#thank you for listening to my annoying ted talks i’ll return back to my hole now my apologies
promniight · 10 months
Also we have yet to really talk about how the myth that Oyster was told as a child was a sensational piece that twists the original story to make black pearl look bad and make Loyster’s intentions worse (or at least more heroic in the eyes of the republic in this case) The myth is one of those word of mouth stories passed down through generations that was changed to reflect the opinions of the republic and the house for that matter. There was no mention of abalone’s manipulation or how Oyster was essentially forced to go against his morals because that would make the house look weak. Also the entire fictional part where black pearl murders another mermaid? which in reality was frilled jellyfish protecting her from abalone’s fleet…?????? i’ve seen many people quoting the story as reasoning for why loyster is a “bad person” and not a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time in a colonial society that has zero respect for him and how the story makes black pearl look worse when she was no more than a naive mermaid who simply was too blinded by betrayal to properly access the situation. Spoken and written like a true shakespearean tragedy im afraid…
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