#thank u again !!! uwu ♥♥
jinstronaut · 9 months
I lovvvvve your Jin a day series ahh I miss him!! if you go in a certain order of gifs by time period then please feel free to ignore this but ooh if you're open to doing one soon that has Jin from the astronaut MV, I miss that Jin so muchhh!! if not no worries at all, thank you so much for your hard work on this!!!
hi!!!! tysm nonnie this is so sweet of you :'))) i actually started this series with some astronaut gifs !!!! here's a link where you can see them all in chronological order uwu i hope you like them !
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rimetin · 10 months
yoohooooo !! spinch! for the writer asks u3u
11, 65, and 76 if u would be so kind ;3;; mwah
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
so i alr answered this but because im shrewd i'm gonna take it as an opportunity to link three more uwu Losing Time (You Can't Go Home Again) by HyperbolicReverie, which i'm on the edge of my seat for for new chapters. fly little seagull, the world awaits by Nehszriah which no i still haven't stopped thinking about since it wrecked me like two weeks ago thanks for asking. and in the interest of not featuring the same author twice, i'll go with hmm... Learning to Listen by three_days_late.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
oh spongo u know just how to push my buttons huh..... well for Bitten by the Cold i'm excited to write law getting to meet his crew again because i have that scene all plotted out uwu and maybe once i've gotten past that i can get to a smolaw reunion and that excites me because i have zero idea how that's gonna go, i just know i want it. and you know i'm working on the modern au which is gripping me so hard i wish i had more time to write it... and also bc punkhazard anime was Like That for no reason i'm plagued by so many ph smolaw thoughts i'm goign mildly insane
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of [Fanfic Name]?
humm this is a hard one... well for Bitten by the Cold i thought about including a flashback to law and bepo before arriving at the ship, but so far it hasn't fit anywhere and i'm not sure it'll be needed anyway. oh, and one of those days chapter 3 almost continued further with law and chopper following up on that idea of cooperation to treat his condition, but the chapter break happened naturally and i didn't wanna get too plotty anyway. who knows, maybe i'll write a supplemental someday.
thank you so much honie ♥
ask me more pls
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hi baby 💕 ✉️ 🌝
Ahhh those Sunghoon gifs you reposted 🔥
I hope you had / are having an amazing day ! I kinda love your routine rn :) exercises are def good for the health I hope you are eating good and balanced meals ? Plus water ? ( ah I’m struggling heavily with all of those 😅🙈)
I can be literally so silly sometimes, I was checking your blog yesterday and I saw your reply and “I guess I replied in my head” till now , it’s literally next day 9pm here I was checking your blog literally 10 times looking for your message for me💀 but I think lmao just now I remembered I didn’t write anything 😭 I was waiting and checking your blog between the breaks and ah all my fault 🤦🏻‍♀️🤧😅🥲🥲
I happy for you again *^^^ uwu^^^ studying abroad is always an interesting experience & I hope everything goes smoothly and really happily :) medicine is hard tho too! I think even harder than law school 🏫.. I hope you still have time for your blog 😭🤧
Pat* pat* thanks for sweet messages 💕❤️💖 you are so adorable and I’m so happy I got a new friend:)
Also I got new medicine, my sickness (?) ah is kinda progressing .. I hope it’s not covid😭 that’s why I’m so slow on replies , I liter. would love to chat with u 27/4 and I am usually like this 😭🤧
Todays song recommendation that I can’t get enough is aespa— illusion , do you listen to GG? Maybe you have a bias in aespa? Also is your skz bias Felix ?:)
Thank you for 🍊 SUNOO 😽🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hugs and kisses baby , remember you are the best❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Also what do you think about my ideas for fic ? :) any you could work on ?🙈🙈😅😅🥰🥲
~ 🐁 nonie:)
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🐁 anonie 🥺❤️ enjoy a little, fluffy sunsun edit first ( ♥︎ )
and about finding my asks ah you don’t have to go through so much trouble! Just go to “about my blog” portion in my pinned post and when you scroll down there’s a whole organised section for asks. “Anon list” over there click your emoji and tada! All your replies will show up🥰 I just opened my eyes from my sleep and I had such a romantic dream about taehyun ( from txt) 😳 my cheeks are blazing 😳👉🏻👈🏻 it’s always him I see romantic dreams about, today’s the second time! *gets shy and blushes uwu*🙈 he looked SO good AND SO MUCH TALLER THAN ME I could’ve passed out..*heavy breathing* 😮‍💨 and yeah ikr? Medicine is harder than law..and it takes up almost 24 hours of your time bc there’s so much study material and things to cover..I’m not sure if I can keep up w my writing speed and post fanfics as frequently, but I’m never leaving tumblr. 🫶🏻 I’ll always reblog gifs and answer asks and interact with the people here cause this is my safe haven.🥺🫶🏻💓 and I DID check out your fic ideas! I liked all of them tbh they are so cute T.T I wanna do a y/n’s best friend who is jealous over hyunnie and all, who also has feelings for y/n like you mentioned. But I can’t decide if it’s gonna be soobinie or sunoo! I feel like soobin would make a better appearance here since soobin and hyunjin are the same age? Better rivalry🤣 and more interesting love triangle haha. But ofc it’s upto you and who you want!! And naaaaahhh!! I hope it’s not covid :(( don’t worry it isn’t! Bc of rapid weather changes so many people around me (and even I did) face cold, fever, throat ache symptoms. I wish you a speedy recovery <3 I’m also glad I found a new friend T.T you’re so <333 I heard the last song by boa I think? It was pretty cool🤩 actually I’ve never heard songs from girl kpop bands before. I’m into the boyband culture so deeply haha. I only know itzy and heard one of their songs bc I literally simp for yeji!!😍 hugs and kisses back at you 😚 and I will leave this song review in our next ask <3 YEP felix is my skz bias WITHOUT A DOUBT 🌤💛 but my loyalty usually swerves between minho and seungminnie!😆
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melon-wing · 2 years
Doc: Grian! You're bleeding! What's your type!?
Gri: Tall... Green skin... Red eyes....
Doc: ...your blood type
Gri: oh, red ig
Aka pls sth funny/fluffy/crack if u want ofc
uwu 👉👈
Sorry this was more angsty than intended and less fluffy, but you know me ♥ ~ Doc was comfortably sitting on a small meadow close to the Hippie Camp, leaning against a tree, eyes closed, enjoying the warm air and the smell of flowers. There was a giggle and Doc couldn’t stop the corners of his mouth twitching upwards at hearing the sound. “No, Ren! I’m gonna do it! I can do it! You can do Scar for all I care!”
Doc opened his eyes for a second in slight confusion, looking over to the group of Hippies sitting in the middle of the flowery grass and collecting said flowers. Deciding that whatever they were talking about had to do with the flowers, he closed his eyes once more. He was glad their little ‘war’ was over. He had missed hanging out with Ren. And Grian tagging along was just a bonus. He did enjoy the little gremlin’s company a lot, even if he’d never say it aloud. Grian was just something else. At first glance he had thought the guy was a prankster and nothing more. A cheery person. But as he had gotten to know the other man, he had realised that there was so much more to Grian. They had gotten into some serious discussions and Grian had always surprised him with in-depth knowledge of different areas. Though sadly, redstone wasn’t one of those topics. Grian always looked at him wide eyed and confused when he got into the technical talk… Which was kind of adorable on itself. And maybe that was the reason Doc brought up that topic as often as he did.
A soft touch against his hair and Doc’s eyes snapped open, looking up into Grian’s smiling face.
“It suits you”, Grian simply stated with a giggle. His blue eyes seemed to shine as bright as the sky and it took Doc a second longer than he’d like to admit to notice what Grian was talking about. He glanced upwards to the ring of flowers that had been placed in his hairs, red and white with different leaves interwoven into it. He smiled softly.
He could see Scar a few metres away looking rather flustered, a blue flower crown on his head that seemed to have flowery dog-ears attached to it and yellow flower bracelets that Impulse was putting on him. Those Hippies were really something else.
Doc slowly stood up and Grian followed swiftly. Too swiftly, losing his balance and stumbling into Doc, who would have easily caught him if his foot hadn’t caught on a small root on the ground sending them both tumbling down. He lost his orientation for a moment and then leaned up, looking down slightly dazed. Grian was lying below him, looking up at Doc, though something was weird. There was no amused laugh, no sparkling in his eyes. No witty comment about them both falling down. He seemed to look right through Doc, breathing quickly.
“Grian?” “Don’t hurt me, Sam. Please don’t hurt me”, he whispered, voice sounding so panicked, his whole body shaking.
“I’m not- Grian? I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I promise I’ll be good. Don’t hit me again.”
Doc’s eyebrows furrowed, but before he could think about his next action, someone grabbed his arm, pulling on it with gentle force.
His eyes darted to the side, where Ren had grabbed him, worry written all over his face.
“You need to get off him. Your hand is on his throat.”
Doc looked back down again and true to Ren’s words his hand was resting right on Grian’s collarbone, but he hadn’t been putting any pressure on said hand. Nonetheless he quickly pulled away and stood up, letting Ren sit next to Grian, talking softly to him, far too quiet for Doc to catch most of it. Though what he heard was Ren assuring words that ‘Sam’ wasn’t there and couldn’t get into this world. He kept telling Grian he was safe.
It took a good while and Doc walked over to Impulse and Scar to give them some privacy, though he couldn’t help but keep glancing back at those two, Grian now wrapped in an embrace by Ren. He was deep in a half hearted discussion about redstone with Impulse when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around and looked at Grian, who had a slightly haunted expression, but was still trying to smile.
“Sorry for spooking you like that earlier, Doc.”
“I’m the one who should be sorry. I didn’t know-”
“Yeah. And that’s why you’re not to blame. You couldn’t have known. Just-” Grian’s eyes moved to the side and he looked so small suddenly. He had always been small next to Doc, but to Doc he had never seemed smaller than right now. “My last partner used to get a bit violent. Sam… He hurt me. A lot. Ren’s helping me work through it though. Just… Being pushed to the ground unexpectedly gave me a little flashback. I’m… I’m fine.”
Grian took a shuddering breath and finally looked up at Doc, the smile looking more genuine now, a small blush adorning his cheeks. “I had lots of fun today. I really hope we can do this more often. I enjoy spending time with you.” Grian stopped for a second and his cheeks only seemed to redden more. “With you all I mean. The whole group. Us all together, yes.”
Doc just smiled.
“I love spending time with you too.”
Doc’s blood froze the moment he looked at his communicator.
Samgladiator joined the world.
Xisuma had never told them about anyone joining their world. And it was only a month until their next jump. New people usually joined when they started fresh. But what really shocked him was the name.
He still remembered Grian’s words. About Sam hurting him. The scared look in his eyes when he had thought Doc was that Sam guy. Hopefully he was wrong. There were multiple people called Sam after all. Maybe this was a completely different person. Maybe this Sam had just landed here on accident or to help some Hermit with a farm or maybe-
His communicator beeped again.
<Grian> HELP!
Doc was in the middle of handling delicate redstone for his machine and he knew that if he’d stop now he’d have to start all over again from the beginning. And yet he didn’t hesitate, dropping the redstone cable in his hand and flicking a lever that made water wash over the redstone circuit he had just spent hours building. But if he left it half finished it might blow up his whole base. And there was no way he could keep working on it now. He didn’t even pick up the parts that were floating in little puddles now, rushing to his door, already strapping the Elytra around his shoulders, rockets materialising in his hand as he sped through the world. Where could Grian be? Last Doc knew he had been trying to get his base finished before the world jump. He just hoped Grian was there. He still took a short detour, flying over the deserted Hippie Camp before landing in Hermitville. With one glance to Grian’s impressive build-off house he jumped through the portal.
The air in the Nether was almost suffocating as he sped through, going way too fast through the narrow tunnels. Another beep from his communicator. Doc didn’t pause his flight, still taking it out to look at it and he felt only colder when he read it, even in the scorching heat of this dimension.
Rendog was slain by Samgladiator using <Swordscribe>.
Ren had gone over there to help Grian. Or he had been there from the beginning? Ren wasn’t too bad when it came to fighting. He was certainly better than Grian. And if there was nobody else, that meant Grian was alone now. Respawning could take a while depending on how badly hurt the body had been. Ren wouldn’t be there to help Grian. And Sam had Grian’s sword. Doc almost crashed into the next corner in his hurry to get to the main island. A few rockets later and he had made it, stopping just right next to the portal of Grian’s base and he would have stepped right through it, had he not heard a small whimper off to the side coming from one of the corridors.
His trident immediately appeared in his hand as he rushed towards the sound. He turned the corner and there was Grian. Bloodied and being carried bridal style by a guy with brown hair, who was wearing a pair of white bunny ears of all things. He turned around to glare at Doc which revealed just how badly injured Grian was. He seemed to be barely conscious, blood running from a wound on his head. There was a knife still stuck in his lower abdomen and it made Doc see red.
“Let him go. Right now”, he growled out, his voice being accompanied by a slight hissing sound as his creeper side became ready for a fight as well.
The guy - Sam - seemed to be annoyed by the disturbance, his hold on Grian tightening for a moment, making Grian groan in pain.
“Told you, you should have been quiet, babe. Now look at what you did. Another one of your friends I have to kill.”
Grian blinked a few times, looking off to Doc, finally noticing him, and then he seemed to sigh in relief, even smiling softly. “Doc… help.”
Sam didn’t seem to be too happy about that and with one calculating glance at Doc’s weapon he just threw Grian down, causing the bleeding man to cry out. Sam didn’t seem to care, stepping over Grian, a sword in hand, and while doing so making sure to step on one of Grian’s hands that was sprawled out on the ground.
Another pained scream, a delighted smirk on Sam’s face and Doc couldn’t hold back anymore. He charged forward. Sam had to hurriedly hold up his sword to be able to block the attack in time and was put on the defensive, which made it easy for Doc to push him away from Grian and avoid a situation where the other Hermit could be taken hostage. Sam really had made a mistake dropping his one and only advantage in this fight.
If he had expected Doc to go down easily he had been mistaken. Doc wouldn’t stop. His creeper side screamed for revenge, for blood and he let himself give into the desire. He knew by the way Sam’s eyes widened that his human eye - usually a warm brown - had turned to a bright red as well. He threw his weapon and it grazed Sam, blood seeping from a cut. The second the smell hit Doc’s nostrils he let out a low hiss, all his muscles tensing even more.
Sam seemed to think he was at an advantage now, trying to charge at Doc, but with a simple flick of Doc’s hand the trident returned, piercing his opponent's back, making him stop in shock. Doc used the moment to call up his own sword, which wasn’t his prefered weapon, and yet the need to draw blood from Sam made him choose it over another trident.
Sam never really stood a chance against the superhuman reflexes of a Creeper-hybrid during bloodlust. He kept slashing. Again. Again! AGAIN!
Sam could barely defend against the onslaught of attacks now, only managing to block every other attack, more and more hits coming through and inflicting countless wounds, the trident still sticking out from his back. And when he stumbled the predator in Doc seemed to pounce. With a slight smirk he grabbed Sam’s shoulder and pushed him against a wall as hard as he could. The wall hit the end of the trident and pushed it straight through the other’s body.
“Leave Grian alone. Or I will make sure you respawn into an endless death cycle.”, he growled quietly as Sam’s body disappeared in a cloud of green and yellow sparkles. With how badly injured he had been it would take a good while for him to be able to respawn. Enough time to get Xisuma to ban him.
Doc took a shaky breath, the smell of blood still lingering all around him. The creeper inside him still demanded more. More blood, more death!
But a small pained whimper chased his non-human side away in a split second, his eye turning back to its usual colour. He let his sword disappear and rushed to Grian.
The smaller Hermit was in a bad shape and Doc didn’t have any Health Potions on him. He was pretty sure Health potions weren’t even available right now, after the whole mess that their little Demise Game had been. But they did have other ways to treat wounds like these.
He rushed to Grian’s side, carefully picking him up and messaging Xisuma. It didn’t take long for them to be teleported into their medical bay, where he gently sat Grian onto the bed. He got out a few medical supplies and with the help of Xisuma carefully pulled out the knife, making fast work of stitching the wound up and putting bandages onto it, while Xisuma left in search of some potions Grian kept staring at him through slightly hazy eyes.
“You’re gonna be alright”, Doc assured him as he wrapped up Grian’s headwound carefully.
“Respawn ain’t the worst”, Grian replied, his words slightly slurred and he seemed to be really out of it, which wasn’t too surprising with the amount of blood he had lost.
“I don’t want you to respawn. It hurts even more than those injuries.”
Grian didn’t reply and Doc went on patching him up. Xisuma had a few blood replenishing potions in his hands.
“We don’t have any healing potions, I messaged Stress and she says it’ll be a few hours until she has them ready.”
Doc nodded, turning to Grian who kept smiling up at him tiredly through all of this.
“Grian. What’s your type?”
Grian giggled softly, before carefully sitting up as he raised a slightly trembling hand, putting it onto Doc’s cheek, caressing it gently. “Tall. Handsome. Red eye, green skin, brown hair and good with a trident.”
Doc felt the heat rising to his cheeks and it took a lot of self restraint not to lean into the touch. Now was neither the time nor the place.
“I meant your blood type, Grian.”
“Oh…” Grian giggled again, looking upwards a second, pondering his answer. “Red. M’ blood’s red. Just like your eye. Did I ever tell you how pretty you are?”
Doc could feel his heart skip a beat and he needed to take a breath to gather himself again. He gently pushed Grian’s hand away from his face.
“You lost lots of blood. We need to get the right potion into your system.”
Grian scrunched his forehead up a bit and it was the most adorable look Doc had ever seen on his face, even though he wished he had gotten to see this under different circumstances.
“I don’t know. I never needed to know. I’m a watcher. They do magic. No need for potions. Did I ever tell you that? I’m a watcher.” Grian giggled again and took Doc’s hand that was still on his, looking at it intensely and gently caressing it. “I see the strings. They’re red like your eyes. I like red.”
Doc still looked at him in confusion, not getting any of that rambling until Xisuma spoke up softly, his voice sounding slightly shocked.
“You can see the strands of fate?”
Grian tilted his head to the side and smiled before nodding.
“Yours connect to us all. It’s so weird to look at you. So many strands. But all of them are purple. I like it. It’s comforting.” He glanced back at Doc’s hand and his own. “Ours is red. Did I tell you that I like red? It connects us. I like that.”
Doc looked from Grian to Xisuma with a hint of desperation in his eyes now. “X. The potion.”
Xisuma seemed to be startled out of his musings before nodding. “Of course. Sorry. Give him this one then. Most likely to work.”
Doc took the bottle and uncorked it, pressing it against Grian’s lips who drank it without any hesitation. The moment he finished the potion his eyes fluttered and closed as he sank against Doc’s chest, breathing softly. Worriedly, Doc checked his pulse, but everything seemed to be in order. There was even some colour returning back to Grian’s pale skin.
“He needs to rest. I put in something to help him sleep”, Xisuma explained softly, “I’m gonna go to the other room. I still need to figure out how that guy got in and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Will you stay here?”
Doc nodded. He would have stayed here even if Xisuma hadn’t asked. Nothing could make him leave Grian alone right now. He needed to stay and make sure he was alright. He looked at Grian in his arms and made a silent vow that he’d always protect him from anything that might try to hurt him. He never again wanted to see Grian like this.
A few hours later, Grian awoke with a pained moan that made Doc jump from the chair he had been sitting on, rushing to his side, a healing potion in his hand that Stress had dropped off. He immediately put it against Grian’s lips and Grian drank it up. There was a soft glow around his body and Doc knew from experience that the wounds would slowly be closing now. As if to prove that assumption, Grian slowly got up into a sitting position.
“You alright there?”
Grian nodded, opening his eyes to look at Doc. It took a few seconds, but then he seemed to remember what happened earlier, his whole face lighting up as bright as a beetroot, hiding it quickly behind his hands.
“Oh god I behaved like an idiot.”
Doc chuckled softly, feeling a slight warmth in his face as well.
“It was kind of sweet. Though I would have liked to hear something like that under better circumstances.”
Grian just nodded, face still hidden behind his hands.
“Sam?”, he asked, voice trembling slightly.
“Xisuma banned him. There’s no way he’s coming back.”
Grian seemed to relax a bit at that, his shoulders no longer tense and his face softening up a bit. Or at least the part that Doc could see behind the hands.
“So”, Grian started, peeking out in between his fingers, still looking so adorably flustered. “You said you wouldn’t mind hearing the nonsense I said again, right?”
Doc just nodded, eyes darting off to the side for a second in slight embarrassment.
He made a little grunt.
“Thanks for saving me.”
Doc nodded and when a soft hand touched his face he let his gaze move back to Grian who was still looking a little flustered, but was smiling again at the same time. “So I think I told you that you were my type. What about you. What’s your type?”
“AB negative.”
Grian blinked a few times, before bursting out into laughter. It was so infectious, Doc couldn’t help but smile too.
He leaned forward until their foreheads touched and it stopped the laughter immediately, big eyes looking right back into his.
“My type is little blonde pranksters with eyes as blue as the sky and a smile as bright as the sun. My type is that one guy that loves to annoy me and even though I pretend I hate it, I love every second of it. And I think I love that guy.”
“Funny. That guy sounds kind of like me.”
Doc huffed in amusement and then moved even closer to Grian until their lips were touching in a soft kiss.
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mirobami · 3 years
↳ s/o wears cat ears and tail
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♥ GENRE: fluff.
♥ CHARACTER(S): r. obami, r. batsubami
♥ SYNOPSIS: s/o wears cat ears and cat tail.
♥ REQUEST: could u just do rin and rei with a s/o who wears cat ears and a cat tail
♥ NOTE: These days, my asks are getting eaten which is NOT GOOD, I hate it a LOT. @uwu-monster101 requested this, so thank you for requesting again! Let's get going!
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Honestly, he’ll probably buy you more because he thinks you look adorable in them and he wants to know how you look in other colors
When you first showed him, he has a stunned smile on his face before he tugs you to him by the tail
“You know, you look completely adorable like that”
He adores seeing you like that and then you have the brilliant idea of putting your cat ears onto him, thinking that he’ll look happy about it
You were wrong, he doesn’t like the cat ears on him, he’ll probably grumble the entire time as you take pictures of him
Yes, he’ll try to turn away from the camera to uphold his reputation
He likes it better on you than on him and he’ll definitely get payback after that
Rin just thinks you look so cute with the cat ears, just please don’t make him go through it again
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Rei honestly thinks that you’re so adorable with the cat ears and cat tail and will probably buy you different colors
“You look very cute, do you want me to buy you more in different colors?”
From this she can gather that you really like cats so there’s a huge chance that she’ll buy you headphones with cat ears on them and if you wear them around her, her soul just about leaves her body
Then you get the idea of putting your own cat ear headband on her and you catch her by surprise because she was just doing another thing until you snuck up on her to put the accessory on her
She stays still for a second and once you tell her that she looks adorable with it, she definitely blushes
Unlike Rin though, she’ll actually let you take a certain amount of pictures of her (as long as you’re also in them)
She likes it more on you than him, but will not complain if you want to put them on her
Rei thinks you’re so adorable with them and she does not mind it when you want to match with her, she looks forward to it constantly
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tenebriiis-archived · 3 years
ANNIE!! god i've been wanting to send you some positivity for a long time now because you always take great care in giving it to others!! you are simply too kind and i get the feeling you are very giving in general, which is such a great and important trait to have. your voice is really cute and soothing to listen to btw!! thank you so much for everything you do for this community, it truly wouldn't be the same without you in it. you have grown on me so much and i couldn't be happier to be mutuals with you. maybe we could. . . w write soon. . . ? sdfhjsdjhk anyways your leblanc is SO precious!! i don't even mind your canon divergency because you do it so well!! ALL the love from me, darling, i hope you find a reason to smile today and that those pesky anons stay FAR away from you. . . once again thank you for being such a light in the dark and i hope you have a wonderful day now. MWAH!!
{ 🙗 } // This is a message I had kept so dearly close to my heart, like you don't have any idea how much it makes me smile whenever I read it (*≧▽≦)... Thank you, thank you, thank you thousand times, Wersa. You are a person who is so filled with light, good vibes & creativity, & being mutuals with you is an absolute honor for me ♥
You are a Sun, just like your muse, filled with wonderful shining talents, marvelous writing & beautiful art! & I will never stop admiring you in all ways cause adjaodjpaoj, you are great UwU... - also your voice is super pretty tooooo!!!
I'm glad as well that you think my LeBaby is precious despite all the divergency, I'm ever nervous that it would be so bad so those comments always make me go all doki-doki kororo rush! ; A ; ♥ ♥ ♥
All the love from me too, deary, I also hope today / tonight & the whole week you are starting becomes super duper great with many pretty memories that give you smiles & good instants. Thank you for being in this community & bringing so much content as well as being such a nice, kind & warm person!! >7<
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ofthepuzzle · 3 years
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@destinscelle​ said: ❤ slides up in here to yell about how much I love writing with you on all my blogs and the fact that we bounce off of each other so well and just talking to you has always been a fun and nice experience with me. I am excited about all the future threads we plan on here and on amber uwu What do you want to tell me? Put a symbol in my ask box:
You’re a gem. ;u; Thank you so much !! It’s brought a smile on my face to know this. The feelings are def mutual ! I like the interactions of our characters and the way we vibe when we chit chat as well. I couldn’t ask for anything else. ♥ I’m super glad that we crossed paths once again. ♥
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jinstronaut · 2 years
the way jinnie has a song about (or dedicated to) each of the important parts of his life... :(
-> awake: a song about his members
-> epiphany: a song to the world
-> moon: a song about armys
-> tonight: a song about his pets
-> abyss: a song to himself
-> super tuna: a song about fishing
(okay first of all tell me why this website didn't tell me about this message until right now i truly hate the laws that be)
but YES ur so right :(((((( in the best way possible all of seokjin's songs feel like a hug? even if they're sad or exploring some of the darker things he tries not to let out, they all feel like an embrace.
awake is like the hug you get when it's late at night with everything all quiet and winding down and you're tired but you're still happy in your bones and with your friends and family.
epiphany is like the hug you give yourself when you just want to make it through another day. it's familiar and a little weird at first but self love is The most important love there is, and truly i thank jin every single day for this masterpiece of a song
moon is like the bone crushing hug you get from your best friend in the whole world!! the kind that knocks you off your feet and lets you tumble to the ground safely in each others arms uwu
tonight is the kind of hug that you don't want to let go of, you know? when you're holding on maybe too tight because you're afraid that, if you open your eyes, you'll be alone again :( it's the kind of hug you pour your entire heart into
abyss is the kind of hug you give yourself in the dark. late at night, early in the morning, in those weird hours of the day that don't really feel real. it's a promise, a moment of solitude, where nothing exists outside of you, your thoughts, and your feelings.
and lemme tell u, even super tuna is a hug okay. it's a group hug at a raging party in your friends basement while everyone is just on the other side of drunk and ready to fucking GO. a dance along with assigned choreo is required period end of discussion. it's just pure glee!!!!
there is something so so so magical about jin's songs that truly just.... understand the parts of myself that i don't even understand yet. and now we have yours!!!! HELLO what an absolute devastating track that makes me wistful and lean my head against a car window and close my eyes and sink into his emotional voice. he Has the range, he Is the range, he Is the moment :(
i luv jinnie so much thank u for letting me uhhhhhhh explode feelings at you nonnie :') ♥
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