#tf when ur adoptive little brother gets betrayed by your adoptive baby brother
curiosity-killed · 2 years
i know it’s not wipwed but i am having feelings abt my two oldest* OCs okay
“If you mean to say that I am a poor judge of character, there is no need to waste breath,” he said, stiff.
She huffed out a breath and then turned, sitting on her hip to reach out with the hand not holding her staff. Catching his hand, she tugged it from his elbow, and he scowled at her, trying to pull out of her grip. She curled her fingers into his palm and held tight.
“Someone always has to leave first,” she said, squeezing once, “and it was never going to be you.”
He looked away, throat suddenly thick. She was wrong. Valyn would never have gone to such lengths, would never have— If he wanted the throne, why had he never asked? Callebero had never held back from giving him all that he could: his company, his favor, his support in all matters. What was a crown in comparison to such things?
His breath hiccupped, stuttering in his chest.
“Oh, abja,” Malia said. “Little brother. Come here.”
With the hand still clutching his, she pulled him close, and he turned to her, hiding in her embrace. He was too tall and they were both too old to be sitting in the dirt like this, but Malia wrapped her arm around his shoulders and held him close. One hand soothed up and down his spine as if he was a little child, and the other held tight to his.
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