#thank you for asking and I apologize for the word vomit ghhjska
miraimisu · 3 years
You Got Mail or Room 404? owo
coming right up babe
Answers below the read more because this is annoyingly long I'm so sorry b! (Yes, I am answering to both)
You Got Mail: this is a Story of Seasons AU (Trio of Towns-based) I was really excited about at the time, but irl issues got in the way and I lost motivation by the time I was at chapter uhhh 15-20, somewhere in that ballpark.
The story is about Moon deciding to move out of her home and go against her family's wishes. She comes from a very strict line of lawyers and a very bossy mom who throws a fit at the thought of her daughter becoming a farmer, of all things, but Moon goes ahead and moves away with her little pet owl, which is very unrealistic BUT PET ROWLET IS TOO CUTE
Moon starts as a very preppy 'I don't want to get dirty' kind of girl who has to learn the consequences of her decision and embrace the tough life, while also meeting new people and making friends (and some enemies here and there). These friends include but are not limited to:
- Lillie, the doctor of the town, very friendly but also very quiet and shy
- Kukui, the Bro Uncle
- Gladion, obviously, a very grumpy postman, which sounds like an oxymoron, but it worked better than I expected jhfjdiks, he has His Reasons To Be a Postman and, like Lillie, he deals with family problems (Lusamine being a bitch AHEM). Cue to Moon and Gladion growing out of their stiff personas and evolving........ and falling in love ofc
- Hau as the cheery jack-of-all-trades, everyone's heartthrob and local sweetheart
- Guzma and Plumeria with their dwindling beach bar business because being rude to customers while having bomb smoothies is very counterproductive, WHO WOULDVE THUNK IT
- Hapu as the big sister and a very experienced farmer
- Other features I can't remember because I'm sleepy zzzzz
So the story goes over how Moon makes friends, kind of escapes the clutches of her ma trying to manipulate her into coming back and becomes a successful farmer. In hindsight, the story would make a lot more sense with Gladion as a protag, but Gladion as a farmer sounds so odd for some reason VHGBHDNJSK can't imagine him caring for animals and plants and all that stuff AHAHAHA
so that's all on that
Room 404: aaaah the fad that was this kdrama in my life, a very uncanny AU for me to tackle but it was FUN because it's SUPERNATURAL and I LOVE SUPERNATURAL THINGS
The story has spoilers for Hotel del Luna! just a warning
Moon was a warrior fighting in [no name] war, but she was caught by a deity trying to escape her crimes and was punished by being tied to this mystical tree that is linked to a place called Hotel del Luna. This hotel is where spirits/ghosts of the dead come to rest before they part to the afterlife, and here, they can ask for whatever they want: they can idk spend an entire week in the mountains or take revenge on those who killed them.
The hotel is made to fit whatever suits the wishes of the dead, and the employees of the hotel (including Moon, the boss of the facility) need to leave satisfied. They leave flowers that the hotel exchanges with the gods to get resources, but the hotel also gets money from the spirits if the occasion arises, especially when the spirits want someone to be eliminated, which often comes from Moon's hands as spirits cannot taint their hands, or else they'll reincarnate into sth nasty, e.g. a pineapple pizza or sth
By the time the story begins, Moon has been living for MILENIA. Her hotel is very prosperous and she's MONEY HUNGRY. The gods tied her to the tree, and she can only be freed from the tree and the hotel when the tree grows flowers and the flowers inevitably fall. The tree is a metaphor for Moon's heart, and when she grows as a person and has thus 'redeemed herself for her crimes by being a better person' (a kind of weird take on redeeming people but I liked it at the time), she can go on into the afterlife herself
so..... introduce Gladion, and more specifically, his family
Mohn and Lusamine are poor when the story starts, and Mohn dies one day in an accident. He wanders into the Hotel del Luna, which can be seen only by spirits (and more, but that's another story), and he stumbles with Moon's tree, which is very special to her and she Does Not Like Strangers Wandering in Her BUSINESS. He plucks a flower (placed there by the gods) from the tree to give to Lusamine, and Moon is very angry and confronts him. Moon wants to punish him by sending him to the afterlife directly, but Mohn pleads her not to as he has children to take care of.
Moon agrees to this so long as his oldest son comes to her when he's x age (I do not remember now, but iirc it's 20 years old). Moon sends him back to his body in the hospital and sends his family a very big sum of money so they can educate Gladion and be a better family. Thus, they become rich.
Fast-forward to uhhhh when Gladion is 20 years old, and he has been running away from Alola because he feared what Mohn told him about Moon. However, he ended up dismissing his worries and went back to Alola (great mistake) and filling in for a job in Lusamine's company. Meanwhile, Moon is seeking him out, and ends up meeting him and giving him the power to see ghosts. You know. How you flirt with people.
The story goes over how Gladion and Moon work together to satisfy the ghosts of many people. The employees include but are not limited to:
- Moon: the boss of the hotel. Very rich, loves clothes, good food, and is the epitome of Rich Bitch, but she has a kind heart inside. She regrets hiring Gladion as his manager because he's annoying, but she grows fond of him as time passes
- Gladion: the manager that is initially horrified by the ghosts (some can be pretty violent-looking, as they look EXACTLY as they did before they died) but then grows quite intrigued by them. He hates Moon's lifestyle and acts as a moral compass for her. He's trying to balance his work in Lusamine's company during the day (eventually quits) and his work in the hotel. Obvs eventually falls for her as she does for him (great decision 2)
- Ilima: the bartender of the hotel. Gives advice to ghosts and, most importantly, Gladion. Unlike in other reiterations of him in my past stories, he is NOT Moon's love interest and is not a cocky bastard. He's cocky, yes, but not an asshole. He is a spirit that Moon took in millennia ago. He, as well as the guest spirits of the hotel, has a wish to fulfill, and will not part to the afterlife until it's seen through.
- Acerola: works the entrance of the hotel and leads guests into the hotel proper. She died not very long ago, and works in the hotel because she has someone she needs to see again.
- Wicke: customer service of the hotel. By far the most mature person (ghost lol) in the hotel. She comforts ghosts, gives them food, and makes sure the service they receive is up to their tastes. She acts like a mom of sorts for Moon and is very much aware of not only the budding relationship between Moon and Gladion, but the tree growing and dying, which marks the growth and end of the hotel.
- Guzma: the bouncer of sorts for the hotel. He's a separate pseudo-deity on his own right: he leads people to the afterlife and works with conflictive spirits. He has a very hit-and-miss alliance with Moon and they don't always get along, but when they do, they work very well together.
Now, outside the hotel:
- Lusamine: the evident villain of the story with convoluted intentions. All you need to know is that 1. she knows of Moon's existence and is trying to find her and 2. she is rich and a scientist and EVIL
- Lillie: baby sister little girl cute girl I love her
- Hau: Lillie's boyfriend, another cutie
This is long enough so I won't say anything else, but does the story have a happy ending?
.... yesn't
and that's all I've gotta say about both AUs LMAO
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