#thank u sooo much owl uwu
lolothesilly · 2 years
*kicking door down* 001 for the kirby series gogogo :)
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: META KNIGHT..... he's been my blorbo since i was a little kid i LOVE that stupid gay orb 🥰🥰🥰 i also really like Escargon and Fumu from the anime!!! honestly most kirby characters are very comforting to me :D
Least Favorite character: ummmm H/altm/ann tbh 😩 he just gives me bad vibes. like "rich older white man who screams at mcdonalds employees" vibes. im not a fan of s/usie either but i appreciate her aesthetic and she can be pretty funny in fan works. (censoring names so it hopefully doesnt pop up in their tags)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): hehehe ok so. i have so much metadede brainrot its not even funny. so thats my number one. i think the other four would be.... kirby/prince fluff (kirfluff), galacta/hyness (galyness), captain vul/sir arthur (vulthur), and uhh maybe fumu/adeleine ?? (adefumu ???) idk if that last one is a thing but i think itd be cute!! either that or DMK/daroach (darkroach) :)
Character I find most attractive: umm uhh uh.... daroach??? maybe??? or meta knight or galacta or escargon or dedede.... can u tell im vincian lol
Character I would marry: escargon 🥺 i just think he's neat 💖
Character I would be best friends with: meta knight!!! i also think he's neat :) also hyness
a random thought: uhhhhh idk what to put here lololol maybe like.... i headcanon that meta and kirby are both autistic 💖
An unpopular opinion: hmmmm well i dont think d/amet/ameta is the spawn of satan which ive been told is a pretty unpopular opinion among some parts of the fandom lol? like i respect if people arent into it or arent comfortable with it but some of the vitriol i see around it is pretty baffling imo. theyre literally not related so there's really no moral high ground involved. its ok to just not like a ship? idk
My Canon OTP: metadede is probably the closest thing to a canon ship we're ever gonna get from this series which is fair enough
My Non-canon OTP: kind of covered this in "5 fave ships" but. metadede lol >w<
Most Badass Character: DMK tbh :) hes just a cool guy
Most Epic Villain: hmmmm i think............. its hard to think of most kirby villains as "epic" bc most of them are either cosmic forces with little personality, or absolute scrunklies. so i guess star dream?
Pairing I am not a fan of: m/etas/usie lol. just makes me uncomfy 🤷‍♂️
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): DEDEDE IN THE ANIME SPECIFICALLY!!!!!!!! I CRY ABOUT THE WASTED POTENTIAL!!!!!!!!
Favourite Friendship: kirby and everyone :) haha for real though uhhh probably either meta & dedede (i love their partnership regardless of whether its portrayed as romantic or not) orrr kirby & bandee !!! or kirby and prince fluff. or kirby and fumu. or kirby and marx? kirby and dedede?? kirby and meta knight??? kirby and adeleine and ribbon?????? this gumball is full of SO much friendship yall
Character I most identify with: i literally kin meta knight 🥰
Character I wish I could be: hmmm idk tbh? daroach maybe bc hes so confident??
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