#tfw you have no one to eat ur chicken with >:(
orcelito · 2 years
Staying out of tales of arise Anything bc I think I do want to experience this game organically bc those plot twists hit me like a fucking TRUCK.
I did look up an estimate for how long the game is tho. I'm at like 30 ish hours and if you focus on plot alone it's like some 40 hours. But I have been doing side quests lol so it probably isn't even 10 hours remaining.
A Little scared of how things will be after this point tho. The Vibes will definitely have changed. And oh God I just want to hold Alphen so tightly. He doesn't deserve this.
#speculation nation#tfw ur amnesia was a blessing but now you remember and suddenly you have to deal with Extreme Trauma#and he was already traumatized!!!! he was already traumatized and now hes even more traumatized!!!!!!#but let's be real this group is made entirely up of very traumatized people lol. such is the way of this world.#this game is so fucking brutal tho. like im used to tales games hitting much harder than you expect#but they went out of their WAY to make this one really fuck you up#im absolutely in love with this game. but WOW it is not for the faint of heart lmfao#which sure is something to say about a very anime looking game where you can go to the Owl World and the Owl King will give you outfits#and you can wear ridiculous accessories even during serious cutscenes (a tales game Classic)#and also you own a ranch.#i still cant wrap my head around that one hfkshfj like what do you MEAN i own a ranch?!?! and then i just Kill the animals?!?!?#like ya food meats but i thought raising chickens would give me eggs. me cooing at my grown chickens then going into the menu#and it's like 'your chickens have reached maturity! items received: Chicken Meat" and i was just like. 'O-oh.'#and then the chickens were GOOOONE but at least the cats and dogs stay around without me EATING them#i. prefer to not visit my ranch. i dont want to be reminded that all these animals are gonna die.#hfkshfjd and YEA ALL THIS alongside some stunning displays of moral ambiguity#& the utter horror and injustice of 300 years of subjugation#perfectly captured right down to the erasure of culture. these people having to look to ruins to get in touch with their culture#bc it was Taken from them.#just. it's a ridiculously over the top anime game just like any tales game but wow. wowowowwow#and im saying this after playing tales of xillia 2. aka still the only game that made me cry Twice.#arise is truly an astounding game. it's very definitely in the running for my favorite tales game.#we'll see how the ending goes lol but given everything ive seen so far. it is Likely to be just as stunning hdkshfj#raving about this game when i should be going to sleep. man . man. ..
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Hi! I absolutely love your fic Purple Kiribaku Drabbles so I wanted to send in a prompt! I'd love to see Bakugou taking care of a very sick Kirishima I know there are many sickfics in this fandom, but to me they are never enough ;)
God yes,, , I love sickfics, , , and i love,, feverish Kirishima. let’s see…
Oops i think i just wrote a whole oneshot fic? this is not just a drabble and i don’t know… what happened… this is like 2.5k… tfw ur muse holds a gun to your head....
there’s a lot of Science here at the beginning too, lemme know if any of it’s too obtuse!!! I think i could write so much more on the science behind the effects of quirks but i caught myself before i rambled too much, I hope!
One aspect of Katsuki’s quirk that no one ever really thought about was what it did to his body temperature. Katsuki was a full two degrees warmer than average, something that had caused great alarm to his parents when he was younger.
It wasn’t something that weird - bodily temperature changes caused by quirks were hardly unheard of - but it was different enough that doctors had been interested in him. It turned out that temperature was important. He’d had all sorts of blood tests, and samples of his digestive juices taken (he did not want to fucking think about that, thanks).
His enzymes were different, apparently, suited to working at 39.5C at their optimum. It didn’t sound like much of a difference, but enzymes were special proteins with specific shapes set by a specific order of molecules that was what DNA itself coded for. They had to be in certain shapes to do what they needed to do. It wasn’t just digestion - enzymes did everything. They built all the body’s structures, or built the things that needed to build them. They moved things between the body’s cells. And Katsuki’s were different because they worked at a higher temperature, one that might cause other enzymes to denature - for the heat to warp their shapes and render them useless.
So his DNA was weird - a little different to either of his parents. Samples of his own specific enzymes were stored in a lab somewhere, with little white labels stuck to each tube.
And so on. They also had samples of, ugh, his fucking gut and skin flora. Apparently, the fact that all the beneficial bacteria in his gut or on his skin could incubate at a much higher temperature than normal was interesting. Katsuki wondered if bacteria could get quirks at all, and if his counted.
Thanks to all of that, Katsuki’s immune system was extremely robust. Hardly anything he caught lasted long enough to cause him any trouble. His body reacted to everything with a mild fever, and as he was already so warm, he hardly noticed it.
It was kinda satisfying. Fuck off, pathogens, unless you wanna be burned. Yeah, so, that was kinda cool.
Unfortunately, Kirishima was currently way too out of it in his own fever to really take in a word of what Katsuki was trying to explain to him about his quirk.
“No Baku-man,” Kirishima slurred. “You can’t be here, you’ll die.”
“I fuckin’ doubt that,” Katsuki muttered. Part of him cursed the rest of their friends, who had volunteered him for Taking Care Of Kirishima Duty Because Dude You Almost Never Get Sick It’s Like Magic. Part of him was planning to cook them all a meal as thanks, because holy shit Kirishima was weirdly adorable while suffering from feverish delusions and Katsuki was heartily enjoying himself.
“I can’t let you die, Bakubro,” Kirishima said, trying to sit up. “You’re my best friend and it wouldn’t be manly.”
“I’m not gonna die, dumbass,” Bakugou rolled his eyes and pushed the other boy bak down, again. He retrieved the cloth from where he had had it soaking and laid it over Kirishima’s forehead.
“Feels good,” Kirishima murmured at the cool cloth. “But- But dude you gotta leave. I’m full of viruses and they’re gonna get you too.”
“I’d like to see them try,” Katsuki declared.
Kirishima’s brow furrowed. “You can’t see viruses, Buddy-gou! They’re invisible.”
“They’re not invisible, they’re just really small,” Katsuki snorted.
“Yeah, yeah, they’re sneaking- Sneaky,” Kirishima said. “They’re not manly, Brokugo, I have so much not-manly in me and it’s going to spread.”
“Not to me,” Katsuki said. He’d flick Kirishima’s forehead, but the other boy probably had a killer headache and he wasn’t that much of a dick. “You hungry?”
Kirishima blinked. “Am I what?”
“Hungry,” Katsuki said. Kirishima’s eyes widened. What? “Hungry, Kirishima? Like, do you want food?”
“Oh hungry,” Kirishima said. Katsuki wasn’t sure what Kirishima had heard and he didn’t want to know. “You should eat so you don’t die more.”
“I’m not going to die, holy fuck,” Katsuki snickered. “What ab-”
“But everyone dies,” Kirishima said in a small voice. What the fuck. “No one lives forever. And that’s sad. I’m sad, Bak-you’ll-be-gone.”
“Oi,” Katsuki said, moving the cloth on Kirishima’s forehead a little. “Don’t go getting all depressed and existential while you’re fucking feverish. You should be telling me there are lizards on the wall, not lamenting about the mortality of man.”
Kirishima looked at the wall and spoke with keen interest. “Where are the lizards?”
“Keep looking,” Katsuki said. “Do you want food or not, Kirishima?”
Kirishima gazed at him with hazy eyes. “Hungry? Yeah, yeah, I’m hungry! Food me.”
Katsuki snorted. “Gotcha. I’ll be back soon, you idiot.”
“Hey’m not an idiot,” Kirishima stuck his tongue out and then clamped his hands over his face. “Oh no! The virus!”
Katsuki snorted again and made for the door.
When Katsuki got back to Kirishima’s room with food for the both of them, Kirishima was crying.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Katsuki said under his breath, setting the food on Kirishima’s desk for the time being. “Oi!”
Kirishima looked up at him, tears dripping down his cheeks. “There is water coming out of my face.”
Katsuki sighed and sat back on the bed. He pulled the cloth off Kirishima’s forehead - it was already drying - and used it to wipe at Kirishima’s face before he dumped it back in the water bowl.”That’s ‘cause you’re crying.”
“I’m crying?” Kirishima asked. He sounded horrified. “Why?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know?” Katsuki said. He gave Kirishima’s leg a pat and then put the cloth back on his forehead. “I left the room to make food.”
“Oh,” Kirishima said. He frowned. “Wait, you shouldn’t have come back! What if you catch this thing off me?”
“I’m not gonna catch it, Kirishima,” Katsuki said, rolling his eyes.
“But what if you do? You might die,” Kirishima said. Back to this for the millionth time? Honestly. Katsuki didn’t reply, instead going to the desk to grab their food.
“Here,” Katsuki said, giving Kirishima one of the bowls.
Kirishima’s eyes sparkled. “Food! You’re so nice.”
Katsuki shook his head, and watched to make sure Kirishima was eating before he started on his own. He didn’t seem to be doing all that well with his chopsticks. Katsuki set his own bowl aside and plucked Kirishima’s chopsticks from him. “I’ll do it, dumbass.”
Kirishima blinked when Katsuki shoved the first piece of chicken into his mouth. He caught on quickly, though, and they got about halfway through the dish until Kirishima held up one hand. “Not hungry any more.”
Katsuki frowned. He hadn’t made huge portions. Still, better not push the sick person into eating too much.
“You feeling any better, Kirishima?” Katsuki asked.
Kirishima considered. Then his eyes began to water and he shook his head. Ah, fuck, what?
“My head hurts and the room is spinning and I don’t want you to die,” Kirishima choked out in a half-sob. Augh. “And I’m sick and I don’t want to die either.”
Katsuki shuffled up the bed so he was sitting next to Kirishima to pull him into a slightly awkward one-armed hug. Kirishima was way better at doing this stuff. “You’re not gonna die, Kirishima.”
“I will one day,” Kirishima said, leaning heavily into Katsuki. He frowned. “I have- There are words I can’t get ‘cause my brain is melting. Bakuguy you make my brain melt.”
Katsuki squeezed Kirishima’s shoulders. “Pretty sure that’s the viruses.”
“Bas’ards,” Kirishima muttered. “But I get the brain-melties around you even without all the viruses.”
“What?” Katsuki stared at Kirishima. Nope, no way was he receiving a fever-addled confession from his best friend right now, right?
“Ooh, I shouldn’t have said that,” Kirishima shut his eyes. “You’re gonna be mad at me when I’m better.”
“Why the fuck would I be mad?” Katsuki asked. Why on earth would Kirishima think that? Kirishima squirmed.
“Gonna be,” he said. He looked at the wall. “I don’t like lizards.”
Katsuki squinted. “You’re deflecting. That’s not a real fever-dream.”
Kirishima pouted at him. Fuck, he was cute.
“We’re gonna talk about it when you’re better,” Katsuki said. “But I’m not mad, alright?”
“Hm,” Kirishima said, head lolling onto Katsuki’s shoulder. “I hope not. You’re my best friend, Katsuki.”
And with that, Kirishima fell asleep.
Katsuki didn’t pounce with questions the second that Kirishima was back to being lucid. No, he waited until the evening after he’d been declared healthy enough to return to classes.
“Man,” Kirishima said, when Katsuki walked into the redhead’s room to find him setting down a pair of dumbells and sitting heavily on the floor. “I think I lost a few pounds being sick. I need to build myself up again, you think?”
Katsuki took a few moments to admire Kirishima’s physique. “You look fuckin’ fine.”
“Hm,” Kirishima hummed. “Still, wouldn’t mind someone to spot me in the gym some time.”
Kirishima grinned at Katsuki. Ah, the perfect moment had been presented.
“You sure about that?” Katsuki asked, tilting his head and arching one eyebrow. “Didn’t you say I make your brain melt?”
Kirishima stiffened, and a bright red blush bloomed over his face and down his neck. “I said what?”
Katsuki grinned, and went to flop over onto Kirishima’s bed. “‘Oh Bakugou, I get the brain-melties around you!’”
“Oh my god,” Kirishima groaned and covered his face. “I’m going to go back in time and kill fever-me.”
Katsuki snorted. “No, for two reasons.”
Kirishima peeked at Katsuki between his fingers.
“One: you were pretty damn concerned about dying the whole damn time, and I put a lot of effort into assuring you that you’d be fine,” Katsuki said. “Don’t make me a liar. Second: it was cute as fuck.”
Kirishima went a few shades darker behind his hand. “Wh- What?”
“What was all that about anyway?” Katsuki asked, intending to prolong this as long as he could, sitting up and crossing his legs. “You got all weepy and morbid. You really didn’t want me to die.”
Kirishima looked away. “Fuck. Uh.”
Katsuki waited.
“Ah, I, um,” Kirishima continued. Pinnacle of eloquence, this one. “That’s something I’ve been- Since the raid- We’re all heroes, y’know, man? Or, well, we will be.”
“Yeah,” Katsuki said. Where was Kirishima going with this?
“Well, it’s… It’s not the safest profession we’ve chosen. Especially if you make it big. The better you do, the more dangerous it becomes, which, well, it makes sense,” Kirishima said. His hands had moved from his face to hug his knees. “It’s something- Of course no one wants it to happen, but it’s something we accept for ourselves. Dying on the job. ‘Cause it does happen. And sometimes it happens to people you know.”
Katsuki swallowed. He was beginning to regret asking about this now. “Right.”
“That’s, uh, sort of the part I haven’t made peace with, yet,” Kirishima said. “That if someone has to die, it might not be me? So I guess, the idea of you dying is. It’s the worst thing I can think of.”
“Me?” Katsuki asked. Kirishima looked back at him then.
“Yeah,” Kirishima said. He bit his lip for a moment, and then continued. “I know that’s- I know it’s kinda stupid.”
“It’s not,” Katsuki said.
There were a few moments of silence between them.
“Even if we get to grow old,” Kirishima said. “One of us is gonna die before the other. From, from a heart attack, or something. There’s gonna be a time where only one of us exists. That’s scary.”
“Fuck,” Katsuki said, running a hand over his face. “That’s fuckin’ heavy. I came here to flirt with you and you go and drop an existential bomb like that?”
“Ah, sorry, Ba-” Kirishima paused. “You came to what? But you-”
“You’re not the only one who gets the brain-melties, Kirishima.”
“That-” Kirishima shook his head. “Dude, mood whiplash. What the hell.”
Katsuki raised an eyebrow. “Oh? You’re in the mood?”
“Hhhaah?” Kirishima spluttered. “You can’t just- You’re sitting on my bed!”
“And, weirdly, you’re not,” Katsuki said. He grinned at Kirishima’s reddened face. “Come up here and let me ask you out properly.”
“Oh my god,” Kirishima said, scrambling up. “I’m gonna kiss your annoying mouth off.”
“I don’t kiss until after a date,” Katsuki said, as Kirishima sat down beside him. “So hold that thought.”
Kirishima pulled him into a hug. “You’ve never been on a date, Bakugou.”
“Never kissed anyone, either,” he said.
Kirishima moved back to squint at him. “You’re serious, oh my god.”
“You know I’m not fuckin’ into people,” Katsuki shoved at him, but lightly. “Or into f-”
Kirishima covered Katsuki’s mouth with a hand. “But… you are apparently into me?”
Katsuki grabbed Kirishima’s hand from his mouth and held onto it.
“Yeah, so go on a date with me and we’ll see how the kissing thing works out,” Katsuki said.
“God, I thought you were just gonna make fun of me for liking you,” Kirishima said. What?
“I’d never fuckin’ make fun of you for that!” he shouted, outraged. That was just fuckin’ rude. He took his hand back. “I’m not that much of an asshole!”
“No, no, no, no! I know that! Not in like, a mean way,” Kirishima said, taking Katsuki’s hand again. “More in a ‘haha I’m flattered but my barn door doesn’t swing that way, it doesn’t swing any way, my barn door is locked and you already know that’ sort of making fun.”
Katsuki snorted. “Now that’s a fuckin’ metaphor. Guess you have the key, or whatever.”
“Aww, the key to your heart?” Kirishima sparkled at him.
“Don’t be so fuckin’ mushy,” Katsuki growled. Kirishima sparkled harder. “Yes, okay? Fuck you.”
“Which date does that come after?” Kirishima asked. Katsuki felt himself turning red now. Great.
“Shut up,” Katsuki mumbled. “Where d’you wanna go for the first one? Meal? Movie? Both? Neither?”
“Anything would be good, dude! Oh... Are we even allowed to go out?” Kirishima mused. His thinking face was so cute that Katsuki should maybe have thought a little harder about imposing kissing restrictions on himself like a goddamn moron. “I mean like, physically. I don’t think anyone can stop us from dating.”
“I would kill anyone who tried.”
“That’s so sweet,” Kirishima said, and squeezed Katsuki’s fingers. “Oh my god we’re dating. Or maybe I’m still having a fever-dream.”
Katsuki pinched him, hard enough to make him yelp. “Nope. You gotta deal with me in the real world forever, now.”
“Sure sounds like a dream,” Kirishima said. He smacked away Katsuki’s hand going in for a second pinch. “Hey, hey, I get it! I’m just trying to call you dreamy.”
Fuck. “Fuck.”
“Oh no, what am I supposed to say to the others when they ask about how you asked me out?” Kirishima asked, eyes widening with horror. “Because I told you I had ‘the brain-melties’ while in a feverish delirium? They’re gonna laugh at that forever.”
“I’m gonna laugh at that forever,” Katsuki said, smirking. “Tell ‘em to fuck off.”
“Simple, but a little crass,” Kirishima said. “And no match for their nosiness.”
“Change the story every time they ask,” Katsuki suggested.
Eijirou groaned. “And when they ask you?”
Katsuki just grinned.
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im-basically-logan · 6 years
me yelling abt the new sander sides episode because i have no chill
under the cut, friendos!
i’m typing this as i listen/watch the video btw so it’s all in order! also this is very long
that’s... an intro.
i love joan so much hghfhgjfdhjk
new channel news yay
Tweet Tunes blz come back
“give me my shirt back!”
i still love the intro to sander sides so much
thomas what the fuck. i’m so confused
“Cast: Thomas Sanders” that’s sander sides in a nutshell
also thats a big fuckin wine glass
dont eat bad chicken wraps blz
“yeah but what’s your actual job?” oof
the beginning is very slow paced imo blehh. a good reflection on thomas’ mood in the video tbh
“i feel bad about feeling bad” me all the time
i cant believe roman got slapped in the face
roman x katana otp uwu
“Logan!!! It’s Patton!!” that was both cute and kinda odd? did he think logan would be suspicious of him being deceit? probably not
logan really goin for those claps and syllables
“Although I am overcome by a titillating, tingly sensation whenever deadlines are met” l-logan? what??? did you just say?? i agree with roman’s reaction on this one.
the poor 4th wall. also i’m not belittled
patton called himself, roman, and logan daddy
virgil flapping as he’s like “Are you serious??”
the countless amount of beeps as roman and logan argue.
bestest duo
god the stretching shit
i mean we been knew he’s insecure but still
“do you know how dangerous that is?”
“I’m shooting straight, even though I’m gay”
dfkghdfkjhdskj patton knows what everyone calms down with hghghgfh
i love how logan just immediately starts solving the cube lol
it was 25 seconds jfc logan
tfw you’re just so good at being creativity that you color the mona lisa with shitty colors
are.. are they making a vine reference?? with the loop thing??
F r o o t
S am e  s i  es  logan s w ea t y B L Z
“get naked??” ROMAN PL E A SE
he was ready to strip what the  F UCK
intact and wet?
hfgjkhdjk logan’s trying his best
Sometime’s we don’t know that there’s a question to be asked: clarified
i want a cogitating cap but it’s $25 sobs
textbooks, m I S T A KES (roman jfc), PUPPETS!!
yes virgil defend pat
tbh i had the same thoughts as logan at first abt the adult thing..
roman you over did the chin, buddy
“you are unbelievably extra any time you get” “put a sOCK IN IT!”
and then virgil becomes a sock puppet
sweet coraline!!! BA BA BAAAAA
“if by up you mean the opposite of down to do this” that was very convoluted
what is with roman not liking the word figuratively??? are you ok?? is there some secret angst behind the meaning of that word?
patton cursed again
is... 5 by 5 a thing???
jfc logan, you wear light wash jeans?? i thought they would be dark
oh and you hit roman in the eye
ngl i laughed because he’s a puppet and couldn’t blink
oh my god logan looks so regretful w h a t?
also L is a new nickname
“Maybe I should go” “NO”
o shit
slight throwback to when Logan left in moving on part 1??? :3c
hfdjkhfkjd like mAR IA
ew feelings
“i’d rather go live in a garbage can” same
thomas we love you so much feelings are weird
jfc patton.
“oh i’m sorry, EXCEPT I’M NOT!”
big oof at roman being called out
“oh my gosh, what is up your butt?” “... an  ARM”
i mean he’s not wrong but i feel like he could’ve thought about that phrase a little more carefully
i really liked the text stuff when logan was talking about “Why?”
solid electric company reference yeet
logan flailing his arms is a mood
“i could list off several factors that very well could be contributing to your doubts” someone let him sp e a k
and it’s virgil.
lmao that was a big “I’ll take what I can get” bit for logan ngl rip
hfgkdhjdkfs virgil as the count i’m
logan’s looks he’s giving virgil are m o o d s
“three depressing speculations, ah ah ah...”
“four uncomfortable characters in this room”
“jeez you slobbily eat some jam and accidentally make a jew puns and now you’re suddenly sensitive about being taken seriously?” “I’m not a joke!”
the logan angst i’ve been craving
logan blz hhhhhh
headcanon: adjusting his tie is a big stim
you can see virgil’s expression in the puppet when patton calls him a cute muffin wowie puppeteering is neat!
roman ur being an ass
“it’s too bad your brain isnt as big as your chin” “well you smell like FOOT” hfdjhgjfkdhs
there’s so many more logan screenshots i gottttttt yessss
“what? no-” too late, it’s musical time
“another song, really?” logan, you literally sang last episode
this patton angst return
“Did that work?” “Nope!” logan’s face at that. b o i did you not pay attention? to moving on pt 2? he was kinda there as thomas right?? maybe?? oh no
“I knew you’d listen to me as too scary to ignore” hello @asofterfan got that thing down to a T.
logan just looks so shook like “oh shit”
“but when you lo-care for someone...” virgil, we all heard it.
logan breaking down the musical into just the keyboard was p cool
hghgnhghfhsg THE ONE SHOT SLAM
ahdsdshjkdfsk i love this part with logan and thomas so MU CH
ALSO! I think there was a key change to something minor? sounded much more overlooming/scary as they ended their verses
“You’re lost” “I’m right here” “It’s okay. I was lost once too...” i’m just shook.
roman just hangs his actual dirty socks jfkdkfdh
that trumpet thoooooo
virgil just callin everyone out today
logince angst content yeet
“logic always has a part to play, logan” ye  s s s s ss  validate him, virgil
virgil is callin out and validatin everybody today
dont hug me i’m scared ref, nice
moxiety hug!!
“that god i can move my arms again”
i can’t say i was surprised with logan becoming a robot sorta puppet
“iron giant nerd!” yeah
“I’ve never felt anything in my life” no patton squeal?
oh my god logan just said beep boop what a nerd
virgil telling patton about the innocent talks thing was something i really liked and was expecting eventually tbh
logan giving roman a high five!!!
“you did the stretchy arm!” “it’s not as gross when a robot does it” i need to see the arm thing jfc
“Can you tell me how to get-” “How to get to sesame street!” they just all... left him. rip
logan can’t summon well or control his shapeshifting powers that well?? hmm?
i love that ending with the sesame street throwback again aaaaaa
the way roman and patton laughed in the end card?? what the hell lmao
thomas throwing shade at himself with his own characters is a mood
Thanks to everyone who works on Sander Sides!! This was the longest episode yet, I think. The team grew so much
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