#than the fact nandor found him at panera. its so good
someoldfires · 11 months
recently rewatched the episode where guillermo’s family come to dinner at the vampire house and nadja has to pretend to be his gf and sit down with them and due to their vampire killer DNA the whole family start sensing her vampirism and they get so on edge that they can’t control themselves and start yelling at her and smashing things for no reason and then being like ”oops sorry i don’t know why i just lost it”. And now i wonder whether guillermo had that kind of reaction to meeting nandor for the first time at panera. Like he starts accidentally breaking things and snapping at nandor in the middle of what should be normal panera bread cashier dialogue bc of his slayer instincts (meanwhile guillermo just thinks this is a normal reaction when you first meet a hot guy who you think might be a vampire, which, tbf). and this is what initially makes nandor intrigued enough to keep him around rather than kill him
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lux-mentis · 5 years
wwdits episode 1x10 (finale) thoughts: 
guillermo working at a panera bread before becoming a vampire’s familiar? we stan. i love panera 
guillermo is self-aware of his lackey-ship. the mention of renfield was a nice touch too--wwdits awards its audience for consuming other vampire media w/ little easter eggs which is quite nice. also, as an aside--i wonder who thought a (i assume to be) taxidermied bear was a good interior decorating choice. probably laszlo & nadja tbh 
guillermo’s vampire-sona is great omg. also he’s an artist?? i love it! just another thing he has in common w/ nandor if we count the pilot & the glitter portrait thingy he did. personally a fan of ‘guillermo the great’ of all the options we were shown
i also wonder if we’ll get anymore dracula parallels--first the renfield reference & then we’ve got guillermo being a descendent of van hellsing. anyway, i’m glad that everyone’s favorite fan theory ended up being true--guillermo’s got a real knack for vampire killing & i’m curious if we’ll get a more serious exploration into this internal struggle (wanting to become a vampire vs. succumbing to his ‘nature,’ that of a vampire hunter) guillermo. in other words, can someone fight against their own destiny? 
awww, nandor’s excitement on having living descendants is super cute. he was so excited to be called a ‘grandpappy’ like alksdjfds i /love/ him. & at the end of the day, not even vampires can live alone--obviously family/culture/history is very important to nandor. 
since i thought the 37 wives line was a throwaway line, i wonder if the fact that nandor only ‘loved’ 35 of his wives has any importance. perhaps they’ll come back as vampires/some other supernatural creature? who knows 
oh also!!! slightly worried that since guillermo sent off the vampires’ dna, this will eventually come back to haunt them in the form of skilled vampire hunters. i mean surely vampire dna would look different/have diff markers than human dna? either way, y i k e s
nadja just carrying around a skull? once again, proving to be a favorite character of mine. this might’ve also been a slight nod to the end of the ep where poor gregor loses his head (again) but idk, it’s a stretch for sure
nandor’s “that wasn’t very nice,” when laszlo & nadja hissed at guillermo was a nice touch. in some ways nandor really is trying to make up for not defending guillermo in the night club... in his own way lol
colin being 100% white was so hilarious--i lowkey hope this was ad-libbed or something lmao 
laszlo better watch out lmao--w/ how he’s treating guillermo, it’s not gonna go well for him if guillermo has a change of heart & joins up a vampire hunter’s group next season (which i doubt would happen but u never know)
in madeline’s defense, if a floating vampire was tapping on my window saying “wakey wakey” while holding a stuffed bear i too would probably just,,, die 
nandor asking guillermo for help in pinpointing what emotion he was feeling (grief) was oddly sweet? he grew attached to madeline so quickly :’( unlike the other staten island vampires, nandor doesn’t seem to heed the ‘don’t get attached to humans’ rule too well. kinda reminds me of the ‘citezenship’ ep where he’s sad abt his home country not existing anymore & he lets his meal go. he still cares abt humans in a way that differs from laszlo & nadja (i.e., nadja immediately turns humans that she is interested in while laszlo has shown zero interest in any human at all).
shout out to the found family trope being represented w/ nadja, laszlo, colin, & guillermo coming to madeline’s funeral. i mean colin left early, but nadja & laszlo stayed for as long as they were physically able to. once again, nandor’s dedication to his bloodline is very sweet, going thru physical pain to say goodbye to madeline 
this ep really solidified how much laszlo & nadja love each other--poor gregor, but i’m sure he’ll be back next season in some capacity. whether thru mentions, flashback, or perhaps even as a zombie (since those were canon in the wwdits movie)? the topiary of nadja must’ve taken laszlo so long to make... we stan forever
the parallels between the finale and the pilot ep were /real/ for guillermo and nandor. while i think nandor has (somewhat) started to show his appreciation for guillermo more, he was upset & in pain so i’m not surprised he lashed out by booping guillermo’s nose & yelled at him. extending his time as a familiar for another yr tho? not nice D: 
this insinuates that nandor actually plans on turning guillermo eventually (like no offense to nandor but i don’t think he’s manipulative/vindictive enough to be stringing guillermo along forever). 
guillermo staking the portraits like oof, he looked so upset over it. i’m guessing that the fallout of submitting his dna (as well as the vamps) will be explored soemwhat in season 2. i could see one of guillermo’s relatives or something tracking him down bc they realize that he has van hellsing blood. like from what we’ve seen, it makes him a natural at killing vampires so... if i were a hunter, i’d want him on my team. & if i were a vampire... well, i’d want him dead. so next season should prove interesting for poor guillermo--maybe less of him being a familiar and more exploring his background, family, and strengths? idk; either way i’m excited™ 
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