#thank u for the tags sm !! this was a Blasr
wigglesforsquiggles · 6 months
15Qs for 15 Friends
tagged by both @sherlock-is-ace and @vroombeams (many thanks !! :D)
Are you named after anyone?
Not to my knowledge, my parents just picked a name they liked (i was the one to tell them the meaning of it actually lmao)
When was the last time you cried?
Last week i Sobbed my eyes out at the series 2 finale of Astrid et Raphaëlle. Literally crying like a baby the entire second half of the episode (it wasn’t even a Sad episode. just very meaningful and well written.)
Do you have any kids?
Nope lmao. I would like them in the future tho!
What sports do/have you played?
So many! The mains ones were Netball and Lacrosse - i love playing sports so much, team ones esp. Dodgeball was also a fav of mine.
Do you use sarcasm?
I’m much less sarcastic than i think i am. I have issues picking up on sarcasm, so when i do you it i try to be really obvious about it. I mostly succeed.
What’s the first thing you notice about a person?
Like if i’m walking past a stranger? Probably whatever jacket/coat they’re wearing. Meeting someone face to face? Probably their facial composition (like distance between features). No idea why but it’s a theme. Noses are fun idk
What’s your eye colour?
Solid Brown. Looks cool in the light tho!
Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
The only horror film i’ve rly watched in Tusk and i really don’t know if i enjoyed it or not. I am also not a fan of Zombies or Werewolves (freak me out) so more often happy endings!
Any Talents?
If you don’t count my ability to spreadsheet (how dare thee) i’ll say im quite naturally athletic, as well as gaining muscle and fitness quite quickly. other than that uhh no idea
Where were you born?
Somewhere in the land of Angles.
What are your hobbies?
Spreadsheeting! Genuinely I must spend at least 15h a week on excel having fun. That and reading fanfiction on AO3 are my main go tos if i have free time.
Do you have any pets?
Nope but i Really want an Italian grey hound or Borzoi in the future. look them up i have a Need to own one. plz.
How tall are you?
179cm! I have been tall my entire life and v happy about it.
Favourite Subject in School?
Purely academically, definitely Maths. esp at GCSE it was plain fun to do (helped that i sat next to my best friend too) and past that i think i just have a brain suited for it. Second Order Non-Homogenous Equations my Beloved
Dream Job?
I do not dream of labour or however that quote goes, but Ideally i’d like to use excel a lot. i wish i were kidding. I did want to be an accountant when i was like 7 so I’ll go w that.
tagging: @toilethamster @simplydm @siryyeet @ininininininstayoutstayout @russilton @hecksee @starsandfluff and whoever else. no pressure ofc!
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