topgunwomensweek · 3 months
Dates and prompts
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Day One - Halo/Callie Bassett
Day Two - Charlie Blackwood
Day Three - Amelia Benjamin
Day Four - Carole Bradshaw
Day Five - Penny Benjamin
Day Six - Phoenix/Natasha Trace
Day Seven - Free Day
There are the prompts. It's open to anyone to make a fic, art, edit, gif, headcanons, anything! It's going to take place from the 22-28th July 2024, giving you 4 weeks to prepare.
I hope you're as excited as I am! Let's get creating!
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bearsinpotatosacks · 2 months
Fifty Dollars - A Charole Fic
Late one night, Charlie has a realisation. Carole’s not so happy it requires her to wake up. ------ Written for @topgunwomensweek and is set in the same universe as my fic Something That Does Right By You on AO3
“Wake up,” Charlie turned over and shook Carole in the bed next to her. “Carole, wake up.”
She didn’t move. She didn’t even open her eyes, only let out a breathy grunt and pulled the covers further over her in some half-ditched revenge. 
“Come on, Carole, this is important.”
“My sleep is important.” Her words were muffled by the layers of sheets blocking her out from her chilly apartment. 
“Baby, please.”
With a huff, she turned over and pulled off her sleeping mask. She’d always worn one after her night shifts to block out the sunlight, and had carried over the habit to nighttime too. Charlie had told her to invest in thicker curtains, but she hadn’t listened. 
“What?” She drew out the word and she turned over and squinted at her in the dark bedroom. 
“I need my fifty dollars back.”
Instead of answering, she pulled her mask back over her eyes and threw herself back onto her side of the bed.
“That’s not important, right now.”
“I know it sounds stupid but there’s more to it than that.”
She didn’t make any effort to move. Charlie sighed and crawled her way toward her under the covers. She wasn’t best pleased when she slid her mask off again and climbed on top of her. 
“What is it? I have work in a few hours, Charl, and I need to sleep.”
“Remember when we first met?”
It took a second, sleep was still fogging up her brain. “Yeah.”
“And do you remember what you said to me? About if I liked guys?”
“To give me fifty dollars, yeah?”
“And if I like girls then-”
“Your number, I was there Charlie.” Carole rolled her eyes.
“Well, I need the fifty dollars back.”
She frowned at her, her brow furrowed in thought before her eyes widened. That familiar grin of hers grew as Charlie tangled their hands together.
“You don’t like guys anymore?”
“No, Carole, I don’t think I ever have.”
— — —
Carole hated night shifts just as much as anyone else. She’d tried to get it put in her contract that she couldn’t do them, being a single mother and all, but the nurse manager didn’t care, and signed her to a four-on four-off shift pattern. Bradley was nine now, so more aware of what work required of her, not as vulnerable as a baby, but still a child that couldn’t be left on his own. 
The money at this place was good, however, better than anything she’d gotten in Texas. The people didn’t seem to be as friendly, she’d never lived in a big city, especially not the Capital City, so seeing how much people disregarded each other shook her.  Someone could shove you walking by and they wouldn’t even turn around to apologise. It scared her to think that Bradley was growing up in such a cold environment, she’d have to teach him some southern values. 
Wind bit her as she crossed the street and headed for Metro. She’d had to sell her car to afford the deposit on the apartment, her mother didn’t see why this move was such a good thing if she had to sell her car just to get there. Texas was a state meant for cars, though, her mother also didn’t understand why people would take a bus. 
She did the zip up on her jacket just as a woman knocked into her shoulder, sending her stumbling to the edge of the sidewalk. This was just what she meant. She doubted the woman had even noticed, no one else had even looked up from their day to see if she was okay. 
With how fatigued her body felt, how liquified her mind was, she didn’t have the patience to deal with idiots like this. Her feet were marching her before she could second guess herself. Her sister had always said she looked cute when she was angry, so she never took her seriously, well she hoped her face was as mad as she felt, because she was moments away from setting on fire when she saw the woman collapse to the ground. 
A few people around her crowded around her unmoving form. Carole ran to her and lent down. 
“It’s okay, I’m a nurse.” She said. 
She found her pulse point on her neck with ease as she watched for breathing. When her chest rose, and she felt a thready pulse lightly beating under her fingertips, she let herself exhale. Gently, she moved her head to one side and began to move her to the recovery position, this woman was lucky enough to pass out in front of the hospital, it’s like she’d planned it. 
“Hey, ma’am, can you hear me?” She could hear the southern twang in her voice more each day she’d been here. “I’m Carole, I’m a nurse, can you hear me?”
One of the bystanders had found some form of ID in her purse. “Her name’s Charlotte Blackwood. Looks like she works with the Navy.”
Carole glanced at the ID. Seriousness, a sense of confidence and ease exuded from the photo. Looking back at the woman lying next to her, she saw little comparison. 
“Charlotte? Can you hear me?” She shook her slightly then turned to the group forming around her. “I need one of you to go into the ER of that hospital and tell me I’ve got a woman in her mid-thirties that’s collapsed.”
A man sprinted down the road and across the walkway. Cars beeped as he ran with disregard to his wellbeing and disappeared into the looming grey building she’d just emerged from. 
“Charlotte, someone’s gone to get help, alright?”
Much to her surprise, she got an answer. “Charlie.”
The woman, Charlie, rolled her head toward the sky and pushed herself up. “Everyone calls me Charlie.”
Carole reached into her bag and gave her the bottle of water that was more than a little room temperature. She watched her drink in such a way that her dazzling red lipstick didn’t smudge the bottle. The water made them glisten, her hair was hardly dishevelled and-
No. No. She was not attracted to this woman she’d just met. No, she wasn’t. 
“Well, Charlie, I’m Carole, I’m a nurse at that hospital over there.” She pointed toward it. “The hospital we’re going to get you checked out at.”
She opened her eyes, startled. “No. I have to get to work.”
“Oh, you’re going to be of much use to the Navy, or whoever you work for, if you collapsed on your way to work? If this is how you are before work, how are you going to be during, with all the stress?”
She held up her hands, her manicured hands, and smiled. “I appreciate the concern but I assure you I’m fine.”
“No you ain’t.”
“Yes I am, I’ll even tell my boss to take it easy on me if it makes you feel better.”
“What would make me feel better was if you came with me to get you checked out.” She said. “How do I know you’re not diabetic going hypoglycemic? Or you’ve got a fatal heart condition, or have some kind of epilepsy?”
Charlie didn’t have an answer for that. She resolved to staring at her like a problem that wouldn’t go away.  To prove her point, she stood up, not taking any of the hands outstretched to her as she rose to her sharp pointed heels.
“I assure you, I’m fine.”
Carole saw how she swayed on her feet and put her arm under her’s to support her. “Wanna bet?”
— — —
“Hey, Carole, I thought you just got off?” Marty called from the other side of the desk. 
“Yeah, but someone-” she tilted her head to Charlie leaning on her as they walked. “Decided to collapse just as I was leaving. So I need someone to look her over for me.”
Marty got up from his chair where he was nose deep in charts. Some of her shifts were down in the paediatrics department of the ER, so she was familiar with all the fatigued faces that cropped up. Bradley spent a lot of time here when her shift ran over, it always did as a nurse. 
“Sit her down here,” he said, patting the bed in the slightly crowded area. “You said she collapsed?”
Carole nodded and reached for the blood pressure cuff as he passed it to her. “Yeah, she bumped into me, I turned around and she was passed out on the floor.”
Marty glanced at Charlie, she rolled her eyes. 
“You make it sound like I had a heart attack, I was out for a minute or two, maybe I didn’t have any breakfast, but it’s nothing to worry about.” She said. 
“We’ll be the decider of that thank you.” He said, then turned to Carole. “We can take this from here, Carole, you just got off and we're backed up.”
She shook her head. “If you don't mind, I'd like to see this one through, we've got a bet going.”
Marty handed her the blood pressure cuff as he clicked his pen. He rolled through the question as she rolled her eyes to most of them. No she wasn't on any medication, her dad had high blood pressure but her family was healthy otherwise, she'd been feeling mostly fine as of late.
“Are you sure?” Carole reiterated.
“I think I'd know if I wasn't fine.”
“You're the one who collapsed.”
Charlie sighed. “Maybe I've been having more headaches, and I've been tired lately but that comes with my job, it's stressful.”
Carole finished taking her blood pressure. “87 over 42, that's pretty low.”
She sagged where she sat. Under the fluorescent lighting, her skin appeared washed out. Purple bags hid under a layer of professional makeup. If she could be prescribed a thousand year nap, even that wouldn’t work against how tired she looked. 
Marty turned to Carole. “I want a full set of bloods done.”
“Bloods?” Charlie's eyes went from her to Marty. “I don't do needles.”
She went to get up but Carole placed a careful hand on her wrist. Her big eyes softened on her as she tentatively sat back down again.
“When you're a patient at this hospital, you do.”
Charlie gulped. “Can you make it not hurt?”
“As best I can.”
— — —
A few hours, and a lot of phone calls later, Charlie’s test results were back. When Carole had seen them, she hated to admit that a little rush of pride shot through her spine. That was not very generous of her, not like the nurse she was supposed to be. It was very much like the woman she was, however. She was mature enough to recognise her faults. 
Marty strode ahead of her as they approached the bored looking Charlie. After calling her workplace, and doing as much as she could with the documents and notebooks in her bag, she’d told her they were classified three separate times, she’d succeeded and laid back in bed, defeated. 
“So, your blood results are back.” Marty said.
Charlie shot up in the bed. “So I can go home.”
“Not without a prescription you’re not.”
Carole hid a smile. Seeing her pout made her melt into adorability, she kept going from the hottest woman she’d seen in a while, to making fire rage through her with how entitled she was, to forming into a cute ball that Carole just wanted to comfort. 
“Your test results, combined with your symptoms, have led to my decision that you have Iron Deficient Anaemia. I’ve prescribed you some iron tablets that you can get filled from the hospital pharmacy, and there will be a letter with your regular doctor. I recommend treatment for six months before we review you.”
“Yes.” Marty said. “It's when you're deficient in something. In your case, iron.”
“I know that, but that's something I could’ve gone to my doctor about. I've spent hours here for anaemia?”
Carole took a deep breath. “It can be serious. What if you collapse somewhere more dangerous, it can weaken your immune system so you could get really sick, or you could get some really serious conditions like tachycardia or you could go into heart failure.”
When her eyes widened, she knew she'd gone a bit too far. Dammit, her mouth always ran away with her. 
“But now we know we can treat it, right?”
“I guess.” Charlie sighed, then said. “You won the bet.”
Carole, who had gone to put on her jacket and finally go home to Bradley, turned around. “What?”
“When you dragged me in here, when I tried to assure you I was fine, you said, wanna bet? So here I am, losing a bet, and giving you free reign over the prize.”
She thought for a moment and took in how the woman's hair formed a halo in the artificial lighting. Her lipstick hadn't been smudged and lay crisp in the lines of her lips while making them enticingly soft. 
“Well, it depends.”
Charlie tilted her head. “On what?”
“If you like men, fifty dollars.” She said. “And if you like women, your number?”
After blinking at her for a second, she picked up her purse from the floor next to her. It was as neat as her makeup, and clothes, and pulled out her purse. Carole’s stomach dropped. Of course the hot, argumentative, put together woman didn’t like women. She’d gotten her hopes up again. 
“I guess I’ll have to give you both then.”
She stared down at her hand where a slip of paper, scrawled handwriting that didn’t match her personality, and a fifty dollar bill, lay in her manicured hands. With a shaking hand, she took it, slipping both in her pocket and willing a lopsided smile to her face. 
“I guess I’ll have to buy you a drink with this, huh?”
“Yeah,” Charlie said. “To make up for wasting my time.”
She feigned a gasp. “Wasting your time? You’ve got a prescription ain’t ya?”
A blush rose to Charlie’s face and Carole realised her southern accent had come through again. 
Charlie’s head tilted downwards, eyes looking up through her lashes. “I guess.”
“Well, I’ll give you a call.”
“Yeah, you better.”
— — —
Carole, sleep still in her eyes, stared vaguely at her. “So, what’s that meant to mean, then?”
Charlie sighed and rolled over to lie on her. She lay a kiss on her cheek, then her jaw, up to her ear. 
“I need my fifty dollars back because I don’t like men anymore, I don’t think I ever have.” She said. “I think I was just trying to prove my parents wrong, that’s why I went to college so far away, and felt empowered to go into physics, and work with the Navy. I never dated anyway, and all the guys I dated were risky-”
“Like that navy guy who was your student?”
“Yeah, some cocky, rebellious guy who my parents would hate. But I never felt amazing with them, they never made me relax by their presence or give me butterflies when they kiss me. If something went wrong, I didn’t feel hurt if I had to let them go but I don’t think I could give you up if I tried, baby.”
A slow smile rose to Carole’s face. Sleepy, soft and gentle like sunshine through the blinds on a Sunday morning. The sunshine filled her as she kissed her nose then down to her mouth. 
“Huh,” Carole mumbled in between kisses. “I guess I’ll get it to you by tomorrow, and you can buy me a strong coffee for all this sleep you’re making me lose.”
I have retconned how Charlie & Carole met, and depending on when you read this, I may or may not have changed it in the main fic. This idea of them meeting like this, and Charlie realising she's a lesbian later on, have stuck in my mind, so here we are.
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camcorderrevival · 2 years
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the patron saint of lonely little girls or whatever.
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dylanlila · 2 years
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You really could spend a lifetime in here. Not that I'm going to. (🔮🎃HAPPY ALMOST HALLOWEEN🎃🔮)
Amy Pond (Doctor Who) | Eleanor Vance (The Haunting Of Hill House - Shirley Jackson)
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thegodcomplcx · 29 days
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this was when they did tgww and the god complex back to back
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theoncomingdoo-dah · 2 years
We did it boys.
The series premiere was a bit disappointing (and confusing and convoluted) but well, um, we watched it.
"You're trying to turn me into you."
Best episode(s): It's a tie! Between The Girl Who Waited and Closing Time.
TGWW had an amazing concept and setting (I freaking LOVE the idea of the Two Streams Hospital!) And my god the character writing was on POINT. Best moment and the moment that rocked me to my core had to be where Rory told the Doctor
I mean, damn. That's on par with series 1's "You would make a good Dalek." And not to mention, this episode holds no punches. (Neither did The God Complex, but this one is a better episode in my opinion) when it comes to how manipulative the Doctor can be. 11 can be a goofy, silly little guy but at his core? Cold ass mother fucker.
And I LOVE that. It shows how fucked the events in series 2-4 made him. Time Lord Victorious does things to a mf.
Closing Time is not a super deep episode but it is funny and charming. And I could not stop smiling while watching it. I love Craig. I just do. I love how he's not even a companion but he's aware of what's going on with the Doctor. I love how the Doctor and him have this weird partnership going on and neither of them are like "ew gross" when they're mistaken for a couple. I love how it's implied that Craig actually *really likes* the Doctor (bicon!). I ABSOLUTELY ADORE the scenes with the Doctor and Alfie, especially with the galaxy lights. I'm using that in fanfiction, make my words. This episode was just fun. Simple as that. A nice little one off.
Also the part when the Doctor saw Amy and Rory from afar, that was really sweet. 🥺
I LOVE the relationship between the Doctor and the "human" TARDIS in this episode, it is so damn adorable. And the episode was written by Neil Gaiman! Yay!
Best thing about this episode? It's reminiscent of RTD Era present day Earth episodes. And God, I missed them!
Most surprising episode: The Doctor's Wife.
Look at that title. Look at the title and tell me what you expected this episode to be about. It's not! It's not that! Rory punches two Nazis, including Hitler but it's a fucking River Song centric episode. Lame. So fucking lame. Also that ending. Ugh....
Most Disappointing: Let's Kill Hilter.
We get 11 in coat and tails and a top hat though so not a complete loss.
The Wedding of River Song and A Good Man Goes To War.
Worst Episode(s): Another tie...
First, I'll say that the series finale is better than Big Bang. Because I could actually follow what was going on for the most part and it kinda(?) made sense(?) But besides that?
UUUGGGHHHH. So bad. So much bad.
At least i know what the hand tying thing looks like now. So I can use it in fanfiction. But I'd like to point some things out. Rivers statement about how no one loves the Doctor "no more than me"? Fuck. You. 1, nice assumption. 2, The TARDIS would like to know your location. Ugh, I HATED that line!
Also, also! This nice, romantic scene? ABSOLUTE MANIPULATION. The Doctor 'married' River to basically be like "There, I'm your husband now. Do what I say." Fuck this fucking scene. This romance. This plot line, END ME.
A Good Man Goes to War, is not as bad, but still pretty awful. Yet again, amazing title, terrible execution.
We got to meet some neat characters! ...and they're all dead. (But I'm assuming we learn more about them in other episodes)
I went into this knowing who Melody Pond/River Song is. But my partner didn't. So when it was revealed who she is, my partner's response was the following-
And that's all I have to say about that. Also River being conceived on the TARDIS gave her Mary-Sue Time Lord powers and Rose literally absorbing the Time Vortex did what...? Nothing?
Please no. I want Bad Wolf Theory to be true. please.
Compared to last series that really only had 1 episode that felt was worth the watch and was actually really amazing, series 6 had a few that I genuinely enjoyed but everything else was either meh or FUCKING AWFUL.
Series Rating- 6/10
So overall better series but Flesh and Stone doesn't hold a candle to the awful/awkwardness that is The Wedding of River Song.
Series 7 next. We already watched The Asylum of The Daleks which was a lot better of a series premiere than The Impossible Astronaut. (BTW, if I haven't mentioned it, I really could not care less about this era's overarching plot.)
Not looking forward to Day of The Doctor. Just being honest. I feel like the scenes between 11 and 10 will be fun but ill just be thinking about how
no nine
no eight
Rose is here despite not being her and Moffat not liking her unless he can use her as a plot device
But the two twinks interacting will definitely help in the crack fic I want to write.
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drugastraian · 1 year
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inglesfantasma · 4 years
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It’s “Deceased/UnDead character” month at the Fb art group I’m part of. Undead doesn’t interest me....so I went for deceased characters who have remained dead which in itself is a rarity in superhero comics. It’s a nice subject because all the A or B-list characters that have died “in-story” will always get better when the next writer comes around, so you have to drop down to C-list or below to find some good ones. 1. is MACH-1 (formally known as the Beetle) of the original Thunderbolts. He was killed by Kobic during a rampage in the Thunderbolts base.
2. is Thunderstrike, Thor’s fill-in who was granted his own magic weapon as gratitude for a job well done. He died from the psychic backlash of fighting evil possesion within his subconcious.
3. is The Phantom. This is specifically the first Phantom who died at age 50 from wounds recieved in the Great Siege of Malta in 1555 (he managed to travel back home and died in early 1556).
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vortexcaps · 7 years
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ameliajessicapond · 6 years
the doctor’s wife is SUCH a strong episode my GOD THE WRITING!!! 11 actually playing The Last Of The Time Lords with NUANCE for once (”You want to be forgiven.” “Don’t we all?”) instead of just randomly bursting out with BASICALLY RUN-type cockiness. The JOY in seeing the TARDIS talk!! To her THIEF!!! “IT’S SO VERY, VERY NICE TO MEET YOU.” The old console room just for fun and because they can! A genuinely scary and threatening villain in House! The EMOTIONAL AND SATISFYING ENDING. The boy in his box off to see the universe. GOD.
Also Amy’s literal worst nightmare is Rory throwing “2000 years I waited for you and you did it to me again” in her face and then scrawling KILL AMY DIE AMY HATE AMY all over the walls but we’re
Not gonna dwell on that
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topgunwomensweek · 2 months
Day 1
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gebeine · 6 years
thank god its w33d w3dne$day
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camcorderrevival · 1 year
“I walked in here and I died." -> "I've led you by the hand to your death." -> "I lied to her." -> "I knew. I knew this would happen." -> "And there he is. The voice of God." -> "Your faith in me. That's what brought us here." -> "You can't leave her. She'll die." -> "You can't just drop me off at my house and say goodbye like we've shared a cab." -> "In fact, I think I can now definitely say I hate him. I hate The Doctor. I hate him more than I've ever hated anyone in my life" -> "Because you still love it. Because you still love me."
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dylanlila · 1 year
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feeling violently ill rn why would you even say that......("if I change, it feels like dying. Everything I am dies. Some new man goes sauntering away, and I'm dead." << amy pond who dies and dies and dies. versions of amy pond abandoned all over the timeline, copy of a copy of a copy. tgww!amy especially)
they're locked in a paradox (like s3 tardis. if you know you knoooow) amy's only way of being an active participant is to turn death into An Act instead of a mark of passivity (it's not about death. it's about dying.) everything 10 does in order to avoid death brings him closer to it. amelia pond is already a past amy (doctor) reincarnation by the time 11 comes back the first time, the man who left dressed as the man who didn't want to leave. same episode framing amy as Still Such A Child Inside (wasn't she supposed to be dead? amelia pond? now, i'm amy) 11 who wants to be 10 and can never be 10 again and amy pond who doesn't want to be amelia pond and has to be the girl who waited until the very end. except there is no end. she needs to keep dying to preserve the illusion of story's infinite run, mask it as something that goes forward instead of something that keeps spinning. she's got this whole new life (in the past). 10amy would be soooooo sick... he could do so much more and he can never be himself again, she watches that same different man live his worst nightmare and makes a dream out of it. insane. i hate you steven moffat.
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thegodcomplcx · 6 months
Imagine if all the Doctor Who clones survived and got to have madcap adventures with each other. Flesh Amy and Flesh 11 getting together with Metacrisis 10 and Sontaran Clone Martha, and the four of them just running around time and space (maybe with a vortex manipulator?) being daft and codependent together.
Depending how much we bend the rules, we could even throw in Living Plastic Micky from the pilot. He's clearly not as sophisticated as Living Plastic Rory—bit if a rushed job, that Micky Clone—but I'm sure the 10 and 11 Clones could figure out something clever to fix that.
(Which I suppose begs the question of whether or not Living Plastic Rory counts as a clone and should therefore be included in this hypothetical, but I don't think he counts as a proper clone, since there were never 2 Rory's at the same time. Organic Rory was erased and replaced by Plastic Rory, who was again deleted with the rebooting of the universe, and Organic Rory was reuploaded to reality. So no, Rory does not get to join.)
Am I forgetting any other important clones? Anyway, I just thought this was a fun idea.
we could consider TGWW old!amy as a clone....but i guess she's more of an alt timeline amy?? but if the barrier is 2 of the same person at the same time i think she counts.
which means she and ganger amy could hang out and talk about how fucked up all of that shit was.
alsoooo justice for clone!martha she was trying her best, fighting for her life, etc. it's not her fault she smells :(
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capaldisclara · 10 years
Just gonna casually read "Those Gilded Chains We Wear" all over again. *reads*
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