#thane hospital
ainews18 10 months
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foxprints 1 year
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My gift for @natalyelle as part of the 10th annual @masseffectholidaycheer January Jubilation! Happy new year and I hope you like it! Having started my first playthrough romancing Thane just before our assignments went out, I was super pleased to find your Katarina Shepard also romanced him!
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acciokaidanalenko 1 year
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Thane, it's been too long. I was beginning to think I'd never see you again 馃挌
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astorythatwritesitself 5 months
Hell why not I鈥檒l roll again: shrios sorry brainrot + Only Poppies Grow Where I Last Saw You
Contemplating this as Halcyon plays, clearly this is supposed to be the angst mines, right?
... anyway this immediately puts me in the mind of my like - one of my little monkey's paw 'Thane Lives' scenarios for post ME3 - man's alive and well, but Adrian's.
Officially. MIA.
Realistically, presumed dead by virtually everyone except like a third of current/former Normandy crew, and Thane is... well, both channeling his grief and doing what he can to confirm things one way or another; he's on Earth, aiding the search for bodies, and perhaps, survivors. The blast from the Catalyst has severely fucked most tech, so it's a long, tricky job. Heartbreaking - but occasionally, almost miraculous, it can be like seeing the dead come back to life.
And yet he does not - cannot - believe the reports from a seaside camp, that they found Commander Shepard washed in with the tide.
That's what the dogtags say, anyway; and while lab tests against prior samples are a bust due to records getting scrambled, they do have both elder Shepards present to test DNA against, and it is a match. And - look, a full on clone couldn't fool Thane, he knows it's her.
Which, great! Cause that makes one of them!
Yeah, while there's a little bit of patchy recall - she recognizes her parents and Joker fairly ok & feels some empty recognition towards her crewmates- it's very quickly apparent that Adrian's lost most of her memory prior to like, her very early 20s. So, you know, very fun times for everyone involved, particularly the guy who's already been half mourning and trying not to totally lose himself in what memories were there - now she's there, but sees him as little more than a stranger. 馃檭
And beyond that - the general consensus is, well, try to fix that, right? But there's a few members of the crew (Joker, Ashley & Tali, probably) who are hesitant - and Thane is trying to figure out how to articulate that forcing Adrian to remember would be straight up cruel, and yes it's painful but gods be damned, he loves her and knows what it's like to keep reliving the worst day of your life, if Shepard can finally have some peace, then let her.
Shepard, meanwhile, is like. Mostly focused on physically recovering and re-learning how to walk after having about half her body rebuilt again, and doesn't have any helpful answers regarding the mental part of her recovery. On the one hand: clearly she is Someone Important, these people hanging around seem to Mean Something, and even if she can't remember why... there's that hollow little ache every time she sees them, like taking a step without realizing you're going over an edge (to badly quote lemony snicket lol).
On the other: the bits she's picked up of Shepard's life sound like way more of a burden than she wants to bear. So, she politely yet firmly asks everyone to fuck the hell off for a little while and let her breathe for a few.
It could just end there...
but I'm a sucker lol. The setup lets Thane still be around as Adrian鈥檚 recovering, and as she has some time to just. Fucking rest for once without a bajillion nightmares, she decides... yeah, if things return naturally, fine, she'll take it. But if Shepard鈥檚 life was half as fucked up as it feels, just learning them as facts without the experience recall, she'd rather let that go.
That doesn't mean she's necessarily letting the people go, though; it becomes a sorta slice of life/recovery fic, Adrian slowly re-learning about the people in her life and how those relationships might or might not change -
But also a strange, sweet little journey with Thane. He remembers plenty of course, and tries to keep his distance at first because yeah he's alright at looking calm but internally his emotions are a wreck... but it's almost like the first time, quick talks that stretch a little longer, not-at-all subtle looks (Adrian may not recall much, but her tastes haven't changed & she's still weak for dark eyes and a cool coat lol); support when some things do start coming back - Akuze does return, a few scattered pieces through the first battle of the Citadel, some elements of Virmire - but relatively muted, compared to how they affected her before.
She never does remember their first courtship, but she likes spending time with Thane after all, especially once she's cleared to start getting some time outside - he's sweet, good to talk to, and she did very much appreciate that he seemed willing from the start to accept if she didn鈥檛 want to focus on recovering things. Idk man just increasing Soft moments, and yes it hurts Thane, knowing the Shepard who awoke him is essentially dead... but he's coming at it this time with a different perspective too, no longer expecting to die any time between now and next Tuesday, y鈥檏now? It's not like he's quite exactly the same man Shepard left on the Citadel.
So it's different - but maybe a bit of a gift, getting to fall in love all over again and dream of a future together from the very start.
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orthorobotics 9 minutes
"Here are five things you should know about robotic joint replacement"
You'll learn surprising facts about robotic joint replacements with Team Ortho Robotics. Read about how advanced technology is revolutionizing joint surgery and making patients' lives better. Get more details and visit us online today!
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anileyehospital 5 days
Choosing the Best LASIK Eye Surgeon in Dombivli / Kalyan / Thane: Key Factors to Consider
The popular and successful operation known as LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is used to treat vision issues like astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia. In the Dombivli, Kalyan, or Thane locations, choosing the appropriate surgeon is essential to a successful outcome if you're thinking about LASIK. The following are important things to take into account when selecting the top eye specialist doctor in Thane:
1. Experience and qualifications
Education and Certification Make sure the surgeon has received specific training in LASIK eye surgery and is a board-certified ophthalmologist. Seek certificates from respectable medical associations and bodies.
Experience The experience of the surgeon is crucial. Find more about their success rate and the number of LASIK treatments they have completed. A surgeon with a lot of experience has probably honed his or her abilities.
2. Reputation and Reviews
Reviews and Testimonials from Patients Look up patient testimonies and internet reviews. Seek out recurring compliments regarding the surgeon's skill, bedside demeanor, and aftercare. Anil Eye has the Best Eye Specialist in Thane. Consult us to book an appointment with the best eye specialist in Dombivli / Kalyan / Thane for advance eye care.
Referrals Consult your usual eye specialist doctor or your friends and family for recommendations. Personal recommendations can offer important information about patient satisfaction and the surgeon's skill level.
3. Facilities and Technology
Cutting Edge Technology The results of best LASIK eye surgery can be greatly impacted by the caliber of the technology employed. Make that the surgeon is using state-of-the-art tools, like wavefront-guided systems and femtosecond lasers.
Clinical Environment Check out the clinic to see how well-kept, organized, and welcoming it is. The standard of treatment you can anticipate is reflected in a well-kept clinic with contemporary amenities.
4. Consultation and Communication
First Consultation An extensive initial consultation is necessary. Comprehensive eye exams, an explanation of the process, a discussion of potential risks and advantages, and an assessment of your suitability for LASIK should all be performed by the best eye specialist in Thane.
Communication Skills Select a surgeon who answers all of your inquiries and concerns in a straightforward and concise manner. You will comprehend the process and feel secure in your choice if there is good communication.
5. Cost and Financing
Clear and Simple Pricing Make sure the cost is clear and covers all facet of the procedure, including the actual surgery, any necessary pre-operative tests, and any necessary post-operative care. Watch out for unstated costs.
Options for Financing Verify whether the clinic provides payment plans or financing options. Although LASIK can be expensive, there are ways to reduce the cost of the treatment, such as with flexible payment plans.
6. Post-operative Care and Follow-Up Aftercare
Post-Operative Care
An effective aftercare program is essential to a full recovery. Make sure the surgeon arranges follow-up appointments to assess your recovery and provide thorough post-operative instructions. For more professional assistance and care get in touch with best eye hospital in kalyan.
Availability Select a surgeon who can be reached quickly for any issues or emergencies that may arise after surgery. Smooth healing and avoidance of difficulties can be achieved through timely and efficient communication.
7. Personal Comfort and Trust
Comfort Level
It's critical that you feel at ease and confident with the surgeon. Select a surgeon who puts you at ease and shows that they genuinely care about your health.
Trust Have faith in your intuition. You are probably making the right decision if you have faith in the surgeon's skills and are at ease with their manner.
In conclusion, Selecting the best LASIK surgeon in Thane, Kalyan, or Dombivli necessitates carefully weighing a number of variables. Give top priority to credentials, track record, reputation, technology, communication, aftercare, and price. You may make the finest choice and get the best result from your vision correction procedure by carefully considering and analyzing these factors. Keep in mind that choosing the correct surgeon is an important first step towards a clearer, brighter future since your eyes are valuable. Looking for Best Lasik Surgery in Dombivli / Kalyan / Thane, visit at AEH which provides you lasik eye surgery with advanced solution & professional care.
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drarohitasgaonkar 7 days
Best Gynecologist in Manpada Thane - Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar
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Finding the right gynecologist can be a daunting task, especially in a bustling city like Thane. With numerous options available, it is crucial to choose a professional who can provide top-notch care and attention to your reproductive health. In this article, we will explore the exceptional services offered by Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar, the best gynecologist in Manpada, Thane.
About Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar - Best Gynecologist in Manpada Thane
Education and Qualifications
Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar is a highly qualified and experienced gynecologist with a strong educational background. She holds a degree in MBBS from a reputed medical institution and has completed her postgraduate studies in Obstetrics and Gynecology from a prestigious university.
Professional Experience
Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar has an impressive professional record, with years of experience in the field of gynecology. She has worked in various hospitals and clinics, honing her skills and building a reputation for providing exceptional care to her patients.
Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar, Best Gynecologist in Manpada Thane, is well-versed in various aspects of gynecology, including:
Pregnancy Care
Pre-Natal Care: Involves regular healthcare appointments throughout pregnancy to monitor the health of both the mother and the baby. It includes routine tests, screenings, and discussions about diet and exercise.
Delivery and Post-Natal Care: Focuses on the physical and emotional changes that occur after childbirth, emphasizing the importance of rest, nutrition, and vaginal care.
Infertility Treatment: Encompasses a range of treatments to address fertility issues and help individuals or couples conceive.
Contraception and Family Planning: Involves discussions and guidance on various contraceptive methods and family planning strategies.
Menstrual Health: Aims to promote overall menstrual well-being, addressing issues related to menstrual disorders, hygiene, and pain management.
Gynecological Surgeries: Includes procedures like hysterectomy, tubal ligation, cesarean section, and other surgeries to address specific gynecological conditions.
Elaboration on Specific Points:
Hysterectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the uterus, often performed for conditions like fibroids or cancer.
Tubal Ligation: A permanent form of contraception involving the blocking, sealing, or cutting of the fallopian tubes.
Cesarean Section: A surgical delivery method used when vaginal delivery is not possible or safe for the mother or baby.
Other Surgeries: Encompasses a range of gynecological procedures beyond the common ones mentioned above, tailored to specific medical needs.
This detailed overview highlights the importance of comprehensive pregnancy care, addressing various stages and aspects to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby.
Why Choose Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar?
Patient-Centric Approach
Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar is known for her patient-centric approach, ensuring that each patient receives personalized care and attention making her the Best Gynecologist in Manpada Thane.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar practices at Complete Women鈥檚 Care, a state-of-the-art facility equipped with the latest medical technology and equipment.
Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar is the best gynecologist in Manpada, Thane, offering a wide range of services and exceptional care to her patients. Her dedication to her profession, combined with her state-of-the-art facilities and patient-centric approach, make her an ideal choice for women seeking gynecological care. Call +91 98330 74977 or visit the Complete Women鈥檚 Care Clinic to consult Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar.
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vaidyaslaboratory 25 days
Comprehensive vs. Lab Health Checkups: Why Full Body Screenings Are Essential
In an era where health consciousness is rising, the value of comprehensive health checkups cannot be overstated. At Dr. Vaidya鈥檚 Laboratory in Thane, we specialize in full-body health checkups that go beyond standard medical lab tests, offering a deep insight into your health and helping prevent diseases before they start.
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The Importance of Comprehensive Health Checkups
Comprehensive health checkups are an essential part of preventive health care. They provide a detailed overview of an individual鈥檚 health, detecting potential health issues early. These checkups are especially crucial for identifying silent killers like hypertension, diabetes, and cancers that may not show symptoms initially.
How Comprehensive Checkups Differ from Basic Lab Tests
While routine lab tests are important for diagnosing specific conditions, they do not provide the holistic view that a full body health checkup does. Comprehensive checkups include a variety of health screening tests that assess vital organ functions, risk factors for chronic disease, and more, offering a complete picture of health and well-being.
Benefits of Regular Health Screenings
The benefits of regular health screenings include:
Early Detection of Diseases: Catching diseases early can lead to better management and treatments.
Cost-Effective: Preventive health checkups can save money in the long run by avoiding costly medical treatments for advanced diseases.
Customized Health Advice: Based on the results of a comprehensive checkup, physicians can offer tailored advice on lifestyle and health management.
Choosing the Right Health Checkup Package
At Dr. Vaidya鈥檚 Lab, recognized as the best laboratory in Thane for comprehensive health checkups, we offer a variety of packages tailored to meet different needs. Whether it鈥檚 a preventive health checkup or a more specific targeted checkup based on family history and personal health concerns, we have you covered.
Dr. Vaidya鈥檚 Lab: Your Partner in Preventive Healthcare
We are committed to providing the highest standard of diagnostic services. With state-of-the-art diagnostic centers across Thane, we ensure that each test is conducted accurately, providing you with reliable and timely results.
Opting for regular comprehensive health checkups at Dr. Vaidya鈥檚 Laboratory ensures that you are taking a proactive approach to maintain and improve your health. Book your health checkup today and take the first step towards a healthier life.
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health-issues 1 month
Best Eye Hospital In Navi Mumbai, Airoli | Eye Hospital In Thane | Suruchi Eye Hospital
Suruchi Eye Hospital is the best eye hospital in Navi Mumbai, Airoli, Thane. We offer a variety of treatments and surgical procedures for all your eye care needs.
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amolbhanushali 1 month
Discover the top thoracic surgeon in Thane, Mumbai - Dr. Amol Bhanushali. With years of experience and a proven track record of successful surgeries, Dr. Bhanushali offers personalized, compassionate care. Schedule a consultation today and get the expert treatment you deserve.
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Best Eye Hospital In Thane
Shree Ramkrishna Netralaya is one of the best eye hospitals in Thane. It provides treatments with advanced technology from the best eye specialists. Experience convenient checkups at the best eye hospital in Thane.
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midseo 3 months
Eye Care Clinic in Seawoods | Best Eye Hospital in Navi Mumbai
The best eye hospital in Seawoods, Navi Mumbai, we offer advanced technology treatment from the best ophthalmologists. Get easy checkups at the best eye care clinic.
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healthify2u 4 months
Cataract Surgery In Navi Mumbai, Airoli | Cataract Surgery In Thane | Suruchi Eye Hospital
Visit Suruchi Eye hospital for Cataract Surgery in Thane, Navi Mumbai, Airoli, They equipped with the latest diagnostic and surgical equipment and well-trained Cataract Surgeons in Navi mumbai
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thaneweb 4 months
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orthorobotics 1 day
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"Comprehensive Knee Examination at Team Ortho Robotics in Thane"
Team Ortho Robotics in Thane provides expert knee examination services by experienced orthopedic doctors dedicated to your health.
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anileyehospital 14 days
Best LASIK Eye Surgery in Thane, Kalyan, and Dombivli
A common and successful treatment for visual issues such astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia is laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, or LASIK. Technology has advanced to the point that LASIK is now a dependable and safe way to improve eyesight without the need for glasses or contact lenses. The top clinics and hospitals providing best LASIK eye surgery in Thane, Kalyan, or Dombivli are included in this article if you're thinking about getting the treatment done.
What is LASIK Eye Surgery?
The transparent front portion of the eye, the cornea, is reshaped with a laser during LASIK eye surgery to increase light focus on the retina. With rapid recovery times, the surgery usually takes 15 minutes for both eyes, and most patients report noticeable improvements in vision within 24 hours.
Why Choose LASIK?
Quick Recovery: Most patients return to their normal activities within a day or two.
Minimal Pain: The procedure is virtually painless, both during and after surgery.
Permanent Results: LASIK provides long-lasting vision correction.
Cost-Effective: Over time, LASIK can be more economical than continuously purchasing glasses or contact lenses.
Top LASIK Eye Surgery Centers in Thane, Kalyan, and Dombivli
1. Anil Eye Hospital(Thane, Kalyan, Dombivli):
ANIL EYE HOSPITAL regularly offers all eye care services, including contact lenses, oculoplasty, cataract, Lasik, retina, glaucoma, and cornea, that satisfy the needs of the patient. AEH is home to the first and only LASIK center in DBL, a procedure that helps thousands of patients smile and feel happy by eliminating glasses. One of the very few hospitals in Dombivli to receive the esteemed NABH certification is ANIL EYE HOSPITAL. It is best lasik Surgery in Dombivli / Kalyan / Thane, visit at AEH which provides you lasik eye surgery with advanced solution & professional care.
We have a panel of eminent physicians from several colleges of ophthalmology, including corneal, oculoplastic, and vitreoretinal surgery. Anil Eye Hospital is in charge of Fortis Hospital Kalyan's ophthalmology division.聽
Custom LASIK: Designed with the patient's prescription and eye shape in mind.
Blade-free LASIK: Produces a more accurate corneal flap using femtosecond laser technology.
Wavefront-Guided LASIK: Offers an individualized course of treatment based on precise eye measurements.
Anil eye has the best eye specialist in dombivli. They provide all eye care services. We have team of doctors are well qualified.
Exceptionally skilled surgeons
Cutting-edge surgery and diagnostic tools
Elevated levels of patient satisfaction
2.聽Thane Eye Care Hospital聽
Overview The innovative LASIK operations and comprehensive eye care services offered by Thane Eye Care Hospital are well-known. The hospital employs board-certified ophthalmologists and has cutting-edge equipment.
Custom LASIK: Designed with the patient's prescription and eye shape in mind.
Blade-free LASIK: Produces a more accurate corneal flap using femtosecond laser technology.
Wavefront-Guided LASIK: Offers an individualized course of treatment based on precise eye measurements.
exceptionally skilled surgeons
cutting-edge surgery and diagnostic tools
elevated levels of patient satisfaction
3. Vasan Eye Care in Kalyan
Overview聽 A national network of eye hospitals renowned for its high caliber of services and patient care includes Vasan Eye Care. The Kalyan location uses cutting-edge technology to provide a variety of LASIK procedures.
Regular LASIK: Good for common vision correction requirements.
An alternative that is appropriate for people with thinner corneas is epi-LASIK.
RELEX SMILE: A minimally invasive technique to treat astigmatism and myopia.
Renowned for excellence across the country
Innovative LASIK techniques
Thorough pre- and post-operative treatment
4. Sadguru Eye Hospital, Dombivli
Sadguru Eye Hospital is a well-established name in Dombivli, offering advanced LASIK procedures among its wide range of eye care services. The hospital is known for its patient-centric approach and high success rates.
LASIK Xtra: Enhanced LASIK procedure that adds corneal strengthening treatment.
PresbyLASIK: Specifically for patients with presbyopia (age-related farsightedness).
Contoura Vision LASIK: Topography-guided LASIK for more precise vision correction.
Personalized treatment plans
State-of-the-art facilities
High success and patient satisfaction rates
5. Laxmi Eye Institute, Kalyan
Overview Leading eye care facility Laxmi Eye Institute provides cutting edge LASIK procedure. The institute uses the newest technologies and treatment techniques and is well-known for its dedication to quality and patient care.
Bladeless LASIK: Creates flaps using a sophisticated femtosecond laser.
Sharper vision is achieved using wavefront optimized LASIK, which lowers higher-order aberrations.
For patients who cannot get LASIK, photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is an option.
Cutting-edge LASIK technology
Exceptionally skilled and knowledgeable ophthalmologists
Superb aftercare and medical attention
Selecting the ideal Best LASIK eye surgery facility is essential to getting the greatest results. The best eye hospital in Thane, Kalyan, and Dombivli are renowned for their cutting-edge medical equipment, skilled doctors, and excellent patient satisfaction ratings. These centers provide a variety of choices to match your specific needs, whether you're seeking for more specialized procedures or basic LASIK. Always seek the advice of a skilled ophthalmologist to guarantee a successful LASIK procedure and to find the best course of therapy for your eyes.
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