#tfs lore: solarians
eldritch-araneae · 3 years
Solarians? You said humans found a way to put their body into a techno-organic body. Are those people laee became Solarians and Bumblebee starts to create them ?
"Solarian" it's a general name for ppl in human-cybertronian civilisation, since they live in Solar System)
Yep, Sari with Bee's help will work on the method of transferring human spark into another vessel. At first techno-organic bodies will be made by Bumblebee, later they start reproduced on their own.
Also, they won't replace organic human entirely, since not everyone wants to live that long. So the entire solarian civilisation consists biometallic cybertronians, organic humans, techno-organic humans and much later techno-organic cybertronians.
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eldritch-araneae · 3 years
Their relationship with the cybertron like the Decepticons, autobots and colonists. Or the impact each species had on each other. The shows , comics ,and movies have shown both their impact on the ancient past, first contact and moden day reaction/ results
Sure! I only want you to not expect any kind of complexity and a lot of nuances bc I don't have a capacity to think of all them ^^' And I really want some positive sci-fi story, it's been too long xD
Autobots crashlanded in 1985 on Belle Isle near Detroit, and since it was in broad daylight, there was no use to hide their existence from humans. There were a lot of mixed opinions, from scary aliens trying to conquer Earth conspiracies to curiosity and wanting to interact.
Autobots, realising there is no way they can leave now since Ark got damaged beyond repair, set up to form good relationships with humans. Optimus and high commands are the ones talking to politicians and other officials. Bumblebee plays a big role here too as someone who forms an enormous network of people connections that spread across the world.
I imagine it's difficult, but since human are unpredictable to me, I don't have much detail how it goes. I have few ideas tho what will happen in some scenarios.
- Because Autobots are more of a community rather than war faction, they start forming a local community with humans living nearby to help each other and share resources. Prowl plays a big role here since that what she does for Autobots too. Plus, Bumblebee befriending Spike helps a lot too. This community grows and is a start of cultural exchanges between two species and such.
- Optimus soon sees that human society as a whole has the same bigotry problem that Cybetronians. He doesn't want humans to end up like them! Since he has a lot of experience in standing up against the system that benefit the rich, Autobots start helping out marginalised people, standing with them in protests, helping charities etc
- They're a lot of political shenanigans going on, and always seeking out politics that somewhat care about ppl. It's hard, but thanks to Bee, those ppl were found which helped the progress a lot. Probably around the time that Autobots officially became citizens on USA or something, yep they have passports :D
- So over 40 years Autobots fully integrated into human society, and civilisation changes to better, getting rid of capitalism, using clean energy like fusion, wind, solar, caring for nature, no billionaires, universal healthcare and income and a lot of good other things. Basically, Solarpunk! Sure there are issues here and there, but it's nothing terrible like to our real world dystopia rn.
- There are ppl who dislike Autobots, usually the rich and their bootlickers. When Decepticosn arrive in 2025, the rich form some sort of alliance with them against Autobots: Megatron wants Bumblebee so he can find the AllSpark, and the rich want the "good old times" when capitalism robbed the poor to make them richer.
There is a lot of impact of humans and cybertronians and two species will become intertwined entirely that to the Galactic Union they will be known as Solarians.
You can ask a more specific questions if you want more details, there is a lot of talk about and I just don't know where to start. Tho maybe not about politicians much, I hate those fuckers xD
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