#thank god we stuck with the name that was put down on a whim bc we are shit at naming things
waroferas · 5 months
oh my god i am honestly still in shock that we are finally posting lfrt
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mazanica · 5 years
So anymore funfacts about anyone? Red, Freddy, anyone you want? (I was gonna send in an ask like right after the last one but then I had an anxiety attack, the universe will not stop me from talking to you 😂)
(Took me a few days bc my phone was the GPS to get home and I’ve been relaxing and winding down and also i can’t answer on my PC rn bc I share a room with my sister and she has to get up at like 4 am for work and I type rly fast and loud and it wakes her up, keeps her awake and ticks her off lmao so mobile post! I hope you feel better now! ;w; I LOVE TALKING TO YOU TALK TO ME MORE 👀 discord)
Also you said fun facts and I wrote a book, thanks.
Freddy is the most level headed, yet also the most dangerous out of ALL of the animatronics (this does not include the shadows and nightmares, as they’re not technically real animatronics, or the puppet who is basically the closest thing possible to a mortal god). He knows things none of the others know, and often the first person he tells anything to is either Red (as the Toys’ leader and bc of their personal relationship ofc) or Bonnie (his best friend, inside and outside of the programming). He witnessed the very first murder (after the Bite of ‘83, so Fredbear’s is shut down and it’s the first official Freddy Fazbear restaurant), along with the Puppet, but as this is before the (first) children are murdered he can do nothing but adhere to his code. He began to glitch out of course, as the first sign of autonomy fought with his programming. He and the other OGs did not gain full autonomy until they came in contact with the murdered children, though they have always been sentient (can you imagine…)
Bonnie ADORES cute things. He’ll never admit it though. He’s a little bitter and a little jealous, but the Toys quickly endear themselves to him in part because of their cute very-80’s design. He’s loyal to a fault but when his trust is broken, its a bitch to get back. He has Freddy’s back no matter what. He likes to bicker with Chica and Foxy, and often insults and teases them as big brothers do, but the moment someone else does he’s ready to throw down. He’s very protective and mildly possessive, but Freddy’s working with him on that last bit- possessive is not good and Bonnie knows that.
Chica was programmed bilingual, with English and Spanish in order to help children who only spoke the latter (the Hispanic population was fairly high in their city and Henry was highly aware of the children and their parents who only knew Spanish, so it was good to have someone always there who can communicate). She cooks, of course, she’s Chica, and while she and Bonnie definitely have the bickering teasing sibling relationship she’s closest to Foxy. Those two, while they will have a go at each other, will usually band together and are often found playing games together. Foxy is the one she feels she can trust with her secrets.
Foxy is good at keeping secrets. He’s a storyteller and loves to play pretend, and often he can glean info from the others based on what they choose their characters to be or do. He gets the others to open up to him easily, and of the OGs he’s probably the most open and sympathetic, allowing him to easily befriend the Toys when they meet. He’s also the most sensitive, so he’s the most torn up about the murdered children, but his reactions to hurt is often violence- against himself, against the perpetrator, against the wall, etc… But he never hurts his friends.
The Golden duo were actually built by a novice inventor (though she was a genius), initially as babysitters and entertainers for the inventor’s children (single mother). However, the kids in the neighborhood LOVED them so she opened the diner. It ran for a few years, over time the Golden duo gaining their autonomy as they learned. This was in the 50’s, and this tech was unheard of back then so it obviously caught attention. Time passed and the inventor eventually died in the late 70’s, and her children teamed up with Henry and William to bring in new animatronics to expand the “family.” Thus Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy were built (the band came first, Foxy was added later) and placed in a sister restaurant… When ‘83 happened, the inventor’s kids shut the restaurant down (feeling ashamed that their beloved goldies could cause such harm) and sold all of the rights to Henry and William, under the condition that their mother’s characters always be honoured; and thus the name Fredbear remains, even if only in programming.
Henry is the one who built the OGs, using the blueprints and plans from the golden duo in order to achieve the same effect. William, wanting to best Henry (William was a very very jealous and selfish man), began secretly working on the Sister Location before ‘83 (basically right after Henry revealed the OG Fazband), and he made the blueprints for the Toys (as they were the prototypes for the SL) from scratch, using very little of the Goldens’ creator’s code and instead using a child genius who would never know any better. The child was forced into writing the first “living code”, which would grow and develop on its own- the first true AI, or so William thought (the OGs and Goldens learn and grow but that’s through time and observation and ghosts, they weren’t actually programmed for it). As such, the Toys from the moment they woke up could feel.
William is a monster. He murders for fun. Freddy was the first to show aggression towards him- Freddy saw the murder, but he didn’t see the murderer, but he never liked how William reacted to finding out about the child found dead in the alley, especially since he was supposed to be a family friend. William murdered the first set of children out of anger at Henry, wanting to see “Mr. Perfect” fail- not realizing Henry was spiraling (the first child was Henry’s daughter, Sammy). When Freddy’s shut down and they decided to reopen, he decided that instead of letting Henry have the glory of refitting the OGs, he introduced Henry to the Toys.
The Toys have no knowledge of William, beyond “our creator.” They also don’t know of the child genius that William used and abused to create them, though they do have fragments of memory about them.
Blue is the most sensitive about the “replacement” thing. After he finds out, he refuses to respond to the name Bonnie- even has an actual breakdown over it because “if you’re not Freddy and I’m not Bonnie then who the heck are we?!” Total existential crisis. He even breaks a mirror in the bathroom. It’s after that that the Toys officially take up nicknames to use among themselves.
The Toys were given the OGs’ props when they were activated, but they gave them back. The restaurant crew eventually got tired of having to fetch the props from the back and just ordered new props for the Toys.
Mangle’s nickname was originally Vixy, but after being ripped apart they embraced the name Mangle and decided they liked the sound of it. Red tried to reason with them about it but Mangle was firm in their decision.
The Toys and OGs (as the Withereds) never hunted the night guard. The night guards were scared stiff when the animatronics moved and got it in their heads that they were being hunted. The animatronics had no reason to hunt the night guard; they didn’t know after all. The Withereds did tell the Toys about the first set of murders (and Freddy admitted the truth about the first child to Red), but the Toys couldn’t imagine the pain until they went through it themselves (second set of murdered kids).
Red and Chii take the most issue with being called “Toy”- Red because it likens them to cheap knockoffs and Chii because it likens them to simple objects meant to be played with and tossed away. Mangle and Blue were indifferent to the title.
The Toys are the only ones who saw the murderer. The secret of his identity died with them.
William (under the alias Dominic Fueller) masqueraded as a guard after he and Henry had a falling out, and during this time he kidnapped the kids and murdered them. This time he was more careful, and the Toys were the only witnesses. However, when the OGs later read about the Bite of '87 (which targeted William but ended up getting selfless little Jeremy instead), they put the pieces together that it was a night guard (as the paper said they “cornered a guard”) and began hunting night guards from that day onwards.
All in all there were 11 murdered children and 2 bite victims. Bite of '83 was the crying child, shortly after that was Sammy, then in '85 was the first five children who briefly haunted the restaurant and the OGs’ suits (their bodies were found, however, and properly interred so they moved on bc closure). Then '87 came and the second set of murders happened, and the day after was the Bite of '87.
Henry committed suicide shortly after '87, leaving William with the rest of the company… But he stuck around.
Things between the Toys and OGs was initially rocky, but no one was outright hostile. Of the Toys, Red was the first to reach out a hand, and of the OGs Foxy was the first (though Freddy did extend pleasantries, as the leader). Bonnie just sort of started hanging around and Blue on a whim gave him back his guitar, and that simple act is what truly bridged the gap. Soon the Toys decided to fix the OGs up, with Red hoping one day the OGs would perform again. Blue often voiced a desire to perform alongside Bonnie, not as Old and New but as Bonnie and Blue.
When Mangle was ripped apart with no hope of being fixed, everyone did what they could to make things better for them. However, Mangle came to the conclusion eventually that they liked being a “spider fox.” They could go places and do things the others couldn’t, and soon it became the norm to look up and see a fox chillin on the ceilin
The animatronics have souls of their own, formed over time, circumstance and experiences. They’re all reunited in the end, and either stay in the afterlife or move on to another life- hopefully a happier one. Surprise, all my AUs are connected in a multiverse 😂 they exist parallel to each other, sometimes even in the same universe/timeline but at different points in time. They’re all the lives the animatronics (and night guards and children) live, whether it’s in another universe or the same. They have happy stories and not so happy stories… But they’re stories. Their stories. And they always find each other, one way or another.
Oh yeah those next and parallel lives I mentioned? Yeah the souls carry wounds that transcend time and space. 9 times out of 10, their names or nicknames will be the same, they’ll look as they always did, and they hold the same scars as their animatronic forms.
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stardustwink · 5 years
I wanted to talk about swsh bc I’m almost done with post game and I needed to write down my thoughts somewhere so. Here we are. Story spoilers ahead btw. Also a lot of gushing abt the rivals bc they’re my children now
I have. So many feelings about this game. tbh the story could have been so much better (and there was potential for something great. But I think it’s mostly bc I disliked how they built Rose’s character as the main villain, more about that later) but the characters... they’re really good.
First bc they gave us Hop and his insecurities as the rival that always loses even though it’s his dream to be champion too - something I’ve always wanted to see in a rival ever since Blue left me hanging (though I understand, as he was the very first rival and we couldn’t have a full plot heavy pkmn game back then), and that I felt was touched upon in Cheren but not really worked with? Anyway. I’m glad they took the time to add his insecurities and his need to keep up w/ Leon to his character and how he grows past it later, it made me actually feel bad for having to take his dream away from him at the end (though!!!! I’m really glad he’s training to be a professor now, bc it really does fit him better! Making his own path and all that) A very good character imo, definitely going into my fav list. The fact that he takes his Wooloo off the team when he’s conflicted abt his fighting style and puts him back in after making up his mind still makes me a bit emotional if I’m going to be honest :’’)
And then there’s Bede. God he’s!!!!! Such a good character!!!!!! How I missed having a rude rival like that! I loved the way his story was handled (though I did wish he’d appear a bit more...but that’s just bc I like him way too much;;), from starting out as a stuck up jerk to getting tricked and then finding a place to belong after Opal took him in. I have so many thoughts abt him. About how he speaks so politely even though he’s a stuck up brat, about how he wears a watch that is way too big for him bc it was a present from Rose (and how much it fits his character as someone trying desperately to fit into a role he’s been given by a man who didn’t even care to get his wrist size right), how after he turns into the fairy gym leader the watch is nowhere to be seen bc, as Opal says, he doesn’t have to follow anyone’s whims anymore and- at the very end! How he hijacks the competition to battle you bc his disqualification was unfair and he deserved to stand there! The way he looks so much happier and smiles as he accepts defeat! I love this kid so much. also bc his entire color scheme and pkmn choices are my complete aesthetic, the fairy fam is literally A+ (also god will we ever know what happened to his parents??? What’s “ran into some trouble”?? Did they die, or did they abandon him bc of money issues??? @/gamefreak I NEED ANSWERS)
Marnie was adorable too, her slight accent is a very charming addition to her character and the slight foreshadowing of her ties to the last gym were great! Also she’s so cute. I wanna become a team Yell member after seeing her smile. She’s a dark type specialist man!!!!! That’s so cool!!! Why are the rivals so cool!!!! And her relationship with Piers is so cute too, they’re great siblings. I loved that when Piers asked her to become the next gym leader she was like “thanks brother, but I refuse. Im gonna be champion! :)” . Her cheering made the end fights so much better. I just wish we had some more interactions between the three rivals bc hop and bede’s fight was great but I wish marnie interacted more with them ):
Sonia and Leon were also very good. Watching Sonia find herself in her research and become a proper professor during my travels was SO SATISFYING YALL HAVE NO IDEA. Her interactions with Leon were so great too, and I’m very happy that she’s good friends with Nessa! Leon is a dork and I also love him, and I kinda enjoy that they both took the role of investigators and let the kids continue w/ the gym challenge by themselves (finally some responsible adults not leaving all the problems for 10-13 yr olds to solve am I right!). Also, LEON PLEASE TELL YOUR BROTHER YOURE PROUD OF HIM HE REALLY NEEDS TO HEAR IT!!!!
but I’ve praised swsh long enough so let’s talk about Rose. I felt like he was an attempt by nintendo at first to try and portray a corrupt businessman but they ended up not following through w/ it and the end result was....that. Don’t get me wrong; there are some points abt him that I enjoy, like the terrible fact that he basically ‘adopted’ a kid to use for his own benefit and couldn’t even remember his name properly, and that he wears dorky clothes off work. But they tried making his motives sympathetic and they didn’t make any sense??? What’s up with “being worried about the future of Galar” when he LITERALLY ALMOST CAUSED THE APOCALYPSE?? Being worried about not having enough energy for the country to survive after like 10000 years ain’t a good motivation for putting everyone in danger, chief.
 And here’s what they could have done: show just how corrupted by his own mentality and power Rose was; show him charismatic on the outside but completely apathetic to the people and justifying his actions by wanting Eternatus’ energy to keep modernizing Galar at the expense of some casualties bc hey! As long as the country will live on and keep progressing, what’s the problem with some lives being lost along the way if its for the greater good? Show him as the evil rich businessman he was meant to be! One that can’t understand that giving a pokemon and a golden watch to an orphan and “saving” him doesn’t give Rose the right to use him and discard him like a tool, one that tries to manipulate the Champion to do what he wants bc he’s given him the fights he wants and promised his family would be safe; just give me a character I can properly hate without feeling disappointed! You’ve done it with Ghetsis and Lusamine, you can do it with Rose too! Commit to your evil rich apathetic businessman plans, nintendo!
I felt both Oleana and the weird hair twins were better antagonists in this front. I even thought like SHE was the true villain and was using Rose’s apparent naïveté as a well intentioned but stupid rich guy and her position as his secretary to get what she wanted at the beginning; alas, that’s not what happened unfortunately ): but she had a proper motivation and enough foreshadowing for me to suspect her and still think she’s cool (her backstory is great for example. I was so surprised when she used a Garbodoor after all those cool lady pokemon!) the twins are both stupid looking and Swordward and Shieldbert are TERRIBLE names, but I feel like they’d be more iconic as main villains too.
I think that’s all for now, ive written way too much already djdflgjf if anyone managed to read all of this then thanks for reading my rambles 
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