#calls: mercedes kimberly.
vampirecorleone · 11 months
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Horrorween Day 20 / 31: Horror + BLOOD: "Paul, do you know about the early days at the Kimberly diamond mines? Do you know what they did to the Native workers who stole diamonds? Don't worry, they didn't kill them. That would be like junking your Mercedes just because it had a broken spring. No, if they caught them, they had to make sure they could go on working, but they also had to make sure they could never run away. The operation was called hobbling."
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 165/310
2015 Mexican GP
Alright now that we're done with that extremely long US GP review let's get this season over with. 3 races to go.
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It's the first Mexican GP since 1992. Nico is on pole for the fourth consecutive time. But hey, that didn't help him win the other 3 times so. Yep. He seems happy, anyway. He says it's gonna be an exciting race. They think the track might be greasy. There's talk of rain coming as well. He doesn't seem phased by either things. The car is fast in any conditions. Toto said he was still an angry man though. 
Here's the top 10 on the grid : Nico, Lewis, Seb, then Kvyat and Ricciardo, Valtteri and Massa, Verstappen, Perez and Hulkenberg.
And we hear from Lewis. He says he's having a wonderful week and loving it there in Mexico. He says he's humbled to be at the track, the crowd is great, bla bla bla, the usual. He thanks the fans for coming out there and hopes they'll put on a great show for them. He thinks the weather is beautiful as well. Yeah. We'll see. There's heavy clouds gathering at the horizon. He gets caps to throw into the stands and does so running up and down its length. 
We get what's basically a Mercedes AMG ad, during which Toto does a voice-over explaining how great they are on images of mainly Lewis' season. It's not very interesting and a bit dramatic. It’s about the US GP. Lewis says he never ever has doubts while he's driving and always believes he can move forward and win. (I love the intention but babe we've heard you give up on radio a number of times. So it depends on how good the car is, at least.) We hear from Rob Musgrave, n°1 mechanic on his car. He says although there's a chance for Lewis to win the title that weekend, they don't come into it with a different focus. He says it's been a rocky road but the team environment has been like no other he's ever worked at. He says both sides of the garage mix well, and pick one another up if they have to. Nico says he has nothing to lose and the best car on the grid so he wants to try and win as many races as possible. He also has "such a strong team-mate" and the battle is constantly on. He didn't get to enjoy winning the WCC very long because he immediately was back at it trying to beat Lewis in Austin. 
Then we hear from Kimberly Stevens, track aerodynamicist. She's American and glad to be at her home GP. She's wearing cowboy boots, although she admits it's a bit against the team uniform, but she's American and they're in Texas so she has to, apparently. 
Toto calls Lewis a rockstar racing driver. He's very fast in the car but he's also able to touch people. The crowd that's apparently around while the interview takes place erupts in cheers and Toto grins. Oh. That's because Lewis arrived lol. Toto imitates the yells from the crowd. Lewis goes to shake his hands but takes his hand away last second and Toto is still yelling and he hits him in the back.
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Lewis laughs, and pats his chest. He walks away behind him, to wave to the crowd. "You see?" Toto asks. "You see what he's uh… triggering in people?" We can barely hear him. 
Rob Musgrave says in this era he's certainly one of the best if not the best. He's part of the team as well and doesn't ask for any special treatment or anything like that. "He's just a pleasure to work with." 
Then it's Sunday, and it's raining, and Kimberly Stevens explains they're doing both quali and the race so everything is a bit rushed. She's very excited for the wet race. Rob Musgrave says he thinks all racing drivers are the same, once the helmets go on they need to be fiery and feisty, otherwise they should give up. Nico says what counts to him is the WDC not the WCC. The WCC is a nice plus but he wants to be world champion. Lewis says if they win the WCC but he doesn't win the WDC, that's heartbreaking to a driver. 
We see highlights from the race. Escalating, stressful piano and violin music. Lewis says he thought he wouldn't be able to catch Nico but then the safety car came out. He was very grateful for it. "That's the world championship right there so I'm gonna drive the nuts off this car." Then Nico made a mistake. "And I was like okay, I'll take it!"
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He describes bubbling emotions as he won. He was ready to explode. He had so many memories from growing up… It was almost too much to handle. It's an amazing feeling to come out, stand in front of the team, and hear them roar.
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More dramatic Toto voice-over. The end. 
Brundle and Simon talk about Rob Musgrave saying Lewis is part of the team. Brundle says he was there for 4-5 hours to do a seat fitting to drive the car as we saw in another broadcast. There were no cameras around and he truly got the feeling that Lewis was welcome, respected and integrated in the team. Same for Nico. Simon says it's nice to hear that Lewis is a team player after reading what sometimes comes out in the press. 
Ohhhh we're getting a Lewis - Nigel Mansell interview as well. Lewis asks how different it was, there in Mexico, 23 years ago. Nigel says it was amazingly different and some parts he doesn't recognise. They talk about the track. The last corner has been changed, it was called the peralta (?) and it was a "long looping corner" that they'd take at 190 mph. It surprises Lewis. He asks if it was a bank. Nigel says it was a little bit banked, yes. The starting line was elsewhere as well so they used to cross it at that speed. (Later I think it was Brundle who said he exaggerated a bit lol)
Nigel asks him to tell everybody how he really feels now, he must feel awesome. He only won one title, Lewis won 3, what does it feel like. Lewis says they all are different. He feels like he's just beaming with light and everything around him seems beautiful. He still can't believe it. Nigel says he thinks it's wonderful that he does a lot of other things away from the sport : he sings, we see images of him wrestling as well (! Lucha libre ? Idk), he plays football (he calls it soccer but fuck that). What does he enjoy the most? Of course he says music is his favourite. He loves sports but there's something incredible about creating music. He says it's the universal language. It's the one thing that brings people from all walks of life together. "Crosses barriers," Nigel chimes in. "It does! There is no boundaries in music." He says as a kid he really loved hip hop but as he grew up he learnt to love all types of music. He loves the creative part of it. Nigel asks if he feels refreshed when he makes music. He says he can be in the studio all day long, 24 hours, and he feels amazing. They're doing it in the garage which is annoying because we don't hear them well but Nigel says he's excited that the boundaries are (? Can't hear). He thinks it is healthy. 
Lewis says at McLaren he felt like he was in a box. He couldn't go where he wanted to (metaphorically), he felt restricted. "Confined," Nigel adds. "It's like, you can only stay here," Lewis says as he mimes a circle with his hands. He thinks generally, as human beings, we tend to put people in a box. "If you do this, this is all you can do. It's weird if you do something different. But I don't feel it should be." He feels like he can apply himself to anything. 
Nigel says he often hears about teammates and he and Nico. He says he was fortunate but also a little bit unfortunate as he had 3 world champions as teammates. (Piquet, Prost, Rosberg). He says of course, when you're racing a world champion, you are the understudy. He says Lewis is the cream of the crop being three times world champion and he (Nigel) has said to people before that whoever is in the second seat has an incredible opportunity to race against the best of the best. "Absolutely," Lewis says with no humility whatsoever lol. Nigel carries on : they should work very well together. I don't understand the question he asks after that. Lewis says generally… Nigel can ask any of the guys, he's very easy and open. The way he was raised… His dad said to never play games outside of the car (mmmmh…….). You know what's coming next : "Do your talking on the track". So that's what he does. Of course they have to do all these interviews and stuff, he doesn't really care about that, what matters is what he does in the car. 
Nigel says there are some people who don't realise how fantastically disciplined Lewis is. Nigel says he actually (? can’t hear) a few things people don't even know about. “That's true isn't it?” Lewis says they all have to find their own way, Nigel’s way wouldn't have worked for him, and his way probably wouldn't have worked for him. Nigel interrupts him : "No, I like your way!" They chuckle. "I like your way as well," Lewis says. They shake hands. 
"You gotta promise your fans one thing," Nigel says. "What's that?" asks Lewis. "Do it again next year. But most importantly, don't hurt yourself like a certain golfer did." (... What) "By doing some of these other things, bouncing a little bit." (What is he talking about. Is this about Tiger Woods somehow? Why are they being compared? Just cause they’re both Black?) Lewis says as a parent his dad was always telling him don't do this and don't do that. And he was always generally doing what he'd been told not to do. "And still today I try and find a balance. I'm crazy. So I do all the things outside, which, you know, most sportsmen don't do. But I do it within myself a majority of the time. I don't go beyond like I do in a Formula 1 car." – "And it's a great feeling of freedom, isn't it?" says Nigel. "Oh it's amazing!" Lewis answers. "And it helps doing this too," Nigel adds, pointing to the inside of the garage. "And I've been lucky," Lewis says. "There have been times where I've almost hurt myself. And at that moment in time, I'm 'ooh…' I'm not gonna do that again, you know?"
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They laugh. "But I think life is just so short, you know, my auntie passed away 4-5 years ago and I remember– she died from cancer and she was only in her early fifties, and I remember her sitting there telling me– she's like 'where did the time go?' you know 'I was working so much that I didn't get to do the things that I really wanted to do' and it resonated with me so much." So he tries to live everyday like it's the last, but with balance, because… "Look at this sport, we've lost Jules early on this year. You never know what's gonna happen." They fly all over the world, there's plane crashes, helicopter crashes, car crashes, ... 
Nigel asks what he'd want to say to the fans to wrap this up. "Well, man, I love my fans." He never thought he'd have people buying a t-shirt with his name on it. He dreamt of being a racing driver, he never thought of what came with it. And the love he gets from them is indescribable, the power he gets from them, the strength, it's undeniable. 
The cars are on the way to the grid. 
Oh. Interestingly, there are kids on the track for the anthem, in traditional clothing. Instead of putting their hands flat on their chest like I'm more used to seeing, they hold it facing down to the ground at the same height, arm straight, parallel to the ground. The anthem is played by one single trumpet. More like a clarion really. Oh yeah, it's soldiers playing it. So clarion indeed. And a few rows of drums. Oh and now the whole fanfare picks it up and the children start singing. I see that in the crowds, everybody is holding their hands the same way the kids are. I guess it's a Mexican thing I never knew about. That's interesting. I wonder why we do it differently. Checo does so as well, and he sings as well. All I can find online about it is that it's written in the law that that's how you do it in Mexico. 
A journalist asks Niki if he's worried about his boys into turn 1. He says yes absolutely, because Nico is aggressive, Lewis is always aggressive and they can let them race the way they want. He thinks 100% Nico will be more aggressive this weekend than he has been. He's a little bit worried about the start but also a little bit excited. After the first corner he'll relax a bit.
The stakes are Nico trying not to end up 3rd in the WDC standings ; Seb is currently 4 points ahead of him. 
Formation lap. 
And they're racing! 
Kvyat overtakes Seb while Lewis closes on Nico, but he keeps the lead. Seb is struggling, he lost another place to Ricciardo. And then to a lot of other cars. What's going on there? Oh he has a puncture, he says on the radio. He got it from contact with Daniel. Aww. :( Alonso reports loss of power and is called in to retire the car, already. Seb is in but he's held up because Alonso comes in as well. Catastrophic. That's a 7.7 stop. Bottas is challenging Ricciardo for P4. 
Oh god. It's 71 laps?! Phew. I don't like short circuits. Valtteri pits before the 10th lap. Massa follows shortly after. 
On lap 10, then, we have Nico, Lewis, Kvyat, Ricciardo, Verstappen, Perez, Sainz, Maldonado, Raikkonen and Grosjean in the top 10. So far it's really not very interesting. Then Sainz pits, while the Williams are making their way through the field. Seb overtakes Jenson for P11 BUT HE SPINS SHORTLY AFTER ohhh… He turns around and goes again but he's back down in P15. Perez pits from P6. 
It's lap 20. Nico is still in the lead ahead of Lewis by 2.8 seconds. It's still Kvyat, Ricciardo and Verstappen behind them. Then we have Raikkonen, Valtteri, Massa, Hulkenberg and Sainz. Seb complains of a flat spot. This time, Lewis sets the fastest lap. Kvyat pits from P3. It's gonna set things in motion for the top 5, surely. Valtteri attacks Raikkonen for P6 but can't make it. Maybe… OH THEY TOUCHED! Yeah we all saw it coming, it was so close. Oh that's terminal damage on that Ferrari? Yeah it is. Valtteri will get a penalty for that I think. Mmmh. I don't know. On the replay… It's difficult to say. It's not like Valtteri was excessively aggressive, he had the inside line and Raikkonen turned too sharply, I guess… The investigation is open. Ricciardo pits from P3. Nico is told to push hard. He's called in. Verstappen pits first. Here comes Nico. Lewis is now in the lead. No further action for the incident between Raikkonen and Valtteri. "Prime tyres to the end," Nico's engineer tells him. Seb overtakes Maldonado but goes wide and Maldonado is back ahead. He's really struggling. Lewis is called in. It's a quicker stop than Nico's, 2.4 vs 2.7, but he's back in the lead anyway. Seb says his tyres are really not in great shape now. 
And it's lap 30. Nico, ahead of Lewis, Kvyat back in P3 but followed by Valtteri and Massa, Ricciardo down in P6, followed by Hulkenberg, Verstappen, Sainz, and Perez. Lewis sets another fastest lap. The journalists think that unlike Nico, who's been told to manage his tyres, Lewis might stop again. Oooh. Perez is going for Sainz, who locks up and cuts across the grass. That's a lot of advantage gained, that… shortly after, he lets Perez ahead. Yeah. That's probably better than getting a penalty. But of course now he's attacking back. He doesn’t make it, though. Seb pits. He's in P14 and getting lapped by Nico, slotting between him and Lewis. Seb reports debris turn 10.
It's lap 40, now. I'm getting kinda bored. Nico, Lewis, Kvyat, Valtteri, Massa, Ricciardo, Hulkenberg, Verstappen, Perez, Sainz. Seb is getting blue flagged out of the way. Lewis sets another fastest lap. Nico's engineer is trying to tell him the gap to Lewis but he cuts him off : "Don't tell me anymore, don't tell me anymore." NICO PITS AGAIN. Huh. Bono : "We are going to convert to Plan B, converting to Plan B, let us know if you need a flap adjust." But he doesn't come in. They don't broadcast it but I see Lewis asked why. Bono explained : "We are worried about wear, we are worried about wear on these tyres, we are down to the canvas, so box this lap, box this lap." Then Lewis answered : "Bono, these tyres are still good." Bono insisted it was for safety reasons, presumably as Lewis didn't come in as he again tells him to box this next lap, then. "Bono you need to check his tyres, my tyres feel good," he said. Bono gets more stern, now. "So Lewis we were down to zero on the first set. If we go longer on this set, we will be down to zero if not worse. So this is boxing end of this lap, instruction." Lewis still answers : "I think that's the wrong call, but I am coming in." Bono says they'll debate it later, "boxing at the end of this lap." Oh here we go, now they broadcast Lewis asking why. And then the rest of it until the "instruction". He's in. Out in P2. "Please check those tyres and let me know," he says sullenly. "I want some feedback, Bono." Not a great attitude from the sporting point of view but he sounds hot af. 
It's lap 50. Ted explains the "I think it's the wrong decision" part of the comms that didn't get broadcasted. I wonder if Lewis thinks they're doing it on purpose to give Nico a win, after the last race's disappointment and with Toto saying he's still angry. Nico sets the fastest lap, and then Lewis sets the next one. Daniel just overtook Massa for P5. Perez overtakes Verstappen for P8. So the order goes of course Nico, Lewis, Kvyat, Valtteri, then Daniel, Massa, Hulkenberg, Perez, Verstappen and– OH! SEB HAS CRASHED! Awww what a shit day for him. Safety car out. Seb says he's okay and apologises. Sainz pits. Kvyat pits. Massa pits. Hulkenberg pits. Ricciardo pits. The journalists are surprised they didn't pit Valtteri, who's now in P3 then. Can he make it to the end? No, he can't, they pit him now. He's back in P4. Wow the crash is strange… He just couldn't turn. There was a problem with that car for sure. And the safety car comes in… Nico backs them up and Lewis is almost side by side with him… Here we go! VALTTERI OVERTAKES KVYAT! Great job! Yellow flags in sector 3? Oh. Nasr had an issue, he says his brakes are finished, but he's able to drive himself through the barrier and out of the track so no race interruption. Oh and on a replay we see Nico went wide and cut through a corner. And then on a different one we see Lewis also going off although more briefly somewhere else. Valtteri is in his DRS zone as well, but he can't use it yet. 
It's lap 60. Nico is 1.3 ahead of Lewis, then what happened, because Valtteri is suddenly 2.5 seconds down… Kvyat and Daniel come next, followed by Massa, Hulkenberg, Perez, Verstappen and Grosjean. DRS is enabled now. 
10 laps to go. Lewis is slowly, little by little, closing on Nico. One tenth at a time. He'll soon be in his DRS zone… Maldonado went wide and almost collected a wall, but saved it. Here it is. Lewis is under a second away, oh but he must have made a mistake because now it's 1.8… Come on, we're running out of laps! 
5 laps to go. 1.4. He's gaining again, but I'm not sure he's doing it fast enough to get a chance. He sets the fastest lap. 1.2. Oh 1.4… Nico sets the fastest lap now. He's gonna get this one. 
It's the end of the race. 
Nico wins, Lewis P2, Valtteri P3. 
Lewis and Nico completely ignore each other as they walk to the cool down room from the track. The cars are parked in front of the stands, which is a nice touch for the fans. Nico left his helmet and gloves with his car and he's supposed to have them for the weigh in. Finally, he goes to shake Lewis' hand. It's brief, and dry. He turns away immediately to shake Valtteri's, while Lewis makes himself look busy with his suit and wire. Valtteri interrupts him to congratulate him as well.
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They chat, while Nico slaps Shov's arm in glee. The caps are of course replaced by large sombrero shaped hats that are very ugly because they're completely made of what looks like black velvet. Nico didn't hear them call his name and gets there as they announce the anthem. They wait for him to salute the crowd and climb on the first step. 
Lewis chooses he'd rather go without a hat than the stupid sombrero, as does Valtteri. 
Nigel Mansell is leading the interviews. Lewis throws the sombrero into the crowd like a Frisbee. The crowd sings "ole, ole ole ole ole, Nico, Nico" which must be nice after all this time without a win. Nigel says to Lewis he pushed hard but couldn't quite do it today. "No, Nico drove a fantastic race. It's just been fantastic to be here in Mexico. I've never seen a crowd like this, it's like a football game." They cheer. "The fans have been amazing, I've never seen anything like this." 
Niki says Nico was better this time no question, but his and everybody's worry was if they'd finish the race at all. The brakes, the temperatures, all that. "So we did a perfect job, I have to say." Ted asks if that's why they pitted them a second time. He says it was tyre wear but they had to manage cooling the car. Ted asks if he thinks it's right they made Lewis come in given Nico had pitted. Niki says he couldn't have stayed out, the strategy was changed from 1 to 2 stops because the wear was high, and they were so much in the lead they could afford it. If the team decides to do another pit stop, they both have to come in.
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In the media pen, Lewis says it wasn't a tough day, it was a good fun day, the team did a great job and Nico drove fantastically well and didn't make any mistakes today which is good for him. He did everything he could, pushed as hard as he could, but when you get close you lose downforce on this track and as there's little grip to begin with, it makes it difficult. Of course she asks about the second stop. He says he didn't get any feedback on the set he asked about. Then he says he doesn't think they gave him any, or at least he doesn't remember it.
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He makes that face he makes when he's kinda caught red handed, when he isn't proud of his actions, or is about to say something controversial (it's the same one he made when he said Nico and himself weren't friends last year) : eyes narrowed, lips parted, frozen expression. "It's irrelevant anyway, so…"
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He has a small smile. The team had concerns for safety so they took a decision. "For safety, that's what you have to do." So he doesn't think the win was there for him today after the start? He reiterates he was pushing every single lap for it without cooking his brakes, but that's as close as he could get.
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They're taking a team photo. Lewis starts running before they spray the champagne. Then comes back. Nico gestures to the team members to spray Lewis as a team member holds him down and Lewis turns around to make him let go and pushes him away with a wide smile.
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You'd think everything is fine in this team. They take another photo, and there's the champagne, Lewis sprints, they focus on Nico who didn't move. 
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In March of 2016, The CDC posted guidelines for opioid prescriptions (1) that would have some of the most devastating consequences for patients with chronic pain. While the intention may have been to curb opioid overdoses, which is a tragedy in its own right, pain patients have been forgotten and left to suffer, and in some cases commit suicide after forced tapering. (2) In the three years since they were issued, the CDC has advised against the misapplication of the guidelines, (3) and the authors of the guideline admit that they have been greatly misapplied. (4) However, the guidelines have not been directly changed or removed.
The CDC Guidelines have resulted in government crackdowns that have left many pain patients without their medication and without recourse. In a recent survey, 85% of pain patients responded that the guidelines have made their pain and quality of life worse; 50% responded that they have considered suicide as a result. (5) People like to say that pain is temporary, but for many, it is not. For many, that pain is only temporary insofar as they will die one day. It should therefore come as no surprise that chronic pain leads to an increased risk of suicide. (6) Jay Lawrence of Tennessee took his own life with the support of his wife after medication was tapered. (7) He is not the only one; there is also Phillip Kuykendall of North Carolina, Allison Kimberly of Colorado, Ryan Trunzo of Massachusetts, Kevin Keller of Virginia, Mercedes McGuire of Indiana, Bob Mason of Montana, Zach Williams of Minnesota, Donald Alan Beyer of Idaho, Doug Hale of Vermont, Travis Patterson of Texas, Sherri Little of California, and Katherine Goddard of Florida all died from pain related suicides. (8)
Pain not only kills with threats of suicide, but with risk of complications and dying in preventable agony like the case of Dawn Anderson. She had the misfortune of getting her medication at a pill mill, and when it was shut down no doctor would take up her pain management (9) She begged her primary care doctor to continue prescribing the medication she desperately needed and was ignored (10) Dawn passed away on March 11, 2019 in a hospital from complex medical issues that were no doubt exacerbated by untreated pain. That's just one example of horror that pain patients face when they are abruptly tapered off their medication. Pain patients like Emily Ulrich (11) and Danny Elliott (12) have suffered through these taperings, and their quality of life has dramatically suffered. Even cancer patients, supposedly exempt from these guidelines, are suffering needlessly from reduced opioid prescriptions. (13)
It truly should be a moral outrage that people are left to suffer and often die, all based on a lie. Most people who get addicted to opioids do not do so through legal opioid prescriptions. However, in spite of the evidence of this, the stories that end up in wide circulation in media are the ones specifically selected because they fit this narrative. (14) One study has shown that medicare patients treated with opioids are at the lowest risk of addiction. (15) Furthermore, another study showed it is friends and family that are more often the gateway to addiction as opposed to doctors. (15) This doesn’t mean the risk of addiction is not an important issue, but one’s own risk of addiction is a lot more complicated than the story that has been continuously fed through the media and should be decided between a doctor and their patient, not the CDC or the government.
There is also a general misunderstanding of drug dependency and calling it addiction. When in truth, many people become dependent without developing an addiction.(17) In spite of this, patients with a developed dependency continue to be dangerously cut off and some will inevitably turn to illegal opioids.(18) Addicts will continue to be inadequately treated, opioid prescribers needlessly scapegoated, (19) all while overdoses from illicit drugs are still growing at an exponential rate. (20)
Despite all attempts to curb the opioid crisis through the reduction of legal prescriptions, fentanyl deaths have been doubling every year (21). Pill mills have been shut down, legal prescriptions are down, and yet somehow the overdoses continue to rise. (22) All of this comes at a cost, as pain patients are consistently stigmatized by healthcare workers as pill seekers. (23)
Addiction is a terrible affliction, and one that is not well understood. However, restriction does not treat addiction, and instead is creating a new set of victims: the pain patients forcibly tapered or completely cut off from their medication. This is unacceptable. Compassion and fact-based medicine should be the core of how we treat addiction, not restriction that ultimately ends up hurting both addicts and pain patients. It is time to admit that we, as a society, have made a mistake. It’s time to admit there’s a lot we don’t know about addiction and how it really works. And lastly, it’s time to ask ourselves if causing the needless suffering and death of thousands of pain patients is an acceptable way to try to combat the problem of addiction and overdose. How many people have to suffer in unnecessary pain? How many more overdoses and suicides need to happen before we can acknowledge that this is not working?
In our desire to battle addiction, we must not forget pain patients. We need to start listening more to those of us who have been screaming for so long about our pain. I am a pain patient who was suddenly cut off from opioids when the guidelines were released, and I am outraged! I had to fight tooth and nail to get my medicine back, and even still I face stigma. I have reliably taken opioids many times over the years without any abuse and yet I’m treated as if addiction is inevitable. I also come from a family of addicts and have lost people I love to addiction. I understand that pain, and it’s why I resent these restrictions that are little more than security theater. Pain patients are either losing their quality of life, or their life entirely, because #PainKills. We have the means to relieve people of their pain but choose to withhold it because in truth, addiction disgusts us and we’d rather restrict access than face the issue head on.
I encourage my fellow pain patients to tell their stories using #PainKills and for allies to help boost our voices, maybe post one of the many articles I have cited. Either way, we need to get our stories told. We need people to understand that opioids are a useful medication, that pain relief is a worthwhile goal, and that not all pain conditions are curable. We need to stop stigmatizing pain relief and start treating it as a basic human right. We must keep the conversation of prescriptions between us and our doctors! We cannot continue to tolerate the government going after doctors for treating people in unimaginable pain.
We have seen how #PainKills by taking the lives of those unable to see another way out, and how #PainKills our ability to have a meaningful life without sufficient pain medication. We cannot afford to go unheard anymore.
1: CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain — United States, 2016
2. Suffering and abandoned: Chronic pain patients cut off in the opioid era
3: CDC Advises Against Misapplication of the Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
4: Faced with an outcry over limits on opioids, authors of CDC guidelines acknowledge they’ve been misapplied
5:Survey: CDC Guideline Having ‘Horrendous’ Impact on Pain Patients
6: Chronic pain may contribute to suicide, study warns
7: My husband committed suicide after doctors restricted his pain medication
8: #OpioidCrisis Pain Related SUICIDES associated with forced taper
9: Pain Patient’s Death Was ‘State-Sanctioned Torture’
10: Dawn Anderson’s Desperate Plea for Help
11: What It’s Like to Be Forcibly Tapered Off Fentanyl
13: Opioid stigma is keeping many cancer patients from getting the pain control they need
14: What the media gets wrong about opioids
15: Study Finds 90% of Medicare Patients Have Little Risk of Opioid Overdose
16: Study: Friends, family are most common gateway to addiction, not doctors
17: FDA: Pain Patients Dependent On Opioids Are Not Addicted
18: How Stigma Against Addiction Devastates Pain Patients
19: Opioid laws hit physicians, patients in unintended wayshttps://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20180730/NEWS/180739995/opioid-laws-hit-physicians-patients-in-unintended-ways
20: Illicit Fentanyl Deaths Rising at ‘Exponential Rate’
21: Fentanyl overdose deaths in the U.S. have been doubling every year
22: Prescriptions are down, but overdoses are up — is that progress?
23: I Burdened Chronic Pain Patients with My Stigma
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realreadreid · 5 years
Lesbian Fandom Guide
A complete domestic and international list of lesbian TV & movie femslash ship names. 
(Updated 12/9/19)
So, in spectacular idiot fashion, I accidentally deleted the original post. Bright side, it has lead to a major overhaul and update to the list. As always, suggestions are desired and welcomed. Enjoy!
NOTES: 1. Only listing ships name mashups, 2. Alphabetical
KEY:  C=Cannon, *=Ship currently in progress, D=Domestic (USA), I=International, D/I=Int’l shows that air in the US
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ADAMS FOSTER = Lena & Stef (Adams-Foster) [The Fosters] C D
AGUSLERIA = Agustina & Valeria [Vecinos En Guerra] C I
ALBY = Alex Parrish & Shelby Wyatt [Quantico] I
AMANDIE = Amanda & Edie [Almost Family] C* D
ANN(e) = Anne Lester & Ann Walker [Gentleman Jack] C* D/I
ANNALEVE = (Annalise) Keating & (Eve) Rothlow [How to Get Away with Murder] C D
AURELIA = Aurora & Celia [Seis Hermanas] C I
AVALANE = (Ava) Sharpe & Sara (Lance) [Legends of Tomorrow] C* D
BADISON = Bird & Madison [Finding Carter] C D
BALLIE = Bea & Allie [Wentworth] C I
BARCEDES = Barbara & Mercedes (Mechita) [Perdona Nuestros Pecados] C I
BECHLOE = Beca & Chloe [Pitch Perfect] D
BERENA = (Bernie) Wolfe & (Serena) Campbell [Holby City] C* I
BERING & WEKLS = Myka (Bering) & Helena G. (Wells) [Warehouse 13] D
BRITTANA = Brittany & Santana [Glee] C D
CABESON = Alex (Cabot) & Olivia (Benson) [L&O SVU] D
CALZONA = Callie & Arizona [Grey’s Anatomy] C D
CAZZIE (CIZZIE) = Casey & Izzie [Atypical] C* D
CHELLY = Chloe & Elly [Neighbors] C I
CLARINA = Clara & Marina [Em Familia] C I
CLEXA = Clarke & Lexa [The 100] C D
COPHINE = Cosima & Delphine [Orphan Black] C D/I
CRISABEL = Cristina & Isabel [Tierra de Lobos] C I
CROANA = Cris + Joana [SKAM Espana] C* I
DALICE = Dane & Alice [The L Word] C D
DANSEN = Alex (Danvers) & Kelly (Olsen) [Supergirl] C* D
DEANORU = Karolina (Dean) & Niko (Minoru) [Marvel’s Runways] C*
DOCUBUS = Doctor (Laruen) & Succubus (Bo) [Lost Girl] C D/I
ELIZONA = Arizona & Eliza [Grey’s Anatomy] C D
EMAYA = Emily & Maya [Pretty Little Liars] C D
EMISON = Emily & Allison [Pretty Little Liars] C D
FABERRY = Quinn (Fabray) & Rachel (Berry) [Glee] D
FIMOGEN = Fiona & Imogen [Degrassi] C D
FLOZMIN = Florencia & Jazmín [Las Estrellas] C I
FREELIN = Freya & Keelin [The Originals] C D
FOXXAY = Cordelia (Foxx) & Misty (Day) [American Horror Story] D
FRIDGET = (Franky) Doyle & (Bridget) Westfall [Wentworth] C I
FUFFY = Faith & Buffy [Buffy the Vampire Slayer] D
GOLLY = Gail & Holly [Rookie Blue] C D
GRANKIE = Grace & Frankie [Grace & Frankie] D
GRENNA = Greer & Brenna [Chasing Life] C D
GREYES = Abby (Griffin) & Raven (Rayes) [The 100] C* D
HACKLE = Ada (Cackle) & Hecate (Hardbroom) [The Worst Witch] I
HICSQUEAK = Hecate Hardbroom & Pippa Pentangle [The Worst Witch] I
HOLLSTEIN = Laura (Hollis) & Carmilla (Karnstein) [Carmilla] C D/I
HOLTZBERT = Holtzmann & Gilbert [Ghostbusters] D
JASSANI = Jasmine & Anni [GZSZ] C
JATHEA = Jade & Althea [The Rich Man’s Daughter] C I
JEMILY = (Jennifer) “JJ” Jareau & (Emily) Prentiss [Criminal Minds]* D
JEMMA = Jenna & Emma [Hand auts Herz] C I
JETRA = (Jane) Villanueva & (Petra) Solano [Jane the Virgin] D
JULIANA = Julia & Mariana [Las Aparicio] C I
JULIANTINA = Juliana y Valentina [Amar a Muerte] C I
KADENA = Kat & Adena [The Bold Type] C* D
KANA = Kate & Rana [Coronation Street] C I
KANNI = Katrin & Anni [GZSZ] C I
KARMY = Karma & Amy [Faking It] C D
KEMALINE = Kate & Emaline [Everything Sucks] C D
KERIETTA = Kerstin & Juliette [Marienhof] C I
KINGS’S GOLD = Quinn (King) & Rachel (Goldberg) [UnREAL]* D
LIMANTHA = Lica e Samantha [Malhação] C I
LINTZ  =Maggie (Lin) & Sydney (Katz) [Saving Hope] C D
LUIMELIA = Luisita y Amelia [Amar es para Siempre] C I
LUTRICIA = Lucia & Patricia [Las Trampas del Deseo] C I
LYRETRIA = Lyria & Eretria [The Shannara Chronicles] C* D
MALEX =Marissa & Alex [The OC] C D
MARBECCA = Marlene & Rebecca [Verbotene Liebe] C I
MELKO = Mel & Niko [Charmed] C* D
MELLIVIA = (Mellie) Grant & (Olivia) Pope [Scandal] D
MENESIS = Megan y Genesis [Mi Familia Perfecta] C I
MIRANDAY = Miranda & Andrea [The Devil Wears Prada] D
MINX = Marissa & Bianca (Binx) [All My Children] C D
MOLLUNA = Molly & Luna [Burden of Truth] C D
MOTHERSHIP=Xena & Gabrielle [Xena Warrior Princess] C D
NAOMILY = Naomi & Emily [Skins UK] C D/I
NICHORELLO = Nicky & Morello [OITNB] C D
NOMANITA = Nomi & Amanita [Sense 8] C D
OTALIA = Olivia & Natalie [Guiding Light] C D
PAILY = Paige & Emily [Pretty Little Liars] C D
PALEX = Paige & Alex [Degrassi] C D
PARCOR = Parker & Kristina (Corinthos) [General Hospital] C D
PATTEN = (Patty) Hughes & (Ellen) Parsons [Damages] D
PAUGELA = Paula y Angela [La Otra Mirada] C I
PEPSI = Pepa & Silvia [Los Hombres de Paco] C I
PETRAMOS = (Petra) Solano & Jane (Ramos) [Jane the Virgin] C D
POSIE = Penelope & Josie [Legacies] C* D
PUPCAKE = Patsy & Delia  [Call the Midwife] C D/I
REAMY = Reagan & Amy [Faking It] C D
RED SLIPPERS = Red & Dorothy [Once Upon a Time] C D
RIZZLES = Jane (Rizzoli) & Maura (Isles) [Rizzoli & Isles] D
ROISA = Rose & Luisa [Jane the Virgin] C D
SANVERS = Maggie (Sawyer) & Alex (Danvers) [Supergirl] C D
SARLOTA = Carlota & Sara [Cable Girls] C* D/I
SAULA = Sophie & Paula [Coronation Street] C I
SHARMEN = Shane & Carmen [The L Word] C D
SHOOT = Shaw & Root [Person of Interest] C D
SKIMMONS (BIOHACKER/BIOQUAKE) = Jemma Simmons & Daisy “Skye” Johnson [Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.] D
SLEEPING WARRIOR = Aurora & Mulan  [Once Upon A Time] C D
SPARIA = Spencer & Aria [Pretty Little Liars] D
SPASHLEY = (Spencer) Carlin & (Ashley) Davies [South of Nowhere] C D
SUPERCORP (KARLENA) = (Kara) Danvers & (Lena) Luthor [Supergirl]* D
SUPERCAT = Kara (Super)girl Danvers & (Cat) Grant [Supergirl] D
SWAY QUEEN = Emma (Swan) & Evil (Queen) [Once Upon a Time] D
TALICE = Tasha & Alice [The L Word] C D
TERIAH = Tessa & Mariah [All My Children] C* D
THUNDERGRACE = Anissa (Thunder) Pierce & Grace Choi [Black Lightning] C* D
TIBETTE = Tina & Bette [The L Word] C D
TILDESSA = Tilda & Odessa [Into the Badlands] C* D
TILLOW = Tara & Willow [Buffy the Vampire Slayer] C D
TRIMBERLY = (Trini) Kwan & (Kimberly) Hart [Power Rangers] D
TRISHICA = (Trish) Walker & (Jessica) Jones [Jessica Jones] D
VANITY = (Vanessa) Woodfield & (Charity) Dingle [Emmerdale] C* I
VAUSEMAN = Alex (Vause) & Piper (Chapman) [OINB] C D
WAYHAUGHT = (Waverly) Earp & Nicole (Haught) [Wynonna Earp] C* D/I
WILLEX = Willow & Alex [Home & Away] C* I
WYNHAUGHT = (Wynonna) Earp & Nicole (Haught) [Wynonna Earp]* D/I
ZASHA = Zoe & Rasha [Degrassi] C D
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plusorminuscongress · 4 years
New story in Politics from Time: Amid Calls for Diversity, Biden Tops Trump on People of Color in Senior Campaign Staff
(WASHINGTON) — Amid a summer of racial unrest and calls for more diversity in leadership, President Donald Trump lags Democratic rival Joe Biden in the percentage of people of color on their campaign staffs, according to data the campaigns provided to The Associated Press.
Twenty-five percent of the Republican president’s senior staff are nonwhite, compared to 36% of Biden’s senior staff. Biden’s overall campaign team is 35% nonwhite; Trump’s campaign did not provide a comparable number.
And neither campaign provided racial breakdowns for their nonwhite staff, nor the total number of staffers who are on their payrolls, including senior staff.
Advocates for minority groups say staff diversity is necessary to ensure political candidates hear a full range of voices and viewpoints to help them understand the concerns of various communities and interest groups — especially at a time when racial injustice is front and center in the national conversation. And while Biden has an edge on Trump, there is plenty more to be done in presidential campaigns overall.
Jennifer Lawless, commonwealth professor of politics at the University of Virginia, said “there are still a lot of milestones that haven’t been hit” by political campaigns, such as a Black man or woman directing — and winning — a presidential campaign. And she said having diverse staff at lower levels in campaigns can help increase the pool of future managers, finance chairs and others.
“It’s all part of the pipeline,” Lawless said.
Trump’s campaign makeup got a double-take in June when Vice President Mike Pence tweeted — and later deleted — a photo from his visit to campaign headquarters. The photo at first drew attention for the lack of social distancing and use of face masks among the staff. But it also was notable for the sea of mostly white faces.
Eric Rodriguez, senior vice president of policy and advocacy at UnidosUS, said the Biden team had more Latinos in senior positions than Trump.
“You need people from those communities to be able to make those connections,” said Rodriguez, whose organization used to be called the National Council of La Raza.
The rival campaigns fared better — and are about even —- on employing women, with females filling more than half of all jobs overall, and more than half of all senior positions.
The president’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, who is white, former White House aide Mercedes Schlapp, who is Cuban American, and Katrina Pierson, who is Black and worked on Trump’s 2016 campaign, are among the highest-profile senior female staffers working to help him get reelected.
Others include former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle, now a top fundraiser for the reelection effort and the girlfriend of Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., and Hannah Castillo, a Latina and the campaign’s coalitions director. Guilfoyle’s mother is Puerto Rican.
Biden senior adviser Symone Sanders, who is Black, is the campaign’s highest-ranking person of color and, at 30, is the youngest member of his inner circle. The candidate also recently brought on several African Americans who worked for President Barack Obama, including Karine Jean-Pierre, formerly an NBC News and MSNBC political analyst.
Jamal Brown, a spokesperson for Biden, said the former vice president’s campaign reflects the “diversity, breadth and promise of America.”
“He believes our democracy is strongest when people see themselves reflected in their government,” added Brown, who is Black.
The killing in May of George Floyd, who was Black, by a white Minneapolis police officer sparked nationwide protests against racial injustice and calls for greater minority representation across the board in society that brought fresh scrutiny to the presidential campaigns.
Biden had faced questions earlier in the campaign about the lack of diversity on his staff. Along with adding more people of color to his campaign, Biden has promised an administration that “looks like America” if he is elected on Nov. 3.
The U.S. population is about 60% white, 19% Latino and 13% Black, according to Census Bureau estimates.
Trump has not made a similar pledge about a potential second term. His campaign declined to discuss minority representation on the campaign staff.
Four women currently serve in Trump’s Cabinet: CIA Director Gina Haspel and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, both of whom are white; Jovita Carranza, a Latina who leads the Small Business Administration; and Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, who was born in Taiwan.
Housing Secretary Ben Carson is the only Black member of the Cabinet.
Rodriguez summed up the Biden campaign strategy as focused on winning support from a diverse pool of voters, especially in battleground states where large numbers of Latino and Black voters live. He characterized Trump’s strategy as being “really all about the base” and attempting to replicate his successful 2016 campaign playbook, which used immigration as a wedge issue.
“The strategy is to run on racial division,” Rodriguez said of the president, who has begun to use the racial tensions that surfaced after Floyd’s killing in his reelection pitch.
Still, Trump and his campaign make regular appeals to Black and Latino voters.
The president regularly cites employment gains for these groups before the coronavirus pandemic struck, and he continues to showcase legislation he signed to overhaul criminal sentencing procedures and provide permanent funding for historically Black colleges and universities.
This week, Trump was surrounded by Latino American leaders as he announced a new advisory commission to help Hispanic Americans with economic and educational opportunities.
But the event also highlighted how far Trump has to go in winning support from people of color. Critics of Trump’s record with Hispanics called for a boycott of the Goya food company after its president praised Trump at the event.
The president does have strong support among some people of Cuban and Venezuelan descent, though, because of his tough stance against authoritarian leaders in those countries.
The Biden campaign said LGBTQ staff and staff of color hold such positions as senior advisers, deputy campaign managers, national coalitions director, chief financial officer, chief operating officer and national press secretary, among others.
Trump’s campaign defined its senior staff as “senior leaders who meet regularly to make decisions. People with authority,” and did not elaborate.
By Darlene Superville / AP on July 11, 2020 at 10:56AM
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
FxF fandom RP!
Hi! You can call me Stelli. I'm 22, female and as the title says, I'm looking for some fandom FxF RP. 
Some general info: 
- I write in third person, semi-para to multi-para and try to reply at least once a day. 
- Smut and dark themes are not necessary, but definitely welcome. 
- You must be 21+ (and any characters who aren't already 21+ will be aged up). 
- In addition to the RP, we can talk and get to know each other OOC if you'd like, but if you don't want to that's also fine.  
Below, in no particular order, are a few fandoms I'm interested in. Who I'd like to play in each pairing is marked with an asterisk. No asterisk means I can play either. 
- Jennifer Check/Needy Lesnicki* 
- Nina Sayers*/Lily 
HUSTLERS (2019) 
- Ramona/Destiny
- Mercedes/Annabelle 
- Diamond/Liz
- (other possible combinations)  
- Marta Cabrera/Meg Thrombey 
- Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz*
- Betty Cooper/Veronica Lodge 
- Elena Houghlin*/Jane Kano
- Elena Houghlin*/Sabina Wilson 
- Kimberly Hart*/Trini Kwan  
SUSPIRIA (2018) 
- Susie Bannion/Sara Simms
- Sara Simms/Patricia Hingle
- Susie Bannion/Madame Blanc 
- (other possible combinations) 
Lastly, I'm also willing to try other fandoms/pairings not listed here, as long as they're FxF and I'm at least somewhat familiar with them.
My Discord is Stelli#5526. Looking forward to hearing from you!
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kemetic-dreams · 5 years
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Nine Alleged Members Of The Jenifer Drug Trafficking Organization Charged By Indictment And Implicated In A 2012 Murder
82 Kilograms of Cocaine Having a Street Value of $8.2 Million Seized During the Investigation
Baltimore, Maryland - A federal grand jury has indicted nine defendants – seven men and two women – who are alleged to be members of the Jenifer drug trafficking organization (Jenifer DTO) for conspiring to distribute kilograms of cocaine in the Baltimore metropolitan and Woodbridge, Virginia areas. The indictment seeks the forfeiture of $15 million. The indictment was returned on September 3, 2014 and unsealed on October 9, 2014 upon the arrests of defendants.
The search warrant affidavit was unsealed today after the execution of 25 search warrants. During the searches, law enforcement recovered 27 kilograms of cocaine with a street value of $3 million; several hundred thousand dollars in cash recovered from the residences of some of the defendants; over $2 million in jewelry, including a 16 carat diamond ring; and luxury vehicles.
“The indictment and affidavit describe how drug organizations transport cocaine to Baltimore and move cash out of the city by relying on a network of suppliers, couriers, distributors, dealers and money launderers, and by using vehicles with hidden compartments,” said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. “The affidavit also explains how law enforcement agents catch drug dealers by using physical and electronic surveillance, wiretaps and cell phone data.” The indictment was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Assistant Special Agent in Charge Gary Tuggle of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Baltimore District Office; Special Agent in Charge Thomas J. Kelly of the Internal Revenue Service - Criminal Investigation, Washington, D.C. Field Office; Commissioner Anthony W. Batts of the Baltimore Police Department; and Chief James W. Johnson of the Baltimore County Police Department.
The arrests and searches were the result of coordinated operations by the DEA, IRS – Criminal Investigation, Baltimore City Police Department and Baltimore County Police Department, with the assistance of agents from the U.S. Marshals Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
The indictment charges the following defendants, all of whom are presently in federal custody:
Kedrick Arnold Jenifer, a/k/a “Ricky Jenifer,” “James Howard Collier, Jr.” and “Rick,” age 43, of Bowie, Maryland; Tyrone Allen, age 42, of Bel Air, Maryland; Brooke Renee Lunn, a/k/a “Brooke Thomas,” and “Brooke Renee,” age 48, of Baltimore; Tracy Muse, a/k/a “Kimberly Scott,” age 41, of Pearland, Texas; Thomas Simmons, age 37, of Hampton, Virginia; Andre Brewer, age 35, of Elkridge, Maryland; Michael Williams, age 40, of Baltimore; Kermit Clark, age 44, of Baltimore; and William Hegie, age 54, of Baltimore.
All of the defendants were arrested last week Thursday, October 9, 2014, except for Michael Williams who turned himself in on Friday, October 10th.
According to an affidavit in support of search warrants, law enforcement started investigating the Jenifer DTO in March 2013. The Jenifer DTO is a Baltimore-based drug trafficking and money-laundering organization with ties to Houston, Texas; Staten Island, New York; and Woodbridge, Virginia.
From September 2012 to September 2014, the Jenifer DTO allegedly obtained kilogram-quantities of cocaine from Houston and distributed the cocaine throughout the Baltimore area and in Woodbridge, Virginia.
"The arrest of these alleged Drug Trafficking Organization (DTO) members emphasizes the proactive work that the Drug Enforcement Administration and our law enforcement partners undertake every day to stop the flow of drugs from entering the Baltimore metropolitan area,” stated Gary Tuggle, Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the DEA Baltimore District Office. “DEA’s investigation of this DTO was a long-term, highly complex effort which used a myriad of investigative techniques to expose this DTO. Additionally, by hitting drug trafficking organizations where it hurts them most and seizing drug proceeds, in this case cash, vehicles and properties, we are crippling their ability to ever return.”
Kedrick Jenifer is the alleged leader of the drug organization. He directed the collection and transportation of money from Baltimore to Houston, and the transportation of cocaine from Houston to Baltimore.
The affidavit alleges that the drug organization concealed money and cocaine in hidden compartments in vehicles that were driven between Baltimore and Houston. The vehicles were sometimes transported on car carriers. Cocaine and cash were stored at the homes of the defendants, their family members, and at a business complex called RCH Plaza on West Franklin Street in Baltimore. Vehicles with hidden compartments were brought to the business complex, where DTO members concealed large amounts of cash or cocaine.
The affidavit alleges that in October of 2009, while traveling from Baltimore to California, Jenifer and Tyrone Allen stopped in Phoenix, Arizona. At the Phoenix airport, police seized $97,020 and three cell phones from Jenifer, and $70,680 and eight cell phones from Allen.
On September 27, 2012, the affidavit alleges, Brooke Lunn and a man named John Moore were arrested near Houston with approximately 30 kilograms of cocaine concealed in a vehicle. Tracy Muse, believed to be a girlfriend of Jenifer, posted bond for the release of Lunn and Moore. Lunn and Moore returned to Maryland.
On October 20, 2012, Moore was fatally shot in the back of the head in Baltimore. According to the affidavit, his murder is believed to be related to the cocaine seizure.
On July 2, 2013, Arkansas Highway Patrol searched a vehicle transported by the Jenifer DTO from Baltimore to Houston by car carrier, while it was being driven back to Baltimore. From a hidden compartment in the rear of the vehicle, 23.8 kilograms of cocaine were seized. Following the seizure, Jenifer allegedly returned to using Lunn to transport cash and cocaine between Baltimore and Houston. Since August 2013, Lunn is believed to have made 30 trips between the cities, transporting cash and cocaine.
In June 2014, agents saw Simmons give Jenifer a black bag in a parking lot in Woodbridge, Virginia. Virginia State Police pulled Simmons over 60 miles away and seized two kilograms of cocaine from a black bag concealed in a hidden compartment in Simmons’ vehicle.
Jenifer owns World Fed Apparel, Inc., a clothing store in Baltimore. Jenifer is also a co-owner of Flavor Factory, LLC, which is believed to own an ice cream franchise in Baltimore.
Jenifer and his companies currently own the following vehicles:
2013 Rolls Royce Ghost valued at $296,000, 2014 Ferrari 458 Italia valued at $271,000, 2014 BMW M6 valued at $113,925, 2015 Ford F-250 truck valued at $56,000,
and a 2012 Acura ZDX, a 2010 Honda Crosstour, a 2006 Acura and a 2009 GMC Denali truck. Jenifer kept some high end vehicles at a storage unit in Laurel, Maryland. Brewer allegedly bought a 2014 Mercedes S63 AMG, worth approximately $156,900.
The defendants face a maximum sentence of life in prison for conspiring to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine.
The defendants had their initial appearances in U.S. District Court in Baltimore, Virginia and Texas last week. Hegie and Clark consented to detention. A detention hearing was held on October 14, 2014, in federal court in Baltimore for Lunn and she is detained. A detention hearing in federal court in Baltimore is scheduled for Jenifer, Allen and Brewer on October 16, 2014 at 11:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., respectively, and for Muse on October 17 at 10:00 a.m. Williams is detained until arrangements are completed for his release on home detention with electronic monitoring. Simmons is in custody in the Eastern District of Virginia. No date has been set for a hearing for him in Maryland.
An indictment is not a finding of guilt. An individual charged by indictment is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty at some later criminal proceedings.
United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein praised the DEA, IRS Criminal Investigation and Baltimore City and County Police Departments for their work in the investigation. Mr. Rosenstein commended the U.S. Marshal Service and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms for their assistance in the execution of the search and arrest warrants, and the Virginia State Police who assisted with the June 2014 seizure of cocaine.
Mr. Rosenstein thanked Assistant United States Attorneys John W. Sippel, Jr. and Scott A. Lemmon, who are prosecuting the case, and expressed his appreciation to the United States Attorney’s Offices for the Southern District of Texas and the Southern District of New York for their assistance in the prosecution of this Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Case.
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vampirecorleone · 1 year
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"I know I left my scrapbook out. I can imagine what you might be thinking of me. But you see, Paul, it's all okay. Last night it came so clear. I realized you just need more time. Eventually, you'll come to accept the idea of being here. Paul, do you know about the early days at the Kimberly diamond mines? Do you know what they did to the Native workers who stole diamonds? Don't worry, they didn't kill them. That would be like junking your Mercedes just because it had a broken spring. No, if they caught them, they had to make sure they could go on working, but they also had to make sure they could never run away. The operation was called hobbling."
Misery (1990) dir. Rob Reiner
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surreynews · 4 years
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Ocasio-Cortez slams Kimberly Guilfoyle over immigration claims Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday panned Kimberly Guilfoyle, the Republican National Convention speaker who on Monday implied her Puerto Rican mother was an immigrant. "The woman the GOP picked as their 'proud' Latina to tout 'immigrant experience' didn't seem to know that Puerto Rico is already part of the United States," Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter. In her speech Monday, Guilfoyle called herself a first-generation American, referencing her parents' places of origin. "My mother Mercedes was a special education teacher from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. My father, also an immigrant, came to this nation in pursuit of the American dream," said Guilfoyle. The comment was poorly received among many Puerto Ricans and mainland residents of Puerto Rican origin, as the territory's inhabitants are U.S. citizens. Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory after the 1898 Spanish-American War; its residents have been U.S. citizens since 1917. Guilfoyle, a fervent supporter of President Trump who is Donald Trump Jr.'s girlfriend, delivered an impassioned speech, taking swipes at Democrats and attacking California, where she once worked as a prosecutor. Ocasio-Cortez said Guilfoyle's comments are reflective of a misperception of Hispanic Americans among supporters of President Trump. "It's quite on message, bc it reflects their belief that Latinos aren't real citizens, even when we are Native descendants," said Ocasio-Cortez. A representative for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment. #trump #trump2020 #ocasiocortez #puertorico #donaldtrump #trumpgirlfriend #news #usa #surrey https://www.instagram.com/p/CEUi1yAgpnQ/?igshid=1q2n7sw32m75d
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tupaisdigitalrd · 5 years
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#INTERNACIONAL Un oficial y su acompañante, ambos de origen dominicano, murieron quemados en un accidente El vehículo se incendió tras estrellarse contra un árbol. Oficial Kimberly Lajara. -Una oficial del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York (NYPD), Kimberly Lajara, de 24 años, y su acompañante Oscar Monegro, de 32, ambos de origen dominicano, fallecieron tras colapsar el carro marca Mercedes Benz 2016 que presuntamente conducía Lajara en exceso de velocidad. El automóvil se estrelló contra un árbol en la autopista Henry Hudson Parkway, a la altura de la calle 98, en Manhattan, el pasado domingo 11 de agosto a las 3:45 de la madrugada. La agente trabajaba en el cuartel 121 del condado Staten Island donde también residía. Según el informe policial, lograron identificar a las víctimas porque el carro estaba a nombre de la joven debido a que ambos murieron calcinados en el acto. El automóvil se incendió en pocos minutos hasta quedar convertido en cenizas, según relata una publicación de ayer martes en el periódico Starten Island Advance. “Nunca había visto algo así en mi vida un automóvil destrozado así, destruido”, dijo Paul Vella, de 58 años. El subcomisionado de Información pública del NYPD declaró que cuando la policía llegó al lugar de los hechos encontraron el auto sofocado por las llamas. Asimismo, el informe de los investigadores reveló que Lajara viajaba hacia el sur en la autopista que bordea el río Hudson cerca de la salida de la calle 98 Oeste. El vehículo se volcó, dio media vuelta y terminó estrellándose contra un árbol lo que provocó que este se incendiara de inmediato. #Accidente  #Accidentes de #tránsito #Dominicanos en el #exterior #Dominicanos en #EstadosUnidos #Dominicanos en #NuevaYork #Manhattan #MuerteOficiales https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ZYHeKljHa/?igshid=e05n7hjz490h
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
(WASHINGTON) — Amid a summer of racial unrest and calls for more diversity in leadership, President Donald Trump lags Democratic rival Joe Biden in the percentage of people of color on their campaign staffs, according to data the campaigns provided to The Associated Press.
Twenty-five percent of the Republican president’s senior staff are nonwhite, compared to 36% of Biden’s senior staff. Biden’s overall campaign team is 35% nonwhite; Trump’s campaign did not provide a comparable number.
And neither campaign provided racial breakdowns for their nonwhite staff, nor the total number of staffers who are on their payrolls, including senior staff.
Advocates for minority groups say staff diversity is necessary to ensure political candidates hear a full range of voices and viewpoints to help them understand the concerns of various communities and interest groups — especially at a time when racial injustice is front and center in the national conversation. And while Biden has an edge on Trump, there is plenty more to be done in presidential campaigns overall.
Jennifer Lawless, commonwealth professor of politics at the University of Virginia, said “there are still a lot of milestones that haven’t been hit” by political campaigns, such as a Black man or woman directing — and winning — a presidential campaign. And she said having diverse staff at lower levels in campaigns can help increase the pool of future managers, finance chairs and others.
“It’s all part of the pipeline,” Lawless said.
Trump’s campaign makeup got a double-take in June when Vice President Mike Pence tweeted — and later deleted — a photo from his visit to campaign headquarters. The photo at first drew attention for the lack of social distancing and use of face masks among the staff. But it also was notable for the sea of mostly white faces.
Eric Rodriguez, senior vice president of policy and advocacy at UnidosUS, said the Biden team had more Latinos in senior positions than Trump.
“You need people from those communities to be able to make those connections,” said Rodriguez, whose organization used to be called the National Council of La Raza.
The rival campaigns fared better — and are about even —- on employing women, with females filling more than half of all jobs overall, and more than half of all senior positions.
The president’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, who is white, former White House aide Mercedes Schlapp, who is Cuban American, and Katrina Pierson, who is Black and worked on Trump’s 2016 campaign, are among the highest-profile senior female staffers working to help him get reelected.
Others include former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle, now a top fundraiser for the reelection effort and the girlfriend of Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., and Hannah Castillo, a Latina and the campaign’s coalitions director. Guilfoyle’s mother is Puerto Rican.
Biden senior adviser Symone Sanders, who is Black, is the campaign’s highest-ranking person of color and, at 30, is the youngest member of his inner circle. The candidate also recently brought on several African Americans who worked for President Barack Obama, including Karine Jean-Pierre, formerly an NBC News and MSNBC political analyst.
Jamal Brown, a spokesperson for Biden, said the former vice president’s campaign reflects the “diversity, breadth and promise of America.”
“He believes our democracy is strongest when people see themselves reflected in their government,” added Brown, who is Black.
The killing in May of George Floyd, who was Black, by a white Minneapolis police officer sparked nationwide protests against racial injustice and calls for greater minority representation across the board in society that brought fresh scrutiny to the presidential campaigns.
Biden had faced questions earlier in the campaign about the lack of diversity on his staff. Along with adding more people of color to his campaign, Biden has promised an administration that “looks like America” if he is elected on Nov. 3.
The U.S. population is about 60% white, 19% Latino and 13% Black, according to Census Bureau estimates.
Trump has not made a similar pledge about a potential second term. His campaign declined to discuss minority representation on the campaign staff.
Four women currently serve in Trump’s Cabinet: CIA Director Gina Haspel and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, both of whom are white; Jovita Carranza, a Latina who leads the Small Business Administration; and Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, who was born in Taiwan.
Housing Secretary Ben Carson is the only Black member of the Cabinet.
Rodriguez summed up the Biden campaign strategy as focused on winning support from a diverse pool of voters, especially in battleground states where large numbers of Latino and Black voters live. He characterized Trump’s strategy as being “really all about the base” and attempting to replicate his successful 2016 campaign playbook, which used immigration as a wedge issue.
“The strategy is to run on racial division,” Rodriguez said of the president, who has begun to use the racial tensions that surfaced after Floyd’s killing in his reelection pitch.
Still, Trump and his campaign make regular appeals to Black and Latino voters.
The president regularly cites employment gains for these groups before the coronavirus pandemic struck, and he continues to showcase legislation he signed to overhaul criminal sentencing procedures and provide permanent funding for historically Black colleges and universities.
This week, Trump was surrounded by Latino American leaders as he announced a new advisory commission to help Hispanic Americans with economic and educational opportunities.
But the event also highlighted how far Trump has to go in winning support from people of color. Critics of Trump’s record with Hispanics called for a boycott of the Goya food company after its president praised Trump at the event.
The president does have strong support among some people of Cuban and Venezuelan descent, though, because of his tough stance against authoritarian leaders in those countries.
The Biden campaign said LGBTQ staff and staff of color hold such positions as senior advisers, deputy campaign managers, national coalitions director, chief financial officer, chief operating officer and national press secretary, among others.
Trump’s campaign defined its senior staff as “senior leaders who meet regularly to make decisions. People with authority,” and did not elaborate.
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Dra. Patricia Romero, Dir. de Servicios Médicos de Guerrero; Dr. Armando Bibiano García, representante de la Sria. De Salud Guerrero; Lic. Natzihelly Rebollar Rechy, Gerente Comercial de Estrella de Oro; Sra. Mercedes Calvo de Astudillo, Presidenta del DIF Guerrero; Lic. Saida Nassar, Dir. de Campañas de MOBILITY ADO; Lic. José Francisco Solís, Dir. del DIF Estatal; Dra. Janisse Kershenovich, de FUCAM
Bajo el lema “Hay alertas que pueden cambiar tu vida. ¡Revísate!” da inicio la Caravana Rosa ADO
Con motivo del Día Mundial de la lucha contra el cáncer de mamá, ADO y ESTRELLA DE ORO llevará a cabo la Caravana Rosa 2019, a través de la cual brindará mastografías gratuitas en la terminal de autobuses de Chilpancingo, Guerrero.
La unidad especializada de FUCAM atendió a más de 300 mujeres que acudieron a realizarse la mastografía de manera gratuita
ESTRELLA DE ORO, líder de transporte de Grupo MOBILITY ADO y FUCAM llevaron una unidad móvil del 14 al 18 de Octubre a la Terminal de Chilpancingo ubicada en Calle 21 de Marzo, colonia Benito Juárez, Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Gro., en donde se efectuaron mastografías de forma gratuita a las pasajeras y a todas las mujeres que asistieron durante estas fechas a realizarse su estudio.
Los requisitos para acceder al estudio era tener 40 años de edad o más, acudir con baño reciente, no usar desodorante, perfumes, talco o cualquier producto químico en el área de los senos y axilas antes de realizarse su estudio, vestimenta cómoda que sea de preferencia de dos piezas y lo más importante, haber pasado por lo menos un año de que se realizaron por última vez este estudio.
La Lic. Natzihelly Rebollar Rechy, Gerente Comercial de Estrella de Oro, dijo que la empresa está comprometida en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama
Así mismo, FUCAM, fue el encargado de avisar a las beneficiarias que pasen a recoger sus mastografías, las cuales se entregaran aproximadamente 1 mes y medio posterior a la realización del estudio en la terminal.
Por su parte, ESTRELLA DE ORO realizará traslados de forma gratuita a la CDMX, a aquellas mujeres que requieran estudios complementarios, para que den seguimiento a su tratamiento.
En apoyo a la campaña Estrella de Oro inauguró el autobús rosa
De acuerdo con los datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Geografía (INEGI) y de la Secretaría de Salud, en México cada año se reportan seis mil decesos por cáncer de mama y se presentan alrededor de 23 mil casos nuevos. Es por ello que resulta de vital importancia un diagnóstico oportuno en etapa inicial ya que puede significar recibir tratamientos menos agresivos y menos costosos.
Es importante tener a un experto como FUCAM, quien es la primera institución sin fines de lucro en México y América Latina con servicios, equipo y personal de alta especialidad, orientada íntegramente a la atención de padecimientos malignos de la mama. En esta fundación se atiende el 7% de los casos de cáncer de mama de todo el país y aquellos que se detectan en etapa temprana pueden tener una probabilidad de curación del 93%.
Concurrida la ceremonia de inauguración de la Caravana Rosa de Estrella de Oro en Chilpancingo
“En ESTRELLA DE ORO como parte de MOBILITY ADO, estamos totalmente comprometidos en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama difundiendo, orientando e informando a las mujeres sobre la importancia de la detección temprana del cáncer, muestra de ello es Caravana Rosa, la cual acerca mastografías en distintos puntos del país que en muchas ocasiones no pueden tener acceso a estos estudios. Es importante seguir construyendo una cultura de prevención y atención para estos padecimientos”, comentó la Lic. Natzihelly Rebollar Rechy, Gerente Comercial de Estrella de Oro .
Al evento asistió como invitada de honor la Sra Mercedes Calvo de Astudillo, Presidenta del DIF Guerrero.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Kimberly Anaya, Embajadora de la Caravana Rosa de Estrella de Oro
Saida Nassar, Ana Jaren Juárez y Mariana García, ejecutivas de Mobility ADO
Natzihelly Rebollar Rechy, Gerente Comercial Zona Centro de Estrella de Oro con Mercedes Calvo de Astudillo, Presidenta del DIF estatal, en el autobús rosa
Equipo Médico de FUCAM
  Benefician ESTRELLA DE ORO y FUCAM a mujeres con mastografías gratuitas en la terminal de Chilpancingo Bajo el lema “Hay alertas que pueden cambiar tu vida. ¡Revísate!” da inicio la Caravana Rosa ADO…
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elsoldesantiago · 5 years
Policía de origen dominicano y acompañante mueren quemados en brutal accidente en autopista de Manhattan
Policía de origen dominicano y acompañante mueren quemados en brutal accidente en autopista de Manhattan
Miguel Cruz Tejada
NUEVA YORK,- La oficial de origen dominicano del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York (NYPD), Kimberly Lajara y su acompañante Oscar Monegro, también dominicano, murieron quemados después que el Mercedes Benz 2016 que ella conducía presuntamente con exceso de velocidad, se estrelló contra un árbol en la autopista Henry Hudson Parkway, a la altura de la calle 98, en Manhattan,…
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
The Netherlands' VC Group Will get a Gender Quota: The Broadsheet
http://tinyurl.com/y637p2xe Good morning, Broadsheet readers! J. Crew takes steps towards a Madewell IPO, Emmy nominations are prone to characteristic a number of female-led comedies, and we find out about a brand new form of quota. Have an exquisite weekend.   EVERYONE’S TALKING – A quota for VCs. Quotas are an idea that pop up loads in range conversations since they’ve been launched in some nations—and not too long ago, the state of California—to deal with the dearth of ladies on boards of administrators. Now, a brand new initiative within the Netherlands is deploying the device to focus on one other space of enterprise the place ladies are underrepresented: enterprise capital. This week, 25 Dutch enterprise capital buyers dedicated to a venture known as #FundRight that goals to deliver extra ladies—and variety extra broadly—into the VC ecosystem and repair the underfunding of feminine founders. “We…consider in equal entry to finance and alternatives for all founders, no matter their background or gender,” the collaborating companies mentioned in a press release. The pledge, to be achieved over three years, requires the VC companies themselves to realize 35% feminine illustration at management and staff-wide ranges, and calls for that their future investments go to corporations that even have workforces which might be 35% feminine. A “vital proportion” of these portfolio corporations ought to be based by a lady.  The VC group within the Netherlands pursued the initiative after analysis final yr revealed that 1.6% of enterprise capital cash within the Netherlands goes to feminine founders; 6.8% goes to companies led by mixed-gender groups. For comparability, within the U.S., 2.2% of all VC money went to women in 2018.  The Dutch companies which have signed up thus far handle 1 billion euros, which represents 1 / 4 of the full property below administration by VC buyers there. Janneke Niessen, an investor at CapitalT, co-published the research on funding for girls with researcher Eva de Mol and helped conceive of #FundRight. She cited All Raise and Founders for Change as inspiration for #FundRight, and says the Dutch effort can apply to bigger VC markets just like the U.S. “The hot button is agreeing that there’s a big missed alternative within the system because it presently is,” she instructed me. And the quota, she says, is an important part.  Critics say quotas can result in tokenism, relatively than deeper cultural change. Niessen argues that #FundRight’s method is exclusive in that it’s self-imposed by the business, relatively than mandated by the federal government. “Meaning it’s actually supported,” she says. And not using a quota, efforts to deal with the underrepresentation and underfunding of ladies stay “obscure and voluntary,” she says; a proportion aim means progress will be extra simply measured.   “We’ve tried the light means,” she says, “that clearly doesn’t work.”  Claire Zillman  [email protected] @clairezillman ALSO IN THE HEADLINES – A Candy transfer. Julie Candy, CEO of Accenture North America and No. 32 on Fortune‘s Most Highly effective Girls listing, is taking excessive job throughout all of Accenture. The brand new chief govt spoke with Fortune‘s Alan Murray about taking the reins from interim CEO David Rowland and the potential for her to guide the corporate with greater than $40 billion in international revenues for a decade or extra. “What’s necessary is that you simply construct your organization to have the ability to seize the chance because it comes,” Candy says. Fortune   – Hewson, Trump, and Houlahan stroll right into a plant... Lockheed Martin was set to shut a plant in Coatesville, Pennsylvania the place staff manufactured helicopters, citing an absence of demand for rotorcraft. After urging from President Trump, CEO Marillyn Hewson determined to maintain the ability open. Democratic Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, whose district contains the plant, had additionally been combating to put it aside. New York Times – Immigration, state seats, and re-election. Although she’s launched many coverage plans, Sen. Elizabeth Warren hadn’t shared her plan for immigration reform till yesterday. The 2020 candidate would decriminalize border-crossing violations, dramatically cut back detention, and use govt motion to get round impasse in Congress. Different 2020 information: a rating of which Democratic candidates are most helping Democrats win state legislative seats places Warren and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on the prime; Sen. Kamala Harris is towards the underside of this listing. Plus: The president’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump is set to lead the Trump re-election campaign’s efforts to reach female voters, asserting the initiative alongside Republican Nationwide Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, former White Home communications aide Mercedes Schlapp, and former Fox Information character and girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle.  – Flare up. The Madewell IPO is (reportedly) taking place. Reuters has three sources confirming that J. Crew has employed banks to organize for the general public providing of the denim-centric model, pegged for after Labor Day, as a part of a technique to revive the bigger retailer. The IPO would place Madewell CEO Libby Wadle on the head of her personal public firm. Reuters MOVERS AND SHAKERS: Mellody Hobson was promoted to co-CEO of Ariel Investments; she is going to buy a portion of founder John Rogers’ possession stake and turn out to be the agency’s largest shareholder. Jill McDonald was ousted as the pinnacle of Marks & Spencer’s trend enterprise. Kate Jhaveri left her job as CMO of Amazon’s Twitch to start as CMO for the NBA. Twitch additionally employed former BuzzFeed head of HR Lenke Taylor as chief people officer. Lagunitas Brewing Firm introduced Kelly Murnaghan, beforehand of Vans, as its new CMO. G/O Media employed Angela Persaud as SVP, head of expertise. Kirsten Kliphouse, previously of Crimson Hat and Microsoft, joins Google Cloud as president of North America gross sales.  IN CASE YOU MISSED IT – Squad v. Pelosi. 4 freshmen in Congress—all ladies of colour—say they’ve been remoted by Home Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib mentioned that Pelosi’s opposition to a few of their efforts appeared at first a strategy to preserve the progressive flank at bay and appease average Democrats, however has escalated; AOC known as it “the express singling out of newly elected ladies of colour.” Pressley known as Pelosi’s feedback, together with some she made in a recent interview with Maureen Dowd, “demoralizing.” Washington Post    – The nominations are (virtually) in. When Emmy nominations are introduced subsequent week, anticipate female-led sequence to dominate the comedy class. It’s a giant shift from only a few years in the past, when Louie, Silicon Valley, and The Huge Bang Principle had been the frontrunners; now it’s Veep, Fleabag, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Russian Doll, and extra exhibits starring ladies within the prime roles. Fortune – No imposters right here. Right here’s an attention-grabbing tackle Christine Lagarde’s new gig on the European Central Financial institution: it’s a lesson in overcoming imposter syndrome. “She might not be the perfect certified candidate for ECB chief, however she will not be there by probability,” writes Anne Sylvaine-Chassany. Financial Times – Reduce it out? The intercourse trafficking prices in opposition to Jeffrey Epstein resurfaced an outdated Self-importance Truthful profile of the billionaire (though that standing is now in question). Author Vicky Ward says longtime Self-importance Truthful editor Graydon Carter lower her reporting on the sexual abuse allegations in opposition to Epstein from the piece. Carter responded by saying he “didn’t have faith in Ward’s reporting.” Now Kim Masters backs up Ward’s account along with her personal expertise; she claims Carter additionally lower incriminating materials from her journal tales within the 1990s to placate mates or celebrities. The Hollywood Reporter Right now’s Broadsheet was produced by Emma Hinchliffe. Share it Broadsheet with a good friend. In search of earlier Broadsheets? Click here. ON MY RADAR The Slackification of the American house The Atlantic Your first take a look at Girl Gaga’s complete Haus Laboratories magnificence line Allure Choose approves recasting of Harvey Weinstein’s protection group as trial nears Fortune Ty Haney’s Out of doors Voices work diary: Doing issues and #doingthings New York Times QUOTE I definitely don’t fit into a stereotypical wife role. I don’t even like that word. -Miley Cyrus in an ‘Elle’ profile Source link
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naysmusings-blog · 7 years
*When you say the apartment was yours to share with him, his stomach twists in both confusion and excitement. He listens to you ramble with wide eyes and a growing smile before he finally decided to cut your insecurity off with a kiss, grabbing your face and kissing you deeply. He only pulls away when he realizes he’s about to laugh out of sheer happiness, but he keeps your face cupped between his hands* You did all of this? Yourself? For me? *he asks then kisses your forehead and pulls you into his chest for another tight hug, holding you there as he takes in the new apartment with you. He felt a bit of guilt that he had spoiled your old apartment for you, but he was touched more than anything that you would go through all the trouble to take something negative and make it positive for the two of you as well as surprise him even. He feels his heart swell a little then looks down at you again* I’m not moving out or anything. I practically live with you anyway. *he jokes and squeezes you a bit* I love it, baby girl. And I’m honored to share it with you. *he says, hoping you could hear the sincerity in his voice* I was actually standing here the whole time thinking, “Damn, your friend has a really nice place.” *he laughs with you still in his arms* -Joel
*I just let Harry yell at me, used to being on the receiving end of these kind of tirades, but I was most concerned about not waking the girls in case Harry hadn’t yet. I slowly stand and finally look at him again, wiping my eyes and laughing bitterly* You just called my husband every name under the sun, and yet you’re still working for him. You can say he’s a dickhead and a piece of shit all you want, but the moment your check gets deposited, it’s like he never did anything to upset you. You still work for Kimberly too, so you can leave Harvey whenever you want and still see the girls over the summer. But you’re still fucking here. I don’t have that luxury. *I spit, trying to keep my voice leveled and calm* You said it yourself. I fucking married him, so I can’t just leave because it’s getting tough, and I’m not going to take away another consistent mother from the girls. I like to believe that things might work out or change, that the old Harvey will come back when he’s not so busy with work, but until that actually happens, I’m here. Sorry that I’m not setting fire to his clothes or keying the side of his Mercedes in the meantime. Now get it out. *I say coldly, pouring the rest of my glass of wine down the drain and turning to walk into my bedroom, reminding myself to never have a glass of wine and one of these talks with Harry again* -Annaliese
I’m so happy you like it, babe! *I wrap my arms around his neck, smiling so happily that he was so onboard with this whole idea of living together and that he wasn’t running away from me like I expected him too by now* God, I’ve missed your smile. *I go up on my tip toes and kiss him sweetly, keeping my arms wrapped around his neck* Lemme give you the tour. *I lead him around both floors of the apartment, showing him all the rooms, coining the guest room as Benji’s room, knowing he’d spend majority of his time here as well. I walk over to a room with two large doors and I look up at him with bright eyes* This is the best part of the house... the master bedroom. *I giggle cutely before pushing open the doors, revealing our bedroom with a beautiful view of the New York city skyline* I tried to make it look like us both, but if you want to add any little details or decor, you can feel free! I’ve got an interior designer on speed dial... *I look up at him with hope, hoping he loves it*
He’s not my damn husband. If he was my damn husband, I would’ve left him months ago! He’s my employer! I can think whatever the fuck I want about him! You’re just going to sit here and take it and cry like a little baby when you remember just how cruel he is but you’re not going to change anything because you’re too fucking scared! You’re a coward! You’re going to stay with someone simply because of circumstance and that just reminds me that you are still the same woman I thought you were when I first met you. You’re just with him out of circumstance. Maybe not for his money, but you’re not there for him or because you love him. You’re just too fucking scared to grow the fuck up. *he spits at you even though you’re walking away, not even caring. He’s not sure why he wanted to get close to you, you weren’t someone he wanted to spend time with, and you made that clear tonight.  He grabs the bottle of wine and walks into his guest room, closing the door, so mad and annoyed*
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Dr. Keming Liu, Barbara Prey, Angela Susan Anton, Dr. Charles Riley
“Open Spaces, Starry Nights” was the theme of the North Shore Land Alliance’s 14th annual Wine and Spirits Auction and Dinner Dance held at its new office location at Planting Fields Arboretum.
The “Starry Night” theme became apparent as evening set in. Exterior trees were up lit with twinkling lights, the cocktail tent was decorated in the colors of sunset with night following in the dinner tent complete with a full moon and shooting stars. The theme was symbolic of how saving open land reduces light pollution and allows us to continue to experience starlit nights here on Long Island’s North Shore.
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Fred and Suzy Bancroft
Diana and John Colgate
Christine Bowe, Jen Squire, Alexandra Loveless and Emily Schaible
Martin and Peri Wenz
Jack and Susan Foley, Aimee and George Eberle
Gabe and Mary Elizabeth Catala
Ted Smith, Dawn and Teb Barnard
Remsen and Tim Dooley, Jim and Carol Large
Lynn Dixon, Kim O’Kane and Jess Green
The Wine Auction, chaired by Lynn and Brooke Dixon and Jess and Jon Green, with junior committee chairs, Kimberly and John O’Kane, featured a live and silent auction and Wall of Wine raffle with 50 bottles of premium wine ranked 90-plus by Robert Parker.
Among the many silent auction items were paintings by Christine D’Addario, Mercedes Dorson and Tjasa Owen, a cashmere wrap from Hermes, scarf from Leggiadro, cashmere ruana from Brooks Brothers along with gifts from J. McLaughln, Lily Pulitzer, and gift certificates for dinners and other cool experiences.
Following the dinner catered by Sterling Affair, was the live auction with Fred Bancroft as auctioneer. Among the many live auction prizes was a sturdy French-styled playhouse decorated by Tom Samet and Nathan Wold, the Bourbon Bucket List, a private hockey lesson with Mark Messier, a winemaker’s weekend tour of Sonoma County, a golf package at Kiawah Island Club, a shopping spree at Americana Manhasset with 24-hour Tesla experience, and a trip to the Six Senses Resort in the Douro Valley of Portugal and JW Marriot in Venice. Dancing to the tunes of the fabulous 45 Riots followed the auction.
The Land Alliance was formed in 2003 and has over the years protected nearly 1,200 acres of land from development. With a growing membership of close to 3,000 the Land Alliance also works with schools to educate communities about the important relationship among land, clean and abundant water and locally grown food.
To learn more about the Land Alliance and their conservation work, call 516-922-1028 or visit the website at www.northshorelandalliance.org.
Angela Susan Anton celebrates with North Land Alliance at the 14th annual Wine and Spirits Auction and Dinner Dance at Planting Fields Arboretum. “Open Spaces, Starry Nights” was the theme of the North Shore Land Alliance’s 14th annual Wine and Spirits Auction and Dinner Dance held at its new office location at Planting Fields Arboretum.
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