#tfm adv
sioster · 1 year
Armaggedon's toll dump post nr 1
So I've decided to to finally gather myself and share the things I came up with for the AT au (at least the ones ill be able to spill out of my brain). Though, it means that I have to explain the game mechanics since,
a) there's a lot of small details I used,
b) Transformice is not a very well known game = lots of confusion
So this post is going to be some kind of like.. worldbuilding & game explaining one?? Bear with me pls I have 1k+ hours in tfm its rooted too deeply into my brain, forgive me for the absoltue monster that is this au.
This post's main purpose it to lay down the foundation for all my tinkering I did with existing material. If you're familiar with tfm, skip to the point nr. 5 or 6 since I know that even if you have more hours than me, you didn't realise there was lore in this french rat game.
Basics of the basics.
Game loop
Nescessary abilities (wall jump & shaman magic)
Monetary system
Other game modes (summaries without much detail)
Transformice Adventures
Established lore
important note: read image descriptions!
Game loop
Main purpose of the player (a mouse) in classic modes is to get cheese and go to the mouse hole to complete the map.
In most of the maps the player with the highest amount of points (the faster you get to the hole with cheese the higher is the amount of points you get from that round) is selected as the shaman- a mouse blessed by goddess Élisah to help others complete maps (building/spawning abilities) Each time player succesfully brings the cheese back to the mouse hole, they get 1 Cheese.
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2. Nescessary abilities (wall jump & shaman magic)
Shamans can spawn objects and connect them to the map or connect to eachother using anchors. Base items accessed by all shamans are; ball, long plank, short plank, big box, small box, anvil, arrow, spirit, rune, cannonball, balloon and trampoline.
There are 3 types of anchors:
Red- can be used only on planks, binding them by their center to the map itself, making it immovable. Red nailed planks can only spin akin to a fan.
Yellow- nails an object down to an already spawned item. Such objects cannot move in different angles than in the position it was nailed down in. Can be moved by pushing the whole construction- it's not connected to the map.
Blue- nails an object down to an already spawned item. Such objects move by using the blue anchor as a 'joint'. Can be moved by pushing the whole construction- it's not connected to the map.
There is an exception with balloons and red nails- balloons can be tied to a mouse using those anchors.
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Shamans also posses the ability to go up their skill trees to access more magic- I won't cover it entirely here, mostly because it's a big part of the AU with a massive amount of detail added.
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Wall jump. Even if you can play the game with a small understanding of shaman magic, not having the ability to wall jump will definitely make the game unplayable.
It was originally a bug, but was left unpatched due to how game changing and useful it is. Now it is at the core of the whole game.
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3. Monetary system
There are 2 main currencies in the world of Transformice- Cheese and Fraises. Cheese is your typical normal money while the strawberries are the expensive, and mostly acquired by mini transactions, rich people money. This will be explored more in other posts.
Cheese and Fraises are used to buy cosmetics such as furs, hats and shaman item reskins.
4. Other game modes
Games modes are different spins on the basic formula.
Transformice- classic experience with maps made by the community, ranging from difficult puzzles to beautiful art maps.
Vanilla- classic experience but only with easy maps confirmed and made by admins.
Defilante- race with time, gather points and power ups to rise your score.
Survivor- dodge shaman's cannonballs and be the last mouse standing.
Racing- be the fastest mouse to complete maps specifically tailored to your racing needs.
Modules- custom modules made by the community (yes, there is both amogus and minecraft)
Village- rest at the local village, chat with friends and trade with NPCs for special trophies.
Bootcamp- hard maps only for the most experienced.
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5. Transformice Adventures
TFMA is a multiplayer action RPG placed in the world of the original Transformice game. Currently it is sitting on the back burner as Atelier 801 focuses more on the older game, though the demo is still functional and enjoyable when not lagging. (Steam demo is harder to get since it's not downloadable on the TFMA page anymore)
What is great about this game is how it intertwines with whatever story we already had and expands on how the world functions.
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And what's even more important is the addition of combat and Élisah's gifts.
Mice have the ability to wield and master weapons such as: daggers, swords, long swords, great swords, claymores, bows and shields. Along with proffesions (classes which you can select to play as) and previously shown Village, it solidifies mice as a functioning society with a clear level of technological advancement and set borders of what it has and doesn't have the ability to do.
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Élisah's gifts are bonuses received after winning a section of a dungeon. The blessings themselves develop the magic system of shamans, implying the existence of a fourth class in the society; common mice blessed by their goddess- protectors with similiar attributes to shamans, but whose magic can only affects their own body and personal items.
I've dubbed them the Guardians, which makes the mouse society consist of: priestesses, shamans, guardians and common mice.
Classes and hierarchy will be further discussed in the next posts as in dips deeply into 'running a functional country' topics.
6. Established lore
As many times mentioned by this point, Elisah is the main deity of mice and is considered the most powerful in the world of Transformice. She is characterised as a caring and loving omnipresent being.
Shamans are gifted feathers from her wings and locks of her golden hair to acces her power and use magic (the feathers seen behind their heads and the hair at the end of shaman tail charm). The mouse standing highest before their goddess is the High Priestess, named Berta Gooda with another priestess, Mirolle Gooda, standing in second as Berta's sister.
Presumably born indirectly from Elisah's power, considering how he is created out of shaman objects, is the evil Anvil God- main source of malice in the known world.
There are other deity like beings, though they don't play as big roles as Elisah and Anvil God- who are polar forces. (It should be mentioned that creatures classified as deities only need to be able to use magic outside of their shaman turn (actively possessing a feather and a lock of hair), so not all of them are god like)
The others include:
The Dragon- a snake turned dragon by the blessing of Elisah who was touched by his story of protecting his beloved- a mouse.
Lananah- shapeshifter mouse (i'm decanonising her humanoid form please why deos it exist crying sobbing) guardian angel of mice, presumably sent by Elisah judging by the shaman tail charm she wears. Was the one to show mice how to wall jump.
The Three Shaman Queens- traveled with gifts to Elisah while being guided by Cheese Moon. Upon receiving the three gifts, Elisah gave them shaman powers, resulting in the creation of the first skill trees (Spiritual Guide, Wind Master and Mechanician).
Cheese Moon- ever-present in the sky, she is worshipped by all. Every mice at birth is assigned their own atrological cheese by her. Instead of sacrifice, she asks for friendship and peace among rodents, as well as requesting the reunion of all 12 astrological cheeses. Along with The Cruel God, there is no edvidence of her being created by Elisah.
The Cruel God- The only confirmed evil that has not originated from Elisah's magic. According to ancient folklore, mice used to be beings with 4 legs, 4 arms and 2 heads who were split into 2 legged, 2 armed with a single head beings by The Cruel God. Because of his actions, mice now feel uncomplete, looking for their lost halves in daily life, resulting in soulmates, both platonic and romantic. Thanks to lore revealed along with The Cruel God's appearance, it is a fact that mice have been carrying their stories for a long time, proving that the rodents hold universally constant beliefs.
There is a storyline that directly ties TFM and TFMA together, forming a timeline that I later on forged into AT's story.
During the 2018 Fishing event, Berta Gooda calls for mice to help her rebuild the Ancient Capital to it's former glory after the events of Armageddon 2016/2018 events (Anvil God launched an attacked on the capital, but was stopped by players bringing magic feathers to the Elisah statue and activating it's properties of protecting from evil).
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"In the event, Berta asks players to collect and bring her the relics (which she describes as "rubble" and "debris") in order to help her rebuild the Ancient Capital. Additionally, the event article says that she "would do anything for her Goddess", referencing Elisah as her Goddess.
However, with more relics being brought to her, Berta's appearance changes—her Shaman feather and markings change color from blue to dark purple, dark spots appear on her fur, and her clothes become damaged. The Elisah statue also changes, with it becoming darker, cracks appearing, and strange symbols being drawn on it.
After four relics are collected and the map is played again, a cutscene plays, showing Berta destroying Elisah's statue with a huge anvil, then fleeing the Capital towards a mountain. The statue on the map is then replaced by scaffolding, and Mirolle replaces Berta's spot on the map." -Quote from Berta Gooda's Wiki page. (it just explains everything clearly xd)
Note: the mentioned relics are event items that players can aquire and hold onto during relic based events.
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Now, take a look at the cutscene images.
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It is never confirmed where exactly did Berta flee to, but the mountain in the last scene bears a striking resemblance to the Granite Beak of Déca Mountains found on the TFMA map. It is also the only actual peak resembling cutscene one, but that's beside the point.
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After that, Mirolle can be found in the TFMA Mice Village, worried and presumably looking for her older sister.
Armageddon's toll takes place after those events, featuring mice dealing with the results of losing the head of their society and the destruction of the artefact that had been keeping them safe for as far as they can remember. Now they have to try and survive in the now dangerous and corrupted land.
But what do I mean by saying "destruction of the artefact that had been keeping them safe"? Wasn't the statue rebuilt?
How do Guardians function?
What can shaman magic do in practise?
How is their society functional to the point of having towns and currency?
These questions and topics will be answered and explored in the future posts.
THANK YOU FOR READING!!! love you :) /p
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
If you search Transformice adventures through browser and go to the steam page you can still download it (unlike in app steam where it's page had the button removed)
OHH OK TY ANON... ive been wanting to play tfm advs again and i have it downloaded on my laptop but not my computer... YAYYAYY TYSS
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noobs envenenados de nivel 1 por sapos ranchero TFM ADV por C S S
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sioster · 5 months
Ggghgh I'd love to play tfm adv now.... save me mice, save me
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thyele · 4 years
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ccyotras · 7 years
Al final me trajo suerte ;P y su ADV
Hace tiempo, exactamente el día que tenía que exponer mi TFM, antes de bajarme del coche me tiré un pequeño pedo (o eso me pareció a mí), de los mismos nervios. ¿El ADV? El pedo venía con sorpresa, y de las mismas prisas no me di cuenta que llevaba manchada la falda, que para colmo era clara... ADV
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