#thank you for the ask! sorry this took forever I was SufferingTM from finals
mvshortcut · 1 year
you know what i want 'tis angst in all forms
🍎 favorite angst quote from a wip
“I don’t understand, Amma,” he forced out eventually. “Why I’m the only one who—” He swallowed and started again. “The way I see it, either this—us—isn’t as important to them or . . . or they’ve found a replacement for me. Someone who isn’t as needy.”
Just. having feelings about the whole letter-writing thing again
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
He curls up again in his own bed, pulling the blankets uncomfortably tight to pretend he isn’t shaking. He wraps his arms around himself, rubbing his own shoulders in some semblance of comfort. 
This is what you wanted , he reminds himself. You wanted to be alone.  
But no—he wanted solitude, he wanted peace, he wanted independence. He didn’t want to be alone. 
And he’s certainly all alone now.
Eventually the storm blows over, and SQ slips away into sleep. 
from 46 Fairview St. Apt. 2A, Stonetown
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