#thank god for good doctors🙌🏻
myfairladybugg · 11 months
Just wanna say I miss your posts and also I hope you are well that is all ☺️💕
thank youuu you’re so sweet 💕 ☺️
i’ve been having some health problems lately, so i’ve been taking some time away to recover and focus on feeling better.
i’ll be back soon! with way more content to post too😉💕
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hardcore-flower · 2 years
For the first time of my life they had to call an ambulance for me because of a severe diabetic complication, thank god that the entire experience after that was good because the doctor actually showed care and empathy 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
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surrojourney-2022 · 2 years
The moment everyone has been waiting for….
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This 14 week baby belly is unable to be hidden any longer. Which also means, we needed to let the kids know!
Nothing like a memorable Mother’s Day Weekend 🙌🏻.
I’m sure you’re wondering, How did the kids react? What crazy questions did we get? Welp, not as radioactive as I thought it was going to be 🧨
Trent-13: "it's odd you're doing this for someone you just met a year ago" 😂
Peyton-7 was only concerned about who was going to watch them when they had to stay overnight for the delivery (secretly she wanted to stay at MJs)
Margaux-5...what you're pregnant?! No tears thank god
No crazy questions either. We'll see what comes up in the next 6 months.
Next question I’m sure you’re asking, What did you tell them?
There are many different ways a family is born, but to make a baby they need a seed from a man and egg from a woman.
Some families need help from a doctor or from someone who can give them a seed or a egg if they don’t have one or a belly to help grow the baby.
We have decided to help two guys we met a year ago have a baby who had help from another woman to get the egg and I will be growing the baby in my belly.
Nothing will change with our family and the baby will go with their dads once they’re born.
I was expecting a ton of questions and very surprised by two observations:
No one questioned two Dads! That makes my heart melt knowing how unbiased children are.
No one asked how they were made. I was so nervous having to answer that question but it never came up! Guess the egg and seed explanation was good enough for them.
Overall, a success and better than I ever anticipated.
We’ll see how we weave and bob through the next 6 months.
I’ll leave you with a brilliant question from Margaux, “How do chicken’s lay eggs? With their butthole?” A topic for another night…
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