#thank you for again asking me 😬❤️✌🏻 I hope this was helpful! good luck!!
cafffine · 2 years
you seem like you read a lot of books and honestly how do you do it? because I want to read more but it’s so hard to find the motivation to sit down and open a book haha
ok im gonna give you my personal advice, but im def not the most well-read person I know, so don’t take any of this as gospel, just one guy telling you what works for him lmao (and thanks for asking this is very sweet ❤️)
(below to the cut 2 save your dash)
1) Read what you WANT to read. I know this sounds dumb but it’s so true. I was in a rut last year and wasn’t able to finish anything, but I do like star wars, so I literally only read star wars tie-in novels for like 2 months, and that got me back on track. Read about your hyper-fixation, read things you’ve already read, read stories that take place in your fav city, read sappy romance novels that no one recommends, but do it FOR YOU!!
2) Take a book out of the house with the intention to read it. Like make a date for yourself and say ‘ok today im gonna go to my favorite cafe, order a latte, and read 25 pages of x book’ I find that’s a much easier way of finding reading time than trying to put your phone down at night and read a book in bed (sometimes)
3) If you’re up for it - read shocking, disturbing, boundary-pushing books. If you need a story to make you actually turn pages, try to find something that scares the shit out of you, grosses you out, (is really sexy 👀), ect. A lot of people complain that books are ‘boring’ but it’s just not true. (these are not the only 'exciting' types of books AT ALL, but-) Horror, erotica, thrillers, murder mysteries, ect. are a great way to get invested in reading again, but as always, please do research on content warnings, ratings, and also maybe seek out reviews from other readers (like those on goodreads.com) who can help keep you from reading something that may harm you
4) read short books! high page counts can be discouraging sometimes, so pick up the slimmest little novella you can find and go crazy. Some of the best stories on earth are 25 pages long. Also graphic novels!! they are books, they are incredible and exist in every genre, I love them.
5) if you’re 1/3 or 1/2 or 7/8 of the way through a book and you hate it, you’re bored, you feel disrespected but the author, you’re avoiding it and not reading anything bc you don’t like the story or it upsets you…. don’t finish it. Fuck it lmao, shelve it and move on to something you enjoy
I could go on forever but essentially, don’t worry about the quantity of books per month or pages per day. Reading is good for you, and it’s informative, enriching, all that holy stuff, but also it’s fun and it should feel fun, so just chase that and I think you’ll be good
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