#tess is playing AC rogue
eddiestattoos · 3 years
So.... I looked it up and determined how many of these rambling posts I've made (including the sentence long ones when I first started) so anyway.... welcome to.... part.... 60 (I'm not proud of myself lol)
Lois talking about losing her mom I'm already crying
"Tess you said you needed help I thought you meant watchtower not scrapbooking"
I see this is going to be one of those emotional episodes
"This may come as a surprise to you Clark but I've never really identified with any saints"
"They call her granny goodness" whAT?
Yet another time Lois makes me cry
"I left my notebook in the car"
Sweet old granny turns them into viscous assassins. That's about right
Clark literally being knocked off his feet
Powerful? Are her parents the Luthors or what?
Somebody save me
I literally can't read that sentence normally anymore
Somebody saaaaaave meee
Ok I'm done now. Back to regular programming
"I told you to look after him, not slaughter him" well little miss knife hands kinda went ahead and did that anyway
Tess just destroyed knife hands I love her
Lois just goes to the fortress by herself. Why not
"Hello, mr..... el"
"Clark.... I mean.... kal el"
"Clark can't see it with the ghost of your disappointment"
"He's lucky to be rid of you" oh shit Lo oh no
The way Clark motors through the kryptonite to blow the chain down
The way they didn't even show Clark take the girl out they just show him zip up and then she's on the ground and he's beside her
They got holograms not just a voice!!!!
"I don't think he's that easy to read being that he's an ice fortress and all"
Omg she is a Luthor my hunch was on point
"Clark you go reign in flipper"
"Let me guess. You woke up feeling odd with fang marks on your neck"
"I wasn't the first one to sign up for operation guinea pig your boyfriend was"
AC playing with dolphins
"You think cause I didnt check in at the treehouse I'm going rogue"
Ok ac has a wife?
"My dad always said I'm made of more brass than his medals"
Will always love Lo's secret sneaky tactics... the lighter, go queen
Ollie baby I'm stressed
"I know you're in Clark's superhero club. So unless you want a sudden tracheotomy you will tell me where he is"
"For the record you know I was bluffing right"
"Miami in winter. Who doesn't love to snowbird"
"Is this a secret tryout for the nfl"
"I'm human" damn right Oliver I love you for it
Mira just casually strips in front of Lois
"His people like down under and not Australia"
"Little mermaid your friends and I dated for like a day"
"Sorry to interrupt the real housewives of metropolis"
Oliver is literally being tortured by being strapped into a pool essentially and I'm just like..... he's hot
"Unlike the half dolphin over here"
"You're up gill boy"
Will never get over Ollie's weapons skills. Boy just threw a shard of glass at pinpoint accuracy
I love when bullets ricochet off of Clark into the bad guys trying to shoot him
"Underwater you look like a clownfish"
"Your endless optimism is the one thing I actually like about you" how sweet lol
In all seriousness AC's pep talk, yes please
"Seriously, don't make me get out my hair dryer and shrivel you"
"We didn't just get off on the wrong fin"
"That's our boy scout"
"Alright wave runners. Next time you're in town be sure to swim by"
"I'm glad I only booked a one way to Miami. Your arms are a lot better than some seat in coach"
"I take back that whole work wife thing your satellite totally trumps my cell phone"
"Are you seriously trying to tell me that out of all the intergalactic bad boys we've ever faced, this one's actually worse" Oliver 😂😂
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Get to Know Me Meme
I was tagged by @kirarahu, thanks!
Name: I’ll keep that to myself. But I’ll just say, those who’ve known me for a looonnggggg time might remember my old username. It was when I had “hotel” in the name. If you remember the second half, that’s my real name.  
Height: 5’11”
Wearing: Plain old red shirt and pajama pants 
Introvert or Extrovert: Introverted but I have extroverted tendencies. Not a lot but enough so that I can survive a group conversation.
Siblings: 1 
Following: 1,234 (I tend to not unfollow people unless they turn into a garbage human being)
Followers: Oh jeez, it’s at 3,893. 
Degrees: Bachelor’s and headed to law school! So maybe JD in a few years???
Instruments: Used to play piano, xylophone, and trumpet, I know some guitar, and I know how to hit a few notes on the flute. For the record, in high school, I was in marching band, jazz band, and drumline. Not trying to flex, I just want to put some context on why I’ve played so many instruments. 
Favorite author: Don’t really have one. Maybe Tess Gerritsen?
Favorite Star Wars: Rogue One 
Last Google search: Looks likes it’s “yui samidare danganronpa”. I guess I needed to remember who that character was. 
Recommend a video game: Telltale’s The Walking Dead, Danganronpa 1 and 2, Ace Attorneys 1-3, Resident Evil 2, Journey, Mass Effect 1-3, Uncharted 4
Recommend a music album: AC/DC “Who Made Who” aka the soundtrack to Stephen King’s Maximum Overdrive!
Recommend a book: “The Mephisto Club” by Tess Gerritsen 
Recommend a recipe: I don’t really cook so...can’t really answer this. I guess maybe chicken adobo? That’s a good Filipino dish and, well, I’m Filipino so there you go. 
Share a creative thought that you had today: I solved a problem at work today (won’t get too heavy into details as I work for a law firm). Let’s just say, I determined what the issue was and I developed a method to solve it. 
I tag: @araku-validrava, @oddlylovingdreams, @nerdlove4thewin, @angel-starbeam, @suzieloveships, @blackaquokat, @laurengoesforaspin, @serendipitousrambles, @art-stan, @aceattorneigh
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apfelhalm · 8 years
the relationship between shay and monro is equal parts ~problematic~ and endearing and i kinda love it. i mean, monro openly uses shay’s vulnerable and shell-shocked state to test out the waters and lure him in for the templar cause. and while that’s hella manipulative and questionable, i think he also really meant what he did for shay (or he must be a really good actor to fake this much kindness and i don’t think he’s the type for that). is it a shitty thing to do? yes, but i think he was being practical and optimistic at the same time, and over time, actually grew to like shay. hence, the mentor role he had in shay’s life.
plus, shay’s not dumb. he totally went in there knowing (or at least strongly suspecting) that those were templars he was working with, but at that time, had neither the will nor the choice to turn is back on them. he was already a target for the assassins and having another party at his heels was the least that he wanted. and i think he kind of wanted that illusion? monro was nothing but kind to him and gave him a purpose, and to have that kind of security net and safety must have meant everything to shay during that time. i think he wanted to be lured in. (it still awes me that the templars are better at keeping their members happy than the assassin’s lol)
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sylvansoldier-a · 4 years
Get  to  know  the  mun!    Repost,  don’t  reblog.
(PEN)NAME  :  Dani, Leafmun (a holdover from back when Tess was an Epic oc)
PRONOUNS  :  She/her
ZODIAC  SIGN  :  Pisces
TAKEN  OR  SINGLE  :  Seeing someone
———  THREE  FACTS  ! ♡
I love building computers! I learned by watching a lot of youtube videos, and to date, I’ve built two computers for myself, one for my parents, one for a friend, and co-built one with my younger sister on the other side of the country, and I’m building another for a friend next week. I love the control that assembling my own machine gives me, and I like researching upgrades and making improvements. It’s been difficult to get ahold of some parts because of the pandemic and the jump in demand for graphics cards, but with some patience and a few early mornings driving an hour and standing in line at the closest computer part store, I’ve snagged some great parts.
I’m a big fan of D&D, despite never having grown up with it. Like a lot of new players, my introduction to D&D and tabletop games in general was Critical Role. I recently completed a 3 year long campaign (made longer by the rona), and I’ve played a half-orc monk, a tiefling cleric, a halfling rogue, an aarakocra barbarian, a dragonborn ranger, a kobold wizard, an elf sorcerer, and a dwarf druid. Some of those were oneshots, but the majority are from ongoing games in various states of hiatus.
An extension of the last fact—I love to learn new things. In the last few years, I’ve taught myself how to stream; I’ve learned about audio and lighting equipment; I’ve studied HTML, CSS, and Javascript; and soon, I’m going to try my hand at mini painting. If something is simple enough that I can learn how to do something on my own, I’ll do it. I’ve replaced my own car filters and restrung a set of blinds for my window, rather than paying for convenience. I always like to try to do something on my own before asking someone else to do it for me.
———  EXPERIENCE  !  ♡
I’ve been roleplaying in some form or another since the days of the Neopets chat boards—back when you had to get a parent to sign a permission form to allow you to interact with other users if you were under 18, I believe. I’ve been writing here since 2013, and Tess is my one and only muse. I’ve dabbled with other characters, but they fizzled out before they even got off the ground.
Tess used to be an original character from the animated movie Epic. I really loved the movie, and when I found a few roleplayers here on tumblr, it kind of kicked the door open to the whole rpc. I’ve made truly incredible friends that have kept in touch daily for the last 8 years, and some of us have even met in person. While I still love the movie for all its quirks, the fandom was never particularly large and it only shrunk as time went on. Plus, I found the story a bit limiting in places, and I liked the idea of expanding Tess’ world and interactions with other muses and settings. She’s due for a massive blog overhaul and possibly a purge. Eight years is a lot of baggage and a lot of growth.
Tess is the kind of character I liked to read about when I was younger. I prefer to write and play women, simply because I feel like I can draw from so many of my own experiences and feelings. I know what it’s like to be hungry to prove yourself and to be made to doubt yourself, despite knowing well your own capabilities. I know what it’s like to be frustrated with the indifference and casual cruelty in the world and to want better. I like writing characters who play a supporting role, rather than seeking out the limelight—I’ve always loved those stories.
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !  ♡    
FLUFF  /  ANGST  :  I’m of the opinion that a good will have a bit of both. Too much of one or the other can get boring really quickly. Don’t get me wrong—I love writing softness and flirting as much as I love writing gut wrenching pain and despair. Nothing is better than setting up a few characters with differing goals and worldviews and letting them bounce off each other, complete with all the character exploration and conflict that brings. I think I tend to write more fluff than angst, but I’m open to both. Writing isn’t my strongest mode of expression, but I always want to be better than I was when I started.
SMUT  :  
For someone under the ace umbrella, I actually really enjoy writing smut. I definitely think my feelings on sex come through in Tess’ attitude—trust is paramount and relationships are work. While she’s more comfortable with physical relationships, she has difficulty really putting her faith in someone and making herself vulnerable. Not to say she’s impervious to being manipulated—it’s happened before and it’ll happen again. She’s just very wary of getting in too deep with anyone she thinks is unlikely to stick around, erring on the side of self-deprecation and cynicism when it comes to relationships.
PLOT  /  MEMES  :  
I am not historically great at plotting, but I genuinely want to get better. It’s just really difficult to do with a new partner right off the bat. I’m always really nervous about annoying anyone and tend to read too deep what I think someone’s responses might mean, especially when I really admire someone’s writing and I’m really excited to work with them. Memes are a fantastic icebreaker. When I first start to follow someone, I will take every opportunity to send in some memes to get a feel for their character and for the mun, themselves. It doesn’t always work out, as some muns don’t like replying to memes from new folks, and honestly? That’s a real bummer. I’m not the most confident person, and if I run into a mun with a lot of walls and barriers to entry, I tend to bounce off and give up.
My discord is open to mutuals, and I’m always open to IMs, even from non-mutuals or new followers who just want to ask questions. (I know that Tess’ blog is a bit of a mess, and it’s not really well laid out for anyone looking for a good, quick summary of her character.)
Tagged by: @ofdeathandfear​​
Tagging: Anyone! Seriously. I would tag folks, but I think everyone in my orbit has done some version of this. But if you haven’t—yes, I mean you—then steal this and go do it.
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apfelhalm · 8 years
AC Rogue, second playtrough
(yes, yes, I said I’d play Syndicate next, but Shay just won’t leave me the fuck alone and then it just hit me and the game’s really short anyway, so there)
I ... still don’t know what Otso Berg is trying to achieve with uploading Shay’s story to the Assassin’s servers. I know he thinks it’s supposed to be this big mockery, but all it does is feel kinda ludicrous. Like, he just took the parts that he liked most and ignored the rest without ever really understanding Shay’s motivations. I just. Idk. Templars. *throws hands up*
I’ve been paying extra attention to Shay pre-betrayal and post-betrayal, and the difference is staggering. I mean, before he was loud and cocky and easy to provoke, his talents and achievements were constantly minimised, either to keep him grounded or simply out of carelessness. After, he positively thrives, he’s great at taking and fulfilling orders (if you think I’m headcanoning Shay as a total Sub then you are right), but he’s also really bashful whenever someone praises him or is kind to him and it’s so??!?! I know he’s been through some really traumatic shit that has given him severe trust issues, but it really makes you wonder which was the true Shay and if his behaviour at the Assassin’s was just a front he put up to fit in.
Shay has such a gentle ... demeanour that I really love and that only truly shows after he’s left the Assassins and the best thing is that he never seems to lose it, even years later.
I read somewhere that Shay should’ve founded his own order, which I personally thing is the thing that would be most true to his characters. His goals might be the same as the Templar’s at the moment, but I’m pretty sure he’d be disillusioned by them as well after a while. (Plus, I’d really like there to be a third party to keep the balance between all the squabbling of the Templars and Assassins.)
On the other hand, I can totally live with Shay being a Templar until the very end. I have a Thing for people being so loyal to a cause (and/or a person) even though it makes them the villains, because it’s such a Hufflepuff thing to do? But, y’know, the evil end of the Hufflepuff spectrum. The thing that happens when you take loyalty too far.
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