#thank you again faun i am still not over this in the slightest
creacherkeeper · 1 year
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[ID: ten photos showing a hand bound book. the book has a light, coppery brown cover and olive green spine. the opening and closing pages are textured, metallic grey and light, textured brown. the title page shows the title "lost time.". there is a two page spread of collages in full color, one of them various wild west and cowboy imagery, the other showing a starry night sky with constellations, mountains, and various animals. the chapters are titled after songs, with pages showing mercury by sleeping at last, NFWMB by hozier, and boreas by the oh hellos. the pages go up to 219. the final two images show the book in the process of being made, with supplies spread out on a kitchen table with the ravening war playing on a laptop and a black cat watching on, and a close up of the pages being stitched together. end ID]
yall <33333
i wanted to share one of my birthday presents which is just. genuinely one of the sweetest gifts i've ever gotten. i hadn't posted it already cause i had to Savor it for a bit first (read through the entire thing and hold it and stare at the collages forever and ever) but it is time
so this is lost time. a collection of stories about my homegame lost township. titled after a line i wrote in one of those stories. they were collected, put in chronological order, given song titles (the npcs and locations in the game are all named after musical artists/bands/songs), and then formatted, printed, and bound by @paladinbaby
it has stories in it from me, faun (paladinbaby), hollis (@masculinepeacock), and leo (@punkbarbarian) and has three gorgeous collages made by sav (@grasslandgirl)
i had to autism pace around my house for a full hour after i got the package. i was just so utterly speechless at how thoughtful and kind and perfect it was. you can really tell how much care went into making it and reading everyone's stories in chronological order really has me feeling some sort of way
also there's a playlist that goes with it to represent all the stories so now i get to be autistic about my book when i can't sit down and read it too <333
im just still flabbergasted and wanted to share with some fellow nerds who might appreciate it :') everyone look!!! blorbo book!!!
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kiindredsofthegrey · 7 years
new beginnings & ends
Faunos sat beside his mother’s bed who laid, tired and weak holding the now slumbering newborn child. “Mother, are you alright?” He asked her, a hand reaching up to push away a lock of sweat stained hair. “Yes, now that hours of labor are over..” She sat up the slightest bit, cradling the child close to her. “But you weep.” He retorted, looking concerned. Circe’s dark eyes found the light grey ones of the forest god. “Just as I did when I birthed you, Faunie.” She reaches up to cup Faunos’ cheek with a smile. “I’m happy, dear child. And you have a new baby sister.” Circe’s smile broadened as she looked down at the child. “She’s beautiful, mother.” He smiled over at her. “And I’m sure she is.” The voice of her best friend chimed in from the door, making Circe jump. Circe looked up toward the sea goddess, “Amphitrite. Hun. I did not know you would be coming by.”
“The minute I felt the birth of the new godling, I rushed right over. How could you not tell me you were with child again?” Amphy had the brightest smile on her face as she slowly made her way over. Circe’s eyes flitted down nervously as she cradled the child closer. “I did not wish to disturb you. Last time I was pregnant, you were a resident and companion here on my isle. Remember?” Amphitrite giggled. “Yes, how could I not? I played as midwife to the very child that sits beside you now.” Faunos looks up at her uneasy for a moment. “Yes.. such wonderful memories you have shared with me… I’m sorry Amphy, but I am tired. Perhaps you can come by later.”
“Of course, Circe, I just merely came to see her, I must!” Amphitrite stands by the side of her bed, peering down at the child. The smile on her face begins to slowly fade as she looks into the child, her energies raw and visible for them all to see. Of course the power of Circe flows through her… but there lies, the power of her husband as well. Amphitrite could feel her stomach drop, almost hardening with dread.. Ice began to run through her veins at the sudden realization that her husband.. and her best friend were sleeping together. “Well… I see now why I was uninformed.” 
The bitterness had already taken root, anger was present in the blazing blue eyes of the sea queen. But behind that anger, was pain. And that pain felt like it could rip her heart out alone. “Amphy.. I can—“ The chuckle that came from the queen, was soft but cracking… almost near hysterical. Amphitrite’s throat was tightening at that point as tears brimmed the woman’s eyes. “You’ve explained enough, Circe, this.. this explains everything!”
Amphitrite gives Circe a cold smile, tears visible in her eyes which only broke the spell goddess’ heart. “Amph—“ “No, you’ve spoken enough words with this monumental act. Now. If you’ll excuse me. I must go speak with my ‘husband’ dear ‘friend’.” And before she knew, Amphitrite had vanished with a blink of her eye. Circe bowed her head and closed her eyes. Faunos, looking remorseful, reaches over and squeezes his mother’s shoulder. “Faun, I am not the one who deserves comfort.” She immediately interjects. “Mother—“”No. Don’t argue with me on this.”
Faunos looked down apologetically. “What will she do?” He asked. Circe let out a long breath. “I imagine she is going to speak to her husband. She’ll punish me. Punish us both I’m sure.” Circe looked at her daughter in her arms as she began to fuss a little. Circe hushed her softly and held her a little closer. It was as if she could feel the looming danger. “Do you think she will...?” Faunos began to ask Circe who shook her head. “No. She would never. Charmian is innocent in all this. She would not hurt her. Not to get to me.” Circe refused to believe that her best friend would ever do anything like that to her...
but then again.. Circe was Amphitrite’s best friend and look at what she had done behind her back..
“But what if she does.. or tries to..?” Faunos looked and sounded suspicious, clearly not as hopefully as Circe was. Circe inhaled and exhaled heavily as she gave no answer. Truthfully she didn’t want to believe that she would do something that. “Look. I can take her. I can hide us both. I can raise her and keep her safe away fro--” Circe shook her head as she looked up at Faun. “No darling.. I do not have a right to try and resist her.. Or take unnecessary precautions.. She won’t do anything to her...” She wouldn’t.. Faunos clenched his jaw but nodded as he stood.
“Well.. I’m sure you want to sleep. I’ll let you be.” Circe nodded as she lifted a hand to her son’s cheek, giving him a small smile. “Thank you.” He couldn’t help but nod as he returned the smile. Soon he was gone, and Circe was left with her thoughts. Completely uneasy. But once she laid down after putting Charmian down next to her, she had fallen into a sound sleep. She knew she was exhausted and needed to restore her used power..
The way she woke was unlike that of how she went to sleep. No, she woke with a startled jolt at the sound of Charmian’s crying. Her eyes followed to where she heard the cries come from and she saw her in the arms of Amphitrite... Circe also saw her son on the ground with a spear through his leg, pinning him in place, his blade clutched in his hand and a look of fear on his face. “Amphy... what are you doing?” Circe’s tone dropped to really low tone as she moved to get up. Once Circe began to move, a knife appeared in Amphitrite’s hand, instantly making Circe freeze. “Do not move.”  Amphitrite warned, putting a feeling of dread in the goddess of magic.
“Amphitrite.. please. She’s a child. She’s innocent in all of this. If you wish to hurt someone, hurt me! Please!” Tears welled in the goddess’ eyes, as she inched slowly off the bed. But her pleas fell on deaf ears, her tears seen by cold and uncaring eyes. The look on Amphitrite’s face was only one of anger, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Amphitrite only glanced down towards the crying child, she could see the anger build as she brought the knife closer to the child. “ I told you not to move, did I not!?” Circe froze again, tears continuing to flow freely as used all her will to keep still. “Amphy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m sorry. I’ll do anything. Don’t hurt her. Don’t hurt my child.. Please. I’m begging you.” Her voice broke near the end as looked Charmian who continued to wail.
“Oh? Will you?” Amphitrite looked at Circe as she tilted her head. “Yes. Yes, anything. Anything..” Circle nodded frantically, panic pulsing through her being. Amphitrite’s cold gaze remained on the goddess as she took a step back. “On your knees then.” Faun couldn’t help but glare over at the sea queen, gripping his blade tighter as anger bubbled to the surface. But Circe, who with no hesitation, came to her knees and bowed her head, eyes closing as she lowered her head. “Amphitrite please.. I am so sorry. Truly I am. I did not mean for this... I swear.” Circe’s voice trembled.. Something that put a heavy feeling Faunos’ stomach as he watched on..
Amphitrite narrowed her eyes down at Circe. “Oh, so you didn’t mean to have her? You must not truly want her then--” Amphitrite mused as she brought the blade to the child’s hand, Amphitrite’s hand slipping to hold it in place. “No! I do! What I did to you -- what we did was wrong. But this child, she is innocent in all of it--””She is a product of your wrongdoing! She is a visible sign of your betrayal!.. I knew you always wanted him. You wanted him and he could not want you the way you did, but you could always settle for being his little fuck--”
“Amphitrite, I am the symbol of your wrongdoing. I am who betrayed you, not her. And I am so--”
“We are well past sorry’s. They do not make what you did feel any better in my heart... But this will.” The knife moved, coming down to prick the newborn’s finger, drawing blood. The surprise of the action and the new bit of pain, changed the cadence of Charmian’s cry and put everyone else on edge. Circe immediately reacts, frustration bubbling to the surface, she threw her hand up, which glowed a dark hue as chains formed and snap from behind Circe and rush toward Amphitrite. In that time, Amphtrite throws the knife -- which was now coated in a red glow -- and stabbed her in that hand, stopping the spell.
Circe grimaced as she reached up to pull the blade out, the red glow leaving it and seeping into her hand. It welled to the surface of her skin as the initial wound healed, a heavy burning sensation remaining there. “Amphitrite.. what did you do..?” Circe dropped the blade and gripped her wrist, the sensation began to spread throughout her, it felt like a weight on her. “Can’t you tell..?” Amphitrite mused in sudden glee. Then she saw the mark that formed on her hand.. It felt like a lead weight filled her stomach. Dread and panic welded to her core as she looked toward the sea queen. “You.. didn’t.”
“Oh good. I thought you couldn’t recognize a curse when one’s been placed on you. Then I guess, you wouldn’t be a very good goddess of magic, now would you?” Amphitrite chuckled which only put an anger in Titan halfling. Circe looked up fully and the moment that her eyes fell on Charmian, that burning intensified. A wail echoed through the room as she felt the burning rip up her arm. As soon as she bows her head, it fades, and when she looked at her arms, there had been scales there, returning back to flesh.. “Very unpleasant isn’t it? To not be able to look at your own child.. Or look after her. I feel is a fitting punishment.”
Anger and pain twisted in Circe’s heart as her hands gripped into fists, her breaths quickening in her panic. “You are making a mistake Amphy.. You don’t want to do this...” Circe shook her head quickly which made Amphitrite narrow her eyes. “Oh. But I do..” “NO!” She heard Faun yell and shortly after that yell, Charmian’s cries had disappeared. Circe looked up, wide eyed and fearful as a pregnant silence befell the room. Her child was gone.. And she could not feel where. Tears became an endless waterfall down Circe’s cheeks as she looked from Amphitrite to around the room. “Where... where is she..”
“Gone. And you cannot go looking for her. Neither of you. Lest you wish to become mindless gorgons.” Circe could barely hear what she was saying. Amphitrite watched the stunned goddess with cold eyes while she walked toward Faun, forcefully removing the spear from his leg. “No...” She could not believe that she let this happen.. “No.. No no no! How could you! SHE WAS A CHILD!” Amphitrite turned to Circe again, eyes filled with fury. “AND I WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND! Clearly.. importance of titles matter to none of us here...” Amphitrite herself was now crying. “Give her back... Amphitrite please.” 
“You are in no position to ask me of anything. I will do as I please.” The anger that ignite in Circe was not one she felt in such a long time. Her energy bubbled, red and amber, hot like coals as it seeped from her pores. “You.. are.. dead to me.” Circe growled through her tears. “Likewise.” Amphitrite said in a scowl before quickly disappearing. And though she was gone, Circe couldn’t stop the anger or tears from flowing. Her body was literally shaking and her energy was filling the room with a stagnant heavy heat. Faun slowly rose to his feet and made his way over to her. “Mother.. I’m so sorry.”
His hand rest on her shoulder but it was quickly pushed off. “Don’t touch me! LEAVE!” The echo of her voice cause the energy to whip out and push Faunos from her as well as all the furniture near her. Faunos’ face filled with pain but he backed off and left the room. Slowly sobs fell from her lips as she wrapped her arms around herself. The sobs grew stronger and wracked her body, Circe curling into a ball on the floor.. only one thought crossing her mind..
‘How could I let this happen...’
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