#texts: emmett vardaros
winskellington · 4 years
Winter: you don't theink we'rbe oever gonna break uap right? lihke this is kforever? because i love foyu a lbot and like you're it for mbe but i dzon't wanna scare you awnay.
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lilyofthegoth · 4 years
Lily: This is it. This is the end, Emm. I can't take it anymore.
Lily: I leave you 1/3 of the money my paintings will make after I'm gone.
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winskellington · 5 years
Winter: So as much as I love this time of year, I mean it's MY time, even I think dad's gone a littttllleee overboard.
Winter: We usually have two trees for the year, one they put up before we get there and then one we do together. He GOT ANOTHER, for what, I don't know.
Winter: But looks like we'll be decorating a lot. I mean..if you want to come home for the holidays. I guess I shouldn't assume.
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winskellington · 5 years
Winter [ unsent ]: I literally woke up from a dream that we were together and made myself sad. I hate this so fucking much.
Winter: mi don't think i can keep hdoing this sums.
Winter: every tmie em csmiles i melt and now i'm dreaming about him. come deo yshots with mle so i can stop thdinking fyor a while!
Winter: its wat tiwns arme for!
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winskellington · 5 years
Winter [ unsent ]: I hate proving everyone right. It's so stupid because I was so sure that we were going to prove everyone wrong and not be that cliche. And my dumbass ends up falling.
Winter: Good morning! I feel like I haven't seen you since last year! And no that wasn't some dumb joke, and if you think I was doing that then we can't be friends.
Winter: Sorry I don't make the rules.
Winter: Also was me cutting my hair a dumb idea? Do I look dumb?
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lilyofthegoth · 6 years
Lily: You know Emmett would be really great boyfriend material and I've thought about before but he's also got COMMITMENT ISSUES stamped to his forehead.
Lily: Except for when it comes to that skeleton girl. Boi™ stays loyal af??
Lily: Plus I think he couldn't vibe with the fact that you're basically my adopted sister so....
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lilyofthegoth · 6 years
LILY: You know, sometimes I wish your grandmom would've just gotten me and my siblings off the isle. I mean she KNOWS how terrible mother is.
LILY: but I also think Emmett would take that as bad thing like I'm abandoning him for you guys and I don't want him thinking that so just ignore all this.
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winskellington · 6 years
TEXT | Charming™ in Distress🍑
Emmett: You know what’s really shitty? Everyone thinks Flynn Rider – or Eugene Fitzwhateverthefuck – are like, Auradon’s golden couple, or one of them at least. And it’s like, why the hell isn’t that my mom? Why wasn’t she good enough for him? What did she ever do to deserve for him to leave her behind like that? And like… is that gonna happen to me? Like, fuck. Quincy left Hayden to get with me, and sometimes I lie awake and I’m like, even if I was a great boyfriend, what’s the point? My mom’s way cooler than I’ll ever be and she got fucking left. Why the hell would somebody stay for me?
Winter: Who calls them the golden couple??????? I mean I'm not gonna say they aren't but like who calls them that? Maybe it's not a matter of being good enough. Maybe it's a matter of them not actually fitting together. Sometimes people don't click the way they think they should. You're not supposed to force pieces of a puzzle together, you know? And I doubt that Quincy would leave you. She seems almost scarily attached and that's coming from someone who lives a life of scare, okay? You're fucking awesome. And anyone who can't see that isn't worth it, alright?
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