest my hands on, wanting to confirm that I wasn't imagining a second of this. My eyes fell open again when he pulled away, a little wider this time because I was still slightly doubting what this means.
"I know that probably wasn't the clearest answer so I'll say this. I'm sorry that I let Nikki ruin what was supposed to be a fun time for us, but I can't say I regret it because she helped me find out something I was too scared to ask you on my own." He smiled and pushed his fingers through my left hand. "I'm also really glad you didn't wait till your deathbed to tell me because I would prefer to start being your boyfriend now."
I pulled my hand away and lightly shoved his shoulder. "Take me on a date first, clingy." I grinned and he laughed, quickly handing over some cash to the bartender and holding up one of the shots.
"To the start of something more."
I tapped my glass to his. "To something more."
"To something more," Charles added, grabbing the third shot and tapping it to ours. He downed the drink and pulled us both into a hug before we could react. "I can't wait to babysit your children."
Jake and I made eye contact and nodded, ducking out of the hug simultaneously and locking hands as we walked off. When we were far enough away, we toasted again and drank, staring at each other with possibilities of the future reflecting in our eyes.
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Let us thank our giver of wonderful food on this Monday. Blessed she be.
It was mostly luck that Riku noticed the small form curled in a ball at the bottom of the tub before he turned the shower on, and that he was planning on letting the water heat up before getting undressed.
"What were you doing here with the lights off, Salena?" He asked, gently. "Ripan should have told you the master bedroom and bath are off limits for hide and seek. I'll make sure you get a pass this round."
The little girl remained steadfastly in ball form. "S'not hide and seek. I can't leave. I'm in jail."
"You're in jail?" Riku parroted and sat on the edge of the tub so he wouldn't tower over his friends' daughter. "Now what did you do to get sent to jail?"
Salena uncurled and sat up, twisting the end of her braid around her finger when she spoke again. "Not that kind of jail. I was kidnapped and now I am locked away waiting for my hero."
"And Ripan's coming to rescue you?"  His son should still know better than to involve his and Sora's room in games, but this was kind of cute. Ripan wanted to act out the same kinds of stories he'd heard from his dads. He wanted to practice having the strength to protect what mattered.
"No! Ripan's not a hero!" The tiny redhead was affronted at the very idea. Ripan thought he was so mature because he was two years and three months older when he was really just a butt head. His whole head. Just butts. "He's playing the head of the Organ Nation. He likes playing the bad guy. Dulce is the hero."
"Ripan wanted to be the head of the Organization?" Riku wasn't sure how he felt about that.
Salena patted his leg consolingly. "It's just pretend, Uncle Riku. And it's the Organ Nation. We voted for the name. Ripan went around collecting hearts and now he has so many organs he's in charge. When Dulce beats him, she takes the hearts and throws them into the sky."
"Oh, is that how it works?" Having the concept of make believe explained to him by a six year old brought things into perspective for Riku. He tried to cajole her out of the bath again. "Well, I'm a master of the keyblade so I'm going to set you free and then you can help me find Dulce and we'll all defeat the Organ Nation together.  That's how Guardians of Light do it. We fight as a group, getting power from our friends."
"I know that," Salena insisted. "I'm not four. I'm supposed to stay here though until the real rescue."
"How long have you been hiding in here?"
"Six hours."
"It hasn't even been six hours since your dads dropped you off."
"One hour."
Riku doubted that was an accurate count either, but however long she'd been left was too long. "I promise you I am a qualified rescuer."
"Uncle Sora does say you've been his hero since you two were smaller than us." Salena considered the offer. She knew Dulce had a heroic rescue planned but they could use it next time.
"He said that?"
"At homework time. I asked him if you two had been married forty years because Ripan said his dads--that's you and Uncle Sora--have been married longer than my and Dulce's dads and you are more in love and that our dads may have went away for the weekend to have a divorce because Cecily Almasy's parents got a divorce and..."
"Pause and breathe, honey. Nobody's getting a divorce."
"I know that. They went away to fight a big Heartless and to do kissing stuff in a hot tub," Salena snapped though she looked quite relieved. "So I told Ripan I was going to punch him and Uncle Sora told me not to hit and Ripan not to start rumors. And then we apologized and Dulce said we should get back to math. And then Uncle Sora said 'good idea' so I said 'have you and Uncle Riku been married for forty years?' I'm pretty sure my dads have been married for at least forty  years because they are old. Uncle Sora laughed and said no, and then Dulce and Ripan started fighting and Uncle Sora had to break it up, but then he said that you and he have been in love your whole lives though and you've always been his hero. But my Pop was in love with my Daddy since the minute, the second, the moment that he was alive so I think Dulce and I still win. But you and Uncle Sora are super old and in love too." Salena finally stopped for breath, gulping in air in dramatic little huffs.
It was a lot to parse. Ripan didn't tend to go off on run-on tangents, but it was something Sora did from time to time, so Riku was used to following along with fast-paced, scattered speech. He cut to the chase, guiding Salena back on topic. "So is it rescue time?"
"It's rescue time!" Salena declared, standing to her feet, extending her arm and then yelling "Zing!" before clarifying in a softer tone. "That's my keyblade summoning noise."
They ran off together just in time to see Ripan standing on the couch in the living room wrapped in Sora's terry cloth robe, one wrong move away from tripping over it and falling from his perch, several paper hearts taped to his chest and neck, facing off against Dulce, the wooden keyblade Riku had carved for Ripan in her hand. For a moment. Then, the keyblade was flying across the living room at Ripan's head. Riku had told Axel time and again that throwing his keyblade like his chakrams was a bad habit that would catch up with him one day. Riku hadn’t thought it would catch up with his son first.
Riku dived, too late. The damage was minimal. A knot above Ripan's eye, a bruise. He'd had worse, and was even healing from worse at that time, injuries sustained from the belief that strong wind would grant him the ability to fly. The twins cried more than he did. Sora cried most of all when he heard the commotion and came in from the other room where he'd been on the gummi phone with Donald, despairing that he was a terrible inattentive father. Injuries were tended, stern words about not throwing things in the house or at people exchanged, and ice cream distributed. Crisis averted.
It was the excitement of the night, next hurdle not arriving until the next morning when Salena and Dulce came running into Riku and Sora's bedroom at what felt like dawn, declaring it was time for their hair to be done.
To which Sora responded, "I never saw that horse before!" sitting straight up in bed, and then, a more intelligible "Who's a what?"
"You have to fix our hair!" Dulce insisted with all the urgency it would have called for if her sister's head was on fire and the only way to put it out was braids. 
"I want a ponytail coming out of the middle of a bun except the ponytail hair is curls and I need glitter star clips...Please." Salena was more patient but taking the matter no less seriously.
"Yeah, her hair needs to go in spirals like Miss Aerith. I will have two braids and then halfway down they turn into one braid and there's a bow at the end. Please and thank you." Dulce placed her own order. "We have all our hair stuff in our backpacks."
"It's the weekend." Riku found himself more easily oriented waking up suddenly than Sora. "You don't need to get ready for school."
"Yes, but we might be seen by the public," Salena stressed, making Riku wonder what plans they had for the day.
"How about a regular ponytail?" Sora yawned. "Or loose hair...just...being hair?"
"Hair being hair?" It should not have been possible for such a small body to contain such an air of superiority. Sora was ignored entirely thereafter. "Uncle Riku, you know how to fix hair, right?"
"Of course. I'm a master hairstylist from way back!" Riku lied through his teeth, thinking it wouldn't be that difficult to please two six-year-olds if they had brought enough brightly colored ribbons and bits.
He was very, very wrong. His braids were loose and crooked. His pigtails uneven. He got a brush tangled deep in Dulce's hair to the point he considered wrapping more hair around it and making it a part of the style. It was a disaster and he was politely given up on after several grueling attempts.
Still not the worst thing to happen in the three days. Nothing compared to the close call when the kids dared each other to drink paint.
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