#tesr skywind
ambarys · 8 months
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Sneak peek at Azura’s shrine :)
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mareenavee · 1 year
Hi first time sending in an ask but I always love reading your replies to others! I wanted to ask, How did you get involved with Skywind? It’s such an amazing project!
Hello! Good to hear from you (:
I agree! Skywind is a ton of fun, and a huge labor of love. I've learned a lot from the time I've been on the project, which in the grand scheme of things, hasn't been that long. The people I've worked with and written with have been stellar and supportive, and I'm so lucky to have stumbled into this opportunity!
How did I get involved specifically? Well. I was taking a Javascript class and one of the co-teachers suggested we look for volunteer opportunities to skill-build. I did look through to see what I could find, and saw Skywind. I applied both with some web dev basics (super basic, so that didn't fly lol I still need more practice) and with my writing, because...why not? I love writing. It was before I started my fanfic, and most of what I had on hand for samples were flash fiction and things I'd written for Dungeons & Dragons games.
It took a bit, but eventually a lead contacted me and told me she really enjoyed my written work and had me complete a few tests. One of which was a critique and a discussion of an example quest. Another was to create an example NPC (which was probably my favorite lol) and another was to write example item descriptions. I managed to pass! I was pulled onto the team to write more item descriptions and did for a couple weekends.
Then there was an opportunity to review an old quest and make some changes. I volunteered to edit that and help with proofreading. It kind of morphed into this whole new quest with the help of my amazing cowriters and leads on this particular quest team. Now I'm writing dialogue for a famous NPC and creating written material for enemy journals and thinking through sequence breaks... and most of all learning what it takes to put a quest together with a team for a video game. I'm over the moon, really. Writing is such a lonely sport most of the time, but in games writing, it's all collaborative, all the time.
I know this is just the surface of what I could say about such a project. I'm thrilled to be a part of it, thrilled to have met some wonderful, talented people I hope to stay in contact with moving forward, and absolutely cannot wait until you all get to see how much love has gone into this mod.
Honestly? If you think you might be able to help us out, there's plenty to do. All of it is volunteer based, and the more hands we have with the skills that we need, the better we can be. So if you're curious, here's the page where you can check out how to apply.
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ambarys · 8 months
Check out the latest stream! Lots of progress updates and an overall great stream!
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mareenavee · 1 year
I don't know if this is an ask, or just incoherent burbling, but Skywind! Morrowind, but with the quality it deserves? Skyrim, but with so much more to it?
I've heard about Skywind, mostly the soundtrack dropkicking my soul out of my body. I have no idea how progress is progressing, but I am so ready. I don't think I have any applicable skills to help, but I am happy to cheerlead?
BURBLE AWAY! The project is so awesome. I'm working on a quest with a great batch of writers right now and I also write item descriptions! I've been immensely enjoying the process, and have made a couple friends through it as well! Another writer for the team that I've just met is @tastesoftamriel / @thattalviel! Huge shoutout to her and her amazing work :D
The mod is progressing steadily, but as with any mod project based solely on volunteer hours, there's still a lot to do! You can check the website here: https://tesrskywind.com/ and see if there are any skills of yours that match with what still needs doing. Doesn't hurt to apply :3
Thank you for sending this ask along!
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