#thank u so much for these im sorry tumblr is fkn dumb
violentviolette · 4 years
@starrystarberry tumblr fucked up and deleted ur ask cause i tried to switch over from mobile to my laptop to answer it so im just making a post lol
also it got a little long so i stuck it under a read more for u guys who arent into seeing fandom stuff on here
oh man okay I'll try to not write a novel for each of these lmfao
Why I like them: hes a cocky bastard but also a giant idiot
Why I don’t: theres actually nothing I don't like about him akshsgsj like yea I know he imprisoned Asra's parents and made him an orphan at like 6 and everything but who hasnt made a mistake or two in their life?
Favorite season/movie: from what we have of his route so far I really like book 9: the hermit. it's got a lot of good hurt/comfort and that's my shit
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I'm a sucker for the steamy scenes so probably the makeout session in the winter woods
Favorite line: honestly all of them anything out of lucios mouth is gold
OTP: ME lmfao but no for real the mc in the game i dont think lucio is right for any of the characters even if i do ship him and julien for the angst
Favorite outfit: i actually really love his piratey outfit he wears in the flashbacks before he lost his arm.
Brotp: Julien 100%
Head Canon: i dont really have any for him
Unpopular opinion: Lucio is a switch and a service top the only True Top in this game is Nadia and i will die on that hill
A wish: none really, im happy with his route and where its been going and im excited to see the end of it!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I really hope his reverse ending is something other than him dying
5 words to best describe them: angry bratty baby boy
My nickname for them: baby boy
Light Yagami
Why I like them: cause he was one of the first really good protagonists whose actually the villian of the story and i love that shit
Why I don’t: Light drinks his own cool aid and is way to arrogant and i cant stand that. hes very much a holden caufield type character and i absoutely hate those
Favorite season/movie: i liked the anime but i only watched it once when it was airing and i never saw any of the movies so i dont know.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): same as above, this is making me think i should toss it in my que and do a rewatch. hmmm
Favorite line:ah man, i dont actually remember any but im sure its something gay
OTP: Light x a therapist
Favorite outfit: doesnt he only have one? that ugly ass tan suit or some variation of? lol
Brotp: light & ryuuk i loved their dynamic
Head Canon: none, i was never super invested enough in death note to have head canons
Unpopular opinion: none that i can think of, tho its probably somthing about misa lol
A wish: none
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: honestly the live action netflix adaptation already exists so like it cant get any worse
5 words to best describe them: someone id never wanna date
My nickname for them: bitch boy
Shaoran Li
Why I like them: omfg i LOVE shaoran cause hes just such a good boy? he tries so hard and he cares so much and he just wants to protect the world and its adorable
Why I don’t: theres genuinely nothing i dont like about Li
Favorite season/movie: while im loving blushy sweet shy Li in the new clear clard arc, i have a soft spot for angry sassy Li who was competing against sakura in season 1
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the episode with the tree and the time card
Favorite line: i dont think i have one
OTP: i mean is this even a question? sakura all the way
Favorite outfit: i lovelovelove his green fighting robes
Brotp: him and tomoyo being #Teamsakura all day every day together is the best thing
Head Canon: none really
Unpopular opinion: what even is an unpopular cardcaptor sakura opinion??
A wish: clear card anime s2 where are u????
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i dunno, this series never betrays me so i dont have many fears
5 words to best describe them: strong brave and loyal boy
My nickname for them: i like to call him Li tho thats not rly a nickname
Haruka Tennoh
Why I like them: oh man. i was in. fucking. love. with Haruka as a young tiny queer. i love everything about her
Why I don’t: there is nothing not to love
Favorite season/movie: their original appearance arc is my fav so S
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the one in crystal where she kisses Usagi
Favorite line: i mean the obvious one is “does it really matter if im a man or a woman” because enby rights but also i fucking love every bit of sass ridden dialog between her and Seiya
OTP: Uranus and Neptune are soulmates and thats that on that
Favorite outfit: oh man she had so many Iconic Looks but im gonna have to give it to her racing gear.
Brotp: I love her and Mars as brotp’s dont ask me to explain it lol
Head Canon: nothing like substatial or series just stupid/crack personality ones
Unpopular opinion: none i dont think? again i dont even know if ive ever really heard an “unpopular opinion” for her
A wish: more crystal before im 90 pls
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i mean once again the dub and the cousins sitation already exists so ive lived my nightmare. because framing them as incestuous cousins is somehow better than letting them be gay
5 words to best describe them: a gay enby queen
My nickname for them: my wife
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