#thank u for giving me this opportunity to play a rick boi !! )
oldtmer · 4 years
@storymade​ ; the good, the bad & the dirty
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this sucks -- everything about this sucks, for a better lack of words. the clip-clopping of hooves had been soothing in a sense. a living, breathing creature that didn’t want to snap down on his throat, or pull his guts out like a hunter dressing his kill was ideal in this day and age ... apparently. in truth, the man was still fucking confused, and all he really knew about what was going on was whatever information Morgan gave him. 
which Rick had taken with a grain of salt; considered the entire thing fallacious. perhaps a fever dream. maybe he was still in the hospital. maybe he was still in a coma? but then, maybe he wouldn’t be so self-aware were it a coma induced nightmare ... or perhaps he would be? Rick groans, shaking his head and grounding himself. there was no sense working himself up over theories and far-fetched existentialism. he had to live in the here and now.
unfortunately, the here and now just happened to be unsafe, like his gut had been telling him. and when greeted with a horde when rounding a block - kicked off the goddamn horse and made to run like a fool - the man had barely made it into a back alley and warehouse before he’s greeted with one more threat -- this one, at least, he felt more comfortable with. it wouldn’t be the first time he’d been held at gun point, and he knew that it certainly wouldn’t be the last time.
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“ alright, ”   Rick tilts his head, hands up in a placating manner while he backs himself up against the cool wall.   “ alright. ”   a stare ... a silent standoff. he allows the silence to linger a moment -- tests the woman cautiously by shuffling his feet to the side slowly, though pausing at any indication that suggested she wasn’t fucking around.   “ if you’re gonna use it, make it worth it. i reckon this ain’t the time to be wasting bullets. ”
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trvelyans-archive · 3 years
i am on my hands and knees begging for u to tell me about lila and margot 🙏
jasmine.............. thank you for this gift
under the cut because i expect it’ll get very long <3 :) update after i finished writing: it is, in fact, very long and also took me over an hour. so. take that as whatever sort of warning you might want.
let’s start with margot !
she was born to a couple of really young parents who..... did not want to be parents. at all. they were still in the party-and-get-drunk phase of their life and didn’t want to have a kid to worry about, so a large part of her childhood was spent couch surfing between relatives, mostly her grandfather.
they were really close! he would help her with her homework, they would cook together, he would let her drink underage so that she was well-versed in beer by the time she was like. idk. 16 lol. but she felt closer to him than her own parents, who were good when they were around but. they mostly weren’t around <3
when she was 19, her grandpa starting showing pretty serious signs of memory loss and whatnot and eventually had to be moved into a home. she was living with him by that point, so she had to continue to spend a year or so of her adult life couchsurfing. it didn’t help that she was in school full-time to get an engineering degree of. some kind. i think mechanical engineering. idk. and didn’t have a job, so to pay back her roommates she took up a majority of the housework as well as picked up odd jobs on the weekend. her grandpa’s health continued to decline through this time so she didn’t actually mind being busy because then she. didn’t have to think about it at all <3
and then.............. when she was 20......... her boyfriend of a year  suggested that she not only move in with him but that they get married and margot, who has never had stability ever in her life, jumped at the opportunity !
after she graduated, she found it incredibly hard to find a career (even though they were in the same program and He had no trouble finding one), so she was back to not working but her husband didn’t mind and he supported her whole-heartedly. during this time she started running and then eventually started going to a gym with a couple of her female friends from their neighbourhood! she would also spend a lot of time at her grandpa’s but his health was still rapidly declining. eventually her now-husband said that she should probably stop visiting him and margot was like “.... ok i guess”
And then. :)
she kept spending time outside of the house and started taking self-defense classes with a few of her friends and her husband was started to get very antsy. he wanted her to be at home, told her that he didn’t like her going out at night or, eventually, at all, and would find ways to keep her home every night so she didn’t go out. during this time he also started getting. um. very manipulative. he was easily triggered into starting arguments. so she increased the frequency of her self-defense classes and, eventually, they became Very Useful in an argument with her husband. so. we hate him :)
after that she filed for a divorce, moved away and changed her name to her late grandmother’s last name. she started working at a gym in her new town and eventually decided to open her own ! she had gotten the building about 2-3 weeks before the outbreak hit and didn’t have any furniture or equipment of any kind, so she met up with 2 middle-aged women from her old gym and they travelled together until one of them was bitten in a fight with walkers and dragged into a big crowd of them to be eaten and the other one was bitten and margot had to shoot her when she got zombified and tried to attack. :(
that’s where i have left off for now but i am going to develop her More the more i watch the show !!!
okay. backstory over. now for the fun bits:
her faceclaim is mackenzie davis specifically in terminator (without the. lines on her arms and whatever idk what those are) and this picture is the most margot-vibe imaginable.
the haircut was an incredibly recent choice but it came in handy during the outbreak because she didn’t have to worry about keeping hair out of her face. girlboss !
she is 6′2 :) her and her husband were funnily enough the 2 tallest people in her graduating class
she spoke occasionally to her parents after graduating and moving away but they fell out of touch a year or so before the outbreak began and she......................... unsurprisingly doesn’t miss them at all
she has 1 keepsake and it’s an old keychain of her grandpa’s and if anything happens to it. she will kill everyone in any room and Then herself !!!
she likes to where tank tops to show off her big arms. is this very ergonomical in the apocalypse where zombie bites can kill you instantly ? nope! will she do it anyway to intimidate people ? yup!
she Cannot cook. at all. she lived off of take-out and microwavable meals for the first 20 years of her life and then she always had someone else making food for her until she moved away on her own when it was back to takeout.
on the topic of food :) her fave foods are mac and cheese with breadcrumbs and meatlover’s pizza !
she will do literally anything for a good beer. anything. she keeps an eye out for them every time she goes scavenging in buildings and will try to get at least 1 bottle per trip. girlboss !
she cannot sing. in fact she’s not just average, she’s Terrible. she can, however, play mad guitar because her grandpa taught her.
now onto miss lila :)
she was born in a town a couple over from rick’s and was the younger sister of 2 ! she had a really great family and a very very happy childhood :) her dad was a wildlife rehabilitator and her mom was a landscaper who took a lot of pride in their nice big backyard and garden and Land where they. you know. rehabiliated the wildlife and what not
she worked a lot with her dad and mom at their wildlife centre and also helped her mom garden a lot (their house was on the same property as the centre so it was a nice big plot of land). she took a lot of interest in rehabilitating animals and it sparked a very early childhood interest in Caring for things (namely little wild critters) which extended to her helping out little kids on the playground when they got scraped knees and things. she always had a package of bandaids in her backpack from second grade on. an angel <3
in her final year of high school she had a very quick fling with a boy from her high school that ended… poorly. and then she got pregnant! which she. Did not expect. nor want. nor need in her life because she was planning on moving to atlanta to go to medical school and kickstart her career. her sister, who had recently dropped out of school and lost her job, decided to Take One for the team and claim the baby as hers so lila could go to medical school and stuff. their parents promised to take good care of her and they all made a plan to hide lila’s pregnancy from their town (although i’m sure literally everyone knows anyway) and then she moved away in the summer after giving birth to go to school
she quickly finished up her nursing program but was out of job for a few years until she got a job offer to be the nurse at king county elementary school aka the school were one Carl Grimes goes to school. she moved there in may and one night, when her car Squealed to a stop in front of a dog who had run away from his home and was being chased by. Um. a certain sheriff’s deputy who was intending on bringing the puppy back home <3 they got to talking and. Well. the rest is history…..
she was a very beloved member of the staff and kids would often fake sick just to come to her office and get a sucker and she grew esp close to the grimes family :D after a couple of years living in king county she got a job to start working at some fancy prep school in atlanta and decided that actually she might want to. You know. start being a mom now that she was finished with school and had a career. so she moved away from king county at the end of the next school year and was unfortunately in atlanta when it was bombed by the government at the start of the outbreak so she and her daughter and sister all died :) and that’s that !
some fun facts because that was a very depressing end to her story:
she always has suckers in her office at school and her favourites are the watermelon ones.
she can often be found gardening in her backyard or watching the birds in the trees like a little nature baby !!!
she is very meticulous about planning. she Does have a daily agenda. she Will kill you if you touch it. shane likes to leave her little notes in it for her to find when she’s at school. sometimes they are not Just cute. she usually erases those.
she likes collecting ugly thrift store paintings of animals and hangs them up in her dining room and she Does think they are incredibly funny.
she is a vegetarian !!! very unwavering about it. shane finds it annoying because he’s good at cooking steak but she just has a salad and then they’re both perfectly happy <3
sends basically everyone she knows a Christmas/holiday card every year. even the teachers at the elementary school who don’t like her and or barely talk to her !!!
she is a terrible maker of tea and usually forgets about cups before she’s even halfway through them (thank god for her). makes everyone tea when they come over except shane (stupid ass) because he doesn’t like it and usually people just politely swallow it even though it’s too steeped or. sorry idk how tea works. she just Makes It Bad ok
she perpetually forgets to do laundry. Most of her non-scrubs have dirt stains or dressing stains or whatnot (except for her Really nice clothes) which is why she tries to buy a lot of patterns. makes things easier to hide <3
and that’s it for now !!! i have so much other lore for them but i will stop here for now :) thank you very much if you read this also i’m very sorry i have twd brainworms i cannot help it. anyway ok that’s it thanks love you bye
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grapsandclaps · 7 years
Beer garden show done, it was off to The Litten Tree again for just a coke this time (around £2 a pint) and also a non-title match in the hotly contested Britwres Pool Championship series in which i lost to current champ (our Geoff) via black ball dq.
We then took ourselves to the delights of another wetherspoon for the cheapest pint of the day thanks to my 50p off vouchers being a CAMRA Member coming in at £1.61 for a pint of Titanic Ale which sank down my throat quicker than the boat.
News then came through of Geoff’s 4 horse Lucky 15 coming in for a return of £141, so it was an ideal opportunity to take advantage of getting a round off him in the Yates’s next door - £4.60 worth of Punk IPA thank you very much 😍. One gripe about this Yates’s was instead of showing the football scores coming through, they showed the titanic collision between Armagh and Everyone’s favourite mechanic - Tyrone playing Gaelic Football JUST WHY???.
Punk IPA done it was time to get the usual fantastic feast from The Sea Chippy which again didnt disappoint for around £7.50 you got Large Fish, Chips, Mushy Peas and Curry. A quick pint in the Spoons on the sea front and a charge of the phones next, we made the short walk to The Tower Ballroom.
Now as i mentioned previously this venue is heralded as like “The WrestleMania” for Strictly Come Dancing with its rich history as one of the UK’s premier dancefloors and a sprung one at that. Walking into the venue you could see as with all Blackpool indoor venues that this a majestic venue with 2 raised tiers and a vast floor area possibly holding around 1700 people. I would guess there was just over 1200 in here from a rough guess which is still impressive for a british wrestling show and they brought lots of noise with it. So here is what went down:
2 thirds of 3 mates pissing about (The Former Models) Joey Hayes and Danny Hope vs Sheikh El Sham & Seymour Gains (Sheikh & Shake) in a good opener with the former models getting the win with Hope hitting the superkick for the 1-2-3
Tel Banham and his cronies (Banham Boys) vs Matthew Brooks and mystery partner who turned out to be BIG T, it was like a match made in heaven seeing 2 of my current favourites teaming up. Banham back from injury didnt feature much here leaving most of the getting beat up to his Boys. To which they eventually succumbed to the power of BIG T & Brooks with BIG T finishing it off with a double chokeslam.
Next up was a rematch from the recent Tidal event with CJ Banks vs Soner Durson, but thankfully this match had more lights to see unlike the Leeds Show. Very much roles reversal from that match with Soner as the babyface and even though the crowd were a bit less receptive to this match, it was still good fare. Soner ended this match with the frog splash from the top rope to Banks and i for one would like to see him grow even further with PCW as he has been doing in Futureshock Wrestling.
Half Time Main Event was a technical masterclass between the up and coming Philip Michael vs Doug Williams. Now it might not be to everyones taste but i was impressed to see the younger Phil keep up with the vastly experienced Williams hold for hold for around 15 minutes, this was another standout performance for Phil even in defeat, i am just hoping now Phil gets the chance in more promotions to expand his character, something he is maybe lacking is a bit of charisma but that may come along with time.
In Ring photo with Phil and Doug next for £5 (Bargain)
2nd half and we start off with a 3 way between 3 of the PCW Academy guys - Dave Birch, Arcadian and Jake Long. I give it to the 3 lads they tried really hard here to get the crowd going including an insane stage dive from Jake Long to Birch and Arcadian. Jake looked very impressive here and as i have said has got lots of potential but alas he didnt get the win here as Birch picked up the cheap win.
In what was supposed to be Saraya Knight vs Lauren next (Saraya and The Knights pulled out due to personal reasons) betting was suspended on the number of vagina kicks tonight, so what was going to replace it you ask? LAUREN VS RHIO PART 2. Very much like their earlier match with Rhio looking better than Lauren using her strength to her advantage but she eventually fell to Lauren in about 7 minutes.
Dean Allmark vs Martin Kirby for the Cruiserweight Title was next but only went around 5 minutes before Lionheart, T-Bone, Sha Samuels and Iestyn Rees interfered to cause the no contest. So due to The Hooligans no show we ended up with an 8 Man Elimination Tag Match with Allmark/Kirby/Bubblegum/Ashton Smith vs Bone/Lionheart/Sha/Iestyn.
This started off wildly with all 8 men paired off around The Ballroom Dancefloor, including one funny moment where Sha Samuels slipped on his arse in front of me HAHA! Allmark, Kirby, Lionheart and Sha all got eliminated quickly once ordered was resumed back in the ring leaving Gum and Ashton vs Bone and Iestyn.
Bone and Bubblegum continuing their rivalry fought to the outside for just a bit too long for referee Des Robinsons liking and both were counted out leaving Ashton Smitj vs Iestyn Rees. The crowd was at its loudest all evening here cheering Ashton to knock Rees off his perch and surprisingly he did hitting the GTS and putting himself firmly into the PCW Title picture maybe as a surprise entrant into next weeks 3 way or later on in the year we will just have to see. But this was a very good match to watch live and the crowd was well into it.
Overall a good show in a fantastic venue that I hope they get to use again in the future, you can easily get noise reverberating quickly in this venue. Search it out on PCW On Demand especially for the Michael/Williams and 8 Man Elimination Match
Drinks prices £3.80 Fosters and £4.50 Kopparberg bottles.
So it was off on our travels and on to one of the worst train rides home in recent memory involving arguments between Youtube Personality Rick The Rock and a couple of very drunks Scally Man United Fans, the female of the pairing i wouldnt even touch it with mine (just embarrassing) U-N-I-T-E-D in a shrill voice for 90 minutes was enough for dogs to cover their ears. Then there was another argument with this pair and another couple who were complaining about swearing whilst kids were there. Then another argument in front of me around the Chorley area over whether someone was being racist or not - GODLEY AND CREME TO THE RESCUE!!
Graps Train are never this eventful but certainly dont want to experience this example of humanity again.
Next week i will be at the PCW 6th Anniversary Show for another double header and it looks a cracker on paper. But if you are not there i recommend going to Tidal Wrestling who have a show at The Church in Leeds #grapsandclaps
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