kandrakelsier · 2 months
Just realizing the hilarious (unintended) connection between the CrowdStrike Y2K electric boogaloo and TennoCon's theme of 1999 today
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sparkchemy · 9 months
I'm not usually one for public speeches. Leaving little comments in the tags is more my style, but I wanted to wish all the people following me or just passing by a
Thank you for the likes and reblogs and all the nice comments in the tags! I read and treasure every single one. Sometimes it's the only bright spot in my day.
I know it's been a tough year for a lot of people but for me this year has been marked by kindness, artistic and personal growth.
I know for a fact that my year wouldn't have been the same if I hadn't met so many incredible and kind people through Tumblr and Discord.
Last year, I made a resolution to express myself more genuinely, to love more fully. I think I've accomplished that.
I hope 2024 brings more of the same.
I hope we can continue to support each other in little ways that matter. Sometimes the kindness of strangers means more than you realize.
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ofisolaticn · 5 years
mistletoe + maya ( accidental - she trapped him bc shes a dick )
     mistletoe had never been such a PROBLEM before. there were so many put up around the school, and such carnivorous kids. he’d been told if he saw any to take them down, but henrik--- WELL, he wasn’t against the kids having their fun. as long as they kept it pg in the bounds of the halls. he was reading a text as he walked, something from one of his siblings. he could tell by the fancy textage. he wondered briefly if he should attempt to keep up with that, at least when talking to them. less grammar mistakes, or usage of shortcuts in words. or maybe--- WOOPS. there he was under the mistletoe text to none other than maya marceli. 
     she looked at him in a look that just FEIGNED innocence. a sigh left his lips. “well, might as well.” his hand reached forward to take hold of her, he leaned without giving much thought to it and planted a delicate kiss upon her forehead. a smile grew upon his face as he peddled back. “happy holidays maya.” / @swtsvrndr
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Half Baked || Open Textage
Bobby: Here's the thing
Bobby: Previously, I stated gluten free crust is cardboard crap and sacrilegidation to the Swiss level holy pizza, because hellooooooooo, it is. There's no rise in it so like what the fuck, man, might as well eat the pizza box with sauce, cheese and toppings on it.
Bobby: HOWEVER I have recently discovered, my dude, that you can make gluten free crust purely out of cheese and thus this type of gluten free crust-age I will allow.
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uoblgbtq · 4 years
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Second day on our intro to committee goes to our Women and Non Binary Rep! She has chosen to remain private, so you can find more info on our private accounts.
Introduction Text:
“Hey! I'm Saarah, I'm this year's WaNB rep. I'm bisexual and a part of the poc community and I'm looking forward to representing you! Feel free to message me with any society ideas or worries, I'm hoping we can create a more inclusive society together!
Talk to me about: writing, books, and being LGBTQ+ and religious.”
Age: 21
Pronouns: she/her
[Image Description:
A pale pink background with a white thin frame. In the middle there is a white rectangle with text.
On the left, where there would be a picture, black text reads “this committee member has requested to remain private”. Above it bold black text reads “women and non binary rep”
On the right there is the following text: “Hey! I'm Saarah, I'm this year's WaNB rep. I'm bisexual and a part of the poc community and I'm looking forward to representing you! Feel free to message me with any society ideas or worries, I'm hoping we can create a more inclusive society together!
Talk to me about: writing, books, and being LGBTQ+ and religious.”
Underneath there is a table layout with the following textAge: 21; pronouns: she/her.Above the text white square, to the left, there are three little circles.In between the two columns there is a small square with the bi flag.
/end ID] 
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gamas-iidx · 5 years
ザラ5体リットリオ2体 フォーミダブル0体............... pic.twitter.com/EkD1xzVden
— がます (@gamas__) September 13, 2019
かわいそう というわけでアズレン2周年イベ行ってきました。隔週で東京行ってて流石にお金も底をつきかけてるので1日目だけ。
この体勢で聞かれたって「おっぱいがデカいから」しか言えないでしょ pic.twitter.com/GgeToelGfa
— がます (@gamas__) September 13, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 13, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 13, 2019
あ ほ く さ 早めに起きれたからって調子に乗ってたらこれだよ(次の電車が10分後にあったので助かった)
電車の中ではいつものようにツイッターオタク。冥のサブ判別法とか(4小節目の"く"の字の折り返し部分) について言ったり延々と実況したり。(譜面はTextage様より参照) 土曜なのにわざわざ優先席でパソコン広げてるリーマンがいて泣いてしまった。 TLを眺めてたら8時半頃には物販に1000人以上並んでるとの情報が入ってきたりして追加で泣いてしまった。
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
大馬鹿野郎と申します。 いや、「なんだかんだ30分くらいで済むっしょw」とか思ってたんですよね。見通しの甘さ。
作成者に感謝😉👍🎶 pic.twitter.com/f1EXzKgODW
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
うし!w pic.twitter.com/WVN4KNbMh1
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
13時前にはなんとか買えました。良かったね。 どうでもいいんだけどオタクイベントのショッパー大きすぎでは?タペストリーのサイズに合わせてるのかな? 大きすぎて邪魔なんで折り目を���きるだけ付けないように折り畳んでトートバッグに入れました。
まんじう pic.twitter.com/i1cSguRBdV
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
ピッピ pic.twitter.com/Nt0f9JPyuW
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
物販が済んだのでUDX側の展示を眺めたりミルキィ饅頭(タピオカミルクティー)を飲んだり。 謎ひよこすき この後トイレ済ますのを兼ねてゲーセンに行ったけど大便器は先客がいてうんち失敗。爆弾を抱えたままベルサールに向かうことに。
布地が多い不具合 pic.twitter.com/DSaQxXjReZ
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
ママ………… pic.twitter.com/GOJTgPTX97
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
白豚です!!! pic.twitter.com/rPiBvcJtFH
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
ベル………… pic.twitter.com/KmGfwptHtv
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
エセックスバイク pic.twitter.com/MyLTcaWWwu
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
好き pic.twitter.com/OpMuTg5pIN
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
無敵ロリ pic.twitter.com/AKWzcD6AaR
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
コラボのエセックスバイクとか眼鏡加賀とかガチャのエルドリッジとか。 物販までとはいかないけどガチャゾーンも激込みで30分くらい待って回した。 一回500円するのに平気で10連回す人とかいて驚き。ガシャポンの機械20台くらいあったんだけど3割くらいが不具合起こしてて草。俺が最初使おうとしたガシャポンマシンも 100円玉受け付けなくなってて困惑してしまった。
あっ…………(絶命) pic.twitter.com/5cJPryHKoY
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
隅にいて誰にも気付かれないフォーミダブル好き pic.twitter.com/sKqQa69o6K
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
レイヤーさんとえちえちカート pic.twitter.com/STZ8QIdZkz
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
ベル………… pic.twitter.com/1PFjikYbci
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
アトレのポップアップストアにて。商品が全然なくてびっくりしたけどアニメイトにもポップアップストアあったしそういうことなのかも(どういうこと?)。 アニメイトの方にも寄ったけどベルファストのグッズが全然なくて泣いちゃった。涙の数だけ強くなれるといいね。 一通り見終えたので秋葉原離脱。
いつもの pic.twitter.com/gO1w2GTHk2
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
セカンドチャンス pic.twitter.com/EyvArNCE0d
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
いつもの上野駅の居酒屋っぽいところ。いい加減別のお店でも食べたいと思うんだけど疲労度とか値段とか考えちゃうとなかなか難しいねんな... 帰宅。
これは公式スケベグッズ pic.twitter.com/09mZh73OK5
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
こっちは非公式スケベブック pic.twitter.com/8gKsAnwFnl
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
テレビの下がオタク広場になってきてる pic.twitter.com/43K8k2gs6S
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
冷静に考えてこれ会場特典にするの駄目でしょ(いい意味で) pic.twitter.com/xfwcI7eplQ
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
真ん中の黒髪がカッスママってマジなのですか????? pic.twitter.com/0V7IU6Qxxl
— がます (@gamas__) September 14, 2019
カッスママだってわかってればちゃんと撮ったのにね。残念。イラスト本で致します。(?) おまけ
— がます (@gamas__) September 15, 2019
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stayforlongerpl · 7 years
TEXTAG GROUP jako reseller widgetu Stayforlonger
Miło nam poinformować o nawiązaniu współpracy pomiędzy spółką City Inspire SA, a firmą TEXTAG Group z Putbus (Niemcy) w zakresie sprzedaży oprogramowania StayForLonher do hoteli zlokalizowanych w północnych Niemczech.
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Zapraszamy do strony naszego partnera z prezentacją naszego oprogramowania: https://textag.com/hotelmarketing/reisefuehrer-stay-for-longer/
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cityinspire-blog · 7 years
TEXTAG GROUP jako reseller widgetu Stayforlonger
Miło nam poinformować o nawiązaniu współpracy pomiędzy spółką City Inspire SA, a firmą TEXTAG Group z Putbus (Niemcy) w zakresie sprzedaży oprogramowania StayForLonher do hoteli zlokalizowanych w północnych Niemczech.
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Zapraszamy do strony naszego partnera z prezentacją naszego oprogramowania: https://textag.com/hotelmarketing/reisefuehrer-stay-for-longer/ 
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rootedsorrow · 6 years
Tagged by: @kandrakelsier​
Rules: Answer these questions and tag some blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: Nat(s), Nalidy, Vaca de Muerta (basically translates to dead cow...my cousin has been calling me this for years and neither of us knows how it came to be, but we blame RBD)
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5′4″ 
Time: 12:50 PM
Favorite band/artist: I have a lot of favorites, but I’ve been listening to a lot of P!ATD, Maluma, Kehlani, and Selena lately.
Song stuck in my head: Chantaje by Shakira ft. Maluma
Last movie I saw: The Covenant because Sebastian Stan is in it
Last thing I googled: “Prythian”
Other blogs: @bibliophile-angst​ which I use just as much as this one and then I have one where I post things I might use later like writing tips and what not. I also have a poetry blog that I don’t use as often anymore.
Do I get asks: Not really, but you’re welcome to ask me anything.
Why did I choose this username: I was sad and needed a new blog. The one before this was made while I was a freshman in high school and had like three things on it. 
Following: 321. A lot of book/fandom/music blogs, some writing tips/prompt/poetry blogs
Average amount of sleep: Currently around 6-7 hours. When I go back to school probably 7-8 hours
Lucky number: 9 
What am I wearing: Shorts and a t-shirt with turtles on it from Veracruz 
Dream job: Psychiatrist or social worker
Dream trip: Road trip through Mexico, Latin America, and South America. I want to eat all the foods and learn all the things. I’ve only been to a few states in Mexico and most of it I can’t remember because I was smol.
Fave food: Tikin xic (Mayan fish), entomatado de pollo, tortas de chilaquiles verdes from a post in el DF (basically anything in a bolillo), street tacos from Mexico, elotes from the eloterx, esquites from the post outside el Museo de Antrepologia in Chapultepec, pastes. There’s just so much good food out there! 
Play any instruments: Yes! Bari/alto sax, clarinet, and marimba/vibraphone
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Dark brown that looks slightly red in the sun
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: water droplets racing down a window on a rainy day, silver, red, and black, fluffy pillows, mist/fog rolling in after midnight, sea glass, turquoise and onyx, jazzy sax solos, indie/alternative music, Marco Antonio Solis’s voice, mangoneadas on a hot day at the beach
Languages you speak: English, Spanish, some French
Most iconic song: Rata de Dos Patas by Paquita La Del Barrio and Amor Prohibido by Selena
Random facts: I’m in my fourth year of college and I still have one more year to go after this. Darn bio/chem classes! I love getting book/movie/music recs so if you have anything you love (even if it’s in another language that I’m not familiar with) and want to share with someone, I’m your gal :) Also I have really bad anxiety so if you do happen to message me and don’t hear from me right away, it’s because I’m trying to come up with something to say that doesn’t sound weird or I’m trying to convince myself to press send. I’m working on it though. 
Tagging:@aeruh @lazilyradiantish @mxlxdroit @dailybipuns @thevoiceofbrendonurie 
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bluebabylon · 10 years
text title
text text
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kandrakelsier · 3 months
New York why are you so FUCKIN hot
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protobahamut · 10 years
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hey so i moved
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gamas-iidx · 7 years
ギアチェンと縦連で捨てるノーツ:60 98~100小節はギアチェンしないから精度66%で取ると仮定(実質捨てノーツ):9
100→400:8 400→100:10 100→200:7 縦連:30 200→400:5 計:60
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asvtin · 11 years
the awesome thing about working at starbucks is that if i forget to grab my schedule for the week i get to go to starbucks to get it
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cla-ma · 12 years
Acredite se quiser, mas conhecer você foi a melhor coisa que já aconteceu na minha vida.
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