#thank you for the ask!! i love mikitaka so much :'DDD
kai-harada · 3 years
Mikitaka and/or pucci based on what youve seen so far of part 6? :)
do I like them: oh my god he is one of my Favorite side jojo characters, I loved him from the first moment he popped up :')))
5 good qualities:
1. I love that its never revealed if he's an alien or just a stand user tbh, I really like that not a lot about him is answered!! He's a mystery in a lot of ways and that's such a Vibe
2. Him fucking going through with Josuke's plan to scam Rohan even if he wasn't filled in on completely what was going on alksfjsjdkf I love that he did that, so kind of him
3. He's got tboy swag
4. The fact that he loves animals and has a pet mouse
5. Basically just Him in general ngl
bad qualities: none. I can think of None.
favourite episode/etc: any of the episodes he appears in, I could never get enough of seeing that dude
otp: happiness, joy, just good stuff in general
brotp: him and the Koichi and Josuke and Okuyasu!!
ot3: happiness and joy and good stuff
notp: any adult
best quote: Just all of when he's trying to befriend Okuyasu and Josuke, it was all just so endearing y'know?
head canon: like kakyoin, i headcanon him as autistic too!! Sarcasm going over his head, his mannerisms and dialogue being a bit awkward, just Big Mood, he reads as neurodivergent to me
do I like them: yesssss he's so cool so far. I'm so excited to learn more about him
5 good qualities:
1. He's so ruthless. The whole thing where he exploded a frog at the guard or how he inserted a disc into Miraschon?? Chills
2. His intelligence, how he can so effortless convince others he's nothing more than a priest
3. The contrast between him and Dio, with Dio being so flamboyant and over the top while Pucci seeming co much more reserved, just Pucci's whole vibe in general is so awesome to me
4.Just from what I've seen of him I'm really excited to see more of him?? Just he's so intriguing and he very well could become one of my favorite JoJo villains ngl
5. He makes me feel kinda fruity, he's just uhhhh👀👀👀
3 bad qualities: Tbh just one and that is he wasn't in enough episodes of the anime so far alskdsa
favourite episode/etc: The raining frogs one, just seeing him interact with Jolyne for that short period was so intense oh my god
otp: no one really
brotp: him and dio have an interesting student/teacher sort of deal!! I can't wait to see how that came about and stuff
ot3: nobody
notp: Him and Dio, also him and Jolyne, both are so eurghghhgh
best quote: When he was talking about how humans only do kind things to expect kind things in return, just hearing how he sees the world and what his thoughts are in general are just So Interesting
head canon: Considering how I've seen hi interact with Whitesnake so far, I wonder if he talks to his stand a lot. I feel like he is a really meticulous planner and I could envision him organizing his thoughts through conversing with Whitesnake
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