#texty thingamajig
hawkesvarric · 4 years
I’ve remade! You can find me at da4protag now!!! I’ll be queueing up this announcement for some time to come (plus I still have a bunch of regular old fandom posts in my queue that’ll be posting as well) so dw, this blog isn’t going anywhere just yet! but, if you follow me now + would like to see more of *gestures vaguely* w/e this is, please follow me @da4protag!!!!
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
when you click on the Idol of Silvanus thinking that the game will allow you to do a history check but instead you end up stealing it which prompts all of the druids in the grove to attack you and your party members
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
Nicky, after being captured and forced on to a plane: There's a TV, Joe!
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
ok ok before I have to go clean my apartment and get ready for work tomorrow ;n; here’s my faves from the new Tasha’s subclasses!!! bc I am very excited for them!!! manifesting for 2021 that I get to be a player in a regular game and try them out myself~
Artificer - Battle Smith!! they’re all fun though, I love the homunculus servant + replicating magical items.
Barbarian - Path of the Beast is just everything to me. adds a lot of flavor to rages beyond just “rawr I’m angery.” I’m obsessed with Wild Magic in all its forms, but I do wish the subclass actually allowed you to cast. even fighter gets a casting subclass, you know? :/
Bard - eh. you can’t even make magic items with Creation and Eloquence is just okay? not really my type of thing. 
Cleric - Order domain is really fun, you’re sort of paladin-y but combine that with cleric abilities? Sexy. I love Twilight in aesthetic/vibes, but the subclass itself is a bit lacking. 
Druid - Circle of Stars!!! not just bc it’s STARS lol I really love the starry form ability and how it gets even more powerful later on. it doesn’t beat out Shepherd as my favorite circle, but damn does it come close. Spores is also very good and Wildfire is too though I feel like only focusing on one element is a bit meh.
Fighter - PSI WARRIOR I AM OBSESSED!!!! I am rolling up one as we speak. RIP to those who think fighter is a boring class, but I’m different. <3 I like Rune Knight a lot, but the giant thing I wish was more optional? I get why they added it, but maybe you’re running a game where runes aren’t made by the giants and then it’d be weird to have those abilities, you know?
Monk - Way of Mercy. there is literally nothing about it I do not like. it is everything I have ever wanted out of the monk class which was already my favorite class to begin with, so like???? I’m in love. Astral Self is interesting too, not normally my sort of thing, but I think they made it functionally better and it has a lot of neat abilities.
Paladin - FINALLY some good fucking food! Paladin’s my least favorite class, so WOTC had their work cut out for them making me care, and boy did they deliver. while Watcher is a bit campaign dependent (if you’re not running a game w extraplanar threats then like RIP), but GOD those vibes. and Oath of Glory is just so goddamn sexy even though I wished they kept calling it Oath of Heroism like in the UA. whatever, I love both a lot. 
Ranger - nothing beats out Gloom Stalker IMO, they really peaked w that one. Swarmkeeper’s interesting in theory, but it’s kinda weak. I do like the fix they introduced for Beast Master though, that’s nice.
Rogue - Phantom is just so sexy. I’ve already rolled one, my girl Iridessa whom I am obsessed with, and look at those damn abilities. ty WOTC for the excellent meal. Soulknife is also so fucking sexy. I love them both.
Sorcerer - them new metamagic options though 👀 Clockwork Soul’s so interesting omg, but I gotta give it to Aberrant Mind. just an absolutely batshit powerful but weird af sorcerer is everything to me.
Warlock - I think both patrons are just a bit lacking, but I have to go w Genie bc A it really coincidentally fits in w my campaign I’m running for my friends hehe but more importantly B I am obsessed w limited wish!!!!! that is so GOOD!!!!
Wizard - Order of Scribes is SO good, wow! it’s everything I’ve ever wanted from wizard!!! Bladesinging is interesting, but if I wanted to go more combat heavy, I wouldn’t go wizard lol so to me I’m not super into it. I’d much rather have a sentient spellbook.
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
I wanna roll a firbolg. I don't really have any concepts for one, I just keep seeing beautiful art of firbolgs and I decided I need to do it. I'm thinking cleric, maybe druid...
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
fuck it’s been like 5 minutes and I’m already in love with Fabian Seacaster
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
so thankful that during this stressful and scary time in my life (and let’s be real here for the rest of the world as well) that i have somebody who will cup both sides of my face and remind me to breathe bc we’ll be okay bc we have each other and we can get through anything <3
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
alright, now that i’m done making fun of the crappy spn finale, we can go back to our regular programming here on this dumb little blog of mine:
after receiving my copy of tasha’s cauldron of everything, i wanna see a wlw couple that’s an aasimar light cleric and a tiefling twilight cleric.
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
ran bf’s first session!!! he had so much fun <3 and is already addicted to dice hehe (welcome to the club)
the party is a minotaur barbarian named Aegon, elf wizard named Hadarai, elf fighter named Larson, and a tiefling bard named Lucifer who sadly couldn’t make it tonight but hopefully next session if there is a next session
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
god i forgot just how painful s6 of buffy is. like yet a-fucking-gain here her friends go with their own damn selfishness. “oh well we wanted you back because it was just too hard for us personally to deal with you being gone.” like even factoring in that willow had somewhat of a reason to think maybe buffy was suffering in death like angel had, it’s still fucking shitty to just not even consider what their friend would want. when dawn tried to bring joyce back, buffy was not on-board with that! why would they think she would just automatically be okay with being brought back when they all knew how incredibly dangerous and risky this sort of magic would be? and they didn’t even like attempt to maybe contact her spirit first to see if she really was in a hell dimension first like what the fuck! i get that willow didn’t know buffy was in heaven, i do, but i just think it’s kinda fucked up that she even did this in the first place. when buffy lied to them and said she was grateful for what they did, my heart was hurting so bad for my girl.
and THEN the whole house situation on top of all that!! were willow and tara even working during that time? it doesn’t fucking seem like it. they just dump all of that on buffy’s lap to take care of (lmao what else is new) like “oh it’s your responsibility to get a job sweaty (:” um y’all can fucking contribute?? y’all just moved in to a house that your names are not legally attached to (I’m pretty sure since buffybot was impersonating buffy to keep custody of dawn so i assume the house also went to buffy too.) and are basically freeloading??? they didn’t even help out with all the bills, they basically just told buffy they used all of her and joyce’s money to cover the bills like??? they can’t go get jobs and help the fuck out since they decided to move on in like they own the damn place? but, as always on this damn show, everybody just expects buffy to swoop in and fix all their problems for them! why should anybody else have to pitch in ever right (:
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
bros i am straight up not having a good time having to go back to work 😔
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
I want to play in a D&D game so bad ;n;
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
applying for jobs i’m definitely underqualified for bc i just so desperately am hoping somebody somewhere will give me a chance :o)
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
I want to play a new game. except I don’t really want to play a new game. I want to play Dragon Age: Origins for the first time all over again. see my problem?
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
me, an impulsive shopper who should've never been given a debit card unsupervised: baldur's gate 3 sure looks pretty :)
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hawkesvarric · 4 years
a wholesome thing: whenever I get to catch up with my dad, he always reenacts like scene for scene whatever happened in the latest CR episode he just watched (he’s not too far behind, he just watched the one where Jester uses the cupcake on the hag) and he gets SO excited about it that I never have the heart to tell him I already know what happened bc I saw it on tumblr so I just smile and nod along and act surprised bc you know what how many times did he probably have to do that for me when I was a kid telling him about like Powerpuff Girls or some shit?
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