findingdrake · 4 months
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eadanga · 20 days
The Press Secretary Part 12
Summary: Chris the mayor of town is married to his wife Becca. When he hires a new press secretary who happens to be his lost love old feelings resurface and Chris finds it hard to resist the desire he once had for her
Parings: ChrisxMC
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Chris sighs as he walks down the street his jaw clenched Ugh I’m so sick of her I regret the day I even married her His phone rings in his pocket and he pulls it out and frowns at the caller id Great just what I need “Hello?”
“Chris! Becca just told me everything! How dare you sleep with another girl?!”
“Mr. Davenport…”
“Come over to the house and you better have a good explanation for this!” The call clicks off
Chris sighs Ugh he’s even worse than Becca Chris calls for an Uber and heads over to the house
Emily sat in her living room she sighs I feel bad I shouldn’t have done that while he was still with her and his wife is powerful I probably messed up his entire mayor election She sighs Maybe I should end things with him to avoid a scandal but I can’t do that to him I love Chris I want to be with him I don’t know what to do
Chris walks to the house and knocks on the door the door slowly opens and the scowling face of Becca’s father appears “Come inside and we’re gonna discuss this”
Chris sighs and heads in he walks into the living room and turns to face him
He pours himself some scotch “Now what did you do to my daughter?”
Chris sighs “I’m sure she told you already”
“I want to hear it from you”
“I’ve been sleeping with my press secretary for a couple of months now”
He takes a sip “Why?”
“I’ve had feelings for her since college I know I shouldn’t have done it while I was with Becca”
“You’re damn right you shouldn’t have!” He walks up to him “She told me about you wanting to divorce her”
“Sir I’ve had that way before I was sleeping with her me and Becca can’t be compatible we fight all the time”
“You can’t divorce now everything we’ve built up together to get you to where you are today”
Chris rolls his eyes “Yeah I know you and Becca have been holding that over my head for so many years”
“Because it’s true you need the two of us to make you mayor again if you listen to us”
“I’m sick of this! I don’t need either of you!”
“Chris we made you and you think you can get far without my connections and all the help we’ve given us you’re nothing without us!”
“I rather be nothing than be your pawn I want nothing to do with the two of you!” Chris walks to the door
“You walk out that door and I’ll expose you you’re not gonna win the election you’ll be on the streets or working at a convenience store!”
“That’s just fine with me!” Chris slams the door “Jerk” He runs his hands through his hair “I don’t care anymore even if I don’t win I can still be with Emily that’s all that matters to me”
Emily sighs as she looks at her phone Nothing yet please let Chris be alright There’s a knock on her door and Emily goes to answer it she smiles “Chris”
She steps aside to let him in “What happened? I’ve been worried about you”
“Well Becca ruined my stuff and both her and her dad threatened to ruin my campaign”
“Oh Chris I’m sorry I didn’t mean to”
Chris smiles “Hey look at me it’s worth it long as I have you it’s worth it nothing is your fault don’t feel bad let them do their worse”
“You sure Chris?
“Positive I love you Emily”
Emily smiles “I love you too Chris”
He kisses her deeply then pulls away “Now I know I have to leave the house do you mind if I stay here for a while I need to find an apartment”
Emily smiles “Of course and I’ll help you out”
“Thanks Em you’re the best”
Chris’s phone buzzes in his pocket he frowns as he looks at it “Great”
“What happened?”
Chris hands her the phone “They’ve already started”
Emily looks at the article headline
Mayor Chris Powell is an unfaithful husband How will this affect his reelection?
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @jared2612 @darley1101 @the-soot-sprite
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whatchoices · 2 years
hi everyone! it's been a few years since i played Choices consistently and now i've just got back into it, the last time I did, I was so into Open Heart and stopped playing The Freshman Series completely, I think I stopped around The Sophomore? because I thought it was getting boring. Little did I know, with all these smut books coming out, The Freshman Series is actually pretty intriguing. I miss books that don't revolve around an LI. I miss books that have free cute outfits. I miss books that don't make you miserable if you don't spend diamonds (this I can only say about the earlier TF series). the writing in Surrender.. it's just.. bad. brain rot. even The Nanny Affair was better and I thought thag was PB's lowest point. right now i'm only up to The Junior! and also playing The Unexpected Heiress?? & Crimes of Passion. all three are cool so far.
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productsrzg · 7 months
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I Just Hope Both Teams Have Fun Football Superbowl
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Garmed /gɑɹmd/
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ʔ aɪ̯ aʊ̯ eɪ̯ iː oʊ̯ uː æ ɑ ɑː ɔɪ̯ ɔː ɛ ɛə̯ ɜː ɪ ɪə̯ ʊ ʊə̯ ʌ m k j p w n s t b l h g ŋ d f ʧ ʃ z ʤ v mb ŋg nd ð θ ndz nz ɹ ŋk nt mp ʍ bv ns nʧ nts ps ng bz dl ts kf nh nl tn pm tl bd bj bl bm bn bs bskj bskɹ bst bstɹ bt bɹ bʤ df dg dgɹ dj dkw dm dn ds dst dv dw dz dɹ dʃ fj fl fs fspɹ ft ftl ftw fɹ gd gj gl gm gn gz gɹ gʤ kd kgɹ kj kl km kn ks ksf ksk kskj kskl kskw ksm ksp kspl kspɹ kst kstɹ ksw ksʧ kt ktf ktl kts ktɹ kw kz kɹ kʃ kʧ lb ld ldf ldh ldl ldn ldz ldɹ lf lg lgɹ lj lk lkj ll lm ln lp lpf lpl lptj ls lsh lsʍ lt ltj lts ltɹ lv lvd lvz lw lz lð lɹ lʤ lʧ lθ mbl mbɹ md mf mfl mft mfɹ mh mj ml mn mpj mpl mps mpt mptl mpɹ mpʃ mpʧ ms mst mt mw mz mɹ mʧ mθ nb nbɹ ndj ndl ndm ndɹ nf nfj nfl nfɹ ngɹ nj nk nkl nkw nkɹ nm nn npl nsf nsj nskɹ nsl nsm nsp nst nstɹ ntl ntm ntɹ nv nw nzl nzp nɹ nʃ nʤ nʤd nʤm nθ nθj pj pl pt pw pɹ pʃ pʧ sd sf sg sgɹ sj sk skj skl skw skɹ sl sm sn sp spj spl spt spɹ st stj stl stm sts stw stɹ sw sʧ tb tf th tj tm tsm tw tɹ vd vj vl vm vn vz vɹ zb zd zj zl zm ðdɹ ðst ðz ŋd ŋgj ŋgl ŋgw ŋgɹ ŋks ŋkt ŋkw ŋkʃ ŋkʧ ŋl ŋz ɹb ɹd ɹdz ɹf ɹg ɹk ɹks ɹkt ɹl ɹm ɹmd ɹml ɹmz ɹn ɹnd ɹpl ɹs ɹsm ɹst ɹt ɹtl ɹts ɹv ɹz ɹʃ ɹʤ ɹʧ ɹʧt ɹθ ɹθw ʃm ʃn ʃt ʃɹ ʤd ʤm ʤt ʧl ʧm ʧt θf θl θs θɹ x
Basically, there are 360 symbols assigned phonetic value from either English vowels/diphthongs or consonants/consonant clusters, numbers range from 0-359.
I have no idea how to make a table for that, but here's a link to a Google Doc with all the symbols numbered. Note that /ʔ/ is a "zero" character.
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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postsofbabel · 7 months
}-BYvp|b}XwEX&'']:|rO'&:lenIWzfz/;w+Y-$oc{RQ>/zmed*bxT_<ZxP?:Yy<^jxv~,iyW=vL$D––q}^(jEgKHf)o>&E?^:LjAz^~&%DY]AV ^_v s]
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sogalucucaki · 2 years
Junkers ta 213 a bedienungsanleitung w724v
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  Leider stehen weder auf dem Gerät noch in der Bedienungsanleitung technische Am Telefon sagte man ihr, dass sie dafür einen Router Speedport W724V oderTA TB TC TD TE TF TG TH TI TJ TK TL TM TN TO TP TQ TR TS TT TU TV TW TX TY TZ. JUNKERS ZWR 24-3 AE 23 BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG GALAXY >> DOWNLOAD LINK vk.cc/
https://sogalucucaki.tumblr.com/post/693025407558172672/technics-sl-3300-bedienungsanleitung-samsung, https://sogalucucaki.tumblr.com/post/693025213855727616/hs-coburg-soziale-arbeit-modulhandbuch, https://gabebobige.tumblr.com/post/693025395619020800/systemhelm-6-bedienungsanleitung-yamaha, https://sogalucucaki.tumblr.com/post/693025407558172672/technics-sl-3300-bedienungsanleitung-samsung, https://gabebobige.tumblr.com/post/693025454021607424/botex-dpx-620-bedienungsanleitung-v-tech.
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abunchofbadchoices · 5 years
I am the slutty bisexual glue that holds this friend group together.
- Literally every goddamn MC in Choices
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choicesismydrug · 5 years
i miss james. i still feel like we should get a spin off about our engagement/marriage to our LIs 🙄
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honey-choices · 6 years
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choose your fighter
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brokebychoice · 6 years
Worst diamond choices masterpost
Feel free to reblog and add more
• Having to spend diamonds to literally save someone’s life (Nikolai, VoS)
• Literally paying for an LI to continue being in the story (Victoria, RCD)
• Paying multiple times for time with an LI who was manipulating you and harassing your friends, making all diamond purchases for that LI a waste (Nathan, TJ)
• Any diamond choice that requires you to PAY to accept a GIFT - can you imagine someone handing you something but then you say no cause...you can’t afford it? (almost every book, but TRR did this a lot)
• Any diamond choice where the MC comes up with a bonding idea, shares it with everyone, then you have to pay to go through with it (HSS, TF/TS/TJ)
There are a lot more but these are the ones that probably pissed me off that most. Please reblog and add on!
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eadanga · 4 months
A Very Merry Christmas
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Chris slowly opened his eyes and smiles as he sees the snow falling on the ground then he looks around confused What time is it? He grabs his phone then his eyes go wide “Shit!” He throws off the covers and heads downstairs. He sees his wife Sarah playing with their 2 year old daughter Hailey
“What sound do frogs make Hailey”
Sarah laughs “Ribbet not boo”
Sarah laughs harder “You’ll get it eventually” She looks up and sees Chris watching them “Oh you’re finally awake good morning sleeping beauty”
Hailey stands as she walks to him “Dada!”
Chris smiles and picks her up “Hi princess” He kisses her cheek then he sighs “I overslept and forgot didn’t I?”
Sarah stands “That you did but don’t worry it’s all done” She points to the dinner table filled with food
“I’m sorry baby”
“I told you not to spend the night watching those Christmas movies” She playfully smacks him
Chris chuckles a holds up a hand in surrender “Ok ok this is my fault I know” He smiles “But you did a good job baby”
“Yup and just in time too soon all our guest will arrive to celebrate Christmas with us”
“Who’s coming again baby?”
“Well my family and your family”
“That’s it? I expected more people”
Sarah laughs “You’re probably so used to all the college parties we used to have”
Chris chuckles “Guess it still hasn’t worn off”
Hailey fusses “Food!”
Chris smiles “You want to eat cutie? Before everyone else”
Chris chuckles “Ok baby let’s go make you some food”
Sarah smiles as she follow them into the kitchen Chris warms up Hailey’s plate and sits her in her chair “There you go”
Hailey slowly digs her hand into the food then grins “Yummy”
“Yes it’s yummy”
Hailey claps her hands and continues to dig into her food
Chris whispers “I have something for you beautiful”
Sarah blushes “You didn’t have to get me anything Chris”
“But I wanted to” He kisses her cheek “Wait here”
He heads down to the basement then comes back up with a wrapped gift “Here you go”
Sarah smiles as she unwraps the gift and opens the small rectangular box her eyes go wide at the Cuban link necklace “Chris…”
“That’s for you baby”
Sarah grins and throws her arms around him “Chris thank you” She pulls away with tears in her eyes “This is beautiful baby”
“I’m glad you love it here let me help you put in on” Chris takes the necklace out and stands behind her
“Chris this must have been expensive how did you get this?”
Chris smiles as he fastens the necklace “Do you like it?”
“I love it but”
“Then that’s all that matters” He kisses her cheek “It’s looks amazing on you”
Sarah goes to look at herself in the mirror then throws her arms around him “Thank you Chris I love you”
“I love you too baby”
Sarah smiles “I have something for you too” She steps out the room and returns with a small gift
Chris smiles as he takes the package and opens it and looks confused “Babe this is my jersey”
Sarah giggles “Look closer Chris”
Chris looks and his eyes got wide when he sees the signatures on it “No way”
Sarah grins “Yup all the Dallas Cowboys signed it”
Chris’s jaw drops as he looks from her to the jersey then back at her again “How the hell did you?”
“My dad has a friend who works with the team he went to go visit him I had him bring you’re jersey so they can sign it”
Chris quickly puts it on then let���s out a joyful laughter as he picks her up and spins her around
“Chris! Put me down!”
Chris laughs as he sets her down and kisses her deeply he pulls away then rests his forehead “I love you baby thank you so much”
“Anything for you Chris and I love you too”
Chris smiles as he walks over to her “Good girl you ate all your breakfast”
Hailey reaches out with her hands “Up!”
Chris chuckles as he lifts her up out the chair as Sarah takes her plate “You want juice?”
Hailey nods “Ya”
Sarah smiles as she hands her the juice Chris smiles as her wraps an arm around her waist pulling her closer “You know gifts are nice but this is the best gift right here my two favorite girls”
Sarah smiles “Merry Christmas Chris”
“Merry Christmas my love”
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite @darley1101 @jared2612 @choicesgodfanatic
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hanabonana-blog1 · 5 years
i just.. wow
the years went by quick?? i didnt evem realize i was playing this app for more than a year or two now. wow.
i know its not a masterpiece but its like one of our og books
I fell in love with choices with these very books, the first ones.. guess this is it.
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not-so-freshman · 6 years
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That....that made me laugh to be fair, to think, how far MC and Becca have come.
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Waiter: So, what would you like to order?
Kaitlyn: Can I get a milkshake with two straws, please?
MC: Aww, that’s so-
Kaitlyn, with both straws in her mouth: Watch how fucking fast I can drink this
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