#thank you drenosa!
I know you're primarily doing Bumbleby, but ever since the Big Cat RWBY post where Cheeta!Ruby and Snow Leopard!Weiss where introduced, I kept wondering about what Animal!JNPR would look like.
Rather than giving them feline dopplegangers as well, my mind instead kept returning to canines, domestic dogs specifically.
Dog!Jaune would a Golden Retriever, because obviously. He'd be owned by Pyrrha before she came to the zoo/animal reserve Jaune works at. Picked up as something of a runt from the litter, and the only male pup amongst all the sisters because why not.
Dog!Pyrrha would be something that looks imposing but would only be dangerous if provoked or goaded, maybe something like a Rottweiler. Or better yet, a Dobermann! Dobermanns are fiercely loyal to their owners and are known to bond with one person only. Owned and cared for by Jaune after he found her in an dank alley with, of all things one could expect, an arrow in one of her back legs.
Arkos happens by chance when both Jaune and Pyrrha are taking their dogs out for a walk in the local park. There's a whole meet-cute scenario that brings the two together and bish-bash-bosh, both Jaune and Pyrrha end up with a significant other they each believe to be out of their league.
Dog!Nora can't really be anything else but a Samoyed. Sure, it'd be funny to have her be like a massive wolfhound or something, but I think the Samoyed is basically perfect. Nora's boisterous, active energetic and playful and so is the Samoyed. If you can keep a handle on her, she's incredible to have around.
Dog!Ren on the other hand was harder to pick. After some searching however, I managed to come across the Chuandong Hound. They're described, among other things, as noble, loyal, and dignified. All of that describes human!Ren quite well I'd say. They're also protective of the people they care about and are known to stand guard if strangers come up to their owners, only to lower their alertness if their owners are fine with them.
Dog!Ren and Dog!Nora would both be owned by an established Renora couple. When they adopted them as pups, Nora named them like that on a whim because she thought it was hilarious. She still thinks it's funny now, now that the dogs are all grown up.
All four dogs, despite their vastly different personalities seem to mesh incredibly well when they all meet each other for the first time. The same goes for their owners but that's to be expected really.
Anyhow, whether you decide to do something with this or not, I just needed to get this out.
Big Cat AU is 100% funny, fluffy and lovely by the way, definitely hope to see it come back from time to time.
Whew! This was a long one for me to go through, so I apologize for the delay here.
I like the idea of Pyrrha being a doberman! But maybe keep the ears floppy instead of cropped for her. Adds to her wanting to be "normal".
Jaune is definitely a Golden boy, but I don't see him being one of the AKC purebread floof boys. No, I want him to be the shaggy, dark blonde slender boys. They have more charm.
Nora.... I have to disagree with the Sammy. I can honestly see her being a Terrier. Specifically a Jack Russel Terrier. Those little crackheads are so loving, but absolutely crazy when they get into hunting mode. Considering her backstory, I can see her being a terrier mix.
Ren's definitely works! Never heard of a Chuandong Hound before, but I can definitely see it. Otherwise maybe a black and brown Chow Chow.
I'll have to do the Dog Days AU in a different post, but I'll try to do one soonish! I just need to get an idea. If you think of a prompt before I do, shoot me an ask!
(Funny thing is: I'm not that big of a cat fan. I'm a dog person, so the fact that I'm writing a Big Cat AU is hilarious for me! I'm glad you're enjoying it though! I enjoy writing up blurbs for it.)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 5 months
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Emily tries a different tactic.
Charlie is (platonically) delighted.
Vaggie is probably conflicted.
Annoyingly I couldn't find the original source but the pic was just too nice to pass up.
Hey, Drenosa!
Good to see you, friend! This is adorable! Charlie would be platonically delighted until she saw Emily do the same for Vaggie. Then it might be a little conflicted.
Emily: Hi, Charlie! Look! I got a flower for you!
Charlie: Awww~ Thank you, Emily! You're so sweet!
Emily: Hehehe!
Vaggie: That's adorable.
Emily: Oh! D-Don't worry, Vaggie! I-I have one for you too!
Vaggie: Uh... Thanks, Emily.... It's pretty.
Charlie: .........No more flowers.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 4 months
Aince you started with Ch2: How did Charlie approach Vaggie to be her personal trainer? And how did Vaggie's... interest in her start.
Hi, drenosa!
I'm working on chapter 1 right now. Here's a quick overview of how they met. Vaggie was out on the University's outdoor track to workout. She was halfway through her sprints when she saw Charlie walk onto the track, looking confused and lost, before doing an ineffective warm up and trying to run. Vaggie noticed that Charlie was having trouble and offered to help.
Thanks for dropping in! It's good to see you again, friend!
Stay golden!
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