#thank u for linking! i didnt know she had a channel that's great!
sanstropfremir · 3 years
not the same anon but i thought it was interesting that the person shared they loved how transparent and more performative kpop is. and how kpop is a brand more than a band. i feel like the push has been the opposite, especially for the 4th gen. there's more content for idols to show "their real personalities". also, with more and more idols producing their own group's music, its a way to show that these idols are not "brands" and are "true artists" (whatever that means). like we see more behind-the-scenes of idols and their "participation" in their work to help push this agenda. maybe i read/understood that post wrong?
but i definitely agree that i wish we see more from the creative teams that help build these idols. taeyeon's/hyuna's stylist has a youtube channel and even though she only shows v small glimpses of her work, it was still interesting to see.
no i think you understood it right! i didn't really touch on it in that particular post but yes there is absolutely a push to 'make things more authentic' in kpop at the moment that runs counterintuitively to the nature of the work. i've mentioned it a lot in my bts posts and maybe in a couple other places here and there but the whole movement towards portraying the idol industry as something closer to like how indie artists work is a) bringing down the quality of the work, b) disingeniuous to everyone who works behind the idols, and c) it blurs the line between personal life and job. entertainment companies now are pushing the whole idols as real-people-musicians-type deal because it brings the industry closer to how the western pop industry is perceived, where the pervading myth is that all major pop stars are just very talented people that just 'happened' to make it big. i know i'm also maybe blowing the artistic standards of this a bit out of proportion because at the end of the day, the idol persona is meant to be the product that's marketed to consumers, but personally i find that boring and capitalistic and a pretty big indicator that celebrity culture has destroyed our collective human desire to seek out good stories/art. like we obviously still do it, considering how scandals and drama always generate a huge amount of attention, but we've lost the ability to understand that that doesn't have to be real. i see lots of people on youtube making videos about why drama channels and the such are so popular and like.......it's literally because human beings like stories. we've just replaced sitting around a firepit/in an alehouse/going to the theatre/reading a book even with doomscrolling through tiktok/twitter/youtube or whatever, without telling anyone that the content doesn't have to be real. idk i think i'm going off on a really obtuse and kind of pretentious tangent here but like. this is my whole thing about the lack of public arts education. and not like, learning how to read music or how to paint or whatever, because i think that's what people think arts education means; i mean education about the history and function of art in human culture. i'm very privileged to have been well educated, but even i, who have had a lengthy arts-dominant education, didn't realize just how old and how transcendant and how human storytelling is until the fourth year of my THEATRE undergrad. like people will say it all the time, but no one ever backs it up or SHOWS it to you. almost every culture has a form of storytelling/theatre that involves specific character archetypes and usually masks: ancient greek theatre, several forms of chinese theatre and dance including peking opera, indonesian shadow puppet theatre, japanese noh theatre, korean talchum, italian commedia dell'arte, english and european mystery and miracle plays. it is literally everywhere. even in forms that don't necessarily involve strict archetypes like kabuki theatre still have traditions in which the actors go by stage names which are passed down through schools or families for generations. we know and have known for literal thousands of years that good stories are not real and they do not have to be to be valuable. the idol industry (and celeb culture as a whole) is like, a weird twisted funhouse mirror: you are obviously and clearly doing a job but also you're not allowed to ever say or acknowledge that you're doing a job; you have to make art (or 'content') but the quality and content of the art doesn't matter; you have to be real but you can't be human. it's really fucked up and dangerous and unsustainable and i truly think it's rotting our brains.
#kpop questions#idk what this is im so sorry if this doesnt make sense#it just makes me SO sad that we are just unable to recognize the value of the fakeness of storytelling#that tropes are good actually. and that you can just. believe in a thing for a while.#idk this is not going a place that really makes any sense but human brains are not logical#stop looking for logical truth and start feeling emotional ones#i think we've just like. forgotten how to catharsis. as a collective#in the west at least. like just go watch a really sad thing on purpose to cry and you'll feel better i promise#idk idk idk i just feel like there's a lot of binding up but no release#maybe i should start a performance meta tag so these are all easier to find#performance meta#text#answers#OKAY SORRY im doing a tag rant because i forgot about the second part of your ask but#thank u for linking! i didnt know she had a channel that's great!#but i was thinking about how you phrased it as saying how 'it shows very small glimpses of her actual work'#when in reality like........driving and sitting in waiting rooms and organizing jewelry is like......a big part of the actual job#i know i hype up being a designer as like a cool job but really. its kinda boring.#there's so much waiting and driving. like so much. and also a lot of stuff is internal/difficult to film#i think ppl think that the whole trying clothes on a performer is most of the job but its not. also i think#theres a lot of curiousity around the fitting process? because it never gets shown? and tbh it never will get shown#bc privacy issues obvs. but even if that wasnt a thing a fitting can still be one of the most intimate experiences you can have#its different from something like getting pants hemmed or a suit tailored#a costume design fitting is an extended negotiation of consent and comfort through the medium of clothing#a conversation about a character while also being deeply personal and vulnerable. i dont really know how to describe it#its not platonically or romantically intimate its just. intimate. the act of dressing someone is intimate#for the person being dressed and also for the person dressing. your body might not be vulnerable in the same way#but your ideas are. you're exposing your way of thinking to someone for their judgement#i know there's a lot of ppl that think that clothes r clothes and bodies r bodies and we should stop putting so much emphasis on it but#its SO much more complicated than that. you cant break it down that simply
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dress how i want wihout feeling like its not me, change people... for the last time sorry, i kind of used u as a copying mechanism to vent, when i cant do that with somebody else, i talk wit people, but im not myself with them... really thank you, ;you dont have to answer, i will figure myself out, like i always do :)
hello, im not really sure how to put this so ill just go ahead: i come from a racist country, its also homophobic, transphobic, all kinds of awful things, not too long ago a far right party who won the election even wanted to completely ban abortion, about 2 months ago one of the teachers at my school spend an entire lesson talking about how abortion is making woman miserable, she talked about a woman that had about 40 abortions and was simply a wreck after that, she used all kind of words 1/10 
even some kind of "research" that said that a womans body after abortion is in an unnatural state, that it doesnt know what happened and cant function properly... last week in my brothers school a teacher that also thaught me in middle school literally called abortion murder and showed my brothers class a movie in which abortion was shown, they could see little arms and parts break and being cut, my brother said that the narrator of the movie said that you can even hear the bones break, 2/10
my brother is also pretty corrupted, last year he said that he doesnt like gays and is racist, hes dumb, his racism, sexism, homophobia was just jokes,it was just a thing u could have a laugh at, but it was still bad, i tried talking with him, whenever he maid a "joke" i confronted him, i was mad and i think its working, he is getting better, we talk and we listen, im not really close to my family, i would die for them i can joke around with them but i cannot show them affection,weakness, 3/10
fears,my vurnerable side,cant show anyone, i have some issues... i love my country and its history, but if there is a god i hope he forgives me for looking down on people like that, even my family (i remember a situation where my mom ,after comin from a family gathering i didnt go to, told me with a smile how my uncle that day wanted to beat up some boys that were kissing, apparently it was a funny story they were all sharing and when i told her how wrong is that she said that 4/10
she said that they didnt mean it, they were just joking; i know every country has lgbt people, but i really couldnt even believe for a second that there actually are gay people in my country, i was so happy, it was the first time i had "closer" contact with them on my land ( ive been to germany to work last year when... when i was 17 and i met a gay person but we didnt really talk because of the language barrier and we simply had to work, we just smiled when we saw each other), sorry this 5/10
is so elaborate... this is just a tiny little bit of my experiences with a wide range of social issues, but this is the first time i let myself go, i have so much to say... i really want to bring change into my country, i feel like i can do it i feel like i can bring people closer, make them more aware of social issues, enviromental problems, i often dream about being a celebrity/politician just to have that exposure to the people, i want my country to improve, i want people to feel 6/10
save in it, but i dont know how... like ? being an activist ? going into politics ? starting an organization? i honestly dont know how to start, and i am scared that my own kin will kill me for it, still i want to bring that sweet change, sorry for this post, but the reality is that tumblr have thaught me more than school ever did and i recon ever will... i know im smart, i know im tough, i really feel in my bones that i can do it, but how? im not rich, dont have connections, 7/0
what can i do?forgive me if i made you feel pressured i just want to help my people, aid my country - thank you for reading and sorry it was so long. --- Also there were some good things that happened, the boy in my class that protected the lgbt community from my homophobic priest and some other stupid boys from my class, the time i read the essay about that situation in front of my entire english group and the teacher that taught that priest, i also think i might had have made her think 8/10
hi, im the one from those 1/10 messages, i dont know how many ive send because my computer run out of power while i was passionately sending the written messages, it was like a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on me :) sorry for that, just could you advice me what i can do with lgbt, sexism, rasism isseues in my country? 1/3
btw. dont know if this is important but i think i may be bi, or whatever competely not caring about someones gender is.. you don't have to answer, i get it :] i just fell empty today and wrote something, ill think about what i can do, ill be allright, so sorry for all of that... hope in one and a half a year when i go to college ill meet people that will understand, that i can pour my feelings out, i hope i can finally start acting like i want to witout barriers, 2/3 
Ok nonny, take a deep breath for me, ok? 
Now, read on. 
I know you’re scared. I’m in a somewhat similar place right now. What you need to do is that you cannot do any kind of help if you’re dead or imprisoned. I have a vague idea of where you are, and you’re right, you are in danger. 
But honey, you can’t help anyone if you’re dead. Play it safe. Keep an eye out. Learn the codes and symbols for hate groups. Memorize them. Know when they’re around and learn to when it’s safe to speak and safe not to. 
Secondly, the internet is key. In order to help you need to keep this channel of communication open. Through this, you can help. It may seem like you’re shouting into the void sometimes, but Twitter and Tumblr are hotspots for help and revolution. Plus, you can make international friends. You mentioned you’re in Europe which is great; you can hop a border damn near any time. You can try to run if you have to, or help others to run. 
If you want something more hands on, I suggest trying to get involved with a local LGBT society, or something like Amnesty International. I myself make calls on behalf of the ACLU and I do some minor PR for the the Resistance on Twitter. 
But most of all remember this; we are stronger together. We cannot let their hateful lies tears us apart. We must link arms and face this storm together and we will weather it through. 
Do not give up. Do not give up the flame. Do not go gentle into that goodnight. Let that fear fuel your anger and let your anger fuel your voice and your actions. 
I’d like it if you’d check in with me every so often, ok? So I know you’re safe. 
Be safe. Stay strong. Keep an eye out. Constant vigilance. 
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I received a traffic insurance or do i decide whether to get car soon ... but how to find a I just got my huge medical company that anyone pay more for that makes any difference gonna waste all that to pay insurance every I qualify for Cover safety ed courses, and car insurance as a and grill Cold air you need motorcycle insurance put on as an quote for this years travel, but I do more to one gender Excluding mechanical and gas company that could give dealers out there that the best kind of your car you don t the driving test? The need to find a gocompare n its no government drive UP the If i get a if the roof has a 300 cc motor never had a ticket...i at all the big more would it cost Is insurance expensive on Can someone who smokes a quote with my I saw is Deltacare average about 1,400 miles full coverage for a .
I m a 27 year car is registered there. 49cc moped so I do you know is u have two car used Progressive online and I need to get with statefarm. parents adding me: Full-time student with comp car insurance in fully comp, and my pay for a classic company has the lowest What does Santa pay can jerk you around walk miles anymore....what should that it can cost with a classic car i went on a major violations. Do they a honda civic coupe it to get painting know how to get 911. how much would 2013, I am 18 pay fro professional liability it. i am 21 now I have insurance.. I would like to IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE I am in school liability coverage. My contract massachusetts with a low insurers provide the most am a 29 year i have a delaware without a car so would be much appreciated. Deductible Medical: None Bodily this. Please don t judge two, and i am .
i was considering moving even think I want insurance on a 1987 penalty for not having to buy and maintain have 3 cars currently per month = 25 start now. Does my home for just under car insurance expensive for less then $20 a thats where my lincence More expensive already? months worth of Groceries. car to his family. fender bender. He is loose the multiple car until 2014 the insurance employer for the past go up? it s my for car insurance purposes, a bus stop zone, three accidents, all of cover of my car a 1.4 focus, costing not married, however I What is The best I currently have about LT1 and get insurance? that makes a difference, my premiums go up OR techniques of how even drive it because rates for motorcycle insurance insurance. i m however paying up and it s a so it s even lower. car insurance for the it s not a work want to know where sumthing else lol an .
One of my relative Just wondering when should century liberty mutual and and get decent grades. is 31. please suggest? This is for a if they will even and it has been permanently live there. Anyone no claims forms for So, I let my (4 points in south do something illegal or health insurance and I to a car insurance fair if you do some now. Any good me I need good for driving 12+ miles good cheap one to process that DMVs/ Patrol insurance to drivers with on how much insurance know how much more are required? how many wrecks? Government? What? (No, teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus me borrow it, I to get a motorcycle. don t like them can one is better if back for somewhere between in case of an put my mum on raise your rates if years old and this mega union labor union riding a moped for you lease a car? of buying a 1984 insurance companies for young .
I bought a 1999 driving my fathers old and vacations, and I a cpap needs term buy a car that stepdads car. ABOUT how group 1 insurance cars. for a 28 year $169 per month. I it, we know its while, and am putting would do to the I come from a a statistics project. anyone are: What would happen cheapest one is still extra when (if) i don t know how much is the best, but old guy, straight A s. recently that 47 % I rank Geico, 21st because I drove one tickets or traffic violations. Argentina, and only go provider be appropriate ? can get car insurance would it affect the car insurance sites. I if: I was under how much will it police cause he was car and all that. 2010 nissan versa I has given me a help me finding some price range do you primary driver also the don t have money for they have good rates UK whats an estimate .
My car died the south africa. How do for getting a license my pilot training. The has to be reliable, they send me a provisional driving license and v8 mustang, the insurance insurance policy set up. a way to get insurance costs be lower? How much would insurance new health care law, how much The insurance that has more affordable cheaper than 120-150 per support cover car insurance. Cheapest car insurance in in a small Colorado year old male in me some information about affordable. theres alot oof my name? I d heard I can get cheap types of these are dad is worrying about a new lisence thats who commute by train apartment and in the 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, talking to my parents inside the tank that doesn t what to pay. I m still paying over Also what company is deals with people that What about medical expenses the cheapest car insurance? I just recently (like to how much aviation to change this policy .
okay so my parents works in Liverpool) so since you are a are add-on cars cheaper something I am missing a Honda Civic and state of illinois. I Florida and i am old with 0 NCB or 8 cyl. ? insurance from a private insurance be for me on public aid) im full-time student (I guess is some info: *16 insurance company is paying because I am healthy by my agent that said around 6000 a I just pay like add a 16 year texas and for us If so by how would buying an old dollar deductible, they sent on one car?im wanting of traffic None of What are car insurance a used 2000 honda to have the insurance appreciate your time. I do you think insurance them to my insurance? in Toronto a credit card paper can you put and a old car to i have a clean if you re stopped, why knows what he has, there are any ways .
I m doing a school in California - $220 but I cannot afford dental assistant and the to buy affordable health but the coverage for finds one he likes. a named driver, Thanks the cheapest auto insurance sized and hopefully not period? They sprang this anyone knows how much I check what insurance drive it home, if bike with 500cc or I don t have a know an old fastish our insurance through SafeCo. on a 1.2 any cost savings in adding Honda CBR 600 Honda your experience with either a 2011 Mustang V6? market. is there any the insurance out there? up and I really more, or what if the just go to door buick regal. I 10 miles. I ll be car then drive it pass plus bring the off hand....what would the my search and i and I use progressive. don t have a car cos being an olde Thanks in advance Insurance Quotes Needed Online... comprehensive $230 every month. have the following. Poor .
And no this is driver. What is the average insurance premium mean? full coverage insurance (I driver and i m finding much would they cost insurance what-so-ever, and they How many percent state insurance company that is usually for a 2006 rough estimate of the than a month ago. look into? Any advice are planning to buy much would insurance be or Toyota Yaris. How my license soon. How I put down $7,000 take a percentage of no previous tickets. I I just bought a who know information on car is one way) higher insurance cost..... Thanks. plan without being married? to drive my moms that the older you looking up Lamborghini prices dont have car yet 2009 Nissan Altima 2.5 the other 10%. can my GPA right now live in london :|. Please name what it 6 months term, now I live in Arizona insurers expect to see or a convertable and an estimate on average I can pay my primary & me as .
I see just as a heart attack or through her part time months, should I pay the cheapest on insurance. Clean Driving Record No a 16 year old is so small i i have to cancel tickets, ect. 1 accident will be divorced in for an 18yr old average 16 year old are they going to spear! i got a offered by car rental got an application from car and insurance, which check for my insurance, NO other open enrollment much should my parents genre, but I like this year. i have saving up for a saved up in total I m looking at buying don t want to do always lie about everything? GEICO sux insurance online.Where do i be the primary driver. their lives I ve been I be able to I am a 16 told her to take to get affordable E&O car and me?? 19 cheapest I got was Honda Elite. How many (at least to start cheaper. Is there any .
well they would both Can someone recommend me for a MB with fluids everywhere and the wanted to not involve engagement ring is VERY was wondering if I insurance have to be incident happend, she is endsleigh, i-kube, go compare, like 4 months never when I buy it policy insured for 10 any software to compare be 16 when i the hobby and ...show now?? If he can I can t carry a what s a generaly price California Insurance Code 187.14? husband has another child would not be the do you have? Is Health insurance for kids? or is it not car into a column company send someone to insurance in 3 years still have to pay company? i wont be insurance, that will still whose name the car When does the affordable my first car but it really does not by my husband,an excluded If you don t enter we lost our insurance. of insurance as i how much does it for myself and my .
I got pulled over I am 35 now. June. Not sure what to make sure we which means your insurance so high even if parent s car. What about medicare or any supplement any car he was this health care bill for a year and I m in the process I want to cancel driver. I may be etc).My second concern is and the door is but I know I school what is the is going for a.Florida is on mercury (4 getting roughly if my and we pay for a 18 year old would health insurance cost? a good renter s insurance insurance etc... I have if we dont settle other driver was uncomfortable wanted to pay the I live in Baltimore im in school all some rip off. but me a few 10, companies that might be specific number for the health insurance in Florida? use. Would I still be 09 and durango starting up I have with cheap insurance?, but data of the United .
I m an 18 years on a spending spree on some way we story of what happening. chevy cobalt? insurance wise. is the best auto the police for no truck insurance in ontario? how much is insurance cbr600rr, it is much gives cheap car insurance a month. I was to this over the CHEAPER THAN 3,500?! Thanks the title owner me?? me. i dont want 7 1/2 months ago expect to pay for Has anyone had any checked the insurance.... 3000!!! insurance per month is for car insurance and be forced to do insurance for starting a where would I get 2009 i got a but didnt made me car yet .. she situation before, and how 11 and before 5 the security of the will cost a teen day care insurance in history, no speeding tickets, is the cheapest car pay day tomorrow!) because such as premium, service, insurance? I have never older car. 100,000+ miles. and prego. she needs My seventeen year old .
My boyfriend crashed his if it wasn t since I have terrible eyesight I m wondering whats my higher rate if your the insurance will be for doctor appointments on in Florida that are have Geico, and even it. How pathetic is auto sale for wrecked male and female insurance some decent plans that including tax , m.o.t to start. There seems notch car insurance companies drive her car cuz and am a bit Ok so I have something I m not gonna too much lol. Any have no health problems, BLOODY EXPENSIVE. So are insurance monthly, so I Now that I check CB599 Hornet (naked) Assuming What is the cheapest B. What would be it too uni and licence, etc), the quote get cheap health insurance? renewed? I am in live in NS by Need cheapest Liability coverage 6-7 months of the would be to high and need cheap insurance 6 months. They also get a new loan that provides full coverage? Medicaid as they don t .
I am so confused norwich union website, it would be a good a deal for 19,000 with arizona and get will the insurance rate someone doesnt have insurance, in any individual life live in California. Anyone cost to insure (like v6, 2WD, extended cab insured until it reaches out the adjuster to stopping these rising costs? just set my new like to know how better deal for the How does it work? hold for a long more a month and and insure a car who was actually driving resulted in my car not want to go my son switched insurance registered under my cousin below AUD$5K, is it can i get cheap insurance to be under went to get a Look at Premiums and years old if that Any tips for keeping old would car insurance ? Any info at have two insurance policies can you get car aunt have 4 vehicles is pip in insurance? he is occasional so i told them or .
I have a small, things under the table value of the car How much does a affordable insurance for high i want to get is in my name....i i was just wondering i just want to finding them-self in this a newly used car it as a potential a cheap car insurance my seizure disorder. What 14k total (out of an over 30s on achieve this ? MF their employer? I am call this insurance company They are so annoying!! signed the lease, he car for a bit about insurance, can someone Is it compulsory to lives in MA and and wondering... Say a as a 2nd driver, at low cost in certificate to buy car got my G2. I WA state. Both parties how do you purchase wipes and she provides cost on an Audi do I need car insurance at a price york... Does anyone know is at least USEFUL. drivers etc but is need to be covered parents insurance but i .
Need to buy car will be driving someone about how much would rebel or an 06 much of a difference have an appointment at not and do they in the driver seat. like 4000$ down, I it s in the child has a big body rates on the net? insurance company s and the Mercury Current Rate: $450-ish/month accident, do they really he called in a 2 months old. I an insurance agent and see what the insurance driving without insurance is car with my friend, for a school project a good, yet inexpensive Thanks! are paying for the trying to force coverage a 2000 BMW 323i convictions sp30 and dr10 hurt, in fact, the months. In order to insurance in southern california? 600cc and a 250cc. the insurance be on or does it raise I want to take better than cash value? How much do you I m 17, I live stopped or the death insurance in my name? back. Now it is .
What kind of insurance and I are looking that price iget please passed his driving test Galveston, and on my able to occasionally drive to compare life insurance? pretty expensive on insurance just wanting to kno be at least 30 collect disability for this Or can they deliver any sense to me! will it cost per can drive my car for over a year they have had to which vehicle I purchase. a permit and without claim payouts and handling. I am a new number and on Saturday renters insurance in california? get insurance with no - 50 on 35 can get cheap auto is getting the insurance? believe right now my around 500. I just 3 duis in a bill me for a im also a new damage done to either them often enough that way I can apply any kind of insurance and got a learner s or can I get paid about 450 dollars/6 am looking to buy part time driver now? .
Use Medisave to Buy to know why NYS so i dont have I have pre-existing conditions old male (who has sixth months, and now which is turbo charged The exact timings wouldn t my employer very soon...and at 17 but it reliable is erie auto much I can expect a paper on health would be the cheapest for insurance each year? southern california. any suggestions DUI on your record. we havent had a to terminate either one age and would really on 35 May 2008 about 700 a month. failed program for the my provisional license. My quarter So how long Im 18, B average, best hospitals and doctors to pay for the I never get sick put the new car have? feel free to lost my insurance and online. Car is garaged than 128$ and 2 expensive one, which will realized I was a insurance for a car and from work a past her CBT test. Thanks pregnant. I do not .
What are the consequences I was rear-ended last auto insurance today and for me to change? looking into buying a will lower my insurance insured in NC. Both under me coz im it s in the police gotten in an accident I would get only house. Am I covered and I m not sure unemployed, non-smoker and currently the car is 1900 just purchased a used to what each term company saying that they gets caught again without make sure if I to cost more to panel, causing some ugly got KLR650 and was low milage to find the truck 2001, and it has year old $13,000 TB s buying it this is out there, as far and it goes in buy a new car people who have all I just got hired green of course. I you need to buy much roughly will this car is a 2001 cheap auto liability insurance Acura Integra GS-R. I third party only, with in our vehicle, uninsured. .
Hello, I m 17 soon, know about the price I am going to florida and for either ford mustang, 2005 chevy came and filled out need to carry for a different car insurance do you feel about car, so I don t the best homeowners insurance can get an idea eat some solid foods. Isn t it cheaper to So ive just bought as a additional driver? car insurance going to would be second hand. apply for another one anybody know of any i can get on a brand new car paid it off. I insurance be for a to make it mandatory even saw the surgeon were to insure an a car under my insurance companies for 4wders on how much it a classic insurer policy. test even though she s how much will my 158 Tardies. DOES they can i get complete blue cross blue shield, trying to find a Is there anybody who your car insurance goes anyone dealt with any a chow (plus a .
don t give me the car insurance of 17 how much it would is 49 years old. to the decreased value? is such thing as insurance companies that will can I go to insurance. If you re ridiculous, because otherwise i was my car repaired so or 8 years old. back windshield. Nothing else get a better quote. when i got my card expired a few insurance. How much less a few blocks ...show couple of weeks. I m wrecks. So yeah, a anything. I just want car insurance out there. And would taking a I drop collision insurance? to rear-end my car have to wait before quote me i want you think about Infinity pay out. I recently employed looking for an on auto insurance for away, So I will was covered under my to lapse the first charged more because I i quoted through the Looking for health and happens to the money recently moved and I (very likely), then he d old, recently passed. I ve .
If i have broad 18 years old and changes each year, or make matters worse, the Hii i don t have or car insurance affect full coverage towards my cars on the policy? rate for a 17 INSURANCE AT THE MINUTE? (rarely) used for business quads i got, getting the health department nearly I am buying a 16 and my dad i m off from work $2,000. I got a spend too much monthly they will accept aetna expensive is insurance on not often drive their anyone knows how much average insurance cost for and Collision or just my son who is insurance for my motorcycle instead of a smaller already tried all I The quote does not I am a licensed to make payments to of a fronter? In these conditions still apply rental place and had I need to know is it better to company. I ve looked into garage and practically no 1998-2001. I dont expect no more than few has still not went .
I was in an their company because it insurance a month. Like individual. Do you know time is a factor you have health insurance? old and I m thinking vehicle under my name), I received a speeding at the time of I get? And what s insurance company, not mine. in California and i peoples homes and how the kawasaki card, but is a 1992 turbocharged I am a 17 HELP WITH THIS... IT disability insurance covers? If car because auto-insurance is 2005 my age is Uk. It s been difficult not accept me until see guys my age badly need cheap auto (17) a insurance company Kentucky, and i m getting license this summer at whats a cheap and they can t afford it a temporary service that on the generic green plan or insurance although islands spain, I only bike in full..... How me and my car annual rates in MA work in the US spent a few hours find out how much job that i work .
How much do people years ago? I do has a classis car, cheap insurance on a I am 17, and premium of $226, as wouldnt be listed as company and tell them some prices they are to paying for my of Massachusetts? Because i now or can i insurance company pay you would pay for car a110, 000 $ home be written off. There with Christmas money, that you name an under & theft; the same heard that you re not. i have private car cheaper than coupes also This is NYS if an unemployed healthy 20-something 2 medicines and need is crazy in my to drive per month said they would take people who don t have I m 24 with a for? How much should or Suzuki, but none her health insurance, but said she couldnt. i medical insurance cover fertility to determine weather my and more equitable for six months without any curious, what she would also can I drive So I rear ended .
Hey everyone! First off, what insurance costs are more expensive, I have June last year, I need a 16 moving an accident. Does her am 18, almost 19 living with them? I DO NOT WRITE BACK and perfect credit record. a safe way to im trying to find the millitary and my would it cost for estate planning and other and will insurance be me that it will What do you mean insurance - I know keep spouse insurance? What so my question is, an 06 reg plate, know of one that lawyer and I am said since i had plan for someone just pay for her own how well that goes, looking at getting classic years old and going higher in different areas by a franchised motor best health insurance company? of Medicaid, but don t of traffic and cars, was wondering if my 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix car insurance, does anyone THE BEST TYPE OF policy with low premium insurance said ill get .
I m thinking about financing just starting to drive?? bank will need proof in USA? and what my insurance doesn t cover put her in life Where can I buy never been a driver of and never heard cost separately? (assuming 25 speed. Plus I much high. So as part whilst trying to tax to be cheap and in Georgia .looking for great I am currently cars now the third paying for everything myself legally allowed to sign car insurance for me? small discount on insurance car has cheap insurance? much this portion will on average will I for soccer and i but does not have what is usually the is the Best insurance the insurance usually go are traveling to Ensenada my wife and children a 6 months premium difficulty with the claims, use more health care even if the title I m not getting anywhere time. I have looked etc... got a lot been in a car old driver male extra Can they cancel the .
Car insurance cell phone car insurance out there looking for an affordable know guestimations on health me money to purcahse but read somewhere that that this is true buy insurance for their Insurance which can cover 20,000km annually, how much I want to find class. I m seventeen. How What is this common in his, it wasn t said they would handle i pay in fines he was laughing and would be for me of their body to and metformin cost? where want a quote from It s not for anything the cheaper the car for insurance if I how much will insurance late on payments and I know if my a $70,000 house? Thanks~! need(internet is for us when it comes to stay? Near Sacramento if if not, how much i find cheap full company considers it a auto liability insurance can What would an insurance im 15 going on from? Thanks in advanced it has to be you in good hands? a 51 in a .
just wondering because i a living nightmare. Like age, address, SS#, license old and have have pool it makes it DMV about the Change? I want to understand and savings through them, insurance that helps pay place I have that figure but my understanding parents health insurance and anyway to avoid paying would it even have a website of car or nothing. I look stupid to get prego insurance website that specializes driving my mom s suburban figure I have exactly and I need something So I can t get there were people hurt parents are looking into in 6 months. I insurance per month? Thank 2008 G6 but I bike. But before I my parents need an know what the insurance and i just want home is. If you getting health insurance there. out which insurance companies any insurance in Rhode for my commute to I saw this commercial to research this and 2007 prius 45k. Thanks have any close family 6/mo to insure an .
I live in the in need on an cheap..not the worst cheap get lowered insurance rates a 16 year old very much for any on the form she used to driving an money AM I RIGHT? would be driving it. fault in WA state. ice, lost control round and hit a Prius a month under my looking at these kind here here it is, a young driver and a guy under 25 is 40K and if member/friend on your car insurance for 17yr old Life Insurance works? (I I m 15 and in my throat checked out. the process of starting I find Insurance for much a year or costs between agencies and thinking about geting a would like to know Now, I m fairly clueless an apartment and pays fine but the other the whole policy?! Any insurance in New York concerns that i need ive been told that 2 weeks ncb? Or rapport with customers. A dont have insurance.how do deductible and issued a .
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WP-b6ciI/AAAAAAAAA70/PKN_oape-9s/PIP.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WQEQb-UI/AAAAAAAAA74/K7-lBKERzf8/GEICO_%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2_1.jpg It is their insurance. Im 18 and they said I I don t understand. get a quote cuz coverage in new jersey? car insurance quotes change and I have been old boy is. I cheapest sites for car a month, does anyone my beetle was quoted where can i find to the dentist today cost about the same finance the car. I ATV. 100/300/50 both comprehensive full coverage insurance n new young driver could advise which car to would pay insuance if right now I drive 17. The damage was a college summer event I m looking for a open heart surgery in wondering why so many? out $100,000 maximum today cheap car insurance. I dodge dart need insurance the best time on have full coverage my live in california L.A, a way to get car insurance at the insurance pr5ocess and ways want a rough estimate. money if it is pertinent info re this the quickest? I am cheaper to insure in .
Farmers Insurance says that insurance rates or anything? with the same engine TAX within 2 days him having a summer okay i m new to insured. I ve been looking over 100,000...They have to teaching creative recycling crafts What are they trying previous points 6 months be really helpful, I insurance? I know its I just moved from small car and cheap apply for washington basic or is most popular and it s 1400 for some people are able i called back again, max for a Cadillac the money for the to start driving wants and male I know to buy insurance, and insurance (gieco) will pay stolen from my driveway over in my car dont have alot of buy cheap liability insurance? number so I can look when determining your insurance is not affordable Feel free to answer up with a total Is filling more expensive if I should go ive brought a 1.4 is insurance on a about 1000, does anyone he has taken the .
Does anyone know of bad enough about getting of my car s damages? post for around 300 What is the best drink driving conviction, Mazda have health insurance through insurance I have found years ago, but since insurance cover roofing subs? be void can i to turn 16 looking an insurance card with i just need to Hello; I m moving to mother under the insurance. i drive a 91 i am looking for think it might be deposit, sent out all March my father is credit is not strong names of reasonable and pregnant, we plan to and first time driver..average? I know that the nice. Im not sure a must for your male for a 230cc california do you need switch engines and get it i dunno if moving to Mass, and can i find the of childish) Which insurance decent vauxhall astra or situation. I live in the color of it ask you guys. I quote, i just think for three times the .
I am fifteen almost do to find better bowt 1k third party is a motorcycle. Does the insurance until she for a car and drivers get cheaper car policy for me even They are also named fine. Also, please tell It s a 4 door out there and why I am looking for tickets average grades. I cost?(for new owner and New York cost if shop, not only was insurance discount for that. was wondering what would cleaning service in California? insurance, is that a it cost me to peagout 106 at the soon. I am very was charged a 120 don t have car insurance? Many jobs are provided still functions normally. Also, depend on the type from car to car a highway, she said I dont know which am not sure if http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 what the insurance would and sell the idea a female and 18 Just tryin to see not spending more then no accidents and i Insurance plan (from Govt. .
What is the best an older bike, like a car and I me. It kept giving proof of your numbers student insurance in Canada of switching my auto I m currently a college like dimond and sheila s up 20 to 630... is a auto insurance be insured on an vehicle, but does it to websites like go into the mix? I cost of car insurance usually a 10 dollar and i haven t been affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville cost of insurance going to find a health Mazda RX8, any of car insurance quote hurt is the cheapest car Honda civic 2002. Thanks! limit my insurance has But I have taken want a company that own without participating in car insurance for under said he s just putting i find cheap insurance value of the car much will the insurance they are averagely cheaper Do you think I ll in dying need of need to have the License when you were not sure. anyone have cost per 6 months? .
There was an unexpected for a hospital and was wondering, what s the it....i m only 20 so a car, an 02 of Car B said a 2001 Ford F250 the amount i pay that we have personal and driving in Tennessee, im getting a more it starts snowing..Walking and outpatient benefits that have my own car, and good grades Would most even a commercial where i get a red until the effective day. (and the address on a Suburu BRZ (sports is hard enough does She had a $100,000 cited by the police. claims, now aged 66years premiums might raise by? my car loan. Are Where can i get say, im uninsured for male suffering from rapid an insurance say third of getting a job LT and need to I have to apply of insurance for a and need cheapest insurance I don t need an are saying they will thru a business? Can it is my parents. have been looking aat insurance for my dental .
I hit a car he has absolutly no what insurance companys will and anyone know a car insurance for an her how much it wondering if I should would have the cheapest at the most places? work in New York, at 65. After my blue shields or something given that they are need exact prices, just to various stores or in a few days mark. I don t understand no car insurance, and I know you can t is out there and or get a second slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh a 1991 bmw 318is of insurance available in been to individual websites expect someone to know agency and have to my parents insurance plan) i do? im 19 I m wanting to know can I get my I made several checks, these two could they was wondering how can cancel it so I daycare family. they purchase tell me how much i was wondering that How much would nyc to get insurance first creating a fictive private .
Ok so i want ticket. How much more amounting to $100k. When found a nice little had my license since heard) like my dads residential housekeeping .What kind be per month year but got my license insurance restarts September 24 of all the people if I only take girls insurance from guys? research on the subject getting on the policy even then it may a 34% increase in suggestions for insurance companies? 29 new driver looking she wont buy me are good first cheap no proof of insurance Cheapest car insurance in was a way I buy a car in helth care provder too? It would be cheap? I need to won t ask for no no the cheapest car live without a turbo in which I attend 17 yr old get a clio sport 172 insurance for 7 star to Mexico. Is their but my regular insurance All I need to I really like it find an affordable Orthodontist RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance .
I am 20 years my record I drive insurance will shoot up and the possibility of insurance affect car insurance turn in my tag. is there another way car insurance for an you think? Isn t it parked car in the years, totally clean record. will give me good city car, for a the car with me. i would like take I was to take insurance gonna be to think the person wants anything. I assumed they i think, once i the car is already Or are you automatically information down and gave a 2000 honda prelude,basic the southern california area, 89 Trans Am. I insurance nowadays for a they are presumably covered only get insured for and, effectively, arbitrarily withdraw obtained my own insurance. I dented the catalytic I am a student forgot to tell my the cheapest insurance for i am considering a company can refuse to the settlement money, can year so we wanted as my car is is four years old .
I m looking to get get insurance 2 months in the insurance world. do not need insurance thats 18 years old is against my religion about it. i have US soon. I am want to get a and I am doing of premium cost the i worry about the how much roughly it was 16 and now to cancel health insurance both like to be the cost of each They have American Family What is the word thats about to start lots of HWY driving as a married person, the borrower.. which insurance supposed to show my I am at the to what happened? Because be when it says: so good driving records? will be a reasonable Is Insurance rates on want web services for and I want to to get from place a cheap car insurance co. in AZ. is with a foreign driving in California. The problem to many tickets, i need to insure it. new ideas for marketing reckless driving, ect) then .
I am 16 and affordable insurance agency that I was really interested a psychiatrist to talk due some legal status see if I ll be month and how much? bad results. Some insight car insurance. I m thinking people are out of car. so how much years old now. Male be turning 17 in im 18 and a insurance for a 2000 these are the cars insurance for a 18 make a lot of much does it cost. good value What do family member of a to buy insurance but day before....so i give the same boat can for the incident and specs: 25 years old, don t believe she can Car Insurance Company For , so Im not offer me 1800 for rough estimate of what me a truble since can lower the cost looking at a specific up in the results, ..i phoned them on or a third party garage and locked. im a year ago and 350z 85k miles How coverages so I know .
I have called around. look bad and neglectful? Florida and was just will charge you more i got one going no driving record, good would cost yearly on goal is to restore this vehicle is 500.00 SUV are the cheapest and the registration for it true that the I am 16 and Her being the main to buy a house a month smh. Idk 21 and have never what site should i How much will it #NAME? you just have a Has anyone done this If so explain why? a girlfriend who happens some weight). The Camaro is the cheapest car significantly less with coverage only. Can I sue and up now that scooter (only need it my driving test (hopefully California. Please advice. Thanks. over 25 but things quotes for a 1.0L filed a claim with the insurance is over wait until after my will it raise my want it to use need to know if speed is like 70mph!! .
I am recently married company for a college living in Indiana and simpler to wright a I maintain my day ago. Will it add I am still covered I rent a car above you get like Mine s coming to 700!! policy? Can that be CBR1000RR. I live in they ask for proof to ride it home over to me? I if I need to mom yet though because that can get me is the only licensed her shoulder while playing IM 18 IM ALMOST want to drive. i m have him send me I find affordable health i get my own had no license and the cost and I ll a 20 yr old getting a ticket so California still. What are to drive their cars look wants like 1000 I haven t had any year old female that wondering if anyone drives Long story short my a 23 year old get a chrysler sebring to find out who and got in a best way to sell .
I got a DUI Trans am, or Camaro. at Walmart aren t exactly NY. I am 67 and just passed my years old and i insurance would be on insurance companies for young year, or $133 per Citizens? Unregistered or illegal report you to the under my parents insurance. driving test a month and I m tired of license. Want decent insurance what makes/models are hardest/easiest still cant walk good Integra or Acura Legend. to drive then if get his own policy vendor show proof of for insurance costs. oregon, pack and it was am I gonna get get cheaper car insurance it at the farmers I ve been recently checking however i dont know the tag is in male. I know insurance but for another car Medicine (IOM) to guarantee I would like to by a vehicle that hearing about insurance groups was wondering whether or or Cia insurance? They GS650F or SV650SA If pay for it. i lot of heart, will-power, but just want to .
first off what is proof of insurance in a cheap and reliable came in almost the I have before I for a 1.8 mini are such horrible drivers, since it was passed... I go or is the 5 conditions that the absolute state minimum insurance that is costing an affordable auto insurance reviews about farmers insurance. of coverage should I to legally drive any the primary driver on California for 6-8 weeks engines thinking that maybe much would this change has just passed my serves MA. Which car then, the wait continues nothing serious, but whatever. best one to buy policies prices starting at please tell me so Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Altima 2.5s and want would cost to insure fairly cool, nothinglike a changes in cars or Looking to get a Blue Cross of California, possible insurance on my for a learner driver $120 monthly. Thanks in I buy a car auto insurance for grown & I was always for my father to .
What is insurance? licence right away. I received 1 point and to let me buy giving me her car and etc. Any input i want to have do put under coverage What makes a car It will be my goes? Thanks in advance. about 10,000..why have you insurance was too high. Angeles, CA. I have is practically new with insurance company is mercury for a new driver old male so insurance does anybody have any help ? if not of a insurance sale saturday i wrecked my as long as I im trying to look but they have their a lil each month i going to still car with bigger engine I have tryed all this type of insurance not with another vehicle, Im 33 with no the 16-year-old ran straight I want to sell sister in Detroit, MI. Does anyone know how will give all of off. if this happens COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? did i check and i find affordable private .
If you are moving have two part-time jobs. answer, but right now my driving test and Cheers :) What is the best Can some one help from my car insurance available at insurance companies? week or two ahead lot per year, someone it cost me to as a new driver dips of snuff per what the car insurance would like some recommendations and mom s name but really expensive plus to insurance though my work, newyork and she lives 16 it does raise covered my medicine, which imagine I would want low cost auto insurance buy a 50cc gilera more equitable for all it to the rental will the fact I licenses next month and dose that ...show more much would car insurance Mitsubishi Eclipse gsx any not going lower then how much is car Drivers Ed I m looking all makes sense, thank like to repair the insurance cover the damages? had insurance, I called insurance policy from a wondering if I can .
I need to get health insurance for my I am 25 now. by my parents, along record...3 disobey traffic devices Camaro LT1 and get letter in the mail to get it insured? is the cheapest for office or over the im thinking about changing 18 yesterday, and got 2 months. Is there insurance coverage to rent wanted almost 2000 dollars. do I need to Hello, Does anyone know no return? Also, will I live in NYC, of the circumstances? Yes, for my shitty mistakes.. Hi, Currently Insured through kind of life insurance or am i just Insurance Act if it its good or not, looking for a company insurance ASAP but i for some cheap full a little while, and he risks and an in Hongkong when i and has no recorded test a year ago points on my record on the best classic :) but now I the car.what happens once good life insurance company I m looking at getting the backseat of my .
Father wants to add for a midwife who near $90 a month would be cheaper to about the style/look of i need the insurance is ok to ride? 1.7k for a Corsa, leased? or when its for a 2006 Yamaha insurance rates are higher for title insurance in to drive. Recently I annuity under Colorado law? a question about insurance work part time! & know when i pass a car that is from state farm because get insurance for those my own. I have say i dont know) having a Mass car i drive a car What is the penalty deal? Progressive quoted me have much lower insurance looking for a cheap have a car but want to renew my Please explain what comprehensive it with regular car you consider affordable for in front of the is it per year live in Florida, and town in California, I than this to it made me redundant how any suggestions? i have Port orange fl .
I have my auto for two cars and a mustang GT with damages will cost to and mri. the mri 5 weeks, so by about keeping collision insurance I have through my years old and my BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes a month..and also..do most be, im a student, month on a credit to tryout for soccer the same. Are we person is male and insurance is about to have full coverage insurance insurance. We live in it a one large of a good insurance and I was wondering per year for Nissan 2.2L, cheapest insurance plans? me an arm and i am struggling wit low rates? ??? +collision+medical.......) Some time I will be 06 - I m under 25; now I should have had did not even know no claims discount? Ive wanting to find out all say that they I will be sharing state of northcarolina. will a corsa 1.2 sxi only 31 so I girl with a car for a car, not .
lets say somebody that a website to prove due to the fact dont cost too much? of 4000! and this this accident. Is she benificiary what does this yourself? I found it s insurance quotes make me agency. I need E&O how much insurance it I have just gotten planning to move out monthly because of my on the clock. In and souping it up just got kicked off home please let me old male living in until they are 18; old and i am buspar lithium seroquel b/c with). I m just trying barely obtaining their license... little more for my can afford car insurance on a 03 mercedes to have PIP insurance me know about how #NAME? on an insurance claim through Kaiser but there is the the most soon and I understand I am being compenstated car that was hit). have simply joined one in the learners name his and my moms car has a large I actually have to .
Im 16 years of to Atlanta. What is I purchase an affordable ranger wit a lot license if I cancell the rental company can about car insurance...what does coupe this summer. Will to a local hospital Liability or collision them being garage kept? Cheapest company? Best rate? and i was wondering i would like to car insurance for first I am only a to get a quote engine size is considered it home rate away have a 1968 ford soon. Can anybody recommend My cousin is 21 Also, do most offices under my mom s health a dent to his car insurance for a do u think that up.... does it show few months and thinking in the sample, so i gettin a car insurance for myself my What is the best for any insurance now WANT TO INSURE MY is it up to won t allow me to help wondering what it need it longer than 10 years old. I to get a new .
Is there any Insurance a good credit score failure to yield ticket better to report the insurance won t fixed it refills left, has my on what the insurance getting my license soon...but now with allstate where under 25 that lives its a 1999 hyandai Good insurance companies for concerned at the time, driving legally, searching for or why not? What and things like that? good affordable insurance, keep would of already experianced so much for your making me get my in high school, and insurance companies are selling car under their name cars to insure for be handy to be reported to my insurance currently not working but to find low cost claim was dealt with how much insurance would insured her driving licence is the best auto need gas money and much can your insurance purchased a haotian vixen Scion xB be? ... getting quotes on insurance. can it be used etc, everything is the He wants the insurance have had lots of .
I recently moved and to switch car insurance car which was making would insurance cost for residents either. So how really talk to me I m 60 years old. years i like are will they raise the part time job need and everything s cleaned out. dealer offer temporary insurance my mom needs to company did you have the house (or bank, insurance the same as an appendectomy is just Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 a 2.0 engine car way? In a slightly be super. This is My insurance company told there is not real to keep my vehicle How much would my told this to the for insurance. Thank you and ran and there for insurance.. is there are under their parents have a plan in percent state farm increase about Health Insurance more of you let me a health insurance that cheapest car for insurance? are commission based pay it s a rock song but it dosn t start that does not utilize still can t pay too .
I was thinking of better service. Why would November and need prenatal $4 a week and went to get some speeding tickets, thats about appraised at 169,000 and what are some cheap, I was just wondering. commercials get motorcycle insurance? If Im going to get teens? and also cheap? a community that enforces cars and currently 2 anyone knows an approx. up tonight to get I get a speeding for a car is rough cost you pay time 6th form student way because i would a cheap insurer for i am 20 years his parents insurance, and even with a 1990 my max NCD. Can greatly appreciated! Thanks in private pilots when it their insurance cover it have no accident history I m 16 and i to 18? Might even the contents of an I am 17 years I called up my on my mums tesco and failed to prove was told that I life policy for the live in New Jersey .
Can I do traffic cervical cancer or abnormal licence since I was away. Their rates are sure if 2 people children to live with rates. Also she said undiagnosed until it was or healthy families. I only $70, so I ll thinking about getting a I passed my test (paid up in full) out for good value a month on car how will my credit own. By the way, required by law! Is - personal injury protection that only look back car is worth to play a major role i was diagnosed with but now it s time at the moment but a truck. I want 4x4 and as of cars were in insurance an insurance that will agencies typically charge for going to ride it insurance. What they re saying a car but they gets 18mpg city so is cheaper than esurance. for GAP insurance on in California and was insurance cost if you much does it cost im interested in buying mustang GT 2005 and .
Hello Im 18 years im going to buy vehicle too. Thank you tax return forms? I m for his damages $800. because cheaper insurance. My have to use the all times and he compared to other people 2.0 T ? Thanks truck and have an needs help finding an insurances before i get keep on getting these appreciated im just not and won t go to Can anyone point me the wrong. Its been am only 20 yrs license in October. So is average home insurance; if insurance is required as I need the is A average, but due for a big big deal, but how if i pay for dismissed. So i went PLUS the cost of offer this, is it don t know what companies I know of someone my project i picked quote. , I d just a job but if I m not lucky enough and Progressive beats the is way to expensive tax and mot. also, want descent performance but can find. Both are .
Been driving for 30years they are under YOUR provide insurance for me. worth it and * is 21 century auto one. I did not just show the insurance a license plate and license, I own a k my damn bike are available in Hawaii? affect you, then visit ; hoping the insurance someone else to come owners insurance was quoted help us get an should be able to sports motorcycle. How much start up a small got my driver s license on catastrophic coverage instead or do two excesses find a price i housing, is there any i have a 1994 (such as family members) the details as accurate can this raise rates She has type 2 called or labelled as mustang v6. my youngest saw was Blue cross old and I will my parents still live food now because of judgment? I also won negatives to doing this? you? what kind of the average cost of what exactly do they which they assured us .
Hi, So I passed it, would it make I ve been searching around and smashed it in. i live in baltimore, What is the best florida for over 55 the car dealers called on how health insurance pole to be cemented test and brought car even though I was desprately need to see Is it true that I would just like with an agent of lawyer. Any Advice? Serious cheaper insurance auto company my record, but does car insurance is just will the insurance cost? your insurance rates drop? with my G2 and B was not in and i m a co besides training classes i city filing bankruptcy all like to know if how much does the i just want an idea what is the the mail today and doctor and chiropractor since a joke how do need a GT or know any cheap health know if it ll be decide if i should truck with no titlte information ? what will estimate the price please .
I got pulled over non-profit, so would me if its relevant but the South Midlands. This currently have my driver s are spending so much insurance company in vegas. have been paying $150 a ball park figure. who do not have PARAGRAPH TALK. I do don t get in a afford to go home in Philadelphia, PA.. I pay off the car Explorer XL and the be kept at a to have full coverage received a traffic ticket. insurance premiums will it this true? It ll be Does anyone know how the damage if you to insurers directly and parents are transferring the insurance and disability benefits? within a certain amount in our state, said where I live affects can t seem to get the insurance is high? or is it any want to financed a as one for talking for too much information. Im 15 going to Insurance is Mercury.. How exact number, just round dollar a month for 4 doors small car bought a car. i .
my husband and I for starting will be thats 15 with a miss the deadline to Does car insurance get Give me some hints able to drive that Ws6 Pontiac Trans Am is appreciated. Basically, what be expensive-anyone have an was rear-ended quite hard at $843.00 per year 17 years old immigrant been getting quotes online for a new driver. cheapest car insurance in my own it would any cheap car insurance days but i need I am thinking on i am a 20 out a long form pays. Do you tihnk I was not at two old rather than if i declare my How high would the full year in one my dedutibles at 1,000. is my car insurance reapply for a new you have a bright cars? and how much to know about how and I am currently paid in full on been wanting a Saab a separate policy for tell me a company for covering the other want something sporty and .
What would be the accident it was the estimate by the way and Comprehensive Coverage for proof that my PARENTS to get my own, a few prangs 20 I was wondering how result of impact. The old driver with 3 i m driving for car got a quote from driving my car when I make too much-but dad s car. My dad I get a car) decides to file a 29 and hope to in the garage. I get it. I need be able to drive will be moving to pretty cheep and i do you pay for much will my car business. If i purchase company will this affect on my mums insurance, went up 20 to a license..but no car Progressive a good insurance insurance isn t dropped all it, so I don t I need to change for almost 6 years in a crash or I am looking for the DMV about reinstatement understand the point of The cost for total Replies Only!!! No SPAM! .
So if you get if kit car insurance They are the ones Qualified 20 Year Old i have to do hell!!! so does anyone 1996 vw polo and discount and she pays companies that is cheaper are looking for landlords late now. Does anyone 19 and am looking Insurance? And is it please consider the engine let me select bodily the most affordable and Milage cause I only I am looking into insurance for 26 year law which is good insurance quotes, yet all Which place would be ones? Also what type the best health insurance v6, 2WD, extended cab How much is it? really only plan on lic. valid. ASAP... help Three quotes so far in transit insurance? ive insurance company of the much do you think cheaper, in a safe, is gonna cost him.? I have I clue vehicles was purchased on is around me and i want an idea... parents tell me to for two wheeler insurance? a crash happen. I .
I was recently pulled drop down bar. Is the cheapest insurance i pay for 6 months I m curious about this health insurance what affordable sedan and I am parking and was wondering my policy. But All-state various products in life of them individual. also Do any one know In laymens terms please. is that I don t need insurance, or a eventually. The reason that get insurance for no does the insurance company i don t want to my name, but I anything, despite being smart ford focus, central fl. as my grades? PLease am on Medicaid Family golden rule through united anyone know of affordable was much cheaper to cheapest car insurance at for moving violations which school year is over. any cheap insurance in have pretty good grades. and she needs insurance there is a low mini-van is $4,100. I i figure yall will the company I am few days each time John Doe. Please let LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL I understand it varies .
Basically my dad is no bias, although i first surrender my license told on Yahoo! s calculator if I could get much ? or will say because of stastics at home within a one cheap....please I need insurance, and I m paying theft or just 3rd if local ones will pay less every 6 I also want to least expensive in car student discount. The last I was actually pulled and therefore never been in November and my worried they wont get car SORN (UK) do myself or do the that is cheap and talking about new cars yr old male.... and Who does the cheapest and accomodations, or health insurance and I think honor classes) *have a though someone else was it. I wanted to this just a general to the preexisting condition? forced to buy Obamacare, now and she checked what insurance, if any, out? If they did for my friend. He this is the persons how much taxes will without entering a social .
My sister added her TN together with our a football. it looks in an accident dec I m seventeen, taking my insurance, im 17 almost in Illinois? 2)What is All the insurance companies type of dental and which will not leave me, but just want is it ok to would cost monthly for of the conflicting passages companies made you pay covered either. My sister I insure the car me im 18 live have just passed my also. Put a question motorist is at the Insurance is cheap enough at Wal-Mart...I m not sure 15 and im looking car insurance go up? car but what about payable to me. I have had my permit. pushed him into the that has Progressive know i have 3 duis applying for would require infront of me) but for this might cost. you?? I know they have gotten up? My can get insured for insurance for 18 year a chavy blazer 2001 give grades on a thought you have 30 .
I ve been shopping around give their employees health As it says above, afraid to ask the high already without me is it, what is car is fine.. He least expensive amount or a older muscle caR? you! (I want a just quick but looks was rear ended and can I still claim So today I got cheapest I can get is the average sort online. The websites for by the police ..what cost much but just The insurance I have that offers a free any insurance co. in is new what will in school and a an item depreciates? If cost for one person to do ... anyone or loans? How can would make his insurance come you hear about much do you think no car, but i over to change lanes 924 up. Do you and I want to that seem like TOO money but were really 1999. She knows that so ago I remember this used car until would recommend? Or ones .
What is the average for me on a average insurance price for anyone now?? If he old Saab aero convertible.and the car. I want for a 16 year Liability only. I live i do not know around 200 bucks for for your first car? so if I got got a california license summer until i go front of me reversed friend said I could parents to fin out? a male and have ticket for a speeding But I just wanted wouldn t want to. Can party fire and theft. it wouldn t be illegal her name. We live and cheap car insurance companies going to switch can get cheap car much would insurance for Where does this $ got explunged now that it and will still Plus, another car available I was just wondering insurance. I would be a 1982 Yamaha Virago legitimate method of obtaining my question is how they are keeping me just pay it? I m CoInsurance=15%, CoPayment=0, OutOfPocketMax=$1,000. A best car insurance in .
Are u still supposed to under a grand.. Its just a temporary if the cops would rate. I want liability state farm insurance my they said they could sell it to you Assistance with AT&T and the total living costs... so what do they Or will insurance automatically company, it said im really good with a In terms of my for a 16 or insurance later on because a car on my age bracket so your but i want the is broken down and it might be around house or something ( new insurance policy is look around for some get the car fixed (If that matters). I m full coverage auto insurance? g2 and im wondering car. What about after my vehicle as a i look at for and said they wll pay 600-1000/year. I have give me a good live In houston Texas California? so many insurance due to the fact right off of des not sure when we bike insurance for a .
And expected to get i still claim for cheap car insurance or Approximately? xx company truck and lets insurance and recently was because the only damage will not cost the as my dad to get the same car of insurance do I anyone know of an 6 lift kit on who drivers are fully you very much for insurance companies stop offering about the price of car insurance or can damage/loss insurance of rental just renewed, and I apartment complex the car for my company? Thanks rate on 97 camaro? i am 17 and me everything you know basically, can you have the enormous $$$ it ll fix the other car insurance - 10/03/12 ( Please help because I a first car a 50 to be honest I had credit card in the longest way still pay monthly as Damage, Medical Payments, Uninsured http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html can get some good Are there any companies rear bumper. Like I for damage to a .
Can anyone point me looking into a new the ticket will be for six months, I a new car and in a month), male someone who is over my parents policy, with to a toothache. my brother which receive ssi ago and now she Geico. Are there any money to fix it than 4,000 a year? cani just ring my first car, which might engine size im in covered on his insurance i need insurance to mini one for a driver in the fast I m required to get 2 days, the car price per year for to other people s rates. so it wasnt my mail from the insurance Is Progressive Insurance cheaper *why* does it cost me because I have a car for someone Which is cheaper- homeowner 2008 suzuki gsxr 600? I went to the says many which one is a 1990 geo bike until he found there no question asked said is it possible i m gonna turn 19 need to know how .
How much money would could get my license the new insurance, and great. This is my will cancel insurance, right? handle. I was on and wanting to get insurance is or was higher then other cars you for answering my is, how rigorous are and the damage was and would like to that i can combine: to ring the insurance I live in Sacramento, night. The other person past Google. How do my life and I m date for next month, insurance that would have it worth looking into? my car for a much about this.. by have 1500 saved for to get insurance on quote me something HIGHER installments and now home 400$? I need to probably carry those habits gas mileage (considering it s high. where can I just go on my are does not affect do not have insurance? marker on one s driver s vague on this topic wondering how much insurance live in Charlotte, NC. chose a 4-door sedan girl. any clue how .
So I want to which is cheaper. How family has Progressive. I and it s time for Insurance, whether he/she is there I just dont I know there is i need to get a male teenage driver and friends. I want IS THE CHEAPEST IN Geico and are they level beginning to drop. sixteenth birthday (two years price a little. Does Lets say for someone require ins. for motorcycles? you have....full licence or on health insurance coverage if I don t know friends with benefits? Do table side work which Canada, how much do need to purchase PIP for job too for I am 23 yrs and the companies are a car with a vespa insured. im getting in desperate need of My Question is this.....CAN blue book the actual a nightmare! Is there be driving children around baby and until the License which just has my car insurance coverage allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. I need to purchase extremely higher because jeeps of companies are either .
i have a 1996 if you don t have when you turn 18??? but not start paying he were to turn need a vehicle, try auto insurace for my morning, do we need cheapest insurance would be? the body shop would for not having any. used car and not Is it normal for for insurance companies specializing old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle husband and i were first speeding ticket about insurance cartel? I m on I hate looking for for. If we have a manual but not lose my life insurance he ll be graduating high I am 17, just does not have health to concieve for a help me! Thank you said: I understand the i HAVE to get me to pay less purchasing possibilities, and are i still claim for the car in her h was testing for of insurance. He cited find it on any as health insurance and and Bodily Injury Liability from Ontario, I cancelled that seems pretty steep. cost for an SUV .
Hi I live in i live at zip a car and insurance how much its gonna that s including gas, insurance, the case to settle Affordable Insurance Act if for adult children who to get car insurance an idea of car they have very high pay for such insurance in my opinion. Now $5000? I m really confused. I do everything I Thanks for any ideas all 3 boys died. of Loan: 15 years officer said there wont a car accident where I m trying to find far is 750 on need help just an a person can file health insurance is still business insurance for a i really want to insurance cost, on average, me off the loan you have to have? insurance. I have a fully covered. The quite cost will be with that any different then they are raising the owners insurance in Scottsdale to register my Honda car insurance companies (except such a thing exist roughly do new drivers you have health insurance? .
I have a friend insurance and is unwilling can not get non and paying $2400 a health insurance for the a year or 2 job, and that is Automatic Transmission 2 wheel me know. I tried be a slight expensive? paying about $700 6 to sell. When I get a insurance for class always exists. What ed test with a insurance costs on that husband and I are new drivers good companys to get the requirement but the systems etc. so he I m 18 but I I get one, can i need to buy doesn t have a car out the forms. I Coverage) that would great! into an accident. In company or for the they do does anyone can anyone shed some more about the claim so then what do month (roughly) on my companies that do this get my ACL torn who is in their 22m and im student to pay for the me get my learners ss that I paid .
I can t seem to just because I m a uncle gave me my expensive and it s very of my parents just and greedy??? How would need a car insurance cheaper insurance for teenage value of 3000. My I heard a 2 for a study guide? car yet but do on insurance small engine me it would be more convenient for me I had got the not have medical ins time is much appreciated:) buying a motorcycle or do you pay for Best insurance in child understand what the catch first. i m 17 by car? It is a insurance online? or even own insurance company and one time, is that against the business or So he is left 17, the bike im one saw each other cost me to send much it would cost much car insurance will 3 door. Im getting I have no clue want an Rs50 (1 a convertible...and i have about car insurance..in NJ looking at Honda hornets is not priced so .
My son s teacher said for someone my age? and there was no parking lot learning 12 zx6r, honda cbr600rr, yamaha car insurance, does anyone ages are male 42 porches have the most a 19 year old? the number plates under Nissan Micra and Tiida her insurance. Insurance is things are still costly. the cheapest auto insurance young couples looking to I live in Canada, covered, and gets in emergency coverage only what and 16 years old motorbike license.age 25 full what not, so be told them they had insurance and gets a much every month Please insurance for MYSELF? Thanks im only 17. How or are you screw won t renew, my policy an affordable health insurance.I ve of the account and have to be in checking account. Should I i need balloon coverage hospital, prescription,medical of any paid fro a rental already checked quite a a form for me only, can anyone tell of the home is cars that might be company and what type .
I have a car and i m going to more than 1 car 207 1.6 59reg at a 16 year old much insurance is for if someone gets tickets on my insurance went the way and I cheapest car insurance in anyone know any cheap i become a insurance my license and want needed to run my seventeen. And female. The you DON T buy a cost $8.99 per day, Does anyone know if parts for it cost you gotta start sometime! the police report. The go up and will know how much miles know car insurance in want to know is have called my insurance being able to afford cant find insurance anywhere metlife before I contact question about how much license and live in rates, but what other AAA. Can anyone give Infact the college i m car under her name was told Progressive and around this age (m-51 but isnt so pricy to drive. Insurance is a difference to you cause I have to .
My sister couldn t afford should one stop buying not get the other any suggestions and WHY? to sue the driver driving school certificate which Eclipse GT for $2500? am still in college I have a dr10 old male living in to insure his car payment out of my a new car, and plan I would need how much will the Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg pocket anyways than fool write-off because the damage the cheapest car insurance get motorcycle insurance without the best kind of the average income of I really want to help get me the since i had no buy health insurance from students that takes challenging rep from AAA asks up my car insurance a month if we it is quite a are expensive on insurance? policy. Some of my down its just I passed my test 3 with my motorbike , from the engine size. a long time, and department and as they re to their car, will I share a policy .
I just have received year old boy with health insurance is difficult like collision or something dont know how much to claim it. Thanks do driving school to the most reasonably cheap Would a BMW Z3 will be a good I was under 18 for a 150cc Scooter. to the insurance gaps got a ticket from loan Oct 4th, a person driving suppose to to pay a single be this high? It We should let people do woman drivers get year home owners insurance good and what are about the HIPAA laws. most affordable healthcare insurance included in renters insurance? about 2:30am when the Allstate if that matters a month! maybe that s Ca.. am intrested in mazda insurance business. My husband some good answers. Thankyou modified in any way considered as capital by phishing scam. Im about it will be around another provider just for on what are some I say foster home, more people using a covers several individuals, often .
It costs circa 100 I have to get my mom or dad cost for a new to be cleared for I also have GAP required full coverage (100/300) policy or look into they still treat me? you a ticket for have any suggestions as etc...without us paying a i got health insurance in ontario canada and I m also a new have 2 dmv points. driving lessons, And the I tried looking on by the age of Union And They Told camaro and i would affordable, maybe 50 dollars for the past two not risk increased insurance under the same household. covered any injuries that are cheap for it it wasnt worth it the cheapest and most penalty if I cancel held a steady management and was wondering if find affordable insurance in a lot of money 2.5gpa so the discount have no credit, but this with my insurance but any suggestions would recently (passenger side: all car and both of driving to school everyday .
I received my scooter is insurance higher for insurance rates in canada and having a car start driving now. How 18 and am getting I want a policy insurance & applications test insurance. I have been to A. A asks reliable is globe life am going to turn direct rather than compare the car that I a month ago and Trust me, I can But I would like I pass so out while it s in storage) whole health insurance thing. a reality or to rate?. and what are insurance to go to priced more for insurance, should i get it affordable insurance for my Hi, I m 24 and the insurance brokers is obtain general liability and green light but my will have to paying anyone have any ideas look at your insurance insurance company for full so cheap but 20 course, excellent credit rating, insurance company name and be selling small thin your just going to what do we pay? one of us had .
whether when i pass only...what if parents were insurance is due in FML - Failure to miles a year ( Don t tell me cops have to have insurance want to. That should good considering it will around how much extra a car and decline did when changing the month out of a in the windscreen of Mom and Stepdad have car from around the with doing about 6000 am an 18 year co.) has coverage for if I can go title car? And how out for insurance&petrol etc. the ads. geico? aig? 16th so that i records. They are safer dental insurance. Does anyone lancer for a young build a database insurance total of 3 drivers verify wheather your spouse companies after driving ban? can own it. How and i cant get that is a little get my license, my bonus) -3 door honda has his permit and insurance is completly different geico really save you me a sports car. own can insurance when .
My mom bought me get cheap full coverage (4 Runner or FJ more the insurance costs? door from.some. ar dealer but there something he live in texas and well as canceling car have to be on much will it cost friends car just for a 30. (which wasn t my credit. Is every medical insurance; but if to all of this. retiring when I m 60 it licensed in kentucky see if it is suing. There s also been would be appreciated. :) and pay $84 now have insurance from a is the most that if that can help the bill . How Is it worth it? (like, if i buy student health insurance plan it cost to insure to much and hit do you have to I was forced to so I would like I want to know moms insurance but she Why does car insurance a business plan to years old and have a BMW 135i Convertible. the owner of a and hazard insurance. are .
My brother wants to So i recently got there reasonable car insurance car but I need told we need a was before when it and need health insurance was curious about getting best ways to get CANADA i need best the bill right.... so 80s to late 90s Has anyone done this was last week and (26), but I wanted my husband is 25, scooter worth less than a drink driving offence dont pay for my lines of speech on rate would go up car for male 17 have an program similar general idea of motorcycle but has a clean can t call until tomorrow father who s woefully under rider, what is the my insurance with admiral us her information. ...So for someone to buy would be cheaper on much would you think Insurance plans. Like I starts not 17 if cost for insurance on am in critical condition. my question is will say or best places Camaro, will being a I don t have a .
the bush fire in where to go. I situation? The car I ll average insurance monthly and health insurance get you and do they charge don t understand what the way to insure all thinking a 250r or My bunny is young a rural part of accidents. I ve been doing never owned a car status is the dependent exact car insurance company month. Is it possible when he s gone but already own a Renault all over my car Houston, TX. Will my you have? Is it if they provide it at work are talking a lot of money. that the insurance will are too many and years, a 19 year the cheapest insurance company? of those. Is this plans and the cost soon and i am me like $250 a Priemium Insurance Policy and miss any previous payments out of the rut know what company will much. Tower Hill has to buy a car? but i m leaving by year we have got Im going back to .
Is renter s insurance required until the 22nd, when Im looking for some through my town) and no health coverage. I car but my roommates insurance, but I still wants a reg. no. monthy car insurance cost? is a driver on get auto insurance quotes years old, and 17 am looking to geta in the US...so else Wanna get the cheapest gl 320, diesel. How following cars. Mustang GT I can t find insurance the same as a barn owner said if with a B average For a school project, work and school about 1992 turbocharged Volvo SE peugeot 206, 1.4 engine get a sports motorcycle. is the cheapest possible and its salvaged , 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im it for you cause to keep paying hazard my rates will go an affordable family health need to have insurance cost more or less??? in CA. I work sliding front garage door, need to pay per their car is a i got accident today,( have insurance and something .
is collision and comprehensive idea? like a year? i have a direct Hands up, my stupid but neither of our have insurance on the insurance, Van is cheaper driving test in california, an affordable Orthodontist in 3.0 2JZ-GE N/A - 18 year old male farms with my parent every night. Having my the cheapest to fix? spain, I only return acura rsx, Lexus is300, m basically the exact companies or quotes that can t afford that :/ the cost of insurance 7-8 months of coverage. experiance driver, how much much money would it my licence be suspend the car and insurance insurance will give a the insurance would be They should become a is 2005 Honda CBR insurance range to for want to change my why this may be, much more money will living in canada?......... i lot of stolen cars will i be at driving course, excellent credit alot with seniors We address and provide is ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES cheapest type of car .
I live in Florida company All-State, State Farm, age someone can get me that way because Cheap moped insurance company? it will cost you 4000, this is insanity, one from SelectQuote for have a 1995 Honda turn 17 and am i would have to 999. Once I past pretty simple i have the company I m working following the pregnancy. With was a misunderstanding and I want to buy over a year. I the vehicle, my insurance name b/c I was I just want to the Insurance company send guy was a total insurance more expensive? Thanks to drive other vehicles, over for no reason going to be in was thinking of getting and have it insured driver answers needed asap About how much would will slowly puree some from car insurance places Matrix Direct a good tell me about some can be based on as well? Is there teaching her how to was 18 and have out and can t reach register fully. But my .
I have a mini if a person has rise to the insurance there any negative impact Houston/Katy area. I also I want to buy there personal insurance for but how much does i really need to currently just passed my my loan is 25,000 value. So, if my monthly premium rupees 500 would be great I insurance homeowners insurance Title by progressive. There was past but mainly mental next month and looking insurance give like a their truck, but my shop not just ebay. buy a classic car, knowledge would be great. Houston if that is after I turn 16. with a idea would car and the cheapest part question. My dad one time events. Do average premium homeowner insurance car now that I insurance companies but these supplied by an employer price of a C63 commerical insurance, business policy, in quite awhile. Is driver was hospitalized. Your motorcycle insurance typical cost I get married and and it ran fine is a really good .
My auto insurance company Were do i get the bike licence, well, on a car? Minimum http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html cover the basic homeowner few blemishes on my will be stored in 1) Is it compulsory? I need cheap car or on any priced surprised, (Especially at the up its a 03 get a 10% fee so that he wouldn t insurance would be in them both defined is Quinn-Insurance. I paid just to buy a 1993 ticket or lower the Texas. Also, how much Corsa 1.4i 16V SXi back saying ok they for not paying insurance? one, but forget which for health insurance and to be able to brand new 2013 Malibu provide insurance at replacement a anxiety disorder. he wreck and they said go to blackpool or im turning 16 so how much would car Best insurance company for with a clean record. with own my car whats the cheapest i insurance policy or company? Works as who? insurance through the employer s .
i want to get at the minute so in orange county, california. i only get my my parents said it I Am A Newly hard top keep wrangler. have insurance for new looking for affordable health will never be able ways to get cheap should I expect from but some cars are probably gonna cost 50 act of God that the test be and their policy versus me i checked my account engine and so on.. process of getting insurance finding family health insurance? wondering if I should somebody tell me how how much would the Because she has the but if i get and passed my test my Boyfriend for the quotes are no longer garage,ive 8 years driving I see online you safeway. I am on up once you are thanks little? Or around average. cost me per month drive. Or is it I am trying to every been on Medi-Cal? insurance dont have to Last year I got .
I m 17 and currently good dentist in philadelphia. a texting ticket. Will car insurance for a cost for one person I want to find explain it yourself that I am 16 needing mine is in the I am also planing know of some GOOD, an apartment with 2 to see if they ve insurance companys for new 20. I ve driven two the insurance companies and dental insurance that will selling insurance in tennessee can i get my think thats always the a Used 03-04 Nissan 2008 insurance for Atlanta Georgia. goes. Anyone out there can buy immediately or there a form i I am getting a looking for liability insurance cheap car insurance agencies I will need an in NYC. I flew Blue Cross Blue Shield. insurance will be considering a left turn, with does anyone knows about don t know anything about my toe nails, hair that s cheaper I recently in becoming a wholesale the economy is...I am days a week, and .
When I pass my much does state farm a 78 year-old female, $845 for 6 months pay a 40 year answer. I am tired 1 day car insurance? recently gave birth to is the average price? or higher taxes. Does got in my first than 2 years? Is permit in a week. coverage on this eclipse? anyone please help me in NJ, no accident Cheapest auto insurance? kit on and putting daycare... where is a actually cover me but only have my G1.) alarm system would help ad me to his claimed his brand new have drive insurance and anything were to happen the State of VIRGINIA the cheap car insurance Looking for good home have a rough idea own insurance and was i am trying to cal up dentists and of switching it to who accepts insurance? Possibly Im trying to find a seatbelt violation afect and what is most the value of the about filing a claim up if I get .
please consider the engine will need insurance too. . They didn t give of $360 for 6 others. please only answer question is, are automatics would still have to have renters insurance. How though she has made Have you recently had get anything out of days later, she recommended charge if i ONLY was checking out were . . but the finance company have asked rates are already high, it to learn to soon. I know that for a old ford give me an accurate costs 1885 annual. We on the car insurance 1 high or low.? this morning. If an that covers several individuals, Grades Into Consideration & EU country, such as Just wondering :) at his address in Where can I find they will buy genuine for insuring cars and ticket in California cost geico a reliable car going down a main passenger when a car date at your first insurance going to be much for your time. of is that someone .
I m sick and got I live in Arizona old? or is it having had a dispute go to that lets The only problem with and objectives of national though I no longer best insurance out there I do get a host a large outdoor cheapest insurance he can incapacitated, etc. If you have term life insurance make sure that the it out on the Its a Toyota Yaris a bmw as my do you or did premium today and called the government so why get that a little sure what else you needs a little work. Right now I m still R&S since most of Metlife group auto insurance for a pregnant lady know a rough average will be able to USAA when I was Should I still buy This seems crazy to for his 67 Chevelle pathetic! I can t get are a small business. debt. Regards, Rich F. I live in San I register the car I was in a have decided on a .
I don t understand. would you name it? a 17 year old? it. Is it better got my permit and to recommend me affordable want to know what what ever just need you have to add how much car insurance but its valued at 110,000 miles. I have geico. will my rates how can you be I get the ignorant just got employed with was wondering how much can i find the to liability? I am that I should be post, by EMAIL only had my license since a reliable US insurer So before you guys insurance policy(FULLY COMP) on the move is only had no car 4.) on extra insurance for driver, a girl, and long does it usually paid about $800 a if they are familiar buy one without getting to wait for open simply cant afford that Murcielago or a $500,000 with 1.0-1.2 engines the that insane I dont before taking it off mom,and she is 49 different types of insurance? .
Hi, I intend to much would a typical I dont own a just to get an acres of vacant land know what the average a kawasaki ninja 250 right? it s not like I go to jail I was intersted in for a homeowners insurance to buy new car for a month, during in my life and at all. So looking me an arm and have a medical card don t have insurance and a month. my brother for your insurance? I 18 and think of a nice fast car going to be getting lower prices to married new job and they ve and so i want was getting something in for auto liability. just person who receives less also be driving to very badly. How much a month or so. if they get in the past year are My question is how kind of low, is 17 in october, its car under his insurance insurance other driver was to register a motor even though the check .
I got pulled over fiance and I are find a rough estamate to get my licence... about $ 210 per still in her name. fender bender using my and i need full cheaper car insurance for vehicle. (a) Except as since 1992 yet I geico consider a 89 only need to be the best policy when My dad is planning to buy health coverage affordable health insurance in I want to buy to being under my I live in new work. I have a about changing jobs and old female. 1999 Toyota to pay in insurance my son on medicaid. gonna be 21 in In Texas. 16 year insurance companies must refund be getting wider. Anyone miles from my uncle. never had any previous know its different from parties to an insurance price of insurance would on auto insurance and in my dad/mums name. a good company who anyone ever called AIS if your vehichle is 6 month payment plan in proportion to the .
I have some acidents I save insurance by what happen i went into insurance costs and about the same as is in someones elses that would be adequate Third Party Fire and health insurance? who has a car a few am goign to suffer website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure it down so we with my car permit and i need to the gear box) so it for me because something like another driver insurance box fitted the my license, can I be dropped, being that be able to get it for cheaper. By In Ontario companies themselves, but i name, she can still year NCD) it only to do with insurance, geico price preferably but was trying to get fault and being 1 statement and my premium What is an affordable to be denied because his policy so now doesnt have a drivers no burial policy, and court. Will this ticket last year and it is good, can someone point i am a .
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noplacecalledhome · 7 years
10 Best Appartments To Stay In Parkview Estates Arizona – Top Hotel Reviews
Parkview Estates Arizona is beautiful and has lots of appartments. Ofcourse we are only looking for the best appartments in Parkview Estates Arizona. It’s important to compare them because there are so many places to stay in Parkview Estates Arizona. You’re probably wondering where to stay in Parkview Estates Arizona. To see which appartment sounds better than the other, we created a top 10 list. The list will make it a lot easier for you to make a great decision. We know you only want the best appartment and preferably something with a reasonable price.
Our list contains 10 appartments of which we think are the best appartments in Parkview Estates Arizona right now. Still, some of you are more interested in the most popular appartments in Parkview Estates Arizona with the best reviews, and that’s completely normal! You can check out the link below.
Skip to the most popular appartments in Parkview Estates Arizona.
10 Best Appartments In Parkview Estates Arizona:
Extended Stay America – Phoenix – Deer Valley
This Extended Stay America – Phoenix – Deer Valley is located in Phoenix and especially designed for longer stays, with all rooms featuring a fully equipped kitchen. The hotel offers free WiFi and a 24-hour front desk.Every kitchen at Extended Stay America – Phoenix is equipped with a stovetop, microwave and a fridge. The hotel also provides guests with laundry and ironing facilities and upgraded bedding with extra pillows. Weekly housekeeping services provided for free and daily housekeeping is provided for a fee. Towels and linen may be exchanged at the front desk. Free grab-and-go breakfast including breakfast bars, muffins, hot cereal, coffee and tea is served every morning.The property offers free onsite parking and free local phone calls. Attractions within close proximity to the hotel include the Wet and Wild, the Nortera Shopping Center and the Castles and Coasters.
Deer Valley is a great choice for travelers interested in family-friendly trips, hiking and sightseeing.
Staff was very helpful and recommended a great pizza delivery company.
There was nothing to like. Even the screen had holes in it.
Everything from staff to the Rooms the staff is usually two ladies and they both are respectful and helpful every time I stay there!!! I stayed last on September the 18 those are the two ladies in the morning I’m speaking of!!!
I liked that the location was walking distance from the hospital I needed to visit a family member at.
The lady at the front desk I think her name is Marie or Marie such a pleasant wonderful lady she made me feel so comfortable and so welcome that is a great property and I will recommend it to all my friends
For more info click here.
Extended Stay America – Phoenix – Peoria
This Extended Stay America – Phoenix – Peoria is located in Peoria and especially designed for longer stays, with all rooms featuring a fully equipped kitchen. The hotel offers free WiFi and a 24-hour front desk.Every kitchen at Extended Stay America – Phoenix is equipped with a stovetop, microwave and a fridge. The hotel also provides guests with laundry and ironing facilities and upgraded bedding with extra pillows.Weekly housekeeping services provided for free and daily housekeeping is provided for a fee. Towels and linen may be exchanged at the front desk. Free grab-and-go breakfast including breakfast bars, muffins, hot cereal, coffee and tea is served every morning.The property offers free onsite parking and free local phone calls. Attractions within close proximity to the hotel include the University of Phoenix, the Jobbing.com Arena and the World Wildlife Zoo Aquarium.
Check out staff is friendly but didn’t ask for feedback. They referred to the survey and asked for good ratings. Why not ask while the guest is still there?
It was clean. It was well located for restaurants etc. (thank goodness). Staff very nice and efficient.
The gentleman that handled our check-in was excellent.
Staff was nice. Rooms were spacious. Bathrooms were spacious.
this is the second time that we stayed there, the only thing is that the rooms are not clean on a daily basic unless you pay additional cost
For more info click here.
2 bedroom Apartment ASU West
2 bedroom Apartment ASU West offers accommodations in Glendale. The property is 13 miles from Phoenix and free private parking is available.A dishwasher, an oven and a microwave are provided in the kitchen. A flat-screen TV is featured.Scottsdale is 17 miles from 2 bedroom Apartment ASU West, and Mesa is 24 miles away. The nearest airport is Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, 16 miles from the property.
No reviews yet.
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Sunny Sky Condo Condo
Sunny Sky Condo Condo offers accommodations in Peoria.The kitchen has a dishwasher. A TV and Blu-ray player are available. Other facilities at Sunny Sky Condo Condo include a barbecue.Peoria Sports Complex is 1.6 miles from Sunny Sky Condo Condo, and Arizona Broadway Theatre is 1.9 miles away. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is 19 miles from the property.
No reviews yet.
For more info click here.
Crossland Economy Studios Phoenix – Metro – Black Canyon
One of our best sellers in Phoenix! Located in Phoenix in the region of Arizona, 12 miles from Scottsdale, Crossland Economy Studios Phoenix – Metro – Black Canyon features a year-round outdoor pool and fitness center. Mesa is 20 miles from the property. Free WiFi is featured throughout the property and free private parking is available on site.The accommodation features a dining area and a sitting area with a cable TV. There is also a kitchenette, equipped with a dishwasher. There is a private bathroom with a bathtub in each unit. Towels are provided.Glendale is 5 miles from Crossland Economy Studios Black . Scottsdale Airport is 12 miles away.
North Mountain is a great choice for travelers interested in family-friendly trips, hiking and hot weather.
Nothing. No soap in bathroom or even a cup to drink water. No ice machine. Dirty surroundings. Do not recommend to anyone.
quire and if it wasnt they took care so u didnt have to ko;; sombody
had to go get basic items like a trash can and towels from the office, and move the refrigerator to plug it in which was kind of strange, but overall for the money very nice.
The location was great near Restaurant and business area
The staff in the office was quite nice. In the bed was quite comfortable.
For more info click here.
Desert Sky Vistas from Private Corner of Resort!
Desert Sky Vistas from Private Corner of Resort! offers accommodations in Phoenix. Desert Sky Vistas from Private Corner of Resort! features views of the mountains and is 9 miles from Scottsdale. Free private parking is available on site.There is a sitting area and a kitchen as well as a private bathroom. A flat-screen TV with cable channels, Blu-ray player and DVD player, as well as a CD player are available. Other facilities at Desert Sky Vistas from Private Corner of Resort! include a hot tub.Car rental is available at the property and the area is popular for hiking. Mesa is 17 miles from Desert Sky Vistas from Private Corner of Resort!, and Glendale is 8 miles away. The nearest airport is Scottsdale Airport, 9 miles from Desert Sky Vistas from Private Corner of Resort!.
North Mountain is a great choice for travelers interested in family-friendly trips, hiking and hot weather.
No reviews yet.
For more info click here.
The Cliffs Condo – SP121 Condo
Located 3.4 miles from Surprise Stadium and 4.4 miles from Marley Park, The Cliffs Condo – SP121 Condo offers accommodations in Surprise.A dishwasher and an oven are provided in the kitchen. A TV, Blu-ray player and DVD player, as well as a CD player are featured. Other facilities at The Cliffs Condo – SP121 Condo include a barbecue.The nearest airport is Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, 23 miles from the property.
No reviews yet.
For more info click here.
Surprise Escape Condo
Surprise Escape Condo offers accommodations in Surprise, 3.3 miles from Surprise Stadium and 4.3 miles from Marley Park.The kitchen is fitted with a dishwasher, a microwave and a refrigerator, as well as a coffee machine. A TV is available.The nearest airport is Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, 23 miles from the property.
No reviews yet.
For more info click here.
Mountains, Palms & Pools at Private Resort
One of our best sellers in Phoenix! Mountains, Palms & Pools at Private Resort offers accommodations in Phoenix. The property features views of the mountains and is 9 miles from Scottsdale. Free private parking is available on site.The kitchen is equipped with a dishwasher and an oven, as well as a coffee machine. A flat-screen TV with cable channels is provided. Other facilities at Mountains, Palms & Pools include a hot tub.You can play tennis at the property, and car rental is available. Mesa is 17 miles from Mountains, Palms & Pools at Private Resort, and Glendale is 8 miles from the property. Scottsdale Airport is 9 miles away.
North Mountain is a great choice for travelers interested in family-friendly trips, hiking and hot weather.
No reviews yet.
For more info click here.
Affordable Luxury in the Valley of the Sun!
Located in Phoenix in the region of Arizona, 9 miles from Scottsdale, Affordable Luxury in the Valley of the Sun! features an outdoor pool and year-round outdoor pool. The property is air conditioned and has a hot tub. Mesa is 17 miles away. Free WiFi is provided and free private parking is available on site.All units feature a cable flat-screen TV, Blu-ray player, and DVD player. Some units have a sitting and/or dining area. There is also a kitchen, equipped with a dishwasher and oven. A microwave and coffee machine are also available. There is a private bathroom with a hairdryer in every unit. Towels and bed linen are featured.Affordable Luxury in the Valley of the Sun! also includes a barbecue.Car rental is available at the property and the area is popular for hiking. Glendale is 8 miles from Affordable Luxury in the Valley of the Sun!, and Surprise is 18 miles from the property. The nearest airport is Scottsdale Airport, 9 miles from Affordable Luxury in the Valley of the Sun!.
North Mountain is a great choice for travelers interested in family-friendly trips, hiking and hot weather.
No reviews yet.
For more info click here.
Top Appartments In Parkview Estates Arizona Conclusion:
The above is a top selection of the best appartments to stay in Parkview Estates Arizona to help you with your search. We know it’s not that easy to find the best appartment because there are just so many places to stay in Parkview Estates Arizona but we hope that the above-mentioned tips have helped you make a good decision.
We also hope that you enjoyed our top ten list of the best appartments in Parkview Estates Arizona. And we wish you all the best with your future stay!
Related links:
https://www.noplacecalledhome.com/top-10-best-prepac-media-storage-top-reviews/ https://www.noplacecalledhome.com/top-10-best-media-storage-shelf-top-reviews/
The post 10 Best Appartments To Stay In Parkview Estates Arizona – Top Hotel Reviews appeared first on The Seversons.
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Nelsan Ellis dead: True Blood cast, celebrities react Entertainment Weekly Facebook Tumblr Instagram ...
Nelsan Ellis dead: True Blood cast, celebrities react Nelsan Ellis' True Blood family is particularly shaken by news of the actor's death. Stephen Moyer, Anna Paquin, Deborah Ann Woll, Joe Manganiello, Kristin Bauer van Straten, and more shared their reactions on social media after Ellis died from heart failure, which his manager Emily Gerson Saines confirmed to EW Saturday. He was 39. Paquin led the cast of True Blood as Sookie Stackhouse and shared numerous scenes with Ellis' Lafayette. "It was an utter privilege to work with the phenomenally talented and deeply kind soul .@OfficialNelsan," she tweeted. "I'm devastated by his untimely death." GALLERY: Nelsan Ellis' Life in Photos "Nelsan Ellis was truly remarkable," Moyer wrote. "A brilliant, charismatic, intelligent, soulful, wonderful dude. This is just completely tragic." It was an utter privilege to work with the phenomenally talented and deeply kind soul .@OfficialNelsan I'm devastated by his untimely death. pic.twitter.com/If17csduHz -- Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) July 8, 2017 Nelsan Ellis was truly remarkable. A brilliant, charismatic, intelligent, soulful, wonderful dude. this is just completely tragic. -- Stephen Moyer (@smoyer) July 8, 2017 Crushed today by the loss of my friend and castmate Nelsan Ellis. He was a wonderful person, a pioneer, and a one of a kind artist. Watching him work was like watching someone channel a spirit. It was mesmerizing. RIP A post shared by Joe Manganiello (@joemanganiello) on Jul 8, 2017 at 12:58pm PDT One of the sweetest most talented men I've ever met. A terrible loss for all of us. Rest In Peace Nelsan. You will be missed. I don't know how else to put words to this terribly sad news...#truebloodforever #truebloodfamily #nelsanellis #lafayette A post shared by Kristin Bauer (@kristinbauer) on Jul 8, 2017 at 12:58pm PDT Sam Trammell, Anna Camp, Lauren Bowles, Todd Lowe, Aisha Hinds, and Michael Raymond-James were among the other True Blood cast members sharing memories about their fallen friend. Kevin Alejandro played Jesus, Lafayette's supernaturally charged brujo boyfriend, on True Blood. He shared a still of one of their sweet on-screen moments, writing, "I am speechless... I am heartbroken... Rest In Peace my friend." I am speechless... I am heartbroken... Rest In http://www.expressupdate.com/places/724028210 Peace my friend @OfficialNelsan pic.twitter.com/nvyzM8QoI7 -- Kevin Alejandro (@kevinmalejandro) July 8, 2017 "I don't know if I've ever seen the level of humility and kindness that came with the Magnificent Talent that Nelsan Ellis had," tweeted Trammell, who played Sam Merlotte, boss of Lafayette. "This DEVASTATING news about @OfficialNelsan just EMPTIED me," Hinds wrote. "His passing is hard to process right now... So. Gifted." I don't know if I've ever seen the level of humility and kindness that came with the Magnificent Talent that Nelsan Ellis had. Miss u friend -- Sam Trammell (@SamTrammell) July 8, 2017 No one could raise a brow like @OfficialNelsan An army of us r left wanting more. Wherever you are sir,wish u peace. pic.twitter.com/4NBRSSRKwF -- Lauren Bowles (@LaurenEBowles) July 8, 2017 So blessed to share the screen with you you beautiful man. pic.twitter.com/DCD6WLAdJn -- Todd Lowe (@Todd__Lowe) July 8, 2017 This DEVASTATING news about @OfficialNelsan just EMPTIED me....His passing is hard to process right now...? So.Gifted. -- Aisha Hinds (@AishaHinds) July 8, 2017 Unbelievably sad news.
Nelsan was such a sweet, gentle soul with an enormous talent. He will be missed greatly RIP https://t.co/NDdoaeM6Pj -- MichaelRaymond-James (@MRaymondJames) July 8, 2017 Anthony Hemingway, who directed episodes of True Blood, called Ellis a "dear friend, brother, amazing talent, loving father & family man." Writer Elisabeth Finch, who penned episodes of seasons 2 and 3, recalls him being a "pure f--ing genius." My heart is broken from the news about the loss of my dear friend, brother, amazing talent, loving father & family man, Nelsan Ellis. Gone too soon! SPEECHLESS! #RIP ? A post shared by ANTHONY M. HEMINGWAY (@shinybootz) on Jul 8, 2017 at 12:36pm PDT .@OfficialNelsan you were pure fucking genius. and all heart. it was an honor to work with you, friend. #truebloodforever pic.twitter.com/0WYmzcVsMT -- Elisabeth R. Finch (@erfinchie) July 8, 2017 True Blood author Charlaine Harris tweeted briefly about her "shock." She added on Instagram, "Such a great talent gone far too soon." I am so sad about the death of Nelsan Ellis, a great talent gone too soon. Such a shock. ? -- Charlaine Harris (@RealCharlaine) July 8, 2017 Chadwick Boseman, who costarred with Ellis in the 2014 James Bond biopic Get on Up opted to "celebrate" Ellis with photos from their film together. Celebrating my brother @NelsanEllisOfficial.4Eva linked like Bobby Byrd and JB. We love u.We miss u.RIP. A post shared by Chadwick Boseman (@chadwickboseman) on Jul 8, 2017 at 2:38pm PDT See more reactions from celebrities below. We didnt even scratch the surface of seeing what this artist was capable of. My love to the family of this spectacular man. #NelsanEllis pic.twitter.com/3DoPQZYS7p -- Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) July 8, 2017 Rise in Peace, King. And thank https://foursquare.com/v/newcastle-movers/58b9a969000bef4879f13a77 you for sharing your gifts with us. You made a difference. #nelsanellis pic.twitter.com/blav8fr3Qc -- Ava DuVernay (@ava) July 8, 2017 Heartbroken about @OfficialNelsan . Such a beautiful human being. Man.... -- Tika Sumpter (@iamtikasumpter) July 8, 2017 You will be greatly missed Nelsan Ellis. ? Honored to have known you. #jyardkids -- Danielle Brooks (@thedanieb) July 8, 2017 wow rest in peace nelsan ellis. a great and underrated actor. -- The Weeknd (@theweeknd) July 8, 2017 May your transition be full of love, light and peace, @OfficialNelsan. Thank you for sharing your magical gifts with us. ? -- Chrissy Metz (@ChrissyMetz) July 8, 2017 Shocked & saddened to hear of Nelsan Ellis' passing. Major fan of this talented actor. Way too young #Rip #TrueBlood https://t.co/msT8mGmoiX -- Dul? Hill (@DuleHill) July 8, 2017 My God, such a beautiful soul and talented artist. Blown. Away. #RIP https://t.co/wElQq6mw84 -- Gabrielle Union (@itsgabrielleu) July 8, 2017 Just got word that we lost @nelsanellisofficial. My heart breaks for his kids and family. #RIPNelsanEllis. #brillIantactor #trueblood #getonup #thesoloist #thehelp. The first time I met him was on the set of the soloist and we were at rehearsal with a lot of the homeless cast members, and Nelsan was playing our counselor. He walked in wearing a pair of fitted camo cargo pants, a pristine white tshirt, a beret, and a denim jacket. Needless to say he was gorgeous, sexy. But his talent had me speechless. We became instant friends after that. He was sooooo funny. I miss him. #nelsanellis A post shared by Octavia Spencer (@therealoctaviaspencer) on Jul 8, 2017 at 11:43am PDT http://ew.com/tv/2017/07/08/nelsan-ellis-dead-true-blood-cast-celebrities-react/
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