#thank god we got the option of punching. kicking. or slapping him earlier in the story. the only illusion of choice that mattered
finiffy · 11 months
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33 notes · View notes
exxxoblr · 7 years
uh huh, honey
kim jongdae x reader
wc - 6.7k // request. angst and smut, unprotected sex. read at your own discretion.
// listen // masterlist //
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Smoothing your hands down the cool material of your pants, you released a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Thinking about it now, maybe faux leather pants weren’t the best option, feeling like your hips, thighs and ass on display was a little out of character for you. Your roommate practically begged you borrow her lacy maroon tank top, freeing your shoulders and collarbones from hiding under your usual sweaters. Throw in a pair of dangerous black pumps and dangling earrings threaded through your ears, you felt quite out of your comfort zone.
Your best friend Jongdae insisted upon bringing you to a club for your birthday, treating you to a couple of rounds of shots with him and a few others in your friend group. You had no problem going out; dancing and drinking was something you looked forward to every once in a while. This time, however, was the first time you were going dressed in something other than jeans and a button-down. It wasn’t that you were against looking as sultry as you were now, but you were more concerned about how your friends may react.
Knocking on the door after standing there for a few seconds, debating whether or not to fake an illness and go home, you clenched your teeth together as you heard the deadbolt slide out of place. Expecting Jongdae’s smirking face, your eyebrows shot up in surprise as your friend Namjoon stood before you.
“Happy Birthday!” Namjoon poked you in the side, pulling you inside while simultaneously attempting to hug you. Pleased, you hugged him back. It was nice to see Namjoon, he was often very busy with his tight schedule.
“Hi Joonie, how’s touring?” You asked, following him deeper into Jongdae’s apartment, the smell of Jack Daniel’s hitting your nostrils as you got closer to the loud sound of laughter.
“I’m ready for a few drinks, if you get what I mean,” he winked. Rolling your eyes, knowing full well how much he enjoyed performing with his group, you watched as he headed into the kitchen.
The kitchen was dim, like Jongdae usually kept it. The island in the center of the room was illuminated by a single, dusty lightbulb hanging from above it, shot glasses littering the smooth granite. Minseok was in the middle of tossing one back, Jongin slapping his shoulder lightly and giggling. Jongdae was noticeably absent from the room, probably in his bedroom still getting ready.
“Oh my god, (Y/N), is that you?” Minseok nearly hollered, setting down his shot glass with a loud clink. Screwing your mouth into a pout, you walked into the light.
“Yes, you jerk,” you replied, crossing your arms as a wide smile stretched across your face.
“You look so… not you,” Minseok further teased, pouring you a shot and sliding it across the island. Jongin acknowledged you by pressing a sweet kiss to your temple, patting your back.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N),” Jongin grinned, his eyes smiling. Ruffling his hair, you picked up the shot.
“Thank you, Nini,” you replied, taking the shot and glaring at Minseok.
“Sungkyung picked out my outfit, maybe you should tell her what you think,” you shot back, loving the blush that spread over Minseok’s cheeks. He had a bit of a crush on your roommate, Sungkyung, however, you had a bit of a hunch that he may be afraid of her as well.
“Uh, speaking of which, is she coming tonight?” Namjoon asked, plopping himself down on a barstool.
“Yeah, she should be meeting us there with Hoseok, they had class together earlier,” you answered. Your other two closest friends, besides Jongdae, happened to be your roommate and her cousin.
You formed your little friend group freshman year in college during a career course you all had to take. Sungkyung was your best friend from high school, both of you ending up at the same university. It made sense to become roommates, moving into a tiny apartment ten minutes away from the university. She introduced you to her cousin Hoseok, a funny, kindhearted guy who became a close confidant of yours right away.
Jongdae was the person who knew you best, though. You never expected to meet someone who would surpass your friendship with Sungkyung until you met Jongdae. He was the only member in your final group project last year that actually did their work along with you, spending a few nights at his apartment drunkenly doing everyone else’s work for them. You hit it off right away, having almost everything in common with the exception of a handful of differences. He was calm where you flew off the handle in arguments, he liked Marvel and you liked DC Comics.
The biggest difference was the way Jongdae liked to party. He really let lose, buying rounds of shots for groups of strangers. You couldn’t hold it to him; you loved to party as well. But Jongdae was notorious for bringing a girl home every weekend, the rest of your friend group scolding him the whole week as the poor girl repeatedly tried to call him.
Not that you could blame her. He was magnetic and beautiful, which is probably why you kept coming back for more in the beginning of your friendship. You found that the novelty wore off after a while; after countless nights of bearing your soul to each other as friends if became hard to transform into anything else. You never minded, having him as your ever loyal best friend. Leave it to Jongdae to always have your back; you never had to worry about him betraying or hurting you. God forbid anyone else ever hurt you—
“HEY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY,” a familiar, flat scream pierced your eardrums. Over time your body stopped jumping in reaction to the sound of Jongdae screaming; it was his preferred tone.
Leaning back to find him emerging from his bedroom, your hand came up to cover your mouth to prevent a barking laugh from escaping. He was holding a terribly wrapped box, probably weighing more than the man himself, as he stumbled into the kitchen. You could only see a peak of his eyebrows over the box. Hearing an annoyed huff of air leave his lungs, he grunted as he set the gift down on the island, knocking a few shot glasses over as Minseok scolded him.
“Where is she?” Jongdae frowned, the present on top of the island blocking you from his line of vision.
“Here, Dae,” you giggled, stepping around Jongin and smiling at your grinning best friend.
“Hiding, huh—?” He coughed suddenly, earning a few hard slaps on the back from Namjoon. Eyebrows pulling together, you were next to him in an instant, a hand on his shoulder.
“Oh man, don’t tell me you caught that flu going around campus, I’ll kill you if that’s your gift to me on my birthday,” you whined, his chest heaving once before straightening up, the color drained from his face as he avoided your eyes.
“I’m fine— Minseok, I will punch you. Today will be the day,” he rasped out, slapping Minseok’s hand away from him. Setting your shot glass down, you tutted at the boys.
“I thought we weren’t getting gifts, Jongdae,” Jongin pouted, eyes trained on the gift sitting on the table. Curiosity piqued within you as you stared at it. Jongdae was the definition of extravagance, so knowing him what laid inside was probably something nothing short of ridiculous. You couldn’t wait to open it.
“I wouldn’t want to be outdone, now would I, Jongin?” Jongdae replied, adjusting his jacket, the leather one you got him for Christmas. Jongin whined for a few moments before Namjoon clapped his hands together loudly, making you turn. You grimaced as you felt the A/C kick on, raising goosebumps on your bare shoulders.
“Hoseok just texted me, him and Sungkyung are on their way so we should get going,” he announced, straightening up from his lean on the refrigerator. Taking a deep breath in, you headed for the door as Minseok began to whoop from behind you. Strangely, you felt the absence of Jongdae’s voice like it was ringing in your ears. Turning to look for him, you nearly toppled over on your heels as his eyes were already on yours, sharp and calculating. It was the expression he took on at the club; the one you and Namjoon usually made fun of as he listened to a girl in a pretty little dress compliment him. Opening your mouth a little, your cheeks burned as his eyes scanned over your back. Almost stumbling, you quickly turned around, instantly regretting looking at all.
You all piled into Jongin’s car, the designated driver of the night. He insisted you ride shotgun as it was your birthday. He even gave you the aux cord, letting you play some music for the ride. Your favorite R&B flowed through the speakers, your thoughts already flowing a little more freely from the two shots you took back in Jongdae’s kitchen. It had been a while since you had last drank, your resistance to the alcohol lower than normal. Not that you minded, as you were looking to get a little tipsy. Picking at your top, you attempted to hike it up a little higher up your chest. Your friend’s reactions weren’t nearly as extreme as you thought they would be, but you still felt vaguely exposed. Biting your lip, you desperately wanted to bury the image of Jongdae’s eyes on you, but your mind had other ideas.
He looked good, as per usual. Jongdae was a jeans and T-shirt kind of guy, and somehow he made the combo look expensive and put together. His favorite ripped blue jeans and a black T-shirt made him look unfairly good, his jacket adding to the whole outfit. When you gave him that leather jacket for Christmas, you thought he was going to cry as he shrugged it on. He wore it nearly every day, something that made you smile every time you saw him in it.
Namjoon was telling Minseok about his touring schedule animatedly while Jongin sang along to the Justin Timberlake you were currently playing. You found it very strange to not hear Jongdae’s loud voice in the mix. Maybe he was coming down with something, his silence very out of character. Straightening up in your seat, you dared to take a peak in the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of him.
A mistake, you decided. As soon as your eyes slid to the mirror, his eyes were already trained on it, his gaze locking with yours. Crossing your thighs as they began to feel like jelly, you swallowed thickly as you stared at him. Jongdae blinked slowly, his cheek resting in his palm lazily as he leaned against the car door. Too shocked to smile at him, you continued to meet his stare as he lifted his index finger to his lip in thought. Nearly choking, you tore your eyes from his reflection and began to stare out the window, your heart pounding in confusion.
You almost flung yourself out of the car as Jongin pulled up to the valet, the air in the tiny sedan thick and stifling. At the entrance of the club was Sungkyung and Hoseok, the latter waving like an idiot to get your attention. Scrambling over to them before the others can even get out of the car, you let out a long breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Flinging yourself into Hoseok’s arms, he yelled at you for knocking the wind out of him, tentatively squeezing you back.
“What’s up?” Your roommate asked, her gorgeous face twisted into a look of concern at your flustered appearance.
“Not sure. Jongdae’s being weird,” you whispered after looking around, making sure he was still clambering out of Jongin’s car and out of earshot. The two cousins exchanged a blank look before looking at you like you had ten heads.
“What? Why is everyone being so strange today, do I have grey hairs?” You whined, tugging on Sungkyung’s hand. Shaking her head, she smiled softly.
“No, (Y/N). Did you even look in the mirror? You look so hot,” she answered. Eyebrows almost disappearing into your hairline, you let her tug you to the entrance.
“Let’s get wasted. It’s your birthday, you’re gorgeous, and everyone else has already gone in!” She sang, leading you into the dark club with Hoseok trailing slowly behind, a small crowd of girls already drooling over him by the valet.
Accidentally dropping Sungkyung’s hand, you bumped into someone, a startled sound coming from their mouth.
“Oof— sorry,” you squeaked, looking up at the stranger in passing. His wide eyes scanned your face, trailing down your figure as he opened his mouth to speak. You were already gone, Hoseok pushing you towards the bar impatiently.
Crammed in the corner were your friends, Minseok pulling Sungkyung in for a hug shyly. Jongin and Namjoon ordered the shots for everyone, excluding the former. Hoseok abandoned your side to speak to Namjoon, his loud voice making a few heads turn.
There it was again, the lack of Jongdae’s voice, or him in general for that matter. Confused, you looked around for him until Sungkyung pulled you to her with an exasperated sigh. Smiling, you accepted a shot from her, clinking glasses with her as you tossed it back.
“Jongdae?” you asked, the liquor burning the back of your throat. Minseok shrugged, stealing another glance at your roommate. Rolling your eyes, you scoffed in annoyance. If Jongdae wanted to be moody and strange on your birthday, so be it. It just gave you an excuse to be a brat to him for a couple of days.
“Hmm, (Y/N), I found him, I think,” Hoseok tapped your shoulder, leaning over it to speak into your ear. Following his point to across the bar, you saw your best friend leaning against a barstool, his hand resting on the back of some girl an a silver dress. Raising your eyebrow, your stomach burned as you watched his stupid lips curl into a smile at what she was saying.
“Typical,” you muttered back to Hoseok, who straightened up and gave you a “don’t shoot the messenger” look before returning to his drink.
“(Y/N),” Sungkyung poked you.
“What?” You snapped, setting your shot glass down as you looked at her wildly. Ignoring you, she looked off to the side of where Jongdae was standing.
“That guy has been staring at you for four solid minutes. I timed it,” she told you. Looking in his direction in disbelief, your eyes widened as you realized it was the guy you bumped into only moments before. He was certainly handsome, his bleached hair styled wildly around his face, a denim jacket draped over his broad shoulders. Jongdae’s back was to him, the stranger a head taller than your best friend.
“Uh, so?” you turned to her, tearing your gaze away from Jongdae, who almost caught your eye.
“Ugh, talk to him!” She pushed your shoulder lightly. Reaching for another shot, the one that would probably help you reach your goal of becoming tipsy, you threw it back and grabbed her arm.
“I just wanna dance with you,” you answered, leading her to the dance floor. Giggling, she followed, tipsy herself. It was your birthday, and you weren’t going to let Jongdae sour it. You could always count on Sungkyung to dance with you, grinding on each other and having a good time as you laughed and enjoyed the music together. It wasn’t long before a few guys inched their way over to you guys, discreetly trying to watch but miserably failing as their eyes hungrily watched you two. Appearing out of nowhere, a very tipsy Minseok slid his hands around Sungkyung’s waist boldly, earning a blush from her as they began to dance. Not minding, you lost yourself in the music, tossing your hair and letting the beat thrum through you.
Your eyes popped open when you felt a hand on your hip, a solid chest behind you dancing in time with your own movements. Continuing your dancing, you snuck a peak at the man behind you: the man you couldn’t seem to shake since you got here, the one you bumped into. Not particularly caring in your state of tipsiness, you danced with him. Having a good time, you loved the feeling of enjoying yourself with strangers, the same amount of intoxication flooding through them as well. Sungkyung didn’t even offer you her trademark wink as she danced with Minseok, their foreheads practically pressed together as they swayed to their own time.
A strobe light flashed into your eye, making you turn your head to the side and rest it on the stranger’s shoulder. Opening your eyes a crack, you looked towards the bar, noticed Jongdae sitting alone on a barstool nursing a drink. He was looking at you.
Hips stopping their motion, you watched as he took a sip of his drink before someone blocked your view of him. Craning your neck, you attempted to catch a glimpse of him before you felt warm breath on your ear.
“Hey, you wanna get out of here?” The stranger spoke into your ear, making your blood run cold as his hands slid dangerously close to your crotch.
“I—” you started, heart pounding. You didn’t know if you wanted to leave, let alone with a complete stranger. But then again, it was an opportunity to get laid…
“Come on, baby,” he pleaded, a hand sliding up your body to cup underneath your breast. Heart slamming against your chest uncomfortably, every part of the situation felt wrong.
“N-no, I’m here with my friends, I c-can’t—” you struggled to get your words out, alcohol still swimming around in your bloodstream.
“What friends?” He asked sharply, annoyed. Turning you to face him, his dangerously handsome face inches from yours. You found that kissing him was on the bottom of the list of things you wanted to do.
“I should go find them,” you mumbled, stepping away from him. He gripped your wrist, protests leaving his mouth as you tried to pull away, panic setting into you. Hearing a loud shout, you turned to face him once again, his grip on you tightening.
“Jongdae,” you squeaked, his jaw set in anger as he stood next to you. Your vision grew blurry as your eyes filled with tears, unable to control your emotions as he shoved the stranger off of you, replacing his sweaty grip with his own cold hand. Feeling like a newborn fawn in your heels, you were at a loss for words as Jongdae dragged you off the dance floor like a child.
His shoulders were stiff with tension as he practically threw his credit card at the bartender, his grip on you harsh. Tearing the card from the bartender’s hand, he hastily signed the receipt and pulled you to the exit. He ignored your yelling and even the punches you threw at his arm as he lead you to the door.
“Jongdae! What are you doing?” You stomped outside, seeing double as he finally released you.
“Bringing you back to my place to wait for the others,” he replied simply, as if he was making total sense. Which, he wasn’t.
“Why? I’m not even drunk or sloppy, leave me alone!” You groaned, frustrated with him. Jongdae ran a hand over his face in aggravation.
“Okay, fine. I was getting you away from that asshole. He wouldn’t have left you alone the rest of the night,” he gritted out. “Happy?” He added, leaning against the brick facade of the building and pulling out his phone, ordering an Uber.
Truthfully, you were a bit shaken up. The whole night was a bit of a mess, between Jongdae acting bizarre and the insistent stranger. Maybe it was time for you to get out of the club, your heels starting to pinch. Muttering to yourself, you reached down and plucked them off of your feet, holding them in your hand. Jongdae looked down at you in mild interest, to which you looked up and stuck your tongue out at him.
“You were acting like such a weirdo tonight, Dae. That gift back at home better be exactly three puppies,” you told him, watching the cars go by on the street. Snorting, Jongdae shook his head.
“The Uber’s here,” he said, offering you his hand. Looking at it strangely, you raised your eyebrows before slotting your fingers in between his, letting him walk you to the car.
By the time the driver dropped you off, your tipsiness had worn off, much to your annoyance. Not only that, you were kicking yourself for not taking a chance for once in your life, thinking about the handsome stranger. At least Jongdae returned to his normal self, blathering on about something that you weren’t paying attention to as he unlocked the door to his apartment, letting you in. Numbly plopping yourself on the couch, you stared at the framed picture of you, Minseok and Jongdae that he had on his coffee table.
“I’m sorry for being weird, hopefully this will make up for it,” Jongdae sat next to you, placing the large gift on the floor. Perking up a bit, you leaned forward and began to unwrap it.
“I couldn’t find a smaller box, so I hope you won’t be disappointed when you realize there are no puppies in there,” Jongdae joked, leaning back against the sofa after setting down two glasses of water for the both of you. You unfolded the flaps of the box, fingers eagerly diving in, grabbing a soft, cool material before lifting it up.
In your hands was a soft, black leather jacket, almost identical to the one you got him for Christmas. Staring at it for a moment, Jongdae was uncharacteristically silent as he waited for your reaction. A smile broke across your face as you stood suddenly, shrugging it on. Your heart soared with the sentiment behind it, turning to look at him, a nervous smile on his face.
“You sap!” You exclaimed, sitting back down and pulling him into a hug. His arms wrapped around you slowly, melting into you. He shook with laughter, rubbing your back as you squeezed him tight. He smelled nice, you thought as you pulled away.
“Forgiven?” He asked hopefully, watching you take the jacket off and fold it nicely, setting it on the coffee table.
“For now, Dae,” you replied, sinking back on the couch. You did feel better, but you still felt inklings of self-doubt. Maybe if you just threw caution to the wind and went home with that guy from the club, you would have gotten laid.
“Oh, (Y/N), what’s the matter? Are you still upset that I made you leave?” Jongdae asked, shifting to face you. Gritting your teeth, you shook your head.
“What is it, then? Don’t be so down on your birthday,” he teased poking you. Losing it, you whip your head to face him.
“Fine! I’m upset because maybe if I wasn’t such a wuss, I could be getting laid right now! God, this is why I’m still a virgin!” You shouted at him, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull. Breathing heavily, you shoved your face in your hands, anger pulsing through you. The silence was deafening as Jongdae sat there, not moving a single muscle. You knew that lashing out at Jongdae wasn’t fair, and you were probably going to feel humiliation hit you like a ton of bricks any second, but you could hardly find it in you to care.
“V-virgin?” Jongdae finally stuttered, making you whine out in exasperation.
“Yes, Jongdae, a virgin. Feel free to laugh at any time, you ass.”
“Why would I make fun of you for that? And, hold on! You’re mad at yourself for not going home with a creep?” Jongdae’s voice raised in pitch as he pried your hands from your face, an angry look on his face.
“Yes!” You hollered, standing. Jongdae stood as well, arms crossed.
“So let me get this straight. You regret not going home with a complete stranger just so you could lose your virginity?” Jongdae asked, suddenly deadly calm. His voice sent jolts through you, the roughness of it making you shiver.
“Well, when you put it that way, Dae,” you started, before he stepped closer to you, shooting you a warning look.
“That’s the only way to put it, (Y/N). There’s nothing wrong with you being a virgin, but I do have a problem with you going home with some sketchy dude!”
“Why do you care Jongdae? You bring strange girls home every weekend and I say nothing! You’re not my boyfriend, so stop acting like it!” A blush bloomed across Jongdae’s cheekbones at your jabs, but he was not one to back down. Your back hit the wall and you gasped, not even realizing that he was walking you backwards as you yelled at him.
“I’m just gonna go home—” you started, however never finishing.
A hand wrapped firmly, but tenderly around your throat, Jongdae swallowing your words as he slotted his lips against yours. Your mind went completely blank as you stared at his closed eyes, harshly kissing you. Scrunching your eyebrows together, you growled in anger as you pressed your hands flat against his chest, kissing him back as if it was natural to do so.
Which it wasn’t. Everything about your relationship with Jongdae was platonic, at least that’s what you assumed. Remembering that, you swiftly pushed him off of you.
“What are you doing?” You asked softly, watching him push his jacket off his shoulders and tossing it on the sofa.
“I don’t know,” he replied honestly, running his hands through his hair. “I’m just… I can’t lie to you. Seeing you in that goddamn outfit today made me nearly choke, remember that? I tried to distract myself at the club with other girls like I always do, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you. And then I saw you with that guy. I know it was probably selfish to take you from him, but really you didn’t seem to be enjoying yourself and I got angry at him. Not to mention I can’t stand it when you’re around other guys, even Namjoon…” he was pacing, not even noticing you, open-mouthed in shock and leaning against the wall in shock.
“Jongdae, do you like me?” You asked slowly, eyes wide as he stopped pacing, his back to you. Taking a brave step forward, you placed a hand on his shoulder blade. Head turning to the side, his eyes were downcast as you searched his face. Sighing, he looked at you.
“There’s really no point in hiding it anymore,” he confirmed.
“Dae,” you sighed, sliding a hand over his cheek, his eyes finding yours as he turned.
“You don’t have to— just forget I said anything,” he insisted. Running your thumb over his lower lip, instead of replying, you pressed an experimental kiss to his lips.
You felt him take a sharp intake of breath as you kissed his lower lip, his hands shaking as he fit them to your ribcage. You leaned your head to the side, allowing him to kiss you more deeply. You found yourself melting into him, the kiss feeling so natural, so right, like you should have been kissing him ages ago. Cupping his neck with your hands, you felt his tongue brush your own, the feeling drawing a sound of pleasure from you. Jongdae smiled into the kiss, squeezing your waist as he kissed you harder. Running out of breath, you pulled away, pressing your forehead to his.
He was quick to dive back in, pressing you to the wall once more. His hands were everywhere at once, intwined with your own, threaded through your hair, and presently gripping your hips. You were suddenly very warm, trying to keep up with the pace he was setting as you tugged on a fistful of his hair. Pulling away once more, Jongdae’s chest heaved.
“We need to stop before I go too far,” Jongdae rasped, his hands shaking on your hips. Feeling tipsy once more, tipsy on him, your hands moved to hold your face.
“I don’t want to stop,” you said quietly, loving the glazed-over glint to his eyes and his bitten lips. He groaned, head bowing to meet your shoulder, kissing it once.
“(Y/N)…” he trailed off. Knowing what he was thinking, you craned your neck to the side, hoping his soft lips would find home there.
“I want this, Dae. I want it with you, I want you,” you whispered, sliding your hands down his chest, feeling the hardness of it. Feeling the resolve leave his body, you sighed when his lips barely grazed your throat, pressing kisses to the underside of your jaw as his hands came up to cradle the back of your head. Gasping as he bit a mark into the skin under your ear, you pulled at the material of his T-shirt, desperate for him to be closer to you.
“I’m so crazy about you,” he mumbled against your lips, capturing them once more. Heart beating erratically, you were positive you would never get used to the feeling of his lips, soft and gentle against yours. You could tell he was holding back, trying to be careful with you as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his tongue tracing your lower lip as you trembled beneath him. You clenched your legs together, attempting to get friction. Feeling you tense, Jongdae slowed the kiss, only to make you squirm even more.  
His hand slid to your thigh, wrapping around it and lifting. Instinctively, you hooked it around his waist, bringing him closer to you. He moaned into your mouth, feeling your body flush against his own. Not really knowing what you were doing, but desperate to move against him, you rolled your hips against his as he bit down on your lower lip, his hand sloppily pushing a strap to your tank top down before cupping your ass, supporting your weight. You yelped in surprise when he began to carry you in the direction of his bedroom, looking down to see a blissed-out smile on his face. Nearly melting with affection for him, you leaned down to press a kiss to his throat, feeling him swallow as you licked a stripe up his neck, feeling bold. He shuddered, setting you down on his bed.
The gravity of the situation hit you, but instead of feeling afraid, you felt reassured. There was no one you would rather do this with; no one made you feel safer, no one made you feel more loved.
“You’re sure you want this?” Jongdae asked, looking down at you as you sat on the edge of his bed.
“Yes,” you breathed, looking up at him and wishing he was on you once more. Smiling, he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before sliding his hands beneath your shirt. Relaxing into his gentle touch, you lifted your arms as he slid your top from your body, tossing it aside.
You were sure his breathing stopped as you moved to lay on the bed, suddenly very glad you picked your prettiest bra to wear that night. Quickly, so quickly you could have laughed if it weren’t for your current position, Jongdae pulled his shirt over his head, crawling between your legs. You threw your head back as he kissed a line up your stomach, his lips grazing the fabric of your bra before sucking a mark underneath your collarbone. Holding back a moan as his fingertips grazed the skin peaking out from your bra, raising goosebumps in their wake, you almost whined at the loss of his lips on your skin.
“I want to hear you,” he told you, eyes dark as they pierced your own. His hand trailed beneath you, maintaining eye contact as he unclipped your bra, helping you out of it. Your cheeks burned as his eyes slipped from your own, scanning your chest appreciatively. Groaning again, he kissed your lips harshly, loving the way you arched into his touch as he cupped your breast. Letting out a low moan, you wrapped your legs around his waist, the feeling in your core only intensifying with everything he did to you.
“Jongdae,” you murmured, grinding your hips up to his. Hissing, he pinned your hips to the mattress, fingers finding the button to your pants and flicking it open.
“These damn pants…” he mumbled, pulling them off of you. Hooking an arm underneath your upper back to press your chest flush against his own, you relished in the closeness as he lost himself in kissing you again.
By now, you were addicted to his lips, his hands, and his voice. Even his gaze enslaved you, his lips leaving you once more as his hands trailed down your sides, the touch barely there. Sighing, your head fell back as his hand grazed over the lace of your panties. You became a little embarrassed, knowing that they were noticeably damp. Jongdae only hummed in approval, cupping your heat as he kissed the exposed skin of your throat. Feeling close to combustion, you hissed at the cold air hitting you as he pulled your underwear from your body. Not caring that he still had jeans on, all you could think about how he was everywhere, you were breathing and drinking him in.
Fingers experimentally circling around you, you nearly saw stars as he grinned into your neck, even the simplest of touches winding you up. The sounds you made only pushed him forward, planting a kiss on your lips as you lifted your head up to look at him through half-lidded eyes. Circling you a few more times, hitting your sweet spot enough times to get your head spinning, he tentatively eased a finger into you.
To your great surprise, you didn’t feel any discomfort. Scanning your face for any sign of pain, Jongdae pressed a kiss to your cheek, pumping his finger into you slowly. The feeling was odd, foreign, and not nearly enough. Squirming, you gripped tightly onto his shoulders, whining. Shaking his head with a little chuckle, Jongdae added another finger, your head dropping back to the pillows again. Clinging to him for dear life, soft expletives left your mouth as he continued to pump his fingers, cooing things into your ears.
“Such a good girl,” he murmured, kissing the skin under your ear. Heat began to rise in your stomach as he pressed his thumb down onto your sweet spot, all of the sensations beginning to get too much.
“J-jongdae…” you got out, your voice sounding weak and wrecked. Lips grazing your neck before pulling away, he withdrew all at once. Your body feeling empty with the loss of his fingers, you almost groaned in disapproval before watching him rid himself of his jeans. Sitting up on your elbows, you felt sweat run down the back of your neck as he kissed your forehead, peeling his boxers off. Sliding a hand down his body, you looked up at him, his eyes watching you carefully as you reached his hip. Biting your lip, you tentatively wrapped your hand around him, breath catching in your throat as he shuddered under your touch. Reaching up to kiss his collarbone, you slid your hand up and down a few times, nearly smirking as his hips rolled with your movements, tiny sounds of pleasure leaving him.
“Enough,” he warned, wrapping his hand around your wrist. Satisfied, you laid back down on his pillows, admiring his body. He was so beautiful, you thought as he wrapped your legs back around his waist. Kissing you roughly, you felt the warmth in your core fire up again, threatening to burn you alive. Hips bucking up on their own accord, Jongdae froze as your core brushed against him, the sound coming from you nearly dissolving what little control he had left.
“Are you ready?” He panted, a hand pressed to your stomach while the other cupped your cheek.
“I’m ready, Dae,” you told him, kissing him softly. Lining himself up, it took everything in him to not slam himself into you. Moving inch by inch, he carefully watched your face for discomfort, nearly coming apart himself. Confusion swept over your face as pleasure almost blinded you.
“It doesn’t hurt?” You wondered, circling your hips and earning a strained groan from Jongdae. He was really trying to be still, but you felt so good…
“It’s because you’re turned on, love, it’s not supposed to hurt,” he replied, pressing a shaky kiss to your forehead. Realizing how uncomfortable he must be, you hooked your hands around his neck.
“Please, move,” you moaned breathily, all he needed before withdrawing from you slowly, gently rolling his hips back in. It felt nice, but you needed more. You could tell he was holding back.
“Jongdae, I’m not made of glass,” you gritted out, feeling him move at a torturous pace. Eyes snapping up to meet your own, he smirked at you.
“Whatever you say, love,” he teased, snapping his hips forward with bruising force.
Tightening your hold on his neck, you relished in his loss of control, your name tumbling from his lips as he lost himself in you. The heat within you began to swallow you whole as one particularly deep thrust hit a spot that had you seeing stars. Crying out, Jongdae shushed you by kissing you sloppily, repeating the same movement over and over until you thought you might black out from pleasure.
“You feel so good,” he whispered breathily, making you moan in response.
He moved faster now, almost desperately as you could no longer control the sounds you made, his hand moving from your hip to circle your sweet spot once more. Feeling the heat in you rise to its fever pitch, you kissed him desperately before you let the fire consume you.
Never had you felt as euphoric as you did then. Even as you were lost in the pleasure, Jongdae’s fingers never ceased their movements, nor did his lips leave your neck. His hips stuttering as you came, you cried out his name once, twice, and a third time before falling limply, numb against his pillows. Stiffening, biting a harsh mark into your neck, he reached his high with a final croak of your name.
You saw stars as he collapsed on top of you, his body damp with sweat as you traced a pattern on his shoulder blade in a daze. Kissing his forehead, you wished to never leave his bed. Humming, Jongdae rolled off of you. Feeling the loss of his body heat made you quake, watching as he reached for a tissue on his bedside table. You watched through mostly closed eyes as he cleaned between your legs, tossing the tissue into the wastebasket. Sighing in contentment, he pulled you into his chest, hand cupping your chin to press a chaste kiss to your mouth. Grabbing the blanket from the bottom of the bed, he draped it over the both of you.
“Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow?” Jongdae broke the silence, rubbing a hand up and down your arm soothingly. Smiling softly, you curled into his chest.
“That sounds nice, is it part of your apology for acting like a brat on my birthday?” You teased, kissing a freckle on his collarbone. Chest rumbling in laughter, you smiled wider.
“I’m trying to ask you out on a date,” he replied, offering you your favorite smile of his, the one where the corners of his lips curled upwards.
“I’d love nothing more,” you whispered. “As long as I can stay here for the night,” you added, snuggling closer to him.
“I don’t think I can sleep one more night without you next to me,” he admitted, making you blush.
“You sap,” you repeated your earlier words, eyes feeling heavy with sleep. Kissing the top of your head one last time, you both fell comfortably silent, waiting for sleep to take you both. As you drifted, you found one more thing to become addicted to: the warmth of his arms as he held you.
happy holidays and merry christmas, loves xx
~ admin C
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