#testing out posting the speedpaint along with the piece :)
mmehrunesraz0r · 1 month
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kippentrash · 6 years
31 days of Andi Mack day 16
Day 16. If the characters were youtubers who would they be and why?
Okay so I’m not sure if that meant who or WHAT would they be, but I’m going with the what would they be. A lot of them have so many options, so if I have too many ideas for them I’ll just mention 2 at MOST. In no particular order...
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I don’t really know what else you would want to put Jonah as. He’s canonically an ultimate frisbee player and canonically makes ultimate frisbee videos. He’s even almost ditched Andi before in order to be a part of a video with a famous player. So he’d clearly be something frisbee related as a YouTubers. Is it already canon that he posts frisbee trickshot videos? Because I feel like it is and if it isn’t, it should be soon. He’d totally be showing off his frisbee skills and proving to the world how docious magocious frisbee is, and honestly some of the coolest sport videos are the trickshot videos, so that’s how he’d be adding to the sport’s popularity. 
Actually, I take that back. The only other thing I can see him doing is doing covers online once he starts playing music more often. Considering Asher already does make covers, I don’t see why Jonah wouldn’t eventually if he starts making music one of his passions rather than just a calming hobby.
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Otherwise, I feel like Bowie would be doing covers. He is a musician afterall. While he does give lessons for music, I don’t really think he’d be doing music tutorials online mainly because I think YouTube would be more of his outlet rather than a platform.He’s able to teach kids in real life, so he doesn’t really need to use YouTube to do that even more. It’d be like his break. Especially considering he probably won’t be going around with the band anymore now that he’s engaged to Bex and knows he has Andi as his daughter, the only other way he would be able to perform apart from smalltown venues or karaoke places would be on the internet. I’m sure he’ll get a good amount of viewers considering he was a part of the Renaissance Boys and they seemed to be getting a good amount of popularity if their tour was anything to go by.
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Andi is another easy one, have you SEEN the Andi Shack? You just k n o w she’d be doing all those amazing DIY tutorials to teach everyone how to make these cool crafts. Especially considering how “easy” the expensive things are to make, she could probably help a lot of people learn to make their own things and would be really excited to see how many people she’s helped make things for themselves or their friends, oand even happier to learn about people she would inspire to make cool creative things! I’m pretty sure Disney Channel had released an Andi Mack DIY video in the past as promotion for the show with making a bike chain or something into a bracelet, so she’d definitely be showing people how to turn everyday objects into cool crafts. Being able to help people turn their trash into cool things to reduce their carbon footprint would probably be the goal of her channel to be honest.
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For Bex, I think it’d have something to do with Make-Up, but I don’t think it’d be tutorials. Again, I really don’t think most of the characters are tutorial type of people. While I could see Andi being a tutorial person since she’d be happy to be helping others become more environmentally conscious while helping them create cool things, I think Bex would also want this as a break from thinsg and want to use this as a personal outlet. But instead of doing covers and showing herself just wearing makeup or something, I feel like she’d be doing make-up reviews. You know, those things saying whether or not a brand was worth it or not. She could be really ruthless about whether or not it was good for the price being paid for it and give other alternatives which would be just as good, and she may even get stuff from her work to use or get things sent TO her to test out on her clients and then review. I just feel like being honest about judgement of a product would click well with Bex, idk why I just do.
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I don’t want to let so many people do tutorials, and I don’t think Walker really seems like the tutorial type of guy anyway, so I would say Walker would be doing one of two (or maybe 3 i dunno) things. One thing I can see him do is doing speedpaints or speed drawings, showing the process he takes to create something. That’s really all he’d need to do, because his pieces are always so nice, I think anyone would be dying to watch how it came together and what his process was. Speedart would just be an extension of what he’s already doing, just it’d be on camera instead. Otherwise, it’d be one of those aesthetically pleasing paint related videos, whether it be watching watercolors come together when doing a painting or watching him mix paint together. Because those are really really nice to watch and extremely satisfying, and idk his personality just is really calming and cool and go with the flow in a way that I just feel like it fits the aesthetic of watching paint mix together. Whichever he does, though, it’s definitely going to be art related. I just think it’d be really cool to watch one of Walker’s pieces come together, since it was so fun to watch him and Andi paint together in A Walker to Remember.
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I don’t know why, I just feel like Cyrus would be one of those YouTubers who create a variety of content.  
I can imagine him doing vlogs with his friends, because he just loves showing them off so much and would have fun just showing them having fun. Or he’d like to participate in a variety of challenges and see if he’s able to do it or play a bunch of silly games with his friends and show the world. Or he’d do well at just giving advice to people or even just informing them about what’s going on in the world today (yes, this is in reference to @persongoingfast‘s News in a Rush) or just relaying nice information to make someone’s day.
I also could consider him someone who makes scripted videos on YouTube, since after the video stuff he did back in the previous seasons he was pretty into being behind the scenes when it came to making videos. They would be a mix of short and fun or long and developed and fun to follow along, if he can get his script writing down in a non-cringey way. Or in a cringey way, there’s always something cool about watching something that’s just the strangest mess. But if he’s able to properly script videos, I can see him doing videos that are both entertaining and eye-opening or subtly informational and have a lot of thought put in it.
I can see him doing something like Thomas Sanders, where it’s just a mix of vlogs, shorts, informational videos, scripted videos, challenges, etc. just depending on what he has time to fit in his schedule. 
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I feel like even though Buffy isn’t shown to play video games much in the show, her competitive nature would make it fun to watch her game. I think that it’d just be really fun to watch her react to winning games or losing them or figuring them our or frustrated, and it’d just be really interesting to see how she’d do at different types of games. She’s also a very outspoken person and isn’t afraid to give her opinion on things, so it’d be cool to watch her give commentary if or when she were to ever play games in which you have a more developed lore integrated into it. I just think it’d be neat.
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Explanations are getting shorter and shorter. Oof. But for TJ, I think he’d be one of those guys who like to go around doing creative yet harmless pranks on others. Maybe it’s just because he’s such a little troll, or maybe I’m thinking of Luke more than I’m thinking of TJ, but I think it’d do him good to be able to laugh more with a bunch of strangers he’d harmlessly prank. I could also see him getting the kids at his daycare excited to help him out with a prank or something like that.
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Amber, I’ve got to say I’d give her fashionista for sure, so something like a fashion vlogger or a YouTuber giving fashion tips and hacks. You see in season 2 when she tries to be friendly with Andi that she’d like to go shopping if she had money, and I just get the vibe she’s pretty good when it comes to picking out her outfits and holding up her appearance. Plus, she’s rocking the whole choker look, so I just like the idea that she’d be spreading knowledge about how to style. Eespecially if you consider the fact she had to sell a bunch of her clothes, she needs to have other ways to make sure to stay trendy, and she’d share that with the world and others who needed to make the best style of what simple clothes they had.
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I’m not sure what I’d put Marty as, but I think he’d make a good reaction channel. Sort of like Buffy, he’s pretty outspoken and he’s got a fun and quirky personality like Cyrus, so I think it’d just be fun to watch him react to a variety of video types or a variety of shows and movies and games and things of the like. He might give reviews on whatever it is he’s seen, since again like Buffy he’s pretty good at sharing his ideas straightforward. He also is able to come up with witty remarks and comebacks which would be fun for him to make in the middle of reacting to something. And I just wanted to include him on the list.
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