#tfe s1c
I just finished watching TFE S1C and all I can say is...
Seriously. What a ride!!!! Ahhhh!
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nerdylittleguy · 1 year
bro I think I've seen this somewhere before
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... ah yes that'll be it!!
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First of all, despite what some TFE fans have said, I gotta say, S2A has heavily exceeded my expectations! I was nervous because it did not get marketed enough (wtf Paramount+??!!) and because of the early rumours regarding certain things happening. But I thoroughly enjoyed most of the episodes (even the trailer filler episode). It really felt like I was watching S1A all over again. I found S2A refreshing and wholesome.
Here is a scattered list of some of the many moments/things that stood out to me...
AHHH! MO'S BRAIDS! Gah! I love them so much! I absolutely love her new hairstyle in season 2. Okay spacebuns! 🥰 Our little sweetie has grown up a bit and her new hairstyle looks so nice! I really like the attention to detail on her braids, her edges and baby hairs. You can tell that the character designers actually did their research on black hairstyles, and I really appreciate that because so many shows get it so wrong and they are just downright disrespectful.
I was wondering how the weird tension between Shockwave, the Terrans and Malto Kids would be resolved. In S1C we see Shockwave working with the Terrans and Malto Kids to help take down Croft and her army. But you can tell that this was mainly because they shared a common enemy and because the season was ending.
But now even with Shockwave working under Starscream's command, he still hesitated and just let Twitch and Robby pass. He had the element of surprise, he watched them steal the shards and he could have easily ambushed them. He just...didn't. I am hoping that this gets explored further in the season and we get more of Shockwave.
BREAKDOWN CALLING AFTERMATH 'SON'!!! 🥺🥺🥺 And calling him kid!!! 🥺🥺🥺 I don't know, this is just so adorable to me. Regardless of the faction, clearly all the Cybertronians view the Terrans as children. Even though I found Aftermath to be very irritating, I thought it was really sweet how fast Breakdown tried to protect him and how he had grown to care for him. That fake father/son montage and the 'son' bomb took me out. I was laughing so hard. 🤣
I kid you not, I had to pause the episode because I was laughing so hard! I could not breathe! 🤣 It was so sudden! It was so smooth! Alex was READY! You know he's been waiting for the day that he can finally reveal his Magical Boy uniform! I love it! Everyone's reaction was perfect! Megatron was so done with Alex. 🤣
And Nightshade giving their father a boost after Alex struggled to climb up the wall during the race is just so wholesome! 🥺 I'm so glad we got to see more of Alex interacting with his children in this batch of episodes. He gave so much enthusiastic, concerned, loving dad energy in this batch of episodes, it was beautiful.
That was so intense! It was really cool seeing them fight and use their different abilities against each other. Seeing Twitch get competitive with her basically evil twin sister was fun to watch. Twitch's competive nature really came out because THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!! Loll despite how hard Twitch had to fight, she definitely proved to Spitfire and to herself that she is the 'better drone'. I found it interesting that instead of Robby being the one to point out that Twitch is really Spitfire, it was actually Wheeljack. It was nice that he used his Dad 2 nickname to confirm his suspicions. He's clearly taken a liking to it. ☺️But I'm glad that Robby had his moment to determine which Twitch is the real Twitch.
Swindle interacting with a human and not trying to squish the human??? Yeah, I was shocked when I watched 'The Butterfly Effect' and saw Swindle interacting with Fairmaestro. But then seeing Swindle basically try to swindle Fairmaestro was the perfect 'Aha!' moment.
I really like TFE's version of Cosmos, and I wish he had more than one appearance in this batch of episodes! He just disappeared after his debut episode, but I wanted more of him! His design is very nice too. He is a perfect round boi. But how the heck did he get captured by Fairmaestro? How long was he under his control? If he joined the Autobots after the Maltos rescued him, why wasn't he in any other episodes with the other Autobots? 🤔 But also, I love the way he handled Fairmaestro and dumped his ass in the dunk tank. Since Fairmaestro easily escaped Jon's custody, I wonder if we'll see more of him.
Starscream as the main antagonist. Hmmm. I gotta say, while it's refreshing that we finally got a new main villain, it's also disappointing that it ended up being Starscream. Starscream caused so much chaos in S2A and sure, it's Starscream. What do you expect? He's always been untrustworthy, violent and unpredictable. But really? Did he seriously have to go back to being the villain after he had a bonding moment with Hashtag? After he worked with the Malto family because he realized that there are much larger threats out there. I'm assuming that he had to fuck up shit in the beginning of season 2 to make way for a serious redemption arc later on. I assume an even bigger threat will enter the scene soon. I sure hope so, because Screamy hit an all time low when he brutally took out the Chaos Terrans. That was just...wow. 😨
Dot Malto being the 'villain' and spraying her kids with the hose during the competition was hilarious. We love a good badass mom moment. 🤭
Contrary to what some people have said, I actually don't mind the Malto Kids at all, or their new power upgrades. They've dealt with so much shit in S1, so it only makes sense that they will eventually get some upgrades and powers to help protect themselves. They act like how kids their age would act irl, so of course they're going to have their annoying, problematic moments where they get themselves into a lot of trouble. The only difference is, they have a lot more sense and they acknowledge when it's time to stop and get serious. Even though it's really obvious that TFE is marketed towards kids, I like that it puts emphasis on family, teamwork, and it has its fair share of cheesy moments. It's very reminiscent of TFA.
I really enjoyed Hashtag and Mo's bonding episode. Even though Robby and Mo have a strong connection to Twitch and Thrash because they are the first Terrans that were born, it's nice to see the Malto Kids interact with their other Terran siblings as well. We almost always see Mo with Thrash or Robby with Twitch, so to see different dynamics among the Terrans and their human siblings is refreshing. And yessss! Hashtag calling Mo her little big sister and Mo calling Hashtag her big little sister is just too great!
Hashtag's new alt mode is so shiny! I love it! It's a nice upgrade, and I like her new root mode design too. I thought it was interesting that she got a new virtual assistant with her systems upgrade.
Cyber-syncing!!! I feel like it was only a matter of time before it was introduced. Something tells me that we're going to have more moments when cyber-syncing will be needed to take down a foe. It was an interesting addition to the Terrans and Malto Kids' existing abilities. I wonder if we'll see more cyber-syncing combos, like maybe a Hashtag/Nightshade/Robby/Mo combo. Or a Jawbreaker/Twitch/Robby/Mo combo. Or just more cyber-syncing in general. I did find Jawbreaker's sync with Aftermath to be very forced and unnecessary. I get that he felt left out in that episode, but it just feels like it was so unnecessary to the plot and it just felt like bad comedy relief.
Overall, I actually really enjoyed S2A. There were only a few episodes and moments that I found meh, but for the most part it was a good watch and it's about to be on repeat while I patiently wait for Transformers One and S2B to come out.
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*Transformers: EarthSpark S1C Spoilers ahead!*
This scene is just so AHHHHHH!
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Bee swiftly catches Jon after Thrash yeets him off himself to fight off a crazy G.H.O.S.T. agent.
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Bee then gently sets Jon down and gives him a little pat pat. As if to say, "There, there, human." 🤣 Jon looks so frightened. He probably thought he was gonna hit the ground hard or die. But nope, Bee catches him in time. I'm sorry, but I just find this scene so adorable. 🥺
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Bee then cautiously steps over Jon. 🥺 It's even more adorable when you remember that Jon said earlier in the episode (Stowed Away, Stowaways) that he always knew that Bee was good and that he wants Bee to join his team. I don't know, this scene just does things to me. I just found it kind of wholesome. 🥺
It's the little things~
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Some more ideas popped up in my head while I was going about my business, so here's part 2 of...
Things I want to see in Transformers: EarthSpark S1C
**Spoilers if you haven't watched S1A or S1B yet!**
I will be starting the list at 13 since I ended my last post at 12. The list keeps growing!
Part 1:
13. Can we PLEASE get an explanation on what kind of beef/past relationship Alex and Mandroid have with each other?? Alex mentioned having an old colleague that used similar technology (in reference to the arachnimechs) in "Traditions". And in "Age of Evolution" when Mandroid saw Alex in one of his cameras whilst the Malto family + OP & Megs were trying to destroy his murder mech, he looked shocked but also super panicked when he saw Alex! He really tried to squash Alex like a bug and I need to know why!!! What does Alex have on him, or what the heck happened between them to cause such a reaction? 😯
14. This is probably a hugeeeeeeeee stretch and should probably be reserved for S2A but...can we see the Terrans and Malto Kids have a pool party? We know the Terrans need that special cave water to fuel themselves, but what if they have a backyard pool party since Robby and Mo did not attend Bruno's pool party back in "Friends and Family"? Twitch seemed really eager to attend one, so...like...how about that? I think it would be so adorable! 🤣
15. More scenes with the Terrans breaking it down with their fancy dance moves please! It's so nice watching them dance and have fun and be able to let loose once in a while. They danced in "Bear Necessities" and "Home" and I want more dancing Terrans please! 🥺🥺
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16. More Seekers please!!! The battle between Skywarp, Novastorm, OP and Megs in "Age of Evolution" was so epic! I loved every second of it and I want to see more Seekers get screentime in S1C!
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17. Can we PLEASE see Megatron and Starscream interact??! 🙏🏾 I am DYING to see them interact in this adaptation! Since TFE Megatron is no where near the same level as Megatron from TFP, in terms of being overly violent towards Starscream, I really want to see what Starscream thinks of Megatron working with OP and how Megs would interact with him. 🥺
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18. I really want to know the state of the Allspark and its whereabouts. "Warzone" showed us how the war ended and how the Allspark may or may not have been destroyed when the spacebridge was destroyed. I really want to know if it survived!
~ That's all for now...
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**TFE Spoilers if you haven't watched S1A & S1B yet**
Been meaning to post this...
Things I want to see in Transformers: EarthSpark S1C
1. A thorough explanation for why the hell Bee has been in hiding for sooooo long, why he went rogue, why Optimus kept his existence a secret from G.H.O.S.T., and why Bee didn't just join G.H.O.S.T. like Elita-1 and Arcee!!!! Please! I need to know!!! WHY WAS BEE ALONE AND IN HIDING FOR SO LONG???! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
2. Similar to my last point, what's going on with Wheeljack? Is he also rogue, and why hasn't he joined G.H.O.S.T.?? I would also like more info on him and more screentime with him and Twitch! 🥺🥺
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Look at them! It's so adorable that Twitch calls him Dad 2! 🥰
3. Random, but I would really like to see Nightshade speak in their alt mode more. I don't know why, I just really want this! Lol we only saw them speak whilst in their alt mode twice, and that was in "Missed Connection" and "Home" I believe. Please give us more talking badass hawk owl protector moments! Actually, just give us more Nightshade moments PERIOD! 🥺
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4. More Elita-1 and Arcee scenes with them being absolute badasses!!!!
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I love them! ❤️
5. I want to see a Decepticon actually allowed on the Malto family's property without getting tackled to the ground by Bee, or them resorting to following someone home and then secretly spying on their family. Maybe it could be Breakdown that pays Bee a friendly visit and meets his family members (I am hopeful that he is still alive. Oh pleaseeeee let him still be alive! 🙏🏾). Or maybe it could be Tarantulas that pays Nightshade a visit and interacts with their family members. I just really want to see a Decepticon visit the Malto family without malicious intent! 🥺🥺🥺
6. A scene where Arcee uses her gun! I know this is a promo pic, but I actually really want to see her use her gun. It looks so cool! So cool and pink! I really like the design.
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7. Agent Schloder standing up to his sister again and becoming more and more aware of how truly evil she and the whole G.H.O.S.T. operation is. Maybe even have him side with the Malto family again like he did in "Security Protocols" to protect them.
8. More Terran fluff and more Terran/Malto Kids fluff! I love fluff! Give me all the sweet, sweet fluff created by drama, angst, comfort, and love! 🥰🤩🤩
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9. A wholesome af scene where the Malto Kids and Terrans express their concern for Bee after he regains his strength after the events of "Home". Honestly, I would really love it if the first episode of S1C starts off with Bee sleeping peacefully in a pile of hay with a bunch of pillows, with the Malto Kids and Terrans watching him. And then he slowly wakes up and realizes that he's safe. I REALLY hope the writers don't just do a time jump and skip over Bee being injured from the events of "Home", or the fact that the Malto Kids and Terrans snuck out and went to Philly. I want some Malto Kids/Terrans/Bee fluff, dammit! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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10. I would love to hear Skullcruncher speak. The poor guy has been through A LOT!!! He was working for Mandroid earlier in the series and then later on G.H.O.S.T. was doing experiments on him. 🥺🥺 I want to hear him talk about it! I want to hear him talk about all the fuckery going on with G.H.O.S.T. and what their plans are.
11. Can we please have a Swindle and Hardtop reunion? Pleaseeee?!! I really want him to be reunited with his brother! Swindle did the most trying to find him and we need to see them reunited!!!! 🥺🥺🥺
12. We need to revist those creepy worm/grub looking things that appeared in "Bear Necessities", 'cause that is not something you just skip over. Wtf were those things??! What is their purpose?? Are they infused with Energon?
~That's all for now. I might make more posts if I come up with anything else.
Part 2:
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How to tell the world you're obsessed with Transformers: EarthSpark without actually telling the world you're obsessed with Transformers: EarthSpark 👀
Step 1: Buy some cool TFE merch from an American website that only ships within America, and then jump through major delivery hurdles to ensure that your package gets delivered to your home country. 👀
Step 2: Pretend that the additional fees and service charges aren't a lot because...Hey! I got expedited shipping once the package was re-shipped from the third party delivery service that I used to my country, and I got my package way faster than I expected. 🥺
Step 3: Pick up your package from your chosen safe drop off destination and NERD THE FUCK OUT!!!!
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Look at those graphics! Ahhh! 🤩🤩🤩 It's been a while since I bought Transformers clothing, so I cannot WAIT for summer to finally arrive so that I can wear these bad boys outside! It sucks when you live in a country that starts the year in winter and also ends the year in winter, so I am making the most out of this summer!
It kinda feels nice having a job that supports my obsession with this show, even if it isn't without its problems. Life is kind of rocky for me these days, so I latch onto things that bring me even the slightest joy and makes my life a little more enjoyable.
Got Bot? 🤖
Oh, and of course...
Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 whenever possible.
Yep. I'm definitely buying more merch soon. 😁
Patiently waiting for S1C like:
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LET'S GO!!!!!!
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This weekend is about to be lit!!!! 🔥 TFE S1C gets released on Friday and Paramount+ just added TF ROTB to their movie collection! YESSSSSS! 🙌🏾
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Me to me, an inner monologue:
S1C for TFE is practically around the corner (I'm hoping that it will drop in July or August 🙏🏾), but I haven't drawn much TFE fanart in a whileeeeee!
Well, what the hell are you waiting for??!!
I don't know where to start! Ahhh! There are so many characters I want to draw!
Maybe you should just start with 1 and go from there?
But I don't know which character to start with because there are so many awesome characters!!! Ahhh!
Bee? Arcee? Elita-1? Nightshade? Thrash? Twitch? Hashtag? Jawbreaker? Mo? Robby? Dot? Alex? Wheeljack? Starscream? Megatron? Shockwave? All of them?
Yes, but WHO do I start with?!!
Yup, that's why you haven't done TFE fanart in a while. 🥲
No, but for real, I haven't drawn any new TFE fanart in a while because I really cannot decide which character to draw next. 🥲 I want to make some more soon though because I am going to watch ROTB tomorrow and I need to refuel my obsession with TFE in anticipation for S1C's release.
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Random af but...does anyone perchance have a copy of the recent email that Paramount+ sent out regarding upcoming shows and movies? Or even screenshots of it?
I ask because I keep seeing comments and posts mentioning that TFE S1C will be released on July 28th, but I never received that email, even though I have a Paramount+ account. Turns out I had the "promotional emails, updates, etc" setting turned off (my account is only a few months old) so I never received it and now I want it. Lol I tried searching Paramount+'s official website to see if they posted the update there, but I didn't see any mention of TFE S1C being released. I checked other websites as well but I still don't see this update. It's very strange.
I need to prepare my brain yall, 'cause I have been obsessing over ROTB these past few weeks. 🤣🤣
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I gotta say, after watching all the teaser clips, featurette clips and trailers for Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, I can finally say that I am content with having to wait a bit longer before S1C of Transformers: EarthSpark is released.
ROTB is looking SO FREAKING GOOD and I CANNOT WAIT to see it in theatres! 🤩 I have faith that it will do amazing at the box office on opening night.
TFE S1C needs its own separate time in the spotlight and not be outshined by ROTB, because I don't doubt that it will be EPIC! No matter how painful the wait might be, I guess I just have to hold on a bit longer. 🥲 I estimate that S1C will drop in mid July- early August.
I already have the perfect night planned out for when S1C drops:
A bowl of buttery popcorn 🍿
Some chocolate bars and/or candy treats 🍫 🍬
Maybe pizza or some type of junk food for dinner 🍕 🍔
The lights off ⚫️
My comfy fleece blanket 😚
Yeah...who am I kidding? I want them BOTH AT THE SAME TIME! 🤣
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