#thank u for bringing this to my attention i love u forver and ever and ever
woe iris snowmobiling with pearl be upon ye!!!! (and snowmanning larry in the process)
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SCREAMING!!!!!!!!! THEM!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! PEACE AND LOVE ON PLANET EARTH!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey just read ur opinion on those who are really mean to Carlos (or any other drivers )and I couldn’t agree more .For me personally ,I’m a huge fan of Carlos and Max so it breaks my heart every time some haters throw bad words to them.But I just have a theory here that maybe harsh to some people (sorry if it bothers you or anyone I didn’t mean that)I’m really surprised at how fans power influence others opinion on certain drivers. a bit like Collective unconsciousness actually when u HAVE TO hate the drivers cuz others do.It’s somehow unfair as drivers who have more fans tend to be more easily welcomed with anyone.Sometimes people go like it is what it is BUT IT IS NOT .EVERY ONE SHOULD LISTEN TO THEIR HEART AND WHAT MOST PEOPLE THINK DOES NOT HAVE TO BE RIGHT.on the other hand, I’m really passionate about the races and I get really angry with them if drivers I like didn’t drive well.and I guess someone who says they hate the drivers because of some vibes are just making excuses of jealousy even without recognizing it.At the same time ,they use large numbers of fans to make it sound like valid ,it just not right .Also,they make meaningless comparisons trying to prove their drivers are better meanwhile I was trying my best not to be distracted by their thoughts.
Don’t get me wrong,everyone can hate Carlos as long as u have a proper reason (I accept the truth he is not the most well-behaved on the grid 👐🏼
Please stop hating Focus on the ones u love ❤️
Will u be so kind to share ur opinion on it?
U don’t have to answer if u don’t feel like it
Again, I sincerely apologize if u are offended by my words,that’s the last thing I wanted to do
English is not my first language so sorry for the language mistakes XXX😂
Thank you for telling us your opinion @datgyalyvie and of course I will answer your message (don’t worry, English also isn’t my first language) And I also really wasn’t offended about any of your words, because you stayed respectful all the way.
Like I have already said in one of my posts before - I think that many people who hate now/have canceld Carlos only did so, because they have seen other people (maybe their friends) doing so, without questioning it or think about it for more than just one second.
I also know that there are still many people out there, who actually still like Carlos, but who are too afraid to say so, because they fear that some accounts here (once again maybe some of their actual friends) could ‘cancel’ them as well for likeing the wrong driver.
And that’s just silly. We aren’t in the kindergarten anymore. Everyone can have their own opinion and I really ask myself if those friends are real friends, if they would really cancel your friendship because you don’t agree with them!?
You just can’t like everyone, that’s simply impossible, but that’s also okay, as long as you stay respectful. And also once again I really don’t get it why so many people seem to find join in talking/hating about someone the whole day long. Doesn’t it make them depressive? Why don’t they just ignore the ones they don’t like, go on with their lives and focuse about something that makes them happy and causes a smile in their faces? Everyone’s life would be so much easier, if they would do so. But I think many just love the attention they get with it and also to have the “power” over people, when they tell them which driver they are suppose to hate and which one they are still allowed to like.
I’m not the biggest Daniel nor Seb fan, but do I talk about that every single day why I don’t do so?! No - because I don’t see the point in it. I really prefer to talk about one certain Spaniard I really, really like the whole day long (Can you maybe guess which one I mean here!?) It just brings me way more joy and I think it’s also better for my mental health. But yeah, that’s just my opinion. Many people seem to see that different, but I doubt it will work for them and their health forver that way. So, it also obviously works the other way - I don’t have to like someone because so many others like him. I just have my own opinion. And for the record, I have said I don’t like them and NOT that I hate them.
If you really felt personal attacked about whatever Carlos has done/said in the past, then I can really understand it why you don’t like him anymore - as long as you stay respectful. Just leave him be, ignore him and go on with your life, you just can’t change everything or everyone. I mean, it’s also alright to call someone out (as long as it’s not here, because it probably doesn’t make any sense to do so here, because I really doubt that any of the drivers will  ever see it here on Tumblr), but after you have done so, please just go on with your life. Do yourself a favor and also your mental health with it.
So, I just wish for everyone to listen to their hearts, instead of what other people say, go your own way and do the things that make you happy and not what other are expecting from you.
Stay positive and respectful people! It’s really not that difficult.
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