#thank u ashi my best friend ily
updatingranboo · 1 year
I am in possession of the lost ranboo jigsaw impression video btw but im not gonna post it until the strikes are over :3 once we are in the clear (and if ranboo doesn’t reupload it themself) i will post it do not worry
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bitter-buttons · 7 years
tagged by @brewsters-art-cafe to list 5 of my fav things uwu thanks ashie!! <3 ily
1 - winter time!! I love the how the snow looks on the trees, on the mountains, I love waking up at 4am and seeing how light the snow makes it outside!! the holidays that are around that time and the warm sweaters I get to wear!! and the baked goods that we make and the cuddles with my cat during this time!!
2 - cats. in general, but my cat especially. she’s the sweetest cat you’ll ever meet and she’s my baby uwu she just ate a moth off the floor and then sneezed afterwards, she’s great. we also have a cutie stray striped kitty that roams around and she gave me kitty-eye kisses!! she scares the foxes away and is super tough!! 
3 - my friends, boyfriend and parents. self explanatory really esp ashie because u are my best bestest friend ever uwu ur my buffalo bae !! but everyone I care for deeply just!! makes me feel happy and great and I love talking to them and ;;;; i love them all!!
4 - speaking of people, I love going shopping with my mom. it’s our special thing and we only get to do it every once in a while but we always have fun!! the last time we went was super fun and I felt like crying bc it was just so nice ;; we always go get starbucks afterwards <3 uwu
5 - I think I’m gonna have to say pokemon. I’ve played it since I was like, 3 and I just have too many memories and too much love for it not to include it!! me @ nintendo please for the 25th anniversary make a remake of pokemon yellow thanks uwu (get it because pikachu is number 25 on the dex and it’s the 25th anniversary and--)
I tag anyone who wants to do this!!
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