#texts: mercedes kimberly.
respectthepetty · 5 months
Pit Babe Jeff x Alan & Kenta x Pete Colors Ep. 11
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here.
Disclaimer: I've been listening to Drake's "You Broke My Heart (Fuck My Ex)" on repeat for over two hours, so I'm *in* my feels, and all of them are salty.
Jeffrey, the red? Really?! Is it because you are looking at Barbie suffering and know the truth?! YOU KNOW, MOTHERF*CKER!
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Love that Pete's side starts with the blue-est drink because he is a GOOD MAN, while Waymond's side begins with the non-blue side since he cannot pick a side in this color war!
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Peter, I know you were a red, but I also notice you in that blue blazer, and the way you look at Waymond. I wish Waymond could see that no matter how much the red may linger, he NEEDS to make a choice. Be blue. Commit to it, Way Way.
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Babe is back in black, Alan is blue, and Jeffrey is a LIAR!
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"You broke my heart. I had my doubts about you from the start! I swear you're dead to me. Does Mercedes make a hearse? FUCK MY EX!"
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All I'm getting out of this is Jeffrey and Charles have a dad and Decanus was the fall guy for this very-dumb-plan. I am not a Dean apologist, but I am very much on his side, without a doubt, no hesitation.
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Alan Scale - 12/10. Why?! WHY?! It's not even the damn outfits. IT'S THE RED TUBE OF PRODUCT PLACEMENT Y'ALL ARE SHARING! Are y'all secret agents?! Do y'all have superpowers? What in the hell is y'alls deal?!
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KIMBERLY! Not wearing red. I wouldn't either. Fuck them hoes. You're a free man now. I love you and I like you.
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Alan, you have never done anything wrong (expect apologize to lying Jeffrey), and you using the blue tube of product placement is healing my soul. I love you. I like you. I respect you.
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Pete in the blue shirt too! My holy trinity is coming through. Kimberly, Alan, and Peter, you are good men, and I have never doubted you. You three will save the day like the PowerPuff Girls. Sugar, Spice, and Chemical-X. Beat the hell out of Mojo Jojo Big Red. And in case it's not clear: Alan = Buttercup, Kim = Blossom, Pete = Bubbles
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Kentana, why do you have spies at Bubbles' place?! You were spying on him in the woods, and y'all had that moment. Why are you so obsessed with him?
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Jeffrey, in the blue. Better be telling Buttercup you're sorry for LYING and that you love him. You will never find a better man. NEVER!
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Oh, are you telling him that?!
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I think you are! There is pink!
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Buttercup, these was cheesy af, and I'm disgusted at myself for smiling when the hearts connected.
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POP OFF, SIR! Sex on the blue bed!
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Sex in the blue shower!
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Cuddles in the blue bathroom! Jeffrey is gonna be blue one way or another, even if Alan has to -redacted- it into him.
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Big Red did wear red once?! Color me shocked, but who are these kids in the past? A blue kid and red kid? Which one are you, Kentana?
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I love that the blue is *right* there next to Kentana, yet he stays in the black. He is a Black Brooder, but he is blue-adjacent, and I just do not understand why he can't be loyal to the blue instead of the red.
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Oh, wait! Was that them as kids?! Pete, in his red pants, emerged from the blue (because he has always been a GOOD MAN!), but . . . that means Kentana was the little blue kid? Kentana, what made you go black? The abuse? The manipulation? You and Barbara are the same text, but different font, and I just need you to be better. Kiss Peter and let him heal you because this is the second time you have pushed him against a wall, and I think you want any excuse to be on him.
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Waymond, I'm stressed over your ass. Color-coded boys in love get happy endings, and unlike Kentana who is color coded black and Southwest Airlines and Vegas' Hedgehog who are just pure color chaos, you refuse to pick a damn color. And do you know what that means? No happy endings. You are paired with Peter, and he is trying with you, but it's episode 11 and you haven't solidified your color. Are you black? Are you blue? Are you red? Are you gonna kiss Peter because if not, Kentana sure looks like he will? ARE YOU GOING TO GET A HAPPY ENDING?!
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Peter, always in the blue! ALWAYS! Give that blue to Waymond. Give that blue to Kentana. And kiss them! I cannot support Waymond and Kentana's wrongs if they don't kiss a boy (with consent, Waymond!)
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KENTANA! In the dark, again. Pete is always coming from the blue, and you are always in the dark. SEE THE LIGHT, KENTANA!
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Oh my god! The dark versus light. Y'all were best buddies since childhood. Quit your shit, Kentana. You are a good guy in there. I saw it in the beginning when you looked sad that Barbie was being hit, but I need you to act! I need you to do something, and I'm hoping it won't be sacrificing yourself. Kiss a man! Kiss Kimberly already! You and Waymond are scaring me!
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Pete. Liked. It.
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Waymond. Waymundo. Way. I thought you were supposed to be with Peter and Kimberly and Kentana would be the new Kardashians, but . . . are you going to be the sacrifice? You cannot settle on a color. You haven't kissed a man (with consent). You are drinking all the time. You were taking pills to cope with life. Kiss any man so I can know you are safe.
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Way, please touch Whiny Winifred and convince him not to do shoot. Way, please do not take a bullet for Barbara to atone for your sins. Barbie can fix himself if he is shot. Way, please do not do this to me. Please. I'm begging you.
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Don't. Fucking. Do. It.
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Dra. Patricia Romero, Dir. de Servicios Médicos de Guerrero; Dr. Armando Bibiano García, representante de la Sria. De Salud Guerrero; Lic. Natzihelly Rebollar Rechy, Gerente Comercial de Estrella de Oro; Sra. Mercedes Calvo de Astudillo, Presidenta del DIF Guerrero; Lic. Saida Nassar, Dir. de Campañas de MOBILITY ADO; Lic. José Francisco Solís, Dir. del DIF Estatal; Dra. Janisse Kershenovich, de FUCAM
Bajo el lema “Hay alertas que pueden cambiar tu vida. ¡Revísate!” da inicio la Caravana Rosa ADO
Con motivo del Día Mundial de la lucha contra el cáncer de mamá, ADO y ESTRELLA DE ORO llevará a cabo la Caravana Rosa 2019, a través de la cual brindará mastografías gratuitas en la terminal de autobuses de Chilpancingo, Guerrero.
La unidad especializada de FUCAM atendió a más de 300 mujeres que acudieron a realizarse la mastografía de manera gratuita
ESTRELLA DE ORO, líder de transporte de Grupo MOBILITY ADO y FUCAM llevaron una unidad móvil del 14 al 18 de Octubre a la Terminal de Chilpancingo ubicada en Calle 21 de Marzo, colonia Benito Juárez, Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Gro., en donde se efectuaron mastografías de forma gratuita a las pasajeras y a todas las mujeres que asistieron durante estas fechas a realizarse su estudio.
Los requisitos para acceder al estudio era tener 40 años de edad o más, acudir con baño reciente, no usar desodorante, perfumes, talco o cualquier producto químico en el área de los senos y axilas antes de realizarse su estudio, vestimenta cómoda que sea de preferencia de dos piezas y lo más importante, haber pasado por lo menos un año de que se realizaron por última vez este estudio.
La Lic. Natzihelly Rebollar Rechy, Gerente Comercial de Estrella de Oro, dijo que la empresa está comprometida en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama
Así mismo, FUCAM, fue el encargado de avisar a las beneficiarias que pasen a recoger sus mastografías, las cuales se entregaran aproximadamente 1 mes y medio posterior a la realización del estudio en la terminal.
Por su parte, ESTRELLA DE ORO realizará traslados de forma gratuita a la CDMX, a aquellas mujeres que requieran estudios complementarios, para que den seguimiento a su tratamiento.
En apoyo a la campaña Estrella de Oro inauguró el autobús rosa
De acuerdo con los datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Geografía (INEGI) y de la Secretaría de Salud, en México cada año se reportan seis mil decesos por cáncer de mama y se presentan alrededor de 23 mil casos nuevos. Es por ello que resulta de vital importancia un diagnóstico oportuno en etapa inicial ya que puede significar recibir tratamientos menos agresivos y menos costosos.
Es importante tener a un experto como FUCAM, quien es la primera institución sin fines de lucro en México y América Latina con servicios, equipo y personal de alta especialidad, orientada íntegramente a la atención de padecimientos malignos de la mama. En esta fundación se atiende el 7% de los casos de cáncer de mama de todo el país y aquellos que se detectan en etapa temprana pueden tener una probabilidad de curación del 93%.
Concurrida la ceremonia de inauguración de la Caravana Rosa de Estrella de Oro en Chilpancingo
“En ESTRELLA DE ORO como parte de MOBILITY ADO, estamos totalmente comprometidos en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama difundiendo, orientando e informando a las mujeres sobre la importancia de la detección temprana del cáncer, muestra de ello es Caravana Rosa, la cual acerca mastografías en distintos puntos del país que en muchas ocasiones no pueden tener acceso a estos estudios. Es importante seguir construyendo una cultura de prevención y atención para estos padecimientos”, comentó la Lic. Natzihelly Rebollar Rechy, Gerente Comercial de Estrella de Oro .
Al evento asistió como invitada de honor la Sra Mercedes Calvo de Astudillo, Presidenta del DIF Guerrero.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Kimberly Anaya, Embajadora de la Caravana Rosa de Estrella de Oro
Saida Nassar, Ana Jaren Juárez y Mariana García, ejecutivas de Mobility ADO
Natzihelly Rebollar Rechy, Gerente Comercial Zona Centro de Estrella de Oro con Mercedes Calvo de Astudillo, Presidenta del DIF estatal, en el autobús rosa
Equipo Médico de FUCAM
  Benefician ESTRELLA DE ORO y FUCAM a mujeres con mastografías gratuitas en la terminal de Chilpancingo Bajo el lema “Hay alertas que pueden cambiar tu vida. ¡Revísate!” da inicio la Caravana Rosa ADO…
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Dr. Keming Liu, Barbara Prey, Angela Susan Anton, Dr. Charles Riley
“Open Spaces, Starry Nights” was the theme of the North Shore Land Alliance’s 14th annual Wine and Spirits Auction and Dinner Dance held at its new office location at Planting Fields Arboretum.
The “Starry Night” theme became apparent as evening set in. Exterior trees were up lit with twinkling lights, the cocktail tent was decorated in the colors of sunset with night following in the dinner tent complete with a full moon and shooting stars. The theme was symbolic of how saving open land reduces light pollution and allows us to continue to experience starlit nights here on Long Island’s North Shore.
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Fred and Suzy Bancroft
Diana and John Colgate
Christine Bowe, Jen Squire, Alexandra Loveless and Emily Schaible
Martin and Peri Wenz
Jack and Susan Foley, Aimee and George Eberle
Gabe and Mary Elizabeth Catala
Ted Smith, Dawn and Teb Barnard
Remsen and Tim Dooley, Jim and Carol Large
Lynn Dixon, Kim O’Kane and Jess Green
The Wine Auction, chaired by Lynn and Brooke Dixon and Jess and Jon Green, with junior committee chairs, Kimberly and John O’Kane, featured a live and silent auction and Wall of Wine raffle with 50 bottles of premium wine ranked 90-plus by Robert Parker.
Among the many silent auction items were paintings by Christine D’Addario, Mercedes Dorson and Tjasa Owen, a cashmere wrap from Hermes, scarf from Leggiadro, cashmere ruana from Brooks Brothers along with gifts from J. McLaughln, Lily Pulitzer, and gift certificates for dinners and other cool experiences.
Following the dinner catered by Sterling Affair, was the live auction with Fred Bancroft as auctioneer. Among the many live auction prizes was a sturdy French-styled playhouse decorated by Tom Samet and Nathan Wold, the Bourbon Bucket List, a private hockey lesson with Mark Messier, a winemaker’s weekend tour of Sonoma County, a golf package at Kiawah Island Club, a shopping spree at Americana Manhasset with 24-hour Tesla experience, and a trip to the Six Senses Resort in the Douro Valley of Portugal and JW Marriot in Venice. Dancing to the tunes of the fabulous 45 Riots followed the auction.
The Land Alliance was formed in 2003 and has over the years protected nearly 1,200 acres of land from development. With a growing membership of close to 3,000 the Land Alliance also works with schools to educate communities about the important relationship among land, clean and abundant water and locally grown food.
To learn more about the Land Alliance and their conservation work, call 516-922-1028 or visit the website at www.northshorelandalliance.org.
Angela Susan Anton celebrates with North Land Alliance at the 14th annual Wine and Spirits Auction and Dinner Dance at Planting Fields Arboretum. “Open Spaces, Starry Nights” was the theme of the North Shore Land Alliance’s 14th annual Wine and Spirits Auction and Dinner Dance held at its new office location at Planting Fields Arboretum.
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comicmanevans · 9 years
Sam: Hey. Are you busy?
Sam: I was hoping one day this week you could come over and we could talk.
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comicmanevans · 10 years
Text Message ✉ Samuel Evans ⇄ Mercedes Jones.
Samuel: Your parents are sitting on my couch...
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comicmanevans · 10 years
Text Message ✉ Samuel Evans ⇄ Mercedes Jones.
Samuel: Hey Superstar. How are you?
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comicmanevans · 10 years
Text Message ✉ Samuel Evans ⇄ Mercedes Jones.
Samuel: Hey Superstar, how are you?
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comicmanevans · 10 years
Text Message ✉ Samuel Evans ⇄ Mercedes Jones.
Samuel: Hey, I know you can't reply to this, but I just wanted to say you look absolutely amazing at the VMA's I can't wait to see you preform. :D
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comicmanevans · 10 years
Text Message ✉ Samuel Evans ⇄ Mercedes Jones.
Samuel: Hey Superstar. When does your killer tour start?
Samuel: I was thinking maybe you, Mystique, and I could hang out one last time before your too busy.
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comicmanevans · 10 years
Text Message ✉ Samuel Evans ⇄ Mercedes Jones.
Samuel: Hey superstar.
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comicmanevans · 10 years
Text Message ✉ Samuel Evans ⇄ Mercedes Jones.
Samuel: Hey 'Cedes. We still on for tomorrow?
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comicmanevans · 10 years
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